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Listen to: Liam McEwan's ADAM LAMBERT HOUR on The Flea FM NZ (2-10-13)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

How wonderful to hear that beautiful incredible voice on the first of my favorites Pick U Up. I needed a pick me up, I just got thru ranting on another thread. I do try not to get upset when meanness takes over and turns a discussion toxic, but I don't always succeed. Calm and cool are hard to maintain....JAK

Anonymous said...

WOW! Sorry guys this is OT but check out this cover of Stay by Anoop Desai AI8 alumn:!

Shiggles said...

JAK - You gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes the words just need to be said...even if they fall on deaf ears. Take three deep breaths and bring back the calm and cool JAK we all adore. That thread went off the track from the beginning. When I see that happening, I leave the post and go elsewhere. :)))

Anonymous said...

@6:30: That's the best I've ever heard Anoop sing. Beautiful. Now I really can't wait to hear Adam cover it in Asia.


Anonymous said...

I listened to bunch of covers of Stay on youtube and I gotta say Anoop's cover is the best, hands down. Now I can't wait to hear Adam's rendition of this song. I'm sure he'll kill it in a good way ofcourse! It'll be easy for him to do since he SANG Queen's song, Who Wants to Live Forever, brilliantly.

Anonymous said...

I wish we have Adam Lambert Hour on our radio. ;'(

Anonymous said...

I think if anyone has a chance to do a better job than Anoop Desai with "STAY", it will have to be Adam. Anoop's cover of the song was absolutely amazing-his voice was striking!!!!