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Lee Cherry still has a few 2x signed prints available for sale!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Check out Lee Cherry's site for more information!


funbunn40 said...

I have the Trespassing/Rolling Stone one. It's beautiful and signed by Adam and Lee in silver marker. I still need to get it framed.It's so nice to look at every day!

Anonymous said...

Lee Cherry has a very keen photographic eye that captures the essence of a situation or face or group of people in crisp uncluttered Riff 'floating' on water and Adam's face and fashions; also the black/white photos; very skilful in his techniques.


Anonymous said...

Love Lee Cherry's photos of Adam. Love this family photo of his friends and nephews. Those babies are so adorable and so is that babe in the leopard pants. Good god he is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, do you mean the guy in the sunglasses, the one gently supporting the elbow and holding hands with his beautiful 2 year old godson is the lying, cheating lecherous, drunken,unfaithful beast being described in so many threads? Well, I'm amazed that seemingly happy group of people would look so pleased to be in his company.

daydreamin said...

@funbunn40 I'm jealous! Lucky girl! What a happy bunch!

HK fan said...

lol...thanks, needed that:)

Adamluv said...

@9:58 - you said it. . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

9:58 here.....aka......JAK

Gee, I forget to tag my zingers...
short term memory loss! :))

Anonymous said...

Great picture.

Whose baby is the younger baby? Is he or she Alisan's baby or do the Cherrys have a 2nd child?

Anonymous said...

All is right with the world! Happy Valentine's Day to all! - the day I became engaged to be married many moons ago..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ 4:13 am......JAK here......we are assuming the baby boy is Alisan's, it seems logical. The Cherry's have only the one child, the birthday boy Riff.

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2......That's a sweet memory. .............My husband never forgets our engagement day ... It was a hint as to our enduring marriage...he gave me an engagement ring and a Betty Crocker Cookbook! every June 14th he gives me a gift...A kitchen tool....muffin tin-whisk-carving set-4 slice toaster-canisters, jars of spices etc. etc. etc. Funny guy,
Alas, it hasn't helped, I have a well equipped kitchen and am still an indifferent, uninterested cook. Last year it was a plaque for the wall. "I only have a kitchen cause it came with the house".

I do bake cookies, I find them interesting! :-))

Anonymous said...

Love this sweet, lovely family picture. Adam has such great friends and he knows how important it is to keep them close. Fame can be fleeting, but your closest true friends are always there for you.


Anonymous said...

@ DRG...You are so right...I have 3 since middle school
(in my case you know that was a loooong time ago) that are as close to me as sisters. I've seen one thru a divorce, one thru the death of her husband and one thru the death of her child. One introduced me to my husband, one held my hand thru labor pains and one wandered thru Europe with me on many occasions. I can't imagine the last 64years without them. BFF says it all.