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Cute Picture of Adam Lambert with Zhangwei at CMA backstage

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, April 28, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

I liked Zhangwei when he did the duet with Adam. Hope we get to hear him again sometime in the future.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Zhangwei and Adam...oooh-la-la! One from the east, the other from the west. Zhangwei is the only singer who can duet WWFM magnificently with Adam. I still listen to their WWFM duet. In fact it was Zhangwei who made me feel the depth of the song because Adam and he sang, portrayed it the way it is meant to an emotional dispute between two people in a relationship. And Adam looked so handsome on that Voice of China stage. They really hit it off the park. I think Zhangwei can hit those Adam high notes with great emotion effortlessly. Understandable, Zhangwei is from Inner Mongolia, where they wail to the mountains to hear their high voice rebound. Hey Adam, Zhangwei, duet a Chinese song / English lyric; and get your 1 billion hits to give someone a run for the money.


daydreamin said...

Ok, next question: Is it up or is it down?
Click H E R E

Anonymous said...

My caption for this picture is...Watershed / Literal meaning, dividing line between two sides of a mountain lol! or the more popular one...I Want To Break Free! lol! Hey I see you are still very much on top of things, I mean in-charge. lol!


Pan said...

Lam-my, hi!
I, like you, listen to this duet from time to time. To continue your idea , 2 young men coming from so different cultures, an American endowed with a unique voice and a Mongolian with a great voice, shining separately and together perfectly harmonized, united by the beauty of music.
I've become quite skeptical when it comes to duets, maybe I'm wrong, but many of them seem to be only profitable deals for those involved, they either are trying to resuscitate flat or even dying careers, or are just preparing a spectacular come back. Not too much musical consistency. One exception, lately, I don't love her, I don't even like her, but Miss Barbados and her management did a clever thing, she sang a good song ,an atmospheric song with an unknown singer/song writer, at least to me,who gave Stay the spark.
I want Adam to sing duets, memorable duets , good songs, good voices , based on wise decisions not on formal PR actions.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pan!
As usual, you are a breath of fresh air. Remember you brought up the question about organic songs/music. Adam is right; lately the pop songs sound more organic in the sense the focus is on the voice and not only that, the instrumentation is more organic; they have cut down a lot on electronic instruments and are concentrating more on organic sounds of drums, strings, percussion etc. I like this kind of oragnic sounds a lot more than the jarring electronics. I guess drums are considered organic because they're made of skins stretched over wooden or steel frames, real materials not synthesised or plugged in electronically; another example, piano, percussion/strings. Yea you got a point there, I am not too fond of duets but in Adam's case, he wants to build a strong China fanbase; he might need a boost and since Zhangwei as well as Adam are both so popular there and they did such a good job dueting WWFM, it might help. Thanks for parachuting by. lol!


Anonymous said...

Daydreaming, I usually appreciate the links you bring here but that was just juvenile and unnecessary. The person who tweeted it seems to specialize in tasteless comments.

Can we get back to the pic of Adam and Zhengwei. Very cool that they got to meet again.

Anonymous said...

Adam's very sexy daks. <3

Anonymous said...

I think it's up.

Anonymous said...

awww how sweet I really like that kid alot. It looks like he must be doing well to be backstage at the award show.

Anonymous said...


It's up!!..LOL


Anonymous said...

I love You almost as much as I love Adam!!! Always have and always will! :)))

Anon 3:01 - oh, please....your comment is totally unnecessary, this site needs HUMOUR and SEXY IS SEXY! You need to grow a pair... Thank U Universe, we have Adam!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my Schmammy: They hit it out of the park. It's a baseball saying meaning a homerun. Off the park? Wrong much?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I wasn't thinking of baseball at all, can't grasp it but looks a rather exciting game. I used to play a game called Rounders at childhood and we used a flat stick or bat and hit a ball that is pitched by another player, something like baseball. I remember a very sporty strong brother of mine would whack it so hard, it literally went sailing off the field/park and sometimes onto a nearby slope. Rounders, really fun and the batter needs to run round three bases or step on one of the bases, otherwise an opponent player will literally hurl the ball and hit the running player and if it touches him/her, he/she 'dies' meaning, is out of the game. It goes on until all the players of one side 'die' and the other side is declared winners. By the way are you the pseudo/dimwit club member whom I thrashed on an older thread? If you are, I suggest quit, you're not going to make it. Don't waste precious time.


Anonymous said...

Oh an interesting feature of Rounders I left out; is if the players of one side 'die', they can be 'saved' if another team player is able to hit the ball off the field/park so far away, giving him/her enough time to run round the 3 bases twice, to save one player; the 'die' player is saved and continues with the game. See, even as youngsters we have the concept of the use of a 'save'...sounds familiar.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my No, 4:48 is not the dimwit you think you thrashed on the older site. That would be me. It is so like you to think you came out the victor in that little battle of words. But don't you see, even yet, you made a fool of yourself?

Spare me your inevitable reply, I have no desire to return to this thread or return to sparring with someone I have no interest in. Your attitude speaks louder than your words.

Anonymous said...

Well I wasn't sure; otherwise why would I say..."If you are...". Good move about not having any interest or coming back. But strangely, most of the time, they do. lol!


Anonymous said...

I'm confused, how is a zipper down in public sexy? Most people are embarrassed when that happens to them. And saying grow a pair is a non sequitur.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not a zipper but rather an embellishment just on the right spot... LOL!