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A Fan Just Met Adam Lambert and Describes The Encounter on Twitter

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

Black hat, saggy pants for flying...sounds like him!

Anonymous said...

Love this story when people get to meet him. This is just so sweet. He is always so polite, and loves to talk. A real people person. I wish I could meet him. Thanks for sharing the story. Love that man.

Anonymous said...

no one ever mentions GB?

Anonymous said...

Can't stand how jealous I am. I'm sure that Adam will be barraged with fans this weekend. How fun for him!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yup that sounds like him. I hope he is not walking around alone, at least we know Terrance is there.

Anonymous said...

Will the band ne in Miami?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he was wearing a hat. His fair skin needs it.

The concert should be an absolute blast!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Miami Herald article said full crew including dancers and backup singers.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam Lambert "Never Close Your Eyes" on Glam Video Music Awards - GLAM magazine - GO! Adam 9 %


Anonymous said...

I was in Miami last week and the weather there was beautiful just like LA just a tadbit humid. It was in mid 70s. Perfect! Love that city! Glamberts going to this event have fun. I am jealous. Remember us when you are dancing the night out.

Anonymous said...

NKLovesAdam I just voted and Adam is at the bottom of the list with 11%.Maybe a few tweeters could tweet this. I also voted for Raja, Scissor Sisters and Frank Ocean.

daydreamin said...

Adam just tweeted "MIAMI!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Never heard of Glam Music Video Awards but went to link and voted for Adam!, Raja, Scissor Sisters.

Lucky fan just meeting Adam randomly like that...he's so kind to his fans..always makes a little time for them <3


Anonymous said...

Voted. Adam is coming last on 11%. :-(

funbunn40 said...

It's 2AM in Charlotte, NC and after seeing these tweets I just booked an airline ticket to Ft. Lauderdale. I must be crazy! I have to throw some clothes in a bag and catch an afternoon flight and come back Monday. One of my daughters said "Go for it mom! I'll go with you!" I love my kids! They never judge my craziness! If I have time(haha), I'll try to make a sign that says, "Spread the Lambert Love 24/7" In case any of you on this site will be there and I can say hello! There will be such a crowd and We may be miles away from the stage, but we'll be breathing the same air!I'm on twitter if any of you want to say hi in Miami (funbunn40 there too}:))))

daydreamin said...

@funbunn40 I am so happy for you!! Too bad @JAK can't meet up with you!

@brownie are you going?

Anyone taking video? I'll loan you mine lol.

Anonymous said...

LOL, funbunn, have a great time. Don't forget to grab some sunscreen!

Anonymous said...

Have heaps of fun, funbunn40!! Look forward to hearing all about it.

Anonymous said...

Finally Adam met someone who thought he was taller. She must have read the article. Too funny.

HK fan said...

wow, funbunn.
good on you, you go girl:)))
Have a great time, and come back and tell us every little detail...

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam for Glam Award he is still behind. He is at 15% now.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin- yess I'm going! Now I have to try and find funnbunn
