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Adam Lambert CMA Rehearsal singing "Trespassing" & "Naked Love" 18/04/2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 29, 2013

Posted at : Monday, April 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

This is Awesome!!!

Screencap via @CuckooBert: Sorted by price from high to low. @adamlambert beat, Santana, Rod Steward, Sir Elton John. #proud (eBay Auctions).


Anonymous said...

Just the way I like Adam, front and center without distractors.

Anonymous said...

I have been sick again ....looks like walking pneumonia this time...this is the first time I've been able to visit 24/7....for several days... just wanted to say thanks to all who understood .... how my community and I felt after the tornado.... I will not mention it again ... I did ask for options on the poem .... so guess I opened myself up for Lammy's critique .... won't say it didn't upset me ,,,I can see no bueaty in death.... on a happy note my friend loved it and is sending on to chamber.... one of the Dr..., that was in surgery at the hospital liked it so well she's sent copies to all her family in India...I will think twice before posting another poem here ... and asking for an opinion ....peace to all .... rose petal

glitzylady said...

@rose petal
Please continue to post your thoughts and feelings as the spirit moves you. Sometimes it is needed in order to come to terms with an event. We're friends here...thank you for sharing it..

Anonymous said...

rose Pedal I did not know about anything about a poem, I also have been sick. I never heard it, I am sure it was fine! I hope you are feeling better honey I miss you always on here. I went to cardiologist last week and may1 I start a series of tests three different ones over two weeks to test for different vein blockage. Do not know why takes so many tests to fine out But it seems too! Rose Pedal try not to let things on here hurt your feelings, I sure your poem was very nice wish I had heard it. I always miss you when you are not here, I have not been here to much either lately. Again I certainly hope you are recovering and feeling better. Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks..:.sorry to hear u r not well ...:I'll be fine soon enough.....let me know how things r going for u....the whole poem thing is silly...:guess it shows I'm not past the tornado yet....not sure if I will be for a long time .....u know you look at things in terms of that was before.... that is after ....My marker use to Adam and sometimes it still is...: but most times things r before and after the tornado peace ... rose petal
Thanks u r always a live if reason and I do feel I have friends here.... rosepetal

Anonymous said...

@rose petal and @sue I don't post that often here but still read the comments regularly. As @glitzylady said please continue to post and bring us up to date on what is happening with you. The site is not the same when the regulars are not posting/commenting.

Wishing both of you the best!


Anonymous said...

rosepetal - I've lived long enough to know that if you don't talk about the things that hurt you, they become the elephant in the room. Talking to people about your feelings helps you to heal. My 9 year old daughter died 7 years ago and my husband, our children and I talk about her every day. We've all come to the place where we can remember the fun times and smile. We will never forget her because she is in our hearts.

I cannot imagine the loss you have had. Mine was a personal one. You know many people who lost their lives and others who lost everything they owned. Rosepetal, my heart goes out to you and my arms around you in the hopes that you will find peace from the terror, fear and loss you have experienced.

Please don't ever feel you cannot express yourself here. Many of us will answer you. We care for you and are here for you if you need us.

One last thing and I know this sounds trite, but dear rosepetal, time really helps. As it passes your heart and mind will heal. I promise.


Anonymous said...

OT: Jason Collins, NBA player for the Boston Celtics comes out as gay. Awesome and congrats to him!
Just curious long do you think they'll refer to him as "the openly gay NBA player Jason Collins"?
Would be SO NICE if those "qualifiers" could just be thrown away permanently! Then Adam could just be "the singer Adam Lambert"!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my if you have any feelings for anyone but yourself, please take the time to offer your apology to rosepetal. You obviously haven't had ANYTHING hurt you in your life. Just a simple "I'm sorry" will suffice and make a lot of posters on this site feel differently about you.


Anonymous said...

tea said...

I love MTV Buzzworthy because they LOVE Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose Petal,

I write for children and my impression when I read your poem was what a great children's story it would make. The imagery was so vivid and well written it made the "monster" truly scary.

You have most of the story there. An expanded version, and yes - with a happy ending - and great artwork could help children that have experienced something as frighening as a tornado deal with the aftermath and their feelings about it.

I also love that you wrote it in poem form. I, too, use rhyme. Children really relate to it.

Keep up the writing, Rose Petal, you have talent. When someone offers an opinion that is critical look at it and see if it has merit. And if not, discard it. It will make you a better writer. It's all part of the process.

You could help a lot of people should you decide to take up the challenge of writing a children's book. From my own experience, it is one of the most rewarding endeavors one can undertake. It's a lot of work, tho', so be prepared!

All the best!
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Lammy. Just say I'm sorry to Rose Pedal. You'll feel alot better. You can't? Those words are not in your vocabulary. So sad for you. :-(

lorraine said...

rosepetal-always know that your thoughts and your feelings are valid-because they are yours. You need no validation from anyone else. I used to teach my students that poetry is beautiful thoughts, beautifully expressed and we all have the power to write poems.{For some reason,poetry intimidated some of them.} Once they realized that a poem doesn't have to be joyful to be elevated to the art form of poetry, their minds flourished and they felt the freedom to write! You, dear, rosepetal, have expressed your sorrow and pain in your poem and have therefore shared with us the beauty in your heart and soul. Thank you.
By the way, even your name is poetic. The first time I saw it, I smiled.

Anonymous said...

@4:58PM I would prefare this comment:S.O.S. Adam Lambert!!!!"American Idol needs your help"!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal.....JAK here

Couples reach a point when it seems they take turns being the sickest. I know your husband has his problems as well.
Just burrow in and baby yourself till this passes and hopefully there will be a good spell soon.

As for your poem it has been recorded in one of my nicest leather journals along with a few others you wrote. I save any bits of verse that touch my heart or tickle my funny bone. My youngest daughter is my clone so she will inherit all my journals filled with poems, a special lyric that I loved or a quaint description or pithy saying that struck my fancy.
She will come across some of your verse and say " I guess rose petal was a friend of Mom's" and she'll be right.

When there is poetry in my heart it bubbles up and I grab a pen and off I go. They are not all funny
like the ones I usually share here.
I wrote with a fury of pain when I lost loved ones and with anger many times ( mostly at my teenagers out past curfew )... Writers have to write, you can't bottle it up. You'll explode! So please keep sharing, you and others of you whose words I've captured. I have more journals than I can count and they are my go to place for memories....<3

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
This calls to mind, when Eber told Adam to apologise after what he did on the AMAs...Adam said something to the effect: "No Dad, I did not do anything wrong." Well that is also my sentiment with regard critiquing the Monster poem. It came from a good place, my intention was pure; you want to believe that or not is up to many of you here. And I do feel very apprehensive now whether I should stick my neck out like this thinking you all were broad-minded enough to see what I was expressing. I mean I had nothing to gain by opening up myself like that; I'm not vying for any promotion, position or monetary gains. Art is like that, one must be ready to take any constructive criticisms so as to broaden one's view-point. In any case I did say I liked the poem because it was firsthand, authentic. Quite sad really that it is viewed as an attack. Will be more careful the next time, even if invited to critique; I just don't believe in giving anything halfway or adulterated. And yet most of you here think Adam was victimised and did not need to apologise for what he did on national/international tv. Hmm, always double-standard, isn't it? Finally I want to emphasise, my critique came from a very pure mind as far as this Monster poem critique goes. And that's why I love Jesus so much; He knows!! And very strange, each time I mention, Jesus, I have tears in my right now...don't understand why.


Anonymous said...

I think you guys can freaking lay off Lam-my anytime now. It is getting kind of bullish.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal
I can't remember your exact words but I think it went something like this: You said you know many of your friends would say...oh it's a beautiful poem. And went on to say you want some, who "hate" you to give their true honest opinions. So I thought, okay since you say it in such an emphatic way, I'd just say what's on my mind, thinking you genuinely were asking for real constructive opinions from another viewpoint. Boy, did I fall headlong into a 'trap'. I mean how often have I critiqued someone else's writings/poems; I mean they're so subjective. I am very disappointed in you for the first time; if you were actually asking for those beautiful empathetic comments, why in the first place asked for people who "hate" you for their feedback. So now being the honest person I always am, I am viewed as the bad guy. Whoa, sure learn a lot this time round but I don't change so easily; I'd just be a lot more cautious, like Adam. However, I do feel for the trauma you and your family and the whole neighbourhood went through. It must be of the highest magnitude that one can imagine.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I feel you are very open-minded and you have a free spirit.


Anonymous said...

We might as well give up, it's like talking to a block of wood.

Anonymous said...

To Lam-my
Adam didn't hurt anybody's feelings. It's not the same category, excuse me. And please know, even broad-minded people have feelings.

You should always be apprehensive in whatever you do or say IF it will hurt anyone's feelings, it's expected IF you LOVE your neighbor as Jesus has commanded.

You say nothing to gain but your main agenda is always to win and have the last word here. And by your bullying, you victimize posters here. It seems you lack awareness.

it doesn't have to be always an 'attack' to hurt feelings. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. you are the one on the attack again here buy categorizing all who have "feelings" as NOT broad-minded.

You are the one guilty of having double-standard as your rule applies to others but not you. Why don't you look in the mirror? Or ask Jesus what He really knows . . . how He sees things here with regard to you.

Your tears mean nothing. Learn to put yourself always in the shoes of other people. That way you will learn how to follow the GOLDEN RULE.
Shame on you for bringing Jesus' Name here unless you admit you have hurt people's feelings and be repentant.

You are sensitive and always ready to attack, yet SO insensitive to the feelings of others.


Anonymous said...

Look at this whole thread...who are doing all the attacking? Most of the time, not just on this thread, I find myself explaining / defending; but thank goodness I seem able to fend off most of you who attack in a drove!! Goodness gracious! I do it alone but I do have a few 'guardian angels' who I think feel I'm outnumbered or just want to make it a more level playing field. Bless their peace-loving hearts and minds! You can assume what you want...I love Jesus and will always, not ashamed. He gives me strength.


funbunn40 said...

@ rose petal, please don't let anyone ever discourage you from sharing your beautiful poetry or your thoughts. I read your heartfelt words remembering them, but not any negative comments. I must not have paid them any mind. I do remember posting a positive comment & reading others that appreciated your words. Fans from NZ,Japan,NY, NJ have all commented on terrible losses from disasters in their home towns and many fans here have been supportive and sent words of encouragement and prayers. Don't let hurtful words of a few bruise your spirit. I like to think we are all friends here, so many from all over the world brought together thru' Adam. What's most important was your friend that could identify with the losses and the Dr. who were able to understand and connect to the devastation and pain. I hope you're feeling better and won't let any negativity get you down.

Anonymous said...

Really getting out of hand on this site. Lawyers in court stand up and say, "I OBJECT" and then they sit down. Can't we just all get along? As my little grandson says, "Come on everyone-GROUP HUG". We are here for Adam and not to spew unkindness toward each other. Adam would freakin' die if he read this site!!! Let's make it better-we are going to lose Glamberts with all of this nonsense.

daydreamin said...

Rose Petal (Rose is my middle name:) I so fondly remember when I saw your very first post here and thought, now I'm gonna like her! I have really enjoyed each and every one of your posts so don't you go anywhere and yes, you have a family here that very much cares for you! Keep posting your beautiful, heartfelt poetry (I prefer rhymes myself too:)) I am sorry you were upset. It sucks. I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my-you go girl! If it is Jesus that gets you through life-so be it. As for me, a good margarita and Adam's Kiev concert has gotten me through some rough times. In fact, if Jesus would read all of our comments on this thread, even HE would want a margarita and some of Adam's consoling ballads!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I remember you, the lady with the margarita! I'll let you in on a secret...I didn't know what margarita was so I googled it, lol! You sound so happy and carefree, so content with your margarita and Adam! lol! Envy you much, lol! Thank you!


funbunn40 said...

@ Sue, I also hope you will soon be well with all medical issues resolved. I have two people close to me battling cancer right now and no one is immune to pain and loss. ...@MGF, I feel for the loss of your daughter, only 9, so young and know how it never leaves, as my loving son died from a quick,devastating illness a week before his 48th birthday last July 27th. My family and I talk about him every day too, remembering what a gift he was and how we were blessed to have him for 47 years. At 4AM on the way to the hospital to remove life support, Adam's songs were playing in my car, giving me strength and calm to make the decision to do the unthinkable. So many of us have suffered horrific pain and loss from a myriad of reasons. All the more reason to be supportive and kind to each other, even when we disagree. None of us are perfect human beings, each of us with personal struggles just trying to live the best we can, walking our individual paths, but still needing to have empathy for each other. Adam is a beautiful light, illuminating the way to joy and the good things in life. He has made it possible to still have laughter and appreciate the beauty in life, even when I could so easily fall into an abyss of painful dispair. I'd rather focus on what's good and "keep on, keeping on." Peace, Y'all. Let's Spread the Lambert Love 24/7...

Anonymous said...

The crazy just branched out. Unbelievable how juvenile so many of you can be taking sides.

And yes, Jason Collins is going to be known as the first openly gay major sports player for the rest of his life.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal and Lam-my....

I can't believe I did this, but I went back thru the comments to see what all the fuss was about.

Rose Petal, please take feedback in stride. YOU HAVE TALENT!Outside ideas may even come into play should you decide to write a book, as I stated above. You never know. Always be open to learning - whether you use an idea or not.

Lam-my, I saw nothing mean spirited or rude in your comments. They were simply your take on Rose Petal's poem, expressed sweetly with no ill-will intended.

Sometimes artists/writers can be a bit sensitive when sharing something dear to them. I know I was.

Let's not hold on to hurt feelings over simple misunderstandings. Life is too short.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Thank you...We do have some really open-minded, warm-hearted people on this site.
You, and margarita lady and 9:08 have restored my confidence about 24/7 Adam site. Very touched indeed. I remember you telling me about people always calling on you or visiting you to ask for advice when in trouble...yea, they sure got a friend to stand by them, with a free spirit.


daydreamin said...

@MGF I neglected to comment on the sadness of the loss of your daughter 7 years ago. I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry. I know she is in a better world and one day you will again be with her in that place. <3

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure Lam-my is not peace-loving but a paranoid troublemaker. And one thing is crystal-clear Lam-my has no humility but pure arrogance with gigantic ego.
And yet she mentions Jesus, as if she is a follower and yet practices not His teachings. Where there is PRIDE, Jesus is not there. You walk alone.

Anonymous said...

Typical of this place to turn nothing into a major issue. Grow up and be reasonable. How many actually watched the video?

Anonymous said...

Well, Jesus did walk alone, didn't he...all the way to Mount Calvary / Golgotha hill...carrying, stumbling with his heavy wooden rugged cross.


Anonymous said...

11:47, you are out of line.

Anonymous said...

1:03.....Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I totally forgot what this thread was about . . . head burn

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you just give up. Any minute now she'll write a haiku about being nailed to the cross by the rabble. That, in her mind would be us.

Anonymous said...

Not free at the moment...very enthusiastically teaching Adam Mandarin on the ni hao thread. By the way his intonation is not bad, heard it at the CMAs; he's a fast learner. lol!


Anonymous said...

2:59, you aren't very good about giving up yourself.

Anonymous said...

Out of 42 comments only 2 are on topic!
So "it's all about Adam's voice", eh?!

LISTEN to what Adam says: "NO FIGHTING!"
Let's get along, please... "This used to be my playground..." keeps ringing in my head...

Adam sounds wonderful and he's always the professional, his singing is so effortless... Love the voice, love the man!

Anonymous said...

To all
Thanks to u that have offered encouragement to me..,, I ask for an opion on my poem because it was going to be sent to the chamber of commerce ..... my family is of course biased at times and truly wanted to know what someone out side thought .... I have written poetry for years and have been published .... nothing special just local stuff .... but none the less I have an idea how to write poetry.... @Lammy it didn't bother me that u offered a critique of the poem was that our whole lives have been altered because of this....the places I went to ad a child and took my children to simply are not there anymore ....@laura was scary and I'm not sure children would enjoy a story about the complete devestation of a community and a city ..., I am now done with this and with this site for a while .... I am sorry for all the drama.....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Rose Pedal
If you don't want an honest answer to your question, don't ask it.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I could listen to Adam singing Naked Love forever & beyond! :-D

Anonymous said...

So that means we're losing @ rose petal, a delight and keeping @ lam-my, a blight. Well, after 4 years I'm gone too.
THe heart has gone out of me. I'll check on occasion to see how many others have given up. I can ignore trolls they are just unhappy people who get their kicks stirring up shit. But obstinate know - it -alls like Lammy have worn down my enthusiasm . I quit.

Anonymous said...

I've obviously missed something on this blog because I haven't a clue what's happening regarding a poem, and I read this blog at least twice or more per day/night.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:53 PM
Yes, I watched this video!! And I don't know what else is happening on this thread but I'm moving on to the next thread where hopefully, it'll be happier.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal and Sue are not going away. They jut say that on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Hello! This is a blog about ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love the Buzzworthy article!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this thread will be revisited, but I just want to make a clarification that I, the long time lurker and poster MGF (MassGlamFan) am not MFG @ April 2 4:05PM. With that said, I offer my deepest sympathy to MFG on her devastating loss and additionally I offer my utmost praise and admiration on the triumph of her most beautiful human spirit. Here and there I have seen MFG post, but again, she is different than myself MGF :). Best wishes to you and your family MFG.


Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for who list there child here. No matter what age they are your baby and its beyond horrible, no words to describe that. I lost my sister dies over ten years ago she was 59 I had to bury her it was a very bad time. I still am not over it, time helps but your never really over it. Ro lose a child the pain, I so sorry! I not mad at anyone here I did not see the poem. I have always kind of connected with Rose Pedal, I sure don't want her feelings hurt. Like I said did not see what Lam-my said or the poem. From what some has said here that did see it I don't think she meant to be mean. I hope both of you just forget about it and start fresh. Maybe I am wrong because I very sensitive and easily get my feeling hurt. I not here to try hurt either one of you! I made a couple mistakes, that was to loose a child is an unbearable pain, I wish all of you the best! Sorry for mistakes! Sue

Anonymous said...

Can we bury this thread? I think it's dead.

Anonymous said...

Friends'm going to page and regret much, the situation experienced with a great desire to be surpassed! Leave us a positive learning and continue counting on this oasis that moves us inwardly, day by day, interested in new news and updates ... enter the blog gives us energies, joy and rest, here we find support, understanding, tolerance continue exercising handle our differences and weaknesses solidarity by sharing our life experiences. For our dear star, Adam Lambert, the goal of having their fabulous fans, is that in addition to admire and love their wonderful art,,become a joining link and contribute to the happiness and peace in the world!
Greeting, that love, harmony and health we radiate to all! HH
sorry for the errors of translation

Anonymous said...

Our oasis is polluted.

However @HH, I love your sentiment.

Anonymous said...

I'm outta here as well.

Anonymous said...

I lurked here quietly a long time before I posted a comment. I read as Lam-my's commments became more nasty and hateful even though she didn't use unkind words. However, when someone "critiqued" her comment, she lashed out with hatefilled words that almost reminded me of curses a witch would cast. She is without a doubt the most dubious and obstinate woman I have ever come across. With that said, I am going to leave this site and I am sure I am currently the only male here. Good luck to you ladies who have the stomach to read Lam-my's drivel.


Anonymous said...

You said that before too Jimmy and you are wrong about being the only male here.

Anonymous said...

@ Jimmy

You expressed my feelings as well. I scroll past any comment I see with lam- my as the commentor. She is clueless as to how self righteous she is. And, to be petty every lol and oooh la la drove me crazy.
I am sorry to see you go, but several seem to have the same idea. We are losing the wrong people.

Anonymous said...

Thank 'guardian angels' for being there for me time and time again...4:07, 1:03, 9:08, Sue, Margarita lady and Laura.

Laura said she went back to 'examine' the poem comments and found no trace of ill intention in what I critiqued. She said I did it sweetly. That to me is a responsible undertaking, in the sense, she didn't just comment, she looked up what actually took place...very responsible person. In her real life as far as I know, she works closely, counselling those who go to her for help and advice.

Sue, appreciate your heartfelt sincerity and sense of fairness. Hope you and your husband's health improves.

Hey Margarita lady, you mentioned Jesus might like some margarita as well; perhaps not, His favourite is pure wine! lol! But with such an effervescent lady like you, He might just try some! About wanting to listen to some Adam ballads, like you said...hmm, not sure about His music taste, lol! But Adam most likely will impress Him. If you want proof, watch Adam sing 'The Prayer' with Nori.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone else heard that someone's husband was taken away in a straight jacket to an insane asylum? Poor guy. Never got a word in edgewise and it was always his fault.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOL!!!! Love it!

Anonymous said...

What would Dr. Phil do?????

Anonymous said...

9:08...You reminded me of Judge Judy. lol!

1:03...Good referee / linesman / kungfu

4:07...Counsellor / with karate chops lol!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Someone has a husband?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Two kids without a father.

Anonymous said...

Better than one without a brain!!


Anonymous said...

Lol! She's back.