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Adam Lambert stood up for fans - Hong Kong Mar.5 2013

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Adam Lambert stood up for fans against securities - Hong Kong Mar.5 2013


daydreamin said...

He is one very special human being who loves his fans. That, and I bet he was hoping to see a couple of videos afterward just to check out and see how he did with TFM. One word Adam. A M A Z I N G !

tea said...

Atta Boy Adam! Tell'um like it is. Mwah!

Geezuz, fans are just being fans, no harm no foul.

Anonymous said...

They have security to keep him safe,they need to be told he wants to allow cameras, but then in this world are you ever safe?

Anonymous said...

My husband was a police officer who occasionally worked security for events. There are people in large crowds like that who make attempts to harm performers or athletes. Many times weapons are concealed and it's not an easy job to keep the crazies from acting on an impulse. I hope Adam appreciates that and is aware. I definitely want him safe. <3

Anonymous said...

I want him to be safe as well, but this is why his fans and I love him. He doesn't take sh!t from anyone.

Shiggles said...

Russia be warned!! You're about to be hit by another meteorite. This one is from the Planet Fierce!

Anonymous said...

I could say majority of his fans are passionate and very respectful to him. He is taking the risk just to let the fans knows how much he appreciates what we do for him.... He is the MIRACLE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE ARE LOST AND GIVING UP LIFE...

He is for Love and Acceptance that's why he wants his fans to be more closer to him especially when he is performing on the stage....

He is FIERCE and he trusted his fans not to be violent....

I just love him for that!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Whoa the strong easterly winds continue its fierce path. At this point, as I write, the Adam storm may be heading our way. It's okay, Singberts, no need to take cover for this one, just brace yourself and hang on tight; it's going to be one helluva ride lol!

Singapore concert haiku

Fly Adam fly
Hot climate, you can take all!
Pour us all you've got


Anonymous said...

my family has worked in security also & they check at door for weapons etc then it is up to the performer if they want cameras or not if not they have signs & can not take them out.Adam is not like that he wants his fans to have fun that is what it is all about.Good for Adam he really holds up for his fans. .

Anonymous said...

OMG love you so so so so much Adam!

What a special and unique individual!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Adam should have a concert just to talk forever. I'll go. I love his speaking voice as much as his singing voice. Just melts my heart. Love him!

glitzylady said...

I remember being at Adam's River Rock concert in April 2010 before Glam Nation (memories!!!!)...The security was fairly tight and kept trying to limit cameras...but to no avail. They finally just sort of gave up..They also had a thorough security check before we went in. Some venues have rules re cameras but often leave it up to the performer as to whether cameras are allowed. Perhaps they didn't have that conversation ahead of time in Hong Kong. Generally just no "professional" type cameras with "removable lenses"...Something that some of our beloved and loyal "Adam" videographers have had problems with on occasion..

Adam really does love his fans....and doesn't mind speaking up for us when he sees those kinds of things happening... I'll never forget being in the audience last year at Fantasy Springs 2...Not enough dancing in the first couple of rows of casino VIP's?? No problem...Adam spoke, they listened! UP and DANCING!!!

Adam feeds off the energy and enthusiasm..that "Joie de vivre"..of his audience, and when something interferes with that energy, that "symbiotic" relationship that he speaks of, his own vitality level is he steps in. Whether its two girls fighting in the audience (remember that one??), security harassing fans over cameras...or the front row sitting down and bringing Adam's communication and interchange, and as a result, a small gap in that "Infinity" with his audience ie fans...he doesn't mince words..Gotta love him!!!

Anonymous said...

Lambert Held Beckoning Concert in Shanghai, Flirted with Same-Sex Stagemates

Sina, Beijin (2013-03-04 08:00)

Translation of Sina Entertainment, Taiwan, Review of Adam Lambert’s concert in Shanghai held on March 3rd, 2013 Translated by @hcluless

Sina Entertainment Report
On March 3rd, 2013, American rocker Adam Lambert landed in Shanghai and held a concert at the Mercedes Benz Arena, which attracted numerous enthusiastic and ecstatic fans. During the pre-show interview, Lambert said he likes some new indie bands that won in the Grammy’s this year. He also talked about his own understanding and attitude towards fashion.

Read more of this translation here:

Anonymous said...

AND his fans stand up for him. His twitter acccount @adamlambert will have surpassed 1,900,000 followers tomorrow night!! Approaching the 2 million mark. AND his facebook account is fast moving towards the 4,000,000 mark.

Anonymous said...

You guys must listen/watch this new video of Adam's gorgeous voice - Stay/Underneath Shanghai:

Just WOW!

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady,beautifully said!@8:05 You are right we stand up for Adam like he stands up for us! Let's get Adam to 2 million twitter followers soon!I wonder how many new followers he has on Chinese weibo which is their twitter. Does anyone know how to check.

Anonymous said...

@8:16 sounds amazing! I always choke up hearing him sing Stay and especially Underneath. Gosh how I wish Underneath had been a single.

Anonymous said...

Reyna ‏@RainOnMe83
Airport flow!! Goodbye Hong of my new fav cities!! Headed to Singapore!!!

Anonymous said...

"We love him cause he doesn't take shit from anybody"
Even security or bodyguards? what a dumb thing to say.

That's not why I love him.

Anonymous said...

I've been away for a few days and I just read that Adam sang a song a cappella at the Shanghai concert but it didn't say which song so does anyone know which song it was?

Anonymous said...

he is a ferocious little minx. he wants every fan possible to have a pic of the glambulge.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this? It was also retweeted by Adam:

In Rock Music ‏@inrockmusic
adamlambert: RT @4evrmomof4: News video coverage @adamlambertHong Kong show. …

Anonymous said...

For Your Entertainment
Adam Lambert finally brings his Glam rock to Singapore with his first-ever concert in Singapore this 8 March 2013!

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

@8:19PM Ask @glam_alidol on twitter. She is one hell of an active Chinese Glambert on twitter.

Anonymous said...

I did a guesstimate that by the end of this WAG Tour, Adam performed for 100,000 people. That's great! Wished he could do couple of same tour here in US as well!

Anonymous said...

on my jakarta ticket, it says "no camera's or recorders"... sooo Adam ????

Anonymous said...

Adam speaks up for's just him, who stands for what he believes in. I guess he might have been 'trampled' upon or shooed off quite a lot; we know that in his songs. That he's affected by this "infinity gap" and "symbiotic relationship" with his audience, sounds rather bombastic; yes true to some extent but not his main reason for standing up for his fans as suggested. Adam puts others first before himself as far as possible. His fans to him are his family so he fights for them. Another reason I feel is he doesn't like distractions when he's performing; they interfere with his giving of his whole self into the performance and undivided attention to his audience.


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam keeps safe. There are some absolute nutters in this world.

Anonymous said...

Loved all the videos. Thank you!!!

Loved Shady, but I do the backup singers would be in sync with each other instead of doing their own thing. It would look so much more professional.

funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady, As usual you write what I'm thinking and I relate to all the events you had mentioned and totally get the "simbionic" relationship and your "infinity" meaning.Adam has many times explained the meaning of his infinity tatt and how it relates to him and the audience that you so well put. Adam does feed off the energy and his fans response to negative external pressures as you also had mentioned. I remembered the fan squabble and also the time he kicked at a security guard during the GNT, singing"get out!"without missing a singing note! He was so cute and pro-active!Just another reason to love this amazing man! Thanks for the memory trip and always astute comments! :}}

funbunn40 said...

I think the venues may also think the videos will cut down on ticket sales, but that would never happen in Adam's case. It just encourages more people to see him live that are able to travel and he knows how many Glamberts travel all over the world to see him and how hard we all work voting on polls, buying his products,etc. Those that are unable to travel are some of the most diligent supporters and I'm sure he's glad they can see the videos and appreciates every fan that is behind him. He's the best!!

Anonymous said...

I've heard Adam explain this infinity tattoo with regard to the energy going back and forth between him and the audience. And I do understand that completely. My contention is not about that and I know what it is. When Adam defends a fan, he does it firstly to 'fight' for the fan whom he considers part of his huge worldwide family. So my contention is, this is his first intention not the infinity flow of energy which to me is secondary. Adam always puts others first before him as much as possible. He's taking a little risk here by ticking off the security person. The infinity flow of energy between him and the audience is not likely the main reason, as suggested. That's my point not that I dismiss the idea of the number 8 infinity energy flow between him and the audience entirely.


HK fan said...

The security in the HK concert have nothing to do with his safety.....HK security guards are notoriously bad, and famous for sticking to as many obscure rules as possible. They generally try and curtail what fun they can, once they put that uniform on, they're real jobsworth.In the larger seated concerts, they patrol endlessly trying to get people to sit back in their seats instead of them standing and dancing.....needless to say they don't win on that one.
At the HK concert, they were physically pushing through the very densely packed crowd at the front of the stage telling people to put their cameras away, not sure if they were actually taking cameras. They didn't take the ones near me who they asked to stop. But they were really annoying, and getting in the way.

HK fan said...

I will have to say, Hong Kong is very differentto almost any other place in the world.
The security were not checking for weapons, they do very brisk bags checks, but just checking for large lens cameras, bottles. I don't think it would occur to them to check for weapons.
it is so hard to describe HK to someone that doesn't know it. It is probably the safest city in the world, serious crime is very rare, you do hear of the odd murder, but in 99.9% of those cases it is within the family.
It really is a city that is open 24/7. ublic transport is great and very safe.
I have had no qualms letting my then 16 yearolds go into town and come home at 2 or 3 in the morning on public transport.
most children start using public transport by themselves by the age of 9 or so.

Anonymous said...

Team GLITZYLADY here!!!

glitzylady said...

Just thought I'd point out this sentence in my post at 7:44 PM:

"Adam really does love his fans....and doesn't mind speaking up for us when he sees those kinds of things happening... "

I think we are in agreement here....

glitzylady said...

PS...Have a great time at the concert!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be nice and say have a nice time, Lammy. I'd really like to say put a sock in it!

Anonymous said...

@8:30 Adam didn't take sh!t from a FAN when he started singing an accoustic version of WWFM, got a few bars into it and stopped the music and said "Can you get off your phone? You're yelling into it. Really? Dominoes, we deliver. You're not watching tv honey, this is a live show."

I applaud him as this fan felt entitled to ruin the performance for everyone and what's more to distract Adam. Maybe he lost a fan that day, but he gained many more by showing them that they are more important than one rude audience member.

If he won't take sh!t from a fan, he won't take it from anyone.

Anonymous said...

Yes I read that but you went on to elaborate on this "infinity gap" idea making it sound more important than what Adam was really wanting to do, fight for his fans rather than implying he was doing it partly for himself as well. That "infinity gap" the way is a wrong concept! Infinity cannot go with gap. Precisely why it's break! If you open up an eight, 8, let's say formed by a rubberband, it will be a circle/ gap. And I notice whenever we argue, a gang of opportunists will quickly jump onto your bandwagon as if they have no confidence you can go it alone. Not that I can't handle all those opportunists but they remind me of gangsterism or a pack descending on a single combator. Well numbers count I guess but not with me somehow...Come one, come all, I'll take you all!


Hey opportunist with no name again; oh you're still here on the sly. What, Pseudo Club is not good enough for you...Mmm I can't recommend you for Wise Owl're just not ready!


Anonymous said...

Do we have to go this route again? It's tedious, boring and gets nowhere. Just let someone have their say and move on.

Lam my must everything turn in to a lecture from you or a challenge? There is no huge conspiracy or one great villain ,there are just several people who don't like you. That's their prerogative . Shake it off and ignore them, there are a lot more who do like you.

Anonymous said...

You are one top-down talker! And I don't like your tone! There are many comments which I don't fancy; such as a couple with 200 comments which I think repetitive, "tedious, boring" but I don't go there to tell everyone to shut up...this is a free forum! Also contrary to your assessment, I have no problem whatsoever if people don't like me but I appreciate a lot those who are so kind and broad-minded. It is also my prerogative to say/write what interests me may it be deemed a lecture or challenge to you. Butt off!


funbunn40 said...

Wow, what's happening here? No reason for any personal attacks, sniping or nit-picking over a general comment about Adam's connections to his fans and whether the infinity symbol is number one in importance or number two in his reason to stick up for his fans. Is it really that important? I think they go hand in hand, each supporting the other, contributing to the end result which is happiness that Adam has our backs as well as we have his. I think we all can get too caught up disecting and being critical of every word and each other, when the bottom line is, we all love Adam and want to share the news. I have no issues with anyone and I may have a differing opinion at times and many may not always agree with my point of view, but I don't look at it personally or feel that anyone is right or wrong, just a different point of view, not worthy of arguing or being disrespectful. Let's give each other some leeway and agree to disagree and be less critical of one another. We have more in common that we share than differences. Let's celebrate that and not let personalities get in the way. We all have valuable opinions and feelings and I would rather spread the Lambert love 24/7. C'mon, group hug everyone! :)))

funbunn40 said...

@ Lam-my, I hope you have a wonderful time at the concert and share it with us! I'm glad you will have the opportunity to feel the electricity first hand. @HK fan, Thanks for sharing the security info and the news of how safe it is there. It's quite an accomplishment to have such little crime. I wish that were so in the US, but hopefully there will soon be legislation to get more guns off of the streets.I always like hearing about other countries that I may never have the opportunity of visiting. I've learned about Finland and saw beautiful pics of NZ last week on a tv show called The Amazing Race. When I watch I think of all of you on 24/7 when I see videos of your countries. I'm glad for all of the fans that are seeing Adam on his non-tour tour and I want to hear every morsel!

HK fan said...

I was watching the Amazing Race too, I have been to Christchurch but obviously didn't go to where they filmed the show. It looked absolutely stunning, as did Bora Bora, kept thinking of Adam and Sauli there on their trip.

Anonymous said...

This thread again proves that Lammy is a bully, a PARANOID TROUBLEMAKER!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, even if I'm a bully, thanks for the 'compliment'! I'm brave enough to go it alone. As for you, you watch for a certain bandwagon, slither onto it, quickly wear a mask and shoot hiding in a corner of that particular wagon; many times already...but your shots 100% go awry, off target! Let me give you a sound piece of advice...Pick someone your size; shooting at random is a terrible waste of time! Hey, it seems to rhyme. lol!


Anonymous said...

You're cringeworthy, a soul less entity!

Anonymous said...

So you have more soul?? You don't even have a name!!