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NightBirdsObsession's Version of Adam Lambert's Performances at the We Are Family Foundation's Celebration Gala

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 1, 2013

Posted at : Friday, February 01, 2013




Anonymous said...

thanks for your videos NightBirdsObsession. You rock!! loved them.

Anonymous said...


@neonsilvr16: Just met a guy who is from Kenya and was so excited to see ADAM. He said Adam is BIG in Kenya. #wearefamily

@musictramp: @adamlambert @nilerodgers So often when performers work together it feels like a publicity stunt, this was a true artistic collaboration.

@vanglam Nile Rodgers for Adam’s musical director…..hahaahah

@FoxVegas: High fashion lookin’ …no wonder @TheBlondsNY love @adamlambert wearing their clothes!!! The dude’s stylinnnn’…

Anonymous said...

Mmm Adam's mighty wails seem a bit smothered by the heavy drums which kind of dominate from beginning to end. But no doubt, Nile is a fantastic musician; it could be their first time performance and some adjustments need to be made to let Adam exhibit his series of beautiful high notes near the end. Brian London and Brian and Roger know exactly how to tailor their bands to accommodate Adam's singing and voice more effectively because Adam's voice has to override the band, basically because that's what people want to hear, firstly; but it's understandable being their first live collaboration; should be exuberant as a live performance.


glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

Just a note:I spoke with the videographer who did these vids, right after the Gala was over..She's a friend of mine, and I just want to remind us, again.. that what we hear on videos is not necessarily what is heard in the venue, and is very often two different things... She said the sound was spectacular, Adam sounded fabulous..And the whole thing was perfect. So glad she shared these with us. She said she had someone with her who is an opera singer who was extremely impressed with Adam and his voice. Another fan is born.....Probably many new fans actually :)))

Anonymous said...

I was quite disappointed as I was listening to the streaming, sounded so fast and so loud, I was not impressed at all at what's happening.
But so happy to find out that it was terrific in these videos and again I believe @glitzylady is right that what we're hearing on video is totally a different experience for those who are there to witness it.

Anonymous said...

Definitely, it goes without a doubt a show live will have its impeccable impact and I stated that too, not arguing over that. But videos do reveal quite a lot of details, about arrangements; so the drums slightly monotonous tend to dominate without much variation from beginning to end; rather than perhaps let those God only knows where they exhale from, Adam high notes to really shine through. When I hear Queen, and Adam's own band with Brian London at the helm, I'm thrilled to my bones and don't feel this slight smothering of Adam's high notes. And I base them all on their videos not as though I'm basing one on video and the other two cited, live. So it's a fair comparison.


Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, Ellen as a judge on AI pointed out, home viewers watching the contestants get even more details about their performances than being there, live. And please not necessary to keep reiterating a live show is very different from watching a video...heard that so many times, everyone knows that! Think before you argue.


Anonymous said...

GL glad to hear about the new fans. YAY

Anonymous said...

You can't really compare Adam's band and CHIC. I would go to see Chic even without Adam (I've liked their music since the 70's), but I will not travel a few hundred kilometers to go to see Adam in Helsinki with his own band. I only like the drummer and Brian from the current band. I don't like the backup singers in the front, and Ashley and Tommy look certain fans down their noses. Their fans have taught them that.

Anonymous said...

I am sure it was even better in person! But he was friigin amaizing in these video's period! You can imagine better in person wow, what a treat, loved it! Love Sam a lot, but Adam voice completely over powered him, was not trying to do that, he just did, he electric is what he is! Sue

Anonymous said...

Referring to Shady that Sam was in, Sam is a good singer and a good friend. great song writer! Sue

Anonymous said...

For me it depends how u listen from home and live indeed!!:)

Adam is always give more than he can and no doubt about that!!! He! He!

Sam Sparrow is a hit indeed!!!

Just amazing show with respect to our beloved Adam.....:)


Anonymous said...

Geezzzz, is this negative night on 24/7? Nile and Chic are fantastic live and with Adam and Nile totally off the planet. Of course live streaming the sound isn't perfecto but all dues to those who took the time to get the action as it happened and shared it with fans all over the world.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for any vids we get to see of Adam performing. Obviously it is not the same as being there in the audience watching it live, but this is the next best thing for me. Adam looked and sounded terrific. And yes, Nile with his musicians, singers does make a difference, but remember they have been around a lot longer than Adam and his band and singers. Too much nit picking here about everything. Can't we just watch the performances and enjoy this amazingly talented singer we have in front of us. It was a live show, no lip synching and so much fun with Sam Sparro and Adam dancing around on the stage. I love to watch Adam move to the music; he should do more of that. Now I'll go back and watch these vids again . It's something to warm up this cold, windy day here in the NYC/NJ area. They all rocked the stage in their musical collaboration.


tea said...

With all due respect, I think we do need to be reminded that being there live is way better than videos. I love and appreciate these videos, but I hate when some forget this and comment negatively. I like your informative post, glitzylady.

Anonymous said...

No one is saying Nile and his band nor Adam are not good. I used words such as exuberant live performance; exuberant means extremely good or lavish; also said Nile is a fantastic musician and no nit-picking is being done. Just making some personal observations and comparisons of the video with other videos for example of Queen and Brian London who seem to accommodate Adam's high notes better, in comparison. And it's understandable they have worked much longer together as singer+band. No need to be so defensive and authoritative. 24/7 is a casual forum when one can just express their views. Everyone knows a live performance is always superior to a recorded performance due to technicalities. No necessity to keep reiterating it.


Anonymous said...

live from the balcony was great- must everyone scrutinize everything so much in this 'fandom'? takes away from enjoying it sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! This is the first time I have heard Adam sing the beat Ah! Ah! live during shady. Its my favorite part when I listen to the song.

Anonymous said...

Adam posted couple of new pictures on his Instagram:

Anonymous said...

Tweets from someone who was at the gala and became a fan:

RaisingCane: Was stunned how amazing adamlambert was live! Over the moon type of great!! Def see him in concert!

adamlambert saw and heard you 1st time at WAFF -downloaded Shady already! Blown away- thanks for stepping into our show!

sarahjameel adamlambert You know I'm not easily impressed and he really did! Hella stage presence!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I've never seen people spend so much time talking about backup singers and musicians supporting an artist. NO one talks about the drummer or guitarist or backup singers accompanying Kelly Clarkson. JUST EFFIN ENJOY ADAM'S VOICE!

Anonymous said...

Check out everything about WAFF gala here:

Anonymous said...

nice blue belt, nice zippersand nice glambulge

Singing goes w/o saying . . great

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Polaroid pictures:

Anonymous said...

Adam's new twitter avi:

Anonymous said...

Fan made Vanity Fair cover with Adam:

Anonymous said...

Fan made Vanity Fair cover with Adam:

Anonymous said...

Fan made Vanity Fair cover with Adam:

Anonymous said...

Sorry for multiple entries. I don't know how that happened!?

tea said...

WOW! I love the Vanity Fair cover. Thanx for the link.

Now maybe people will get it straight in their mind who is Lambert and who is Levine.

glitzylady said...

The fan=made Vanity Fair cover is photoshopped...Just making the rounds on twitter...Wish it was real..........

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fan art by Ladan. She enjoyed making this acrylic on paper drawing:

tea said...

WOW! for the new twitter pic!!!!
That's my favorite look of Adam's (until the next one comes along ;) ). My link to twitter doesn't show it yet, but then I'm last to get the new tweets, too.

I'm tempted to change my desk top pic. I've got the pic of him squatting on the chair/throne and screaming/singing --- a clip from For Your Entertainment. That's been my forever favorite.

tea said...

awwww,@ glitzylady. Bummer! Is there a new twitter pic?

glitzylady said...

Yes, Adam has a new twitter avi..It's real :))) its not showing up yet on my page either..but apparently it does on others. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Drat! I saw that Vanity Fair cover on another site and immediately went searching for where it was on sale! I was so excited that a well-known magazine had included Adam. Big bummer that it's not real -- :-(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lam-my has every right to her opinion! She not being mean like the Sauli T's are being! She just has an opinion you can agree or no! She always been supportive of Adam!

Anonymous said...

11.20 Is me Sue!

Anonymous said...

When I said, you to me, are a fighter, I was referring to how you deal with so much and yet still have time to speak up for Adam. Now you are speaking up for me...very touched and it's not easy really, to know a person deeper than what's on the surface and you have achieved that to a certain degree. I'm not saying it because you stand up for me, rather it's your deeper sense of commitment and understanding of a fellow commenter; impressive. I also think this is the true Adam spirit! Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

Sue haiku

True Adam spirit
For a fellow commenter
Impresses me much


Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather . . .

Anonymous said...


Unimaginative minds so desperate for a chime
Swinging like a pendulum, left, right, left again, can't decide
Seizing any opportunity to take others for a ride
Mmm think twice, don't just bulldoze, it's not your time
Enjoy some sparkling tasty wine while you can
Spiking and sparring, not worth the while
I can see you through and through
And those feathered birds of your kind
As for our rockstar, Adam, he radiates rays of light and shines
On everyone who chooses to see with an open mind


Anonymous said...

I've been away and have only watched the Shady video so far and it is FANTABULOUS!!!!!!! Adam's voice sounds very CLEAR and AWESOME!!!!!!! and it's WONDERFUL to hear Sam sing as well plus Nile's guitar playing is LEGENDARY!!!!!!!! Quit complaining, folks - it's UNBECOMING!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the fan art by Ladan - it's excellent - and Adam looks fab on the magazine cover.

Anonymous said...

I want to make this very clear and that one is complaining !! I watched the videos of their exquisite performance; then made some comparisons of videos with regard to Adam's high notes being a little stifled on the video not the live performance. I specifically stated it would be exuberant live! And then my comment was twisted and made to think I was not aware that a live performance is different from a video! Can't someone just make some simple comparisons without another breathing down my neck!! Making comparisons of Adam singing with other bands does not amount to complaining!! Get that straight with an open mind!! And the first person who encroached on my views started the whole hoo-hah which is absolutely unnecessary!


glitzylady said...

First of all, I wasn't going to respond to any of your jabs at me (obviously it is I to whom you are pointing some of your comments here) but I suppose I should. Because apparently I started it. So I need to finish it. :)))

Perhaps it wasn't your intent to do so, and even though you say you weren't critiquing (not criticizing, but critiquing..) the performance, or Nile's band etc., it certainly seemed that you were doing just that, in your words here from 10:06 PM yesterday: (and it's certainly your right to do it is my right to comment here as well.)

"Mmm Adam's mighty wails seem a bit smothered by the heavy drums which kind of dominate from beginning to end. But no doubt, Nile is a fantastic musician; it could be their first time performance and some adjustments need to be made to let Adam exhibit his series of beautiful high notes near the end. Brian London and Brian and Roger know exactly how to tailor their bands to accommodate Adam's singing and voice more effectively because Adam's voice has to override the band, basically because that's what people want to hear, firstly; but it's understandable being their first live collaboration; should be exuberant as a live performance. "

As for my comment, which was not directed at you necessarily, I merely reminded us in general, that amateur videos, however well done, don't always reflect the audio quality of the actual performance. Period. That was not a criticism of you and your comments, just a reminder. And contrary to what you said, not everyone does know that. As someone who has been to a certain number of Adam's concerts and who then has to scroll through comment after comment of criticism of the band members, the back up singers,etc.., knowing full well that video often does not reflect the actual sound of the performance in the venue, its frustrating to read.. But that's another subject, the criticism of Adam's band, etc.., which will undoubtedly be an ongoing theme.

I apologize for upsetting you. It was not my intent.

Anonymous said...

Well, I still think it was absolutely unnecessary for you to follow up with your comment in pointing out the difference between a live performance and a recorded one. You have 'nagged' about that, so how can we not know by now. In any case, there was only my supposed negative comment reflecting the Nile+Adam performance there when you so abruptly and unnecessarily dropped in. If it was not mostly targeted for my attention, then who?? The rest of the 'similar feathered' birds think like you! here except for one who stood up, Sue, and she recognised the situation and the unnecessary opposition. It was a subjective comparison I made of Adam singing with other bands. We should allow reasonable but different views to be free and not get pounced on; otherwise you stifle the forum and liveliness of 24/7! Don't forget we've been so enthused by Queen that I still feel Adam's high notes could have been more highlighted in the Nile+Adam performance; they are quite precious to me in the sense that he sings those high notes only a couple of times of each song and I always get such a kick out of them. No doubt about it, Nile/Chic are first class band, not denying that. So my comment could have been just allowed to go without unnecessary intrusion. Several commenters, not just me, have voiced out that you 'clamp' them down just because their comments do not appease you. Just a few threads back, an Anon said you were annoying! And another Anon, quite some time ago, told you to butt off because she did not ask for your advice! By the way the Pendulum verse is derived from your high-handed demeanour and inconsistency. You did not upset me per se so there's no need for an apology; I just had to speak up!


Anonymous said...

Better apply your words to yourself or face the mirror while uttering them for you spew contradiction after contradiction with your statements as to who you think you are as opposite to who we think you are . . . You paint others as defensive but it is you who are the epitome of defensiveness. You keep chewing up every bit you can without let up. To you, it is always the other side of the fence who is always wrong but never you . . . Shows you are such an insecure person with some psychological quirk of paranoia . . . Makes you such a troublemaker the way you deal with people . . . All your criticisms of others here, every bit of them all applies to you . . . And as you say, each one just need to speak up . . . And when they do, it is not necessarily targeting you . . . Stop being a paranoid troublemaker.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I was expecting you...yea you have called me a paranoid trouble-maker before. If you are so brave and bold and in your eyes I'm insecure, then where is your name?? So who seems more insecure?? Even when I make supposed negative remarks, I proudly display my name; does that sound like an insecure or paranoid person?? Or for that matter a trouble-maker?? You fit the bill as a typical insecure trouble-maker, not only that a great pretender!! Not daring even to put a name and yet pretend to be bold!! Reminds me of the song by The Platters; Oh yes I'm the great pretender...pretending that I'm doing well...Used to like that song a lot. But when the need arises, I need to speak up but with my name clearly displayed unlike you who pretends to be bold and yet throw stones and hit and run!! Actually, I'm a rather peaceful type of commenter here; how often have I initiated a discord; mostly I'm the one being targeted exactly like right now by you!


Anonymous said...

Pick up the mirror, Lam-my, and stop being so OTT defensive . . . Call me The Joker so you can drop the popular but inutile untag defense.

Anonymous said...

Pretender haiku

Pretend to be bold
Throw stones, for your life
Not so fast pal...booked !! lol!


Anonymous said...

Hi The Joker
So you do like my name-tag presented to you! Sounds a lot better than your own Jokomole, doesn't it...Mmm at least for once you appreciate my effort. lol! Hey what about Great Pretender...take your pick, I like them both. lol!


Anonymous said...

What my Jokomole?. . . No plan to reply but what name-tag you presented??? . . . If someone is tagged as The Joker then I'm the Dark Knight.