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Adam Lambert's New Weibo Post (About the Chinese Earthquake)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, April 21, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 21, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where is that hope Adam is safe. I will pray for them. Sue

Anonymous said...

my prayers to all those fine people in China.

Anonymous said...

How bad was it? Where Adam what part China at this time? Sue

Anonymous said...

The monster has struck again ... It is bad ....last I heard 186 dead... 8200 injured.., they r running out of water.., maybe 3 days.... I'm fear the death toll will rise ... don't know wher Adam is.... but he can be sure we will pray for China....with all our fussing we r a great group.... does anyone know where to donate ....Red cross ?....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Is that any where if you know to where he was for the awards. Think went to Hong Kong, then last heard shanghai. Happened three days ago, Adam just found out about it? Maybe can call Red Cross find out. Adam probably knows nothing yet maybe he will put something up when he fines out. People fuss at me because I worry about Adam traveling. But you know it can happen any where and its his job and he loved to travel and he loves the Chinese people they been very good to him. Man what a bad week or so tragedy wise! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is safe in Shanghai, taping an appearance on China Idol (to be aired in May).

Anonymous said...

Thank you, it very sad I know he care a lot for the Chinese people! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers to China.

Anonymous said...

I understand I worry about him too...he's very special to me...and always want him safe...I know that sounds crazy but I know you will understand...and a lot of our sister glamberts....peace and love...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Quake was in remote corner of southwestern mainland China.....Sichuan province.....Adam is on coast .
Terrible things are happening world wide, so sad. JAK

Anonymous said...

Of course I understand I same way and akway's with you girl! Sue

Anonymous said...

My prayers for the Chinese people affected by the earthquake and the lamentable consequences that will be overcome soon!
Many fortress and encouragement to this great people.
许多 堡垒 和 鼓励 这个 伟大 的 人民! HH

Anonymous said...

OT: I'm sure this is going to get a flood of bad comments- I'm not naïve by any means and I love how the Chinese support our Adam- but I've also learned how despicable and cruel they are to cats and dogs(I'm sick to stomach after researching this on-line) I have no respect right now for the Chinese and theirinhumane ways on our beloved domestic animals. If anyone here is from china, please enlightened me thi is not happening!!! I almost wanted to tweet adam and ask if cat and dos were on the menu in China! Sorry for bringing this up glamberts, but it's a real problem in china and I will not buy their products if they are barbaric like this , which they are and now after being aware of this _ I hate china!!! China glamberts help me umderstand?

Anonymous said...

positive energy and prayers to China.

Anonymous said...

8:16 you're timing is so off for your last line.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not pray, he just trusts.

Anonymous said... just so you know I will not support china in anyway!!!

Anonymous said...

many prayers going to China from my whole family.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for all the people in China and all the people with loved ones in the earthquake. Glad I came on here and found out about this.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for China 8:16PM HATE is a very strong word.What is wrong with you all the hate & problems in the world now is not to be taken lightly.Pray & for get the hate.Adam stay safe.blueeyes

Anonymous said...

@ 8:16 pm. There are many cultures where what we consider a domesticated pet are simply food. Are you just now finding this out? Dogs were and are still eaten on several continents.

Anonymous said...

all I can say is after I learned Chinese torture and slaughter and eat cats and dogs (educate yourself people) go on-line and look it up you might find yourselves feeling different has I do right now! I loved china and what they do for adam- not anymore- no respect at all for them!

Anonymous said...

You know througout the world people are people. We all see the sun rise in the morning and the moon in all it's splender in the night sky wherever we are located.
Have a heart for those in this terrible earthquake.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for animal welfare but we eat cows which are sacred in India. Should the people in India hate us?

HK fan said...

so what if people in China eat cats and dogs...they're not asking you to eat them. They also eat snakes, frogs etc, meat is meat.
Yes you do hear of people cats and dogs, but is far from everyday fare.

In the UK guinea pigs are pets, but people eat them in South America, Australians eat crocodiles, the French eat horses. Many asian countries eat bugs and scorpions etc.

Every country has their own food delacacies, who are you to tell people what they can and cannot eat.

HK fan said...

oops should have said eating cats and dogs

Anonymous said...

Back to the point, the people of Sichuan have experienced a devastating earthquake and need more aid. Mercy Corps is a US based charity that has had people on the ground in the area since the 2008 earthquake. They are working with local charities. You can donate to their relief efforts here:

Jet Li's charity, On Foundation, also is bringing relief to the area. The site is in Chinese but some of our Asian friends may be able to use it to donate.

funbunn40 said...

My prayers are also for the people in China, not only for Adam fans, but for all in the remotest villages. There have been so many tragedies these past few years from NZ, Japan, Thailand, Norway, the US, etc. All human life is precious, no matter what country and there is so much loss and suffering in the world. I wish there were none. I'm also an animal lover, but I have no right to judge the customs of others. We in the US eat eggs which are chicken embryos. I may not agree with certain customs, but they may not agree with mine. I respect all life and right now care very much for the people of China,people in war torn nations that are also suffering as well as starving children in Africa. I just wish no one would have to suffer pain and loss. I also pray for Adam's safety wherever he is in the world. The Boston and Texas loss of life are still fresh and painful. Let us all support and comfort all that are hurting and not judge one another. It's been a sad, sad time.

funbunn40 said...

There also was a thought provoking movie in the 1970s called Mondo Cane which highlighted the polar opposite customs of the world. One example was how people in Asian countries respect and take care of their elderly and in the US some of the elderly have become disposable and forgotten. The cat and dog issues were raised as well as dressing up pets here in the US in ridiculous outfits. We all have our noble examples as well as some that are considered offensive and cruel. We need to individually try our best to take care of our own moral responsibilities and be kind to others. I wish all comfort and love.

Anonymous said...

funbunn, the store bought eggs we eat in the US are unfertilized meaning no chicken embryos. Hens do not need roosters to lay eggs.

Anonymous said...

thanks for all that information HK fan.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I'm an Aussie and it's been a while since I ate crocodile!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Floridian and we have restaurants that specialize in alligator meat, frog legs, cooter (turtle) and rattlesnake!
I stay far away from them and those who serve barbecue goat! But it's a psychological distaste on my part, my son assures me they all taste good! Ick!

Anonymous said...

As an Indian from India I find it disgusting to see people in other places eat cow's meat and use their skin to make couches to sit on and shoes to walk on but I don't hate these people. Hate is a very strong word.

Anonymous said...

I lived on a farm we ate deer,squirils,rabbits,frog legs,butchered cows,pigs ate & sold the meat,turtles,Quail,duck,dove,lamb,yes we all have our own ways oh yes fried chicken so do you hate me.

Anonymous said...

You don't even have to hate cannibals!

Anonymous said...

I don't hate cannibals, I just fear them. There are so many tasty parts to me.....I would have been in real trouble with the Donner party.