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NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert and Glamily Backstage in Moscow

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, March 16, 2013

VIA brianlondon: "Rhythm n Booze"


Anonymous said...

awww don't be acting all crabby, we know y'alls aren't. lol

Anonymous said...

Let's see some smiles once in a while.

Anonymous said...

They do look a bit on he grumpy side but who can blame them, leaving Bali to come to Russia where it's freezing cold takes a lot of nerve, not easy on anyone plus the jet lag takes a few days to overcome as well. Still, I'm impressed with the performance they put on at Minsk and now Moscow, these guys are true pro's, the show must go on as they say.

Adamluv said...

Bad ass rockers dont smile in pictures - It messes with their image. LOL. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

The problem is their bad ass image in this photo looks so false, I think we all know them too well by now to believe they are as mean as they make out here, little sweeties, you've got to love them, nice try though guy's.

Anonymous said...

Their faces and poses are just for the camera!

Magiclady said...

We do know our bad ass rockers don't we!

funbunn40 said...

Fierce and fabulous! So bad, they're good! Brian does look a little menacing in this pic! lol

Anonymous said...

LOL, love their preshiow posing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are not posing and that's how they really feel after a 10 hour train ride! It's how I would react!