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Prevent bullying by donating $10. Just text "BFF" to 20222

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Retweeted by Adam Lambert!


glitzylady said...

Thanks Adam for helping to promote a very good cause!!

tess4ADAM said...

What about those of us that don't text ... how do we donate to help??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

Here's the link to for donations given the more traditional way...

Anonymous said...

How can this prevent bullying please enlighten me.I have one grand daughter forming a group against bulling then I have another that is really being bullied.They both go to the same school the one being bullied is in high school my other one forming the group is in the 8th grade.I have called the school talked the the parents of the other party the next step is going to the police.I just don't want to make it worst for the oldest one.

Anonymous said...

I never heard of bullying years ago. These groups get the message and peoples stories out there. Every little bit helps. I hope everything works out with your grandchildren. I hope their parents are helping you.

Anonymous said...

It is heartbreaking when your child (in my case a grandson) is bullied. He had just started middle school and the bullying was a totally stupid thing. A boy decided to call him Ernie (not his name) and continually asked Where's Bert?
Hour after hour , day after day. Just something that silly caught on with other students and after 3 visits to the headmaster's office for help, where he admitted the boy bullied students every year and they did nothing about it, my daughter said "Think about it, do you want to keep a known troublemaker and lose the tuition we pay and possibly that of other kids he bullies or do you want to keep a well behaved child, I want an answer tomorrow! "

The bully was expelled and our boy had 4 happy years.
I hope your situation has a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 4:07P.M. but unfortunately the parents of the boy does not believe he would do any thing like that so that is why I went to the school for help.Most parents just can not believe their kids can be so mean & that is where most of the problem is.Always check the story out first because I know my grand daughter is not an angle I never was but then if it checks out & if their are other kids that see it then I felt it was time to do some thing about it & yes after the school got involved it has stopped as for now thank you.

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that there are some of you who are appalled by bullying and will send in a donation, when you are bullies on this site. There has been a lot of it going on in the past week. Think about it, are you a bully because you can do it anonymously?
Or do bullies never recognize it in themselves?

Anonymous said...

@ anon 3:58 I wished I knew the answer to stop bullying. I hate that your having to deal with this.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't a bully in school but was on the periphery of a group that were bullies so I consider myself just as bad. 7:27 some bullies never recognize it in themselves (ahem).

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to all those who have loved ones who are bullied. When one of my kids was bullied along with his friends, lunchtime in the school yard was no fun! The mean kids would taunt them because they could. I would get in my car and arrange to meet the kids so they could have a peaceful retreat in a McDonalds for lunch. You might think that was not the answer, but it's better than years of being targeted. Also, at that time, teachers were not very sympathetic to the child. It was basically not their problem. Post-script, although my child is "successful", the memory does not go away. Peace to all! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

There's a bully in this site with a tag from the very start. It's not only the anonymous.