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Adam Lambert with American Idol Contestant Josh JDA Davila

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, February 12, 2013

VIA Josh JDA Davila:

Me and Adam.Lambert....yay!!!!!!!! =p


Anonymous said...

why is he with current AI contestants? Are these kids current season?

Anonymous said...

The plot thinks something going on...rose petal

tea said...

Looks like Adam is going to make an appearance on AI soon.

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Would be awesome to the contestants to meet the most talented ever!:)


Anonymous said...

I know this ptob crazy but is that the color his hair is now .. think it might me be a little more silver in front... maybe there were taken a whole back in Hollywood week ... you know how that said more guys would be sent home...what it Adam was a surprise guest judge to help decide....I'm prob just wishing but wouldn't that be cool...rose petal

Anonymous said...

This is kind of puzzling.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he taped an appearance on the show that hasn't been aired yet, and that's why he hanging out with the contestants. That would be very cool!


Anonymous said...

I wonder when Adam tweeted a few weeks ago about "a change is gonna come" if he was referring to being a mentor on AI. I could only hope?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a current picture of Adam, where is this place they are at, in both pictures? Adam hasn't tweeted anything about being with or meeting AI contestants, has he? Does anyone know if he has mentioned it?

Are these two guys still contestants?

Where is AI taped from? Sorry I don't know..


Anonymous said...

is Josh a guy or girl? Notice the black nail polish. Eight or nine more guys get cut this week.Papa Peaches didn't make it.

Anonymous said...

maybe he was kicked off and someone had a party for them and invited our guy.

Anonymous said...

Josh is a guy and I think he is still on the show.


Anonymous said...

This gay club culture community is very close . I think they probably knew each other before Idol.

Anonymous said...

& about the other blond male contestant, Smith,. you say what?

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Smith @ 2:23

Anonymous said...

Adam looks uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

This is to say sorry for my typos on above excuse but in a hurry and fighting with iphone again...rose petalo

Anonymous said...

Here is Josh telling about himself...

Anonymous said...

I am just noticing... isnt that earlier theead with pic with oliver willos in same place with same adam outfit?

Anonymous said...

I mean David Oliver Willis

Anonymous said... This is the poll for Adam and Queen to perform. If you haven't voted please do so and leave a comment. Thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sorry Muhammad , I'm too old for cyber porn!

Anonymous said...

Seems like if Adam would have ran into a couple of AI contestants somewhere he would have tweeted about it. You know Adam he would have had something nice to say about them..But who knows..


HK fan said...

RT @MYIDOLTOWN: Adam Lambert spent some time with the top 40, along with today’s L.A. photoshoots for top40! #idol #americanidol

Idol was filming in LA for LA week I think. So far this season there have been visits from several past Idols when the auditions visited their town, Haley, Scotty, maybe a couple of others. Maybe its as simple as that......or maybe its a lot deeper!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam keeps us guessing, We'll see is he guests on idol. He would do great as a mentor,but I want him to sing too and he has no new single to sing. We shall see, our mystery man!

Anonymous said...

Josh is gay. In this interview on youtube. he said "Where is Boy George, Prince?" What? I think he didn't know about Adam before! Or just ignored Adam's name in his fucking speech. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam was with a girl in this pic. you can't tell a man from a woman nowadays.

Anonymous said...

probably ran into each other during hair appoints. they were needing their hair did.

Anonymous said...

1:52 How many girls have you met named Josh? and 2:23 - there is no more gay culture then there is straight culture! both snarky dumb comments.

Anonymous said...

Lol1 2:37 Uncomfortable is an understatement. He looks like he's practically in pain. Ever the diplomat, he forced a smile. What a trooper.


Anonymous said...

He is getting so skinny. His legs are so thin. He used to have the best thighs...looks like he'll never get over that complex:(

Anonymous said...

7:12 well for your info I was thinking of Joss Stone but then realized it was spelled different. Plum forgot to be perfect.

Anonymous said...

7:43 hey, he has been werking that treadmill. Did you not see his #fitness Keek?

Anonymous said...

@8:48 He's always worked out on something, ,& during the GNT tour, I remember him commenting that his thighs look better. But then, that was before all that juicing also. That makes you loose muscle. I just wish he'd realize he looks good at his more natural weight also.

daydreamin said...

American Idol is filmed in LA once the roving city auditions are done.

Anonymous said...

Lose muscle? With juicing? Not at his age and not when you exercise. Just take a lot of protein or the powder, that will take care of the muscles.

Anonymous said...

Age has nothing to do with it, and yes, it will help to take protein. But by the look of him now-I doubt he's taking much.

Anonymous said...

How does Adam keep on smiling all the time. You can see it in Adam's eyes, it's not always easy! Bless his heart!

Anonymous said...

woots Adam lookin freakin great as always.