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Adam Lambert's Twitter Nearing 2 Million Followers

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adam has around 24k more to go till he hits 2,000,000 followers on Twitter!


Anonymous said...

Whoa nearing 2 million Twitter followers...that's a helluva lot of followers; which means at any time he says something...close to 2 million people will take note! Including the rest of us, even more than 2 million. Let's say he sneezes 3 times, they will also take note, not just the sneeze but the no. of times; and people can quarrel non-stop over that! I mean the no. of times! lol! That's mighty powerful! I like the purple cell-shapes of the background, also the =avatar, he looks so serene.


Anonymous said...

I'm not among those people as I do not have a twitter account. Not all followers buy his music I guess and Adam does not promote his music much on twitter, or what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Not all his followers buy his music. I don't think he would sell much more by more obviously promoting his music. Just being active on Twitter keeps him in front of people. If anything over promoting could annoy some followers who would unfollow. I know it has been documented that Adam has a high number of legitimate followers but I wonder how active some of those followers are. I just read an article saying companies are more interested in the level of engagement as they have found followers does not automatically equal sales.

Anonymous said...

Not all his followers buy his music. I don't think he would sell much more by more obviously promoting his music. Just being active on Twitter keeps him in front of people. If anything over promoting could annoy some followers who would unfollow. I know it has been documented that Adam has a high number of legitimate followers but I wonder how active some of those followers are. I just read an article saying companies are more interested in the level of engagement as they have found followers does not automatically equal sales.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, you make me laugh, I can just imagine Adam sneezing and his 2 million followers counting and as you say quarrelling, I have a feeling that's exactly what would happen especially here on 24/7.:)

Anonymous said...

@1:02 AM Thanks for your response. I appreciate your point of view.


Anonymous said...

1:03.....Now I have someone to laugh with. lol!

Plausible explosive quarrel:

X....Hey, Adam sneezed 3 times; hope he's alright.

Y....He might have caught a chill, wearing that skimpy sexy singlet.

Z....No, he sneezed once only; don't exaggerate!

X....What, you calling me a liar!!!

Y....I distinctly read he sneezed twice. Hey don't be so uptight, both of you! Calm down! Get a life!

Z....Maybe Adam counted wrongly, Maths is not his forte!

X....Come on, you don't need to be strong at Maths to count 1,2,3.

Y....Exactly, go fly a kite, stop controlling other people!


This can spin off to 100 flicks! lol!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Lam-my that was hysterical. That is exactly the stupid stuff that happens here.

Anonymous said...

Good to have some one to laugh with! Also trying to let out some steam lol! Thanks. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam on the Red Carpet

Video of Adam walking Red Carpet and a quick interview.

Anonymous said...

4:29 / glam alidol
Wow, you're so on the ball! Real fast. Hey Adam looks so confident and says he's going to sing his heart out! The polite young lady curtsied to wonder they call him Lord Dang! lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, that was SO funny! You are exactly right about the craziness of this fansite. Watched the red carpet vid of Adam. He looked VERY cute and happy. Can't wait to see the performance vids!


tea said...

I click on Adam's twitter several times a day watching the count go up. I cheer every time another 1,000 turns over.

Adam works so hard at being successful I don't see how anyone can criticize him without making themselves little.

Rock on Adam!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Fun! lol! The young lady was pretty stunned when Adam kissed her, both sides, you know the customary kind but the guys don't do that in the east and she sure felt knight in shining armour. lol!


Anonymous said...

Readon AO that Adam cancelled the dancers for his CMA performance. Didn't like them, I guess he didn't like the routine???True? I don't know.


Anonymous said...

Possible Livestream for the show around 10:30AM EST


Anonymous said...

Lam-my you could say boo on here and be attacked about how cruel you are and a bully, it's funny but it's also crazy! I do not have a computer so hope someone puts up the red carpet video and performance up on here when possible! Sue

Anonymous said...

Just saw Adam win and accept the award! Will be performing in a little while.


Anonymous said...

You do feel very strongly against those who speak adversely against Adam; probably you've come across a lot of those kinds of remarks. Anyway, Adam looked very handsome; he stepped out of the black limousine, walked onto the red carpet on stage. He said very excitedly that he loves his Chinese fans and pointed to them in the audience; looks like he has made a good circle of Chinese friends; actually a lot of them now speak English so it's not that difficult for Adam to communicate with them. I heard he is staying on for several more days...hmm good sign...what's up. Whoa Adam won an award big time!


Anonymous said...

Singing Trespassing and Naked Love, performance was out of this world and looking hot as hell!!! Chinaberts love'em some Adam..


Anonymous said...

Haters can say whatever the want but Adam's voice was out of this world. Truly as Roger Taylor said one in 100 million. I listened to the livestream hearing voice other performers and I dozed of couple times. Adam's performance was A++++ and his voice was fabulous and out of this world. Congratulation Adam on winning another award. Well deserved!

Anonymous said...


tea said...

Thank you! 8:20 am.
That's the kind of news I've been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

I watched the live feed. You could tell he was very EXCITED to get the award. His performance was really good too and everything else...

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tweet all this great news about Adam's win in China to On Top magazine, to Billboard, and to all the other music media outlets!!

Anonymous said...

The award in China was huge,so proud of Adam! Watching him receive the award especially over T. Swift who wins everything in the U.S. was beautiful. His performance was great and he sounded and looked amazing and so happy. I'm sure he just can't believe it. There better be news on this,so yes tweet to billboard and whoever else.I'm not on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Yea this is an Adam defining watershed moment...not easy to achieve such a momentous award witnessed by 400 million viewers. A first-class and his first international music award. He said he was going to sing his heart out and well, he just did! Not bad...always delivers, lock, stock and barrel!


Anonymous said...

Adam was really shining in the red carpet video. Not sure about his shirt though but I guess it will grow on me. Can't wait to hear the performance.