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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nearly 15,000 French Mayors will Refuse to Marry Gay Couples... YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

From France:

"Meyer, who is mayor of Sotteville-sous-le-Val in northern France, observed that some of the mayors in the group have said they “would resign if the law is adopted,” while others “have said they will refuse” to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.

On April 12, the French Senate passed the measure sponsored by President Hollande, but it has yet to go before the French National Assembly.

The Senate adopted the measure despite massive opposition from the public, including a demonstration attended by an estimated ONE MILLION French citizens through the streets of Paris calling for the measure to be voted down."

Anonymous said...

From a French Homosexual:

"Nathalie de Williencourt, a French lesbian and founder of one of the largest homosexual associations in France, said in January that most homosexual individuals in the country DO NOT WANT “gay marriage” or the right to adopt children.

“I am French, I am homosexual. The majority of homosexuals do not want either marriage or adoption, and we especially DO NOT WANT to be treated the same as heterosexuals because we are different,” she said.

“We don’t want equality but we do want justice.”


Anonymous said...

I thought the French motto was Liberte, Egalite,Fraternite.
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity (brotherhood). An admirable aspiration.

I doubt Nathalie speaks for all homosexuals in France.

I doubt any mayor will be forced to perform a marriage.....and I'm sure if droves of them were to resign in protest there would be many candidates to take their place.

Why are you here on this thread....has Sam Sparro taken out a license to marry a Frenchman ? Horrors!
How dare he!.............JAK

P.S. Still like the music......lyrics. - eh!

Anonymous said...

these are fun !!

Anonymous said...

JAK lol

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm signing out, it's 3:00 a.m. Here on the east coast and I have not slept in 45 hours. I will have to resort to desperate measures....sleeping pills 3 hours ago have not worked (as usual). My daughter left a Danielle Steel book here, I usually fall asleep about 20 pages into any of her books. Wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

what a shock the comments on Yahoo about gay marrige in France are mostly positive.

daydreamin said...

@JAK I have a textbook with parts written by my brother-in-law who is a geophysicist at Rice University. It is about geophysics. I am happy to loan it to you...a real sleeper. Brilliant guy but the book is a definite yawner lol.

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparro's new sounds to me very "Disco " Baby!!!

Anonymous said...

OT, but have to ask:

To the poster(s) of the 3 first posts:

Sorry for my broken English, but are you trying to be sarcastic or are you actually happy of those news you posted?! Are you against equality in this issue? If the answer is yes, I ask like JAK (but I'm not so wise and polite as she is): WHAT THE F..K ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!
You do know the Main Man of this site, AFL, is for equality?

YAY for equality!

Anonymous said...

Did Sam like it so much he already did a cover of it? Kind of a dance remix?

Sam Sparro ‏@sam_sparro
@adamlambert thanks booboo

Anonymous said...

Love Sam,love Nile.

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOVE Sam sparro.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Adam, Nile and Sam to jam together in the great land of OZ!

Anonymous said...

You know in the world today it's seems absurbed that 'equality' doesn't apply to everyone. How the blazes can any man or government restrict from what is right and just!

Anonymous said...

I'm bringing this subject from a couple of posts back because it is important. Regarding the Adam + Queen dvds that some people bought and some continue to post links to here, those dvds are illegal and put at risk the Youtube videos all of us enjoy. Not even mentioning it violates copyrights. Please see the following from Suz256 (originally regarding GNT dvds but it applies to the Queen concerts as well.)

Some of the DVDs contained footage that I took as well as footage from other videographers. I want to state explicitly that this was done without my knowledge or consent. I do not own the copyright to any of Adam’s performances, I do not have the authority to give permission, and I do not endorse or support any concert DVDs, unless they come from Adam’s team. Remember how upset we were when the “Take One” album came out? We were concerned that Adam would not receive proper compensation for his effort. To me this is no different. Even if the seller claims that he/she is only covering the cost, it still involves exchanging money for a product – a DVD of Adam’s performance. Sony/RCA has been very generous in allowing us to post concert vids n YouTube. I am saddened to see a few folks potentially harm what has been a good relationship for so many of us with YouTube/Sony/RCA by taking advantage of our "tour withdrawal pains." I hope that if you see an offer for an unauthorized tour DVD that you will give it a pass.

Additionally, there is a reason these dvds are not for sale on Amazon - they are ILLEGAL:
Intellectual Property Violations
Recopied media: Media products (books, movies, CDs, television programs, software titles, video games, and so on) that have been recopied, dubbed, duplicated, or transferred without permission of the rights holder are illegal to sell and are prohibited. This includes:
Music: Bootleg copies, unauthorized live concerts, unauthorized soundboard recordings, unauthorized merchandise, and so on, are prohibited.

The pirated dvds you are buying are UNAUTHORIZED LIVE CONCERTS.

Pirated DVDs are made illegally. U.S. copyright law protects the original authors of works that include movies and television programs. It gives them the exclusive right to copy, sell and alter those works. While it is legal for a consumer to copy a legally purchased DVD for a personal backup copy, nearly all other cases of DVD copying, or selling unauthorized DVDs from any source, are illegal.
Facts on Pirated DVDs |

Anonymous said...

Is it okay if a person gives DVD's away? I received one for free as a gift.

The French like to act out their political disagreements. Remember when the French farmers were mad and they dumped truckloads of sh*t on the highways? There is probably no more opposition to Same-Sex marriage in France than in other countries. Just more demonstrations. C'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

I'll settle for Adam, Sam Sparro and Nile jamming together anywhere on the planet that they can.

Anonymous said...

I love love love Sam's "Get Lucky". It would be sooooooo AWESOME to hear Adam, Sam & Nile perform it round the world!! I'd love to hear Adam and Sam sing "Voodoo" too. :-D

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Lots of politics today! JAK, I hope you got some sleep last night. France is certainly in a tizzy over gay marriage. Passing a law does not change everyone's minds about an issue, that's for sure. Laws do not change people's hearts. This is an evolving issue that will take a long time to really be accepted, regardless of the laws that are passed. The illegal DVDs are hard to distinquish from the legal ones. Sometimes you find out after you've bought one, that it's a bootleg. Hope we do get some more Adam, Nile and Sam music in the future!


Anonymous said...

I like Get Lucky very catchy and funky and I like Sam's version too. would love to hear Adam cover it. It reminds me of shady only Shady's a better song.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, why don't you download the clips and burn your own dvds or make playlists on you computer?

Anonymous said...

Adam only has his official GNT video out. Anything else is bootleg/pirated/illegal. Nothing to be "confused" about.

GNT DVD from Adam here:

Anonymous said...

nice song sam sparro-it would ne nice if adam can sing this song-adam lambert voice.
or sam sparro-adam lambert duet.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure where I fall on the issue of the illegal DVD's, only because a 20 something friend of mine said that such DVD distribution can absolutely enhance an artists fame, lore, "known" level, etc... they can grab new fans who might then later buy the artists products legit... I do see that point I must say! There is a lot of piracy in the industry in general. That diminishes the sales of all artists for sure, some just seel enough product where it doesn't matter as much. But anyway, the illegal DVD concern, I have to admit that I see my friend's nod to there being an advantage to it as well... as far as creating new and deepening existing fandom and pop culture lore. Thoughts anyone?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam and Sam!! Funky, disco beat - LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

I like to ignore people trying to get a rise out of unsuspecting blog readers! I don't mind anyone trying to create a DEBATE, debate is good... but is apparent when someone is trying to kick up sh*t for less than intellectual purposes, quite transparent. Don't afford them that power by reacting, it completely deflates their sails. Exercise self control is my mantra when reading posts designed to derail and incite. JMO

HK fan said...

Danielle Steele used to be my favourite writer many years ago, so much so I named my eldest daughter after her, but changed the e to an a to make it a bit different....
Hope you got soe sleep.

tea said...

I suspect the amount of dissension over same sex marriage, politics, guns, etc. etc is totally dependent on how much the media decides to build it up.

Anonymous said...

Really? Oh sh*t!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......@ daydreamin....geophysics would probably work, my brain does not compute on Earth science frequency.

Re: DVD.... The one I purchased was filmed by Ukraine TV station in it's entirety (non of Suz video included). If Queen or UK had offered a video for sale I would have bought it, they didn't so I bought the Kiev concert . Neither Queen nor Adam are out of pocket from my purchase. If I broke a law I' m sure they can find me.

@ HK fan.....I too read many Danielle Steel books, years ago, but about 20 years ago they got very samey - samey to me so rarely read one now. I think Danielle is a beautiful name....I like French names....wanted to name my eldest Aimee, but decided on English spelling Amy for simplicity sake. Plus my adoration of Little Women characters.

@ tea....since I have become very political in my waning years.....I am a political junkie and housebound activist.
Right now I have a "hit list" of photos of the 45 senators who voted against the tiny completely inoffensive slightly
possibily beneficial gun sale background check bill. It's up on my refrigerator door and I am systematically sending emails and following up with letters to their congressional offices expressing my displeasure at their decision to buck what the majority of Americans wanted them to vote for. They ignored us , so in what way do they represent us? Don't get in a snit Republicans, there are 4 Democrats on the list too. It was a weak watered down bill due to excessive fear of the NRA lobby, but it might have saved a few lives. The money backers have a stranglehold on our former democracy....the Supreme Court is responsible for that.

That's all for my Wednesday rant....I have to fold the laundry. How mundane.

Anonymous said...

@ tea April 24, 2013 at 7:13 AM

Well said!!

I really enjoy your posts btw :)

Anonymous said...

Just because a DVD wasn't offered through official sources doesn't make buying one OK. I don't have a problem with burning your own copy from YouTube but I think it is wrong to pay money to the people who make a living ripping off artists. Justify it all you want, doesn't change the fact Adam and other artists are getting ripped off and you are helping make that happen.

Anonymous said...

Relax your tone 9:11 why don't you... state your views and perhaps readers will be open to your points, if you approach others civilly.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:11. If you burn copies from you tube or vevo you are pirating, because they make money when you click on their site!

You are ripping them off !!!!!!!

How many times have you done it, daily maybe? You are playing your copy you burned instead of theirs that they make a profit from. Sooooooooooooooooooo you should have a problem with someone burning their own copy.

Anonymous said...

11:40, sorry, burning your own copy from Youtube from fan videos for personal use doesn't meet the definition of pirating or bootlegging.

Shaley said...

Last time I checked, YouTube has a little pop up thingy that says "download this video". Does that mean they are encouraging us to bootleg?? Uh oh.
@JAK, tea, HK, DRG, Sue & all the other visible "faces" on this site: You are the reason I stay here. Your posts are so intellectual and entertaining. I really enjoy them!

Adamluv said...

@JAK - the 4 Democrats (out of the 45 Senators) that bowed down to the power and money of the NRA are 4 that I will remember in future elections. Hope others do the same. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Shaley, that's probably Real Player or a similar product you have installed on your computer giving you that message. But it's not you downloading a fan vid for yourself that is the issue.

Shaley said...

You are right. I'm so illiterate in that area. I can't keep up with them all!

Anonymous said...

I would think dl one of Adam's videos from vevo would be ripping him off.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.....I wish everyone whose senator voted no would remember when election time comes around that they did not vote the will of the people and vote them out.
Of course some people may not care or agree with the no vote.

If we don't participate in government we will deserve what we get....deadlock.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK and Adamluv - I truly hope that you stand by your convictions and vote Harry Reid out of office as I will since you didn't mention him by name. He has been the most influential head of the Senate to promote deadlock.


Anonymous said...

@ Jimmy....JAK here....I personally feel Harry Reid has become an ineffective Senate leader. He folded and did not fight for a tough gun bill that could have made a difference. The results would probably have been the same, but at least a battle would have been fought. And who knows some of those worthless Senators might have stood up for once and showed some backbone instead of just making sure they get reelected next term to again do nothing. They might as well stay home and collect their salary and perks from lobbyists. I'm talking to both parties.