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Adam Lambert Chinese News

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

My first thoughts go to 'How do you pack for an outside concert then go to an awards concert on the other side of the world?'???

Take care Adam and travel safely.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam never imagined traveling all over the globe! He's living his dream! Good luck Adam!

Anonymous said...

If anyone can pack for any occasion, it would be Adam. I just assumed he'd go home to L.A. and then leave for China, but since the China event is coming up so fast, I guess it makes sense to go straight there. That will be a very FUN event to see. Red carpet, the ceremony, Adam performing (two songs), etc. It should be FUN! It would be great if he was the winner!

And yes, take care, Adam, and be safe. We love you.


Anonymous said...

Whoa Adam already has a new choreographer and dancer waiting for him for the CMAs. Sounds like a big show and Adam is receiving his first major prestigious music award! Three years ago, I said something to this effect...that Adam one day would crack open the mighty iron door; yes that day has arrived! Crystal-ball you are right on the money. lol!

*Very sorry about the Boston tragedy...will pray for the affected people. By the way, I saw my country flag flapping right in the thick of action in the billowing plumes of smoke.


Anonymous said...

Does Adam ever get tired? He's not human! He's superman. <3

Oh and so professional. Other singers tend to make excuses for not appearing at certain ceremonies.

HK fan said...

great pictures of Adam at LAX

OG Glamberts✌‏@Lamberting9m
RT“@adam_pictures: 37 HQ pictures of Adam Lambert at LAX Airport in Los Angeles (April 15) – ”

Anonymous said...

Good luck in China gig - hope he's having amazing time there. And be careful with avian flu, come safely back.

Anonymous said...

I think glam alidol later tweeted he was going to China through LA and Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

I would, it's a shorter trip!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that Adam wouldn't have much time to stop home in L.A. and then on to China etc. but think how organized he must be to pack for two such different events! Wonder how many suitcases he needs LOL! Red Carpet Strut coming up again...Yay!!!

Good luck Adam on winning that huge award and on your performance. Please stay safe and come home soon <3


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the CMA is choosing choreography and dancer, it's a classy show.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, so CMA can controle the action of the dancers more...

I am having a yucky cold, so I cannot imagine doing a trip like Adam just did..Miami, LA, HK, Macau (ferry ?).... He must be exhausted.