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Drama over at South Florida Gay News

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This morning, South Florida Gay News publisher Norm Kent wrote an article saying Adam Lambert doesn’t deserves any sort of recognition from GLAAD and that the award which will be given to Adam is a joke. It was a very mean article. (If you are interested in reading this article, READ IT HERE.)

But then a few hours later, Jason Parsley from South Florida Gay News wrote an article defending Adam. His article is well worth the read. READ IT HERE.

Also, South Florida Gay News's Twitter tweeted....


Anonymous said...

If going to GAY bars all over the world is worthy of an award, then Adam wins hands down. I am not a troll, But I also do not see why he is getting an award for supporting the gay and lesbians. I follow Adam have bought his music and yes he is a damn fine singer.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, child, look out. I feel the wrath of many glamberts coming on.

Anonymous said...

I actually can see the logic in both arguments. By his own admission, Adam was never an activist, and he definitely was not "OUT" to his AI audience. However, in many ways, I think Adam was forced to look at his changed role, given his popularity. I can understand, though, that perhaps the award should be given to someone who has worked tirelessly to change things, and let's face it, Adam is trying to build his career. That's where his tireless efforts are really focused, understandably. Okay, Glamberts, fire away. I am titanium.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes a good discussion and looks like that happened in the newspapers offices and now among it's readers and Adam fans.

To me, just being out and proud is noteworthy and admirable, especially with the amount of hate that still exists.

Anonymous said...

People questions GLAAD's choices on who they give awards to in general, so that part is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

4:52 PM

Agree with you... Adam is a bit of a jumped-up and vain man , who just loves going bars and partying and started to the third album does not seem to be anything.

Anonymous said...

Adam has spoken on the equal rights for all to marry and raised money for the Trevor Foundation helping homeless gay teens. Spoken on the behalf of bullied teens and children all over America. He's become a role model by being open and proud to these young people. He has changed my opinion of the gay lifestyle. I'm not concerned where he goes when he isn't singing. What do most young people do when you live in Hollywood? You need to do more reading and really find out what makes Adam tick.

Anonymous said...

@4:52PM I'm glad that Adam gets awards and recognitions!He deserves much more.

Anonymous said...

Yes, less partying and let`s starting to work with new album. Adam is no longer so young, he should be more mature.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is not a vein man at all he a very kind man and has done tons for he said he was out the entire time on Idol. If he had been asked the question directly on idol he would have anwsered with a yes. He wore makeup and did not try to hide anything. At first he said he played the game and then he was himself and theatrical. He will have am album, you do not know what he working on durring the day. He said starting in a blueprint to more or less get the right formula I guess for America because album done well abroad. Or one thing to have an opinion but everything except for a couple if opinions are coming from non Adam fans or The ever stubborn couple of S fans still trying to trash Adam. I am ashamed of the comments on here. Opinions one thing out and out meaness us another you seem like you know 9 about the real Adam Lambert. He done tons for chairity and goes out of his way always to be kind to his fans, he does not deserve this terrible. Not talking about 5.37 a couple others but the other comments are awful. Sue

Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:09PM

Get a grip!

Have you heard the man speak?


Anonymous said...

Adam deserves it because he is true to himself in the face of an industry and society that that would prefer he not be and rewards people who are not. There is no greater change agent than that.

Anonymous said...

Not you @Sue....meant for @Anon 6:09 PM.

Wouldn't mistake you for an unfounded commentator...

Anonymous said...

Adam may have been "OUT" to his friends in Hollywood, but he was NOT out on Idol. When pictures surfaced and he was asked, all he said was, "I am who I am." In interviews, he has said, he didn't address it because he wanted it to be about singing and not his sexual preferences. Understandable. However, that doesn't really make him a vanguard. H I think it's funny when the smug self annointed gate keepers charge in whenever anyone dares to speak their opinions here unless they fit with groupthink. It doesn't make me a hater because I choose to see both sides of the SFGN controversy, just as it doesn't make me a hater if I don't like some of Adam's fashion. Go police some other site if you don't like what is said here.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......I guess I shouldn't be stunned, Florida has a lot of poisonous vipers I just didn't realize one was the publisher of the South Florida Gay News.

He really should fire himself for writing a story without obtaining the facts. Isn't that one of the first rules of journalism? However calling this bitter caustic venom spewing nincompoop a journalist is a misnomer. His inaccuracies have been pointed out ably by the comments about his poor attempt at character assassination.

Oh Norm you have made such a jackass of yourself.
But you have company , several of the previous comments on this thread are proof of that!

What is that expression?....Evil to him who evil thinks?

Anonymous said...

JAK here again.....I remember now....
"Honi soit qui mal y pense"
Evil be to he who evil thinks..........
..........French class was so long ago!

Anonymous said...

Ate you kidding 6.15 the man us very articulate and he a wonderful speaker I totally agree the man who wholeheartedly disagrees with the editor know one deserves that more than Adam Lambert Glaad knows it and he getting the award. Adam is still quite young that bull shit, you all don't worry your little troll heads about his album he will have one. He over in china rehearsing and doing promo's for AI china not drinking in bars. What he does with his spare time none of your business! Thank you 6.17! Correction that is Adam is a wonderful to the point speaker very clear and to the point. Get your own grip honey I know exsactly who Adam is and no one deserves that reward more than him, he lovely talented man who done a ton for gay rights and chairity! Again this is an Adam Lambert site not a troll site, I will not apologize for saying that period! Sue

Anonymous said...

He does deserve the award.

And let me say this, Elton John took forever to come out, and the fact that Adam is openly gay and in mainstream music. He never strays from being him self. Which is why so many fans love him. When he first started on Idol, i didnt care that he is gay, he just a fucking amazing singer. And he does everything he gets. And i will forever be a fan

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the biggest impact an artist can have on an issue is simply to embrace 100% who he/she is. And that's what Adam Lambert lives by every single day of his life. At every show he gives, he talks about positivity, being proud of who we all are (no matter gender, religion, sexual orientation or ethnic background, age or size of your pocketbook).

And THAT's why GLAAD is honoring him (not because he raised over $1,000,000 for charities, not because he is incredibly talented vocally, not because he is intelligent, not because he is really popular in social media, not because he has an amazing personality, not because he has a fabulous sense of style, not because he gives great interviews). Oh wait, maybe that's also why GLAAD chose to honor him this year.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you JAK about Norm Kent and also about the negative comments on this thread!

I really don't get people who enjoy putting other people down.......especially by saying they have a right to their opinion. Opinions can always be stated without hurtful innuendos.


Anonymous said...

based on comments on this site from so-called fans, it is 100% true that Adam will never win. folks are never satisfied and most will find fault with just about everything and anything that he or anyone associated with him does. i should learn to skip the comments.

Anonymous said...

Yes u agree with you JAK and you put it beautifully I also agree with GMT. I guess I just got really down and dirty mad. But what was said here was awful and not made by any Adam fans at all. I think you know who they were made by and I had just had enough of it! But bless you JAK you are always the voice of reason what would this crazy German Me! Do with out you to slap me out of my mad! Sue

Adamluv said...

@JAK - eloquent as always. To write "it made my partner and me puke" and "we went ballistic" sounds like homophobic verbage to me if it wasnt coming from the mouth of a gay man? Those were some extreme chose of words and made me very sad to read the entire article. And I do agree with @7:01 who said the impact someone can have by just simply being oneself. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

@JAK - eloquent as always. To write "it made my partner and me puke" and "we went ballistic" sounds like homophobic verbage to me if it wasnt coming from the mouth of a gay man? Those were some extreme chose of words and made me very sad to read the entire article. And I do agree with @7:01 who said the impact someone can have by just simply being oneself. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

All people live in their own world...

If you are not a fan of Adam Lambert, then you will only know him from the trends on yahoo when he made that "Les Miz" comments or when he broke up with his boyfriend. You will only know him from American Idol or from the AMA awards when he kissed a guy on stage in front of the TV network camera's or from the DIVAs show last year in which he hosted and performed.... And then you start wondering... does someone like this deserves an award ???

I am sure that... if I were Not an avid Adam Lambert fan, I would never have known about Adam daring to perform in some countries in eastern Europe and Asia where the majority of the population is still homophobic..

Remember when people were asking him in Singapore whether he was promoting a gay agenda ? He said that he promotes a lifestyle of love, friendship, music, joy and fashion and to include everyone to join that lifestyle..

Because of promoting that kind of lifestyle, people may cry foul because he does not really sell a gay agenda but at least it will allow him to perform live in these homophobic countries and be an inspiration for the LGBTQ people over there.

Promoting Adam's inclusive lifestyle can also be seen as a ploy to sell more music.. but why not... The more music he sells, the more people will be aware that openly gay people can be successful in life and isn't that a great way to become a role model for LGBTQ- youth ?

If Adam attracts a large straight female fanbase... so be it... one day, those females will become a mother, an aunt or grandmother or a friend of a person who is LGBTQ and being an Adam Lambert fan who promotes the above mentioned lifestyle of love and friendship.. hopefully they will be also more sensitive to their LGBTQ relatives and friends.

So Adam's promoting of this inclusive lifestyle can be inspiring both for the LGBTQ community and their straight allies.

Axel (a straight, female Glambert)

Anonymous said...

maybe the writer of the article thinks Adam acts a little BI. He has made BI comments time and again. YOU are either way to gay or not gay enough. Nobody wins. What does sexuality have to do with great artistry? I don't understand this. Madonna has played the gay card, straight card, lesbian card and bi card throughout her career. I think Adam wants to appeal to all tastes, genders and sexuality. He said SEXY IS SEXY no matter what is attached at the other end.

Anonymous said...

I feel sort of bad for the editor maybe he has early dementia or something. The article is rediculous and I feel embarassed for him.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous April 17, 2013 at 7:22 PM... About the SEXY statement: I think that is one of the best things Adam has said...

Anonymous said...

he cried bi wolf in articles. I think the gay community is wondering is he gay or he will climb over the fence and ride what is on the other side? I have noticed in shows he says "lady" and "she" in song recently. Just maybe that offends his hardcore gay male fans.

Shaley said...

Oh good grief Sue. For the love of Adam, please stop calling everyone trolls for speaking their contrary opinions. I have stated before that I only wish they would use a name as it would be easier to distinguish them from the deliberate troublemakers.
Keep speaking your mind people. Just have the guts to identify yourself. Why would you care that anyone knows who you are, if you are legit?? These folks are passionate (sometimes irrationally), but harmless. Some can state rebuttal maturely, some can't. I let them run me off once before. Not this time.I enjoy a good debate too much;) Besides this place is too one-sided. Every forum needs more than one view. It's so much more interesting that way.

Anonymous said...

Just love that photo of Adam.

Anonymous said...

After reading that article it makes me feel that Norm, has some type of personal vendetta against Adam. It was down right hateful and disrespectful.

But Adam is getting the award and he deserves it, so Norm the joke is on you, you sounded like an uninformed, jealous fool!


Anonymous said...

oh please lady enough with your bi fixation, it is old and tiring.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert deserves an award JUST for being an openly and proud gay artist in today's pop/rock music industry. Just for that. But we all know there are hundreds of other reasons to give Adam this GLAAD award.

Anonymous said...

he is like a wild exotic fruit. I think everyone wants to sink their teeth inside and see what they can get out of it. Fruits come in all shapes and sizes. The Banana for example can entice anyone when peeled seductivly and placed nicely on the tongue.

Anonymous said...

JAK once again...then I'll go away....for today!!

Adam announced he was gay in the July 2009 issue of Rollingstone Magazine without them asking the question, since he wanted the info out there. This was long before his album came out in November 2009. That was a great gamble and did cost him a lot of clueless fair weather fans.

I really can't think of another artist who made that clear to possible purchasers of their music.......Hey, I'm a
homosexual, I sure hope you'll buy my album when I make one! Nope, can't think of any.

By the way, if it wasn't pretty clear during Idol, especially after he acknowledged the tell tale photos, "yes, that's me".......that Adam was gay, then a lot of people just
weren't paying attention...

That's it, off my soapbox and going to all day tomorrow...Whoopee! :-(

Anonymous said...

he has bi tendancies. it is very obvious signed 2legit2legit2quit

Anonymous said...

he wanted to feel tits, so he did DETAILS. he never said he never wanted to be on that shoot. He told the photographer to bring it on and I'll do whatever you want. The best pic from the shoot is when Adam have full view of the vulva. He looked enthused by the way 2l2l2q

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam Lambert certainly brings out the best and the worst in us, doesn't he? Just look at the varied comments here starting with the article that appeared in the SF Gay news. He makes us think, discuss, argue, agree, disagree, etc. because of who he is, what he represents and even down to the style of his clothes or the color and cut of his hair. Watching Idol season 8, I never thought about Adam's sexual preference. His vocal talent and his amazing stage presence were all that mattered to me. He was the only contestant I have ever voted for on that show and I was a fan since day one of his audition. Maybe he hasn't done a tremendous amount of work for the LGBT community according to some individuals to deserve an award, but he has certainly brought an awareness and sensitivity to the issues and problems surrounding anyone who is different from the "norm" in today's society and I applaud him for that. His message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect is one all of us need to follow in our daily lives where so much hate still exists. I will continue to support him as he builds his career and remains true to who he really is.

Anonymous said...

I think the argument was that Adam should not have been on the cover of the magazine. He had not earned that honor.Of course you all see him as very kind, he always puts his best foot forward. He has to, we all do that when we meet people. But he also has a bit of a temper, and he is moody, he has acknowledged that himself. Where he has failed, is getting Americans to back him. It is sad, but I do believe being openly gay has hurt him.I am glad as to what that reason is, there are too many people in America who believe what the Holy Bible says. They have the right to believe living the gay style is wrong. Call them homophobics if you want to, and others can call you ignorant. This is the world we live in. Adam just recently said he is an atheist, so he doesen't care what any of us think, about him. He will not be mainstream in America, without TV or radio recognition.

Anonymous said...

Didn't any of you read the rebuttle from another journalist at that same paper who DEFENDED Adam at length?

Anonymous said...

Okay, Shaley, I posted at 5:03 and 6:35, I think, and my name is Diana. However, I don't see how posting a name makes any difference. I visit this site regularly, but I don't post very often. As I said, I can see both sides of the issue here, but I get sick of seeing anyone who freely posts an opinion skewered by some chat board Nazi. I like Adam and have seen him a few times in concert, but I haven't gilded him with 24 karats and pronounced him flawless. There are many contradictions about him, and when I see them, I point them out. He's massively talented, sometimes sexy, usually very handsome, and sometimes makes good choices and others not so much. In other words, he's human and not a God. I don't post ugly remarks and feel that there should be room for criticism as well as adoration on this board as long as it's done in a respectful manner.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:52 and 5:25! I have been reading your hateful comments about Adam on youtube ever since his AI days. You choose to seek out anything remotely connected with Adam and write nasty and hateful posts. Well, guess what? They didn't work then and certainly won't work now. Adam Lambert IS an international star who is loved by millions. Byebye...

Anonymous said...

I just imagine what EBER thought after the DETAILS shoot. he probably said, "way to go son"! He really took his career up after that shoot with that beautiful woman. He got to experience first hand the awesomeness that is WOMAN.

Anonymous said...

Norm Kent might be a closeted straight man.

Anonymous said...

an ATHEIST is a person who truly doesn't believe where they come from. There is an incredible higher power that controls the universe. Do they think the exist by accident? There was a plan for all creation and the time it was created. JESUS CHRIST died for all mankind and that we would all be in a heavenly paradise one day. Don't get the Atheist thing at all. there is someone more powerful than us and this power is giving Adam Lambert all of his opportunities.

Anonymous said...

does a gay man like the giving or receiving? it seems like a receiving kind of thing. If you can't give me what I want to receive than the hell with it. smirk smirk smirk

Anonymous said...

Firstly, hmmm...Adam is wearing his Sing unbuttoned shirt which he showcased here. It must have sold very well, it's designer brand, very unique material and fitted Adam to a T! cool, modern, handsome, up-and-coming top executive look.
A lot of the negative, supposed insights show inaccuracies; not going to elaborate; perhaps just delve a little into the award/s presented to Adam by the LGBT community. Adam himself when asked, said he was apprehensive about being too involved as an LGBT role model at the beginning; but now realises his responsibility and direction regarding this LGBT role; he's more convinced and motivated that he has the 'power' and worldwide attention to bring this "movement", his word, to the fore. Not for himself, rather to give a face to the LGBT movement, and indeed a rather powerful face. At the centre of it all, a face of hope and determination to the young teenagers...not to give in to bullies and pursue their own dreams like what he is doing. This to me is the crux or goal in his thrust forward for the LGBT community and 100% not with any intention of garnering awards or praise. The group photo he took with the LGBT board shows this quite clearly; he is immersed in the group but not standing right up-front-centre which is his usual position in all other photos. That says a lot to me and also he wants to give the other "movement" people who are tirelessly involved, their right place and position in their brave uphill task. So the negativity regarding Adam not deserving such awards are to me absolutely unnecessary and uncalled for. That is not even his main goal. And what is his main goal...his singing and success of his albums. And soon enough, he will be receiving the award that will 100% knock him off his socks with 400+ million viewers and those present witnessing it! Yea go go go Adam!


Anonymous said...

like you can really debate half of these childish comments here. LOL

Anonymous said...

It is common knowledge that satan rules this world, and God does not. God rules the heavenly world. Don't think that any of Adams opportunities come from God. He, like the rest of us have choices, and I don't mean about being gay either. That is something that just is. But it's your choice to live the lifestyle or not.

Anonymous said...

Love that smile . . . .

Anonymous said...

A creator gives life and the life created chooses his or her path in this life. Life has consequences and consequences are what we learn by. If you make bad decisions in life the consequence is usually bad and If you make a good decision the consequence is usually good. If you choosed laying with the same or opposite sex the consequence could be a disease, baby, jock itch or all the above. YES there is a GOD and Hell yeah he gives us our opportunities in this one life.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, atheist is a person who believes there is no God or deity of any kind.

Anonymous said...

GOD SHOULD BE GIVEN THE GLORY IN ALL THINGS. Time and chance happens to us all.

Anonymous said...

Atheist believe you just happen. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Woman is the giver of life with the help of a higher power. Mary was a virgin and gave birth. HOW AMAZING IS GOD?

Anonymous said...

The consequences are bad and good in the life we choose to live. If you live recklessly, I think the consequences are bad if you try living right, the consequences are usually in your favor. The Bible speaks of no favoritism. We all reap what we sow.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't think that Adam is bi sexual, but he is bi curious, a different thing entirely. He has admitted to trying to seduce a couple of women, when he had been drinking, and it just doesn't work for him. He cannot help it. Sorry ladies.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert deserve it all-he shumble and honest-norm guy is jealous of adam,

Anonymous said...

He slept with a woman and banged her. He said so in a second interview with Rolling Stone in May 2012. He said it is personal and he will protect the identity of the woman involved.

Anonymous said...

Kesha was on the receiving end of the banging. I guess that is where the bruise on the forehead came from.

Anonymous said...

NO straight artist has ever received an award for their preference NEVER. There's more straight artists running into the closet instead of coming out.

Anonymous said...

Why don't the music industry focus on the artist for their artistry instead of who the are mixing it up with at home. Music is about Music. MTV isn't about videos anymore, but about teens who don't have any responsibility. Get back with the music people!

Anonymous said...

Kree Harrison for the WIN

Anonymous said...

He had radio regonition before in America and hopefully he will again he has plenty if it abroad and on the Internet most from Idol are zero abroad, Adam the biggest Idol in Asia at this time, and growing daily. 7.35 I have never heard such a load of absolute and total crap and I have heard a ton here just tonight alone! what the hell are you babbling about Adam Lambert does not have a bad temper what so ever. When did he ever say he was an atheist even if he is its none of your business and I believe that was Tommy! Did any of you idiots here what the other guy said who whole heartedly disagreed with that editor and pointed out how completely well deserved the award was, what he said was was obvious Adam was gay on idol, and he was trying to focus on a competition. He totally deserved to be on any cover he ever been on. Like I said before you people grab on to the negative ignore the positive and you are not in anyway Adam fans no matter how you try and sugar cost your venom and hatred. You people pick up on anything negative and run with it. You completely ignore all the positive true things the head if the paper said, the one that whole heartedly agreed how Adam should get the award. Sorry your Idol bombed out Ir what ever your problems are but Adam' doing fine and he getting the DV award and is also nominated for another Gladd award for outstanding album. Spew all the venom you want Adam wins and deserves 100 more awards! Sue

Anonymous said...

Alot of the countries who have received Adam don't believe in homosexual lifestyle. I find that a little odd, but true. He stands for unity of all people. He would never discriminate.

Anonymous said...

How much is the cost of venom? just curious!

Anonymous said...

Adam was a closeted gay on Idol with a tendancy to say to the press he was bicurious. What would happen if every straight woman at an Adam Lambert show was kicked out? what would be left?

Anonymous said...

I hear TJR is a straight atheist with gaycurious tendancies. and it doesn't stop here folks.

Anonymous said...

The falling out of an relationship is because the roll becomes crusty around the edges.

Anonymous said...

@8:32PM When I saw Adam's performance on AI first time my immediate response was "OMG!This boy is crazy!I hope nobody cares that he is gay!He must win". Everybody knew that Adam is gay.Why did he need to announce it?

Anonymous said...

Adam said himself that on AI, he was "out" to the other contestants, the judges, the crew and other staff. He wanted the competition to be about his voice, not his sexuality. His "outing" to the general public came soon enough. His courage to come out to everyone before his first album cannot be over-emphasized. It was a HUGE risk with big consequences.
Lots of LGBT people work tirelessly behind the scenes to help change laws and policies that are unfair to gays. Adam's celebrity has given him the chance to change hearts and minds in his own way. That is where real change begins, if you ask me. I wouldn't underestimate him.


Anonymous said...

He came out and still said He was having bi thoughts. down boy

Anonymous said...

all the couples in Hollyweird start out all domestic and then it ends up settling for a bowl of soggy froot loops, corn flakes or a run through at McDonald's.

Anonymous said...

Oh good grief 7.38 I call them as I see them, and Troll is way to nice a comment for what most if You people are! If you act totally hateful and and totally cruel and stupid that's not an opinion. And I know just who you are even tho you not signing right now, that's so brave! People calling someone an atheist is totally slandering him, if and spewing mid guided Christianity stinks! If Adam was that its none of your damn business. Adam is still a far better person than any of get together with some if the cruel poor excuse for human being and argue with them, I going to bed hope in the morning the garbage will be taken out! You can keep making remarks at me there falling on death ears. Sue

funbunn40 said...

Adam is not getting the Glaad award for frequenting bars all over the world, but for supporting equal rights for ALL people,including himself who was born gay. You may not personally know any gay or lesbians or understand the persecution directed at them, but Adam has a loving heart including all people. Maybe some day the world will be a more educated, less cruel place, leaving any judgements to a higher power. I'm glad you enjoy Adam's God-given gifts of which there are many. He obviously deemed Adam worthy, giving him the voice to unite people all over the world.

Anonymous said...

One more thing 7.57 I think I love you so proud of what you said, really so proud if you. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam andcIdol producers did not give him a gay tag on Idol. They have never outed any contestant Adam being no exception. He came out immediately after Idol in Rolling Stone knowing it would have an impact on his album. As for his going to gay bars people need to get a life of their own. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

8.52 u loved what you said too! Sue

Anonymous said...

Straight communities don't support straight lifestyle. They never come together and support their cause. why is that? It's no we are straight we are straight everyone better appreciate. Is there any pride in it? They wish they were someone else?

Anonymous said...

Didn't even get through half the comments here, but spent an hour on that assshole norm kents article reading the comments- because they were wonderful in adam's defense! This is adam's web-site -that guy was wrong, disgusting and maybe tomorrow I'll want to read this thread!
Also read Jason's rebuttle and his comments- better than here! There is so much love for Adam out there on this issue- Why are some glamberts here not getting it??

Anonymous said...

Please read up more extensively...Singapore is not homophobic! In fact we are a very open-minded nation. Adam has come three times already and each time given a terrific warm welcome and Adam felt so free walking around with minimal bodyguard presence, flip-flopping in his slippers and wearing my favourite little black singlet. He even did the Adommy in his second concert/F1. Those present at that 21,000 strong Padang concert screamed with such excitement, you could literally hear it from a hotel across the road; still on youtube. Singapore welcomes Adam any time any day! That question was asked by one, repeat, just one church-goer...does not qualify us as homophobic. My own nephew is a transgender, never experienced any homophobic fallout due to it; yes there was a bit of mild antagonism from his own church but zero from the rest of us; that includes our government. Christianity constitutes around 5+% of our population. I am Catholic and I love Jesus!!

Yes love the smile, so taken in Singapore, third visit.


Anonymous said...

That was I loved what both if you said too, hit wrong keys as usual! Sue

Anonymous said...

Coming out in Rolling Stone was a good paycheck after coming off of Idol. I don't think if would have happened if the pay wasn't good. It would have been a risky decision. He has taken the gamble in his career. Wanting to please the masses is the only way!

Anonymous said...

Oh and anon 6:35 you don't have to like his fashion or anything about him. Voice you opinions just don't get YPIAB when someone doesn't agree with you.

Anonymous said...

he was OUT and Paula Abdul was still her hormonal self. She was panting every step of the way!

funbunn40 said...

Maybe there should be an award for those that do work behind the scenes, worthy of recognition, but I do believe Adam is entitled to receive this award for his tireless work supporting LBGT rights, never backing down when challenged, living his life openly, honestly at great personal expense at the receiving end of endless bullying, threats and cruel, senseless comments. He performs in countries that arrest gays, threaten those that attend his concerts, all the while at his own personal risk. He encourages his fans to seek knowledge, love one another and respect our differences. He has to address being gay at every interview, over and over, when he would rather be known for his music, not being a politician. He never shies away from the questions, but seeks to enlighten. He lives by example, sending the most powerful message of all.

Anonymous said...

PA wanted his key in her ignition get it fresh out the kitchen and she was rollin' that body gettin' every man wishin'.

Anonymous said...

I commend his bravery. He says he is a FREAK and thanks for loving him. His fanbase is doing it perfectly. The loyal fanbase he has is mind boggling and more than he had ever imagined. Adam Lambert has a great career ahead.

Anonymous said...

Geezuz. It is time to shut Adam Lambert 24/7 permanently. I cannot believe what I have read on this thread today. The photos and vids here are great, but DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS. Many people who post here must live in their basements. So sad..................

Anonymous said...

In think I love you too 9.06 good night again! Sue

Anonymous said...

Wait just a minute, what are you saying? It's okay if Adam is gay but not okay if he's bi? What do you think the B in LGBT stands for? If you think you are supporting Adam in his campaign for equal rights for LGBT then that includes bisexuals. I do not believe Adam is bisexual, he has said he is not and a sexual liason with a woman does not change that.
Sexual experimentation is pretty common, and yes, I'm looking at you.

He was not looking into a naked vulva as one of you demented gross people said, the model has said that was not the case during the Details shoot. It was filmed to appear so. Models are not sluts.

I don't think Adam is an atheist, I think he is an agnostic, he has said he believes the universe has a plan. Sounds like an agnostic to me, they neither believe nor disbelieve, they just don't know. Some of the greatest minds were agnostics, Susan B. Anthony (women's suffrage) Mark Twain and too many to list.

Christians need to get over the idea that they are the only religion on this planet. Personally I think that a virgin giving birth is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Christians are in fact a minority religion. Believe as you wish and respect the right of others to believe as they wish. Or disbelieve if they wish. As my little grandson tells me frequently, "You're not the boss of me".

I think most of you are acting about as mature as he is, he's 5.
What's your excuse?

And exotic fruit commentor, I think you are a fruitcake and nutty.

The title of this thread is "Drama over at South Florida Gay News".
Boy, they oughta get a load of us!
NS ----- over and out for good.
I'm leaving Cuckoo Land. This is a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

I have question because I live in country that don't have gays.I saw gay people love gaga as they leader for gay community but not male singer?

I love gaga and I heard she have boyfriend so she's straight and she support gays alot.

Anonymous said...

If you think standing on the soapbox with a suit it will bring civil rights for LGBT then you are a fool. DC got tons of them and much is happening. Actions speaks a gizillion words and Adam by being himself living the life and keeping real says alot. More than talking bunch of hot air out of one's mouth in suit on a soapbox.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, I think Adam started a revolution in gay acceptance. This is a new generation ... a new world.

For me, and countless others all over the globe, Adam's emergence on the scene began an investigation into gay issues. In my opinion, he is the best ambassador the gay community could have. Kindness, charm, RARE talent and intellegence, coupled with a gorgeous face and killer smile, has won over hearts and minds all over the world.

ADAM IS A PHENOMENON. A rare jewel. Maybe some in the gay community should look at him thru "straight" eyes to see what a change he is spear-heading.
Please, credit where credit is due.

Yes, he deserves the GLAAD award.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

WTF? All I did was scan and I'm still shaking my head trying to figure out what I just read. Way to push the cray over the top.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't get wind of these articles. He needs to focus on the award show.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so important that gays be "out"? Who said so? Some "jumped-up" self-appointed monitor of socio-seuxal mores? Who gives a damn? We all have different reasons for being fans but we all are agreed that we want to hear him sing and we want to admire his facade. And tough noogies to the whiners and carpers in in the gay community who are apparently stewing with envy because they are less endowed than he. Adam is his own man and he owes nothing, absolutely NOTHING to the gay community. If he feels like giving back, that's his choice and he deserves admiration for doing so. The whining of envious trolls with hidden agendas won't change anything.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:19 pm
You don't live in a country that doesn't have gays, no such country exists.

You live in a country where people keep their mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

Why all these shitty media articles come out when he has to perform on award shows? Remember tht OUT editor remark right before his AMA performance that pissed off Adam. Hence his memorable AMA performance.

Adam please ignore this bs article. Your fans have your back baby. They will give it to him until he calls your name. We already crashed his sever for the second time. Have a killer performance at Chinese Music Award.

Go get them, Adam! Asia is a huge market right now.

Anonymous said...

@ xo Laura @ 9:31

I always, ALWAYS, enjoy our posts. thanks for sharing!


funbunn40 said...

I commented at length at both South Fla. sites, pro and con regarding Adam. Some of the comments here are too ridiculous to even address with inaccurate "facts" and suppositions about Adam, along with religious remarks that people will never agree upon and is best left alone. To clarify: Tommy Jo said he is an atheist, not Adam. Adam does not practice any religion, altho' his mother is Jewish and Eber is not. Adam has said he believes in a creator of the universe, just not organized religion. I respect his right to his belief and lean that way myself, considering all of the recent politics and cruel, self-entitled judgements made in the name of religion that seems eons away from what church represented when I was a child. Cruelty and hypocrisy seem to be the new order of the day. Where did "Love your Neighbor" or The Golden Rule" go? The logic is lost.. Adam is not, nor has he ever been Bi. He should know and clearly said as much. He's always been honest about who he is. He kissed Ke$ha once at a bar. He said he sometimes likes kissing girls. That's nowhere near sleeping with them. Like he said during an interview to a woman that hoped she could "turn him," "Unless you've got a surprise under that skirt, it's not going to happen." He slept with a woman once because he was curious. It wasn't his thing and he said as much. Time to give it up. The Details shoot was just a bone he threw to his straight, women fans and was meant as such. The gay community totally got bent out of shape turning it into a major event. Adam is damned either way. He likes women as friends with fashion, makeup, etc. as common interests, but not sexually and why should anyone care or pass judgement? It's his life and I guess he's the one that should know, not fans that have no personal knowledge. The BS is just tiresome and so old. Give him a break. All he owes us is a good performance when we purchase a ticket. He unselfishly gives us much more.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:30 P.M.

In answer to your question about the cost of venom. After it is milked from the snake it has to be processed into antivenin for medical use. Just a few vials can cost from $5000 to $10,000 depending on the type of snake.
I wouldn't consider it for a profession though.

Anonymous said...

Right on funbunn40, you go girl. right on

Anonymous said...

Thanks, MGF 10:07pm, you're a sweetie.

When I've seen your sign-off before, I thought I saw MGP ... Machine Gun Precher! haha!

Take care, angel.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam. Seems he just can't do anything right, according to most of the comments here and on so many others. It certainly proves that you can't please all the people all the time. I think he does a wonderful job of promoting LOVE, including the gay community and everyone else! I'm actually disgusted by all the negative and judgmental comments here. He's doing his best, guys, by being out, proud and oh-so-eloquent about it. Are you perfect?? Nope, I didn't think so. The condemnation here just makes me sick ... just like the article that vilified Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think this Sue person is perfect example for bully. You attack very quickly when ever something not positive things are said here. You have no tolerans at all! I love Adam. I also like Sauli very much. You are the only one who constantly blame Sauli fans for everything. Do you hate Sauli because you were also the one who didn`t allowed anyone talk about Sauli after break up (day after..). We are all humans and therefore we are allow to say what we think. Of course all kind of respect is good. I really don`t want to be your enemy because I think you can be very qruel. Adam deserve the price but he is not the only one and there are things that makes him unperfect too. Tolerance!!!

Anonymous said...

Laura, Adam may have started a personal revolution and/or investigation for you but he didn't start a revolution. He is a great ambassador as you say and a great role model for many in the LGBT community. But if you think Adam started the cultural paradigm shift we are seeing you need to broaden your horizons and review history. You diminish the hard work and sacrifices and suffering of many people by declaring Adam the cause of the change.

Anonymous said...

This is not only your site either, Sue!

You seem to be something like devil police here aggressively ranting, if someone disagree with you. Your opinion is not the only right.

Anonymous said...

10.43 this sue person as you call her is not a bully I have never been one. You SK people have said awful things about Adam and blamed him for everything. Poor SK he never had it so good after he met Adam Lambert. Adam supported took care of him and was very good to him for over two years enabling him too be able to fine his way in LA and get a career were he wanted it LA! He did not cheat on him are do anything wring to him, you gave continually said untrue cruel and just plain crap about Adam. You and your two or three if the same S troops have been more than unfair to Adam and people on this site that promote him. You my dear are the very worse kind if bully there is! That was he did not do anything wrong to Adam, correction! Next time you call my name out use a name please! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes it is my site, I am Adam fan not an Adam basher stop calling people out when you have not got the guts to use your name! I heard you people argue and call down JAK, Lam-my and countless others when they dared to confront your cruelty and hatred, your not scaring anyone on this site! To nameless 11.06. This sue person!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your information, 11:02pm. I am familiar with the gay rights movement going back to Stonewall. I know progress has come from many areas. I just happen to believe Adam has supercharged the advancement of gay rights, jeez... gay folks just being seen in a new, "normal" light... has really taken off with his appearence on the pop culture scene.

I believe it is also due in part to the advancement of society as a whole. We are heading into a higher age and gay understanding and acceptance is a part of that.

I agree with what you said, just don't underestimate Adam's influence. He will be one for the history books.

Thanks again.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I read the articles, but not the comments on SFGN site or from above. I'm just stating my opinion. That Norm Kent guy "sounds" like a bitter old man, but I can understand some of his points. I read it more as a critique of GLAAD, not of Adam. "GLAAD is sucking off that publicity and fame to line their own pockets" - that might very well be true. I could even understand his wish for SFGN site to have crashed as a result of live speech that a gay astronaut is giving in the outer space or something... less shallow than entertainment. Whatever... As for his and his partner's vomiting episodes, I'm sure their Medicare would cover the treatment for that.
Anyway, Parsley made some very good arguments "defending" Adam.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to sign at 11:30 PM


Anonymous said...

10.43 I cruel you S people were unrelentless and horrible. Not having any caring are kindness for Adam fans it was awful, and you continue on and on and on. I did not rant go back and read some of the absolutely awful comments you made about Adam. I am in no way a cruel person and you need not be afraid of me. I understand you having a hard time getting over it. We are talking about Adams career and we got to constantly like now get a dig in about S. I not thinking of him any more that is yesterday's news s not relevant, they are friends! I am also not the only one at all that did not like how you all were acting I recall a regular calling you weezles it was not me! Many people here could not stand the way you all were behaving and cont. too! Sue

Anonymous said...

I`M 10:43 not 11:06 and you can call me Elise. I have ever said anything bad about Adam NEVER!!! But I haven`t said bad thing about Sauli either! How do you know everything negative here comes from Sauli fans?? I havn`t seen that. And I have read some very nasty and hatefull things written about Sauli too. What have he done. I think they both said they are really close friends still. And even Adam has said that Sauli gave him so much. It`s not only Adam who gave something. Thats the promblem from my point of you. You think Adam gave everything and Sauli nothing. How do you know that..? I don`t thnk he moved there because he wanted to advance something. They were in love. And they are still but as a friends.

Anonymous said...

Look Sauli a nice gut have zero against him. I hope he happy just saw picture of him he looks gloriously happy, just happy as a puppy. He not worried about all this stuff neither is Adam. I glad they both gave soooo much to each other. I simply am over the entire thing!why constantly bring him up here, he got a lovely twitter site. No on bashing him over there like some if you are doing to Adam. I do not go over to him and say anything negative on his site. Also I do not go over there and constantly bring up Adam to him. He happy let these boys live their lives seperate I am afraid you are gonna have to fine someone else to pick husband having an operation. Please try and get over the S and Adam thing they are very good friends only! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was S was a nice guy not gut before you jump all over me thinking I am calling him names! Sue

Anonymous said...

I didn't bother to read all the comments, but Adam has said himself that he represents the diversity in the gay community. He is not the marrying type himself. He is the partying kind of type who maybe gets bored in a monogamous relationship after a while. Many straight are like that too. People are people.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but there have been tons of negative things about Adam from Sauli people. You must have missed a whole lot of terrible comments!

Anonymous said...

@12:24 So?

daydreamin said...

On a positive note, I am going to see Adam at Glaad Awards along with at least 7 other Glamberts and can't wait to see Adam accept the Award that he was CHOSEN for. He obviously didn't nominate himself. This is a big award and of course he is going. There are an awful lot of fans whose minds have been opened to the plight of the gay community due to Adam. Those fans have in turn, passed on their feelings to their family, friends and co-workers etc. I am one such person.

Anonymous said...

So stop acting like S people are the ones so offended they not been angels nothing like it!

Anonymous said...

Daydreamin have a great time, bet the tickets were very expensive. Do enjoy yourself at the Glaad award. He does so deserve that award but he does nothin just to get awards. Adam does things because he wants to do them! Sue

Anonymous said...

Norm's JEALOUS!!!
Kudos to Parsley for all truth, facts & love for Adam's achievements!!!

Congrats to Adam wholeheartedly for GLAAD AWARDS!!!

Anonymous said...

@12:30 Adam deserves the award. I am one of those S people. However, I am not going to be a doormat on which S or Finland haters can wipe their feet. We are not worse than say Brad fans and we are more emotionally balanced than most Tommy fans. I can argue, if it's necessary.

Anonymous said...

No one hating on anyone at all from Finland they been good to Adam stop twisting words. No one hating on S. there hating on the nasty comments made about Adam. You know there have just been so many from S supporters I know it just a very few of the same over and over and over. To 12.50.

Anonymous said...

Hurts to read such bloody waffle from so many negative comments on this thread. Adam is again damned if he does and damned if he doesn't!...and how the snakes in the grass surface at times like this spreading clear and utter speculation. Adam is gay and proud and an incredible Ambassador who touches lives young and old WORLDWIDE 24/7! He also has a life and is an incredible entertainer working bloody hard in a cut throat industry (and doing a bloody fantastic job of it too.)
Love and support him!

Anonymous said...

Adam has opened so many hearts, mine included, by embracing who he is and encouraging others, not just gay people, to do the same, and by having a heart of gold. MLK, Jr. was a great advocate because he was not for the black man, he was for mankind. That is how Adam is. They are alike in that respect. Adam deserves this award so much. I am so proud to be his fan.

Anonymous said...

Only the real and devoted fans knows what is Adam doing to help and encourage people who are being different. Just be yourself and be proud!!!

The rest are just being jealous of Adams accomplishment that's all indeed!! END OF A STORY....


Anonymous said...

I very very proud of Adam he deserves this award so much. He deserved for so long the respect of the American music industry it's a terrible shame a talent like Adam is not the biggest star America ever seen. Is time coming may take a lot longer than we want but I believe he will get it.he doing so so well in Asia and others. I hope he gets the award tonight he so deserves that particular award, he is a wonderful stage artist. Some people are hell bent in picking on me and calling me names because I have just never been able to let people say things about Adam that are unfair and mean if that makes me a bully I sorry, I adore Adam always have and always will. Not trying to be mean to S people who cannot get over that breakup it's been over for probably 3 months by the time we heard it and the speculation was awful for that long. That's why I am not so supportive of it, the bots are just fine be happy people, please I am not a mean person and I am sorry if I came off that way.i cannot tolerate like u said negative things about Adam, so did not read that mans meaness but read the good one and he was spot on! Can we all just please get along here and enjoy this site.i do not enjoy controversy and that's all we ever have anymore! That's both the boys are happy and just fine correction. s looks great and happy he doing what he loves and so is Adam. This is Adam site and we need to keep it positive for him he a very up person! If I hurt anyone's feelings I am sorry but we must get past mourning for the breakup it over and really has been for a few months let be happy for Adam's award show tonight , the DV award and china idol, another upcoming Glaad award in LA. Lots if things, lets just be happy for both of them neither would want all this fussing! But when it comes to downing Adam like the beginning if this thread and beyond with total lies, no one here that loves Adam going for any if it so why say it. That sue person my new sign.

Anonymous said...

Only 130 comments on this wackiest of comment threads ever?

Anonymous said...

some people have no idea what Adam has done for the gay movement . .I for one would not have spent so much time and money for Adam's charity and researching all the gay rights amendments . . . and life style . . .some entertainers come out 15 or 20 years later and they give them awards . . Adam let it known from Rolling Stone on and of course a lot of people already knew before . .sorry when he was on Idol I never gave it thought . . I was just so caught up in his music . . if you follow Adam you know and read what he has done for the gay community . .just by being himself . .Love you BB

Anonymous said...

I love Adam so much and I am so happy for the article written in his defense. Adam is making changes just by being who he is. How many other people can say it. It is one thing to be a celebrity and say it's not fair that the gay community is treated unjustly, but Adam faces this daily and with grace. He is a beautiful role model spreading love and acceptance to all who will listen to it. He came out from the beginning and did not try to fool anyone which, in itself, is something many of the now famous gay stars did not do. And we can't say now there is not the same climate for gays as there was in the past. Adam has been treated poorly just because he is gay in the music community. I believe that is why it is so difficult to get his music played on the radio. In just four years since Adam became well known, changes have come about. You can see this by watching a little show called American Idol. Now contestants actually say - Oh yeah - I'm gay. No speculation - it's okay to be gay - Adam Lambert was. He never tried to hide it. He wore makeup, nail polish. He was who he is all the time. He's involved in charities. There is so much more to Adam than I can write here. Oh and by the way, the most talented singer and performer to ever grace a stage in my opinion. Adam is THE BEST!

Anonymous said...

I believe AL when he says people read into things soooooo deeply and take everything sooooooo seriously. I bet he sits back and laughs his ass off for a long time.

Anonymous said...

some of the greatest mouths are Scorpios and I am glad I am one of them:)) this thread is very entertaining. keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Virgin Mary given birth IMPOSSIBLE thing YOU ever heard??? YOU must be calling GOD a liar? Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and he is the chosen one. Are you gonna go my way is a song about Jesus Christ. Think about real hard! AL has performed a song about Jesus Christ written from the brillant mind of Lenny Kravitz

Anonymous said...

These comment sections all say the same thing over and over with just slight variations. IMO I like to repeat over and over the attributes of Adam. I know there are some here that can't tolerate hearing forms of "I love Adam" over and over, but I like it.

I hate arguing with trolls and almost as much I hate the constant need to defend Adam. The nit picking and bickering among ourselves is just plain goofy.

Anonymous said...

Enough of the bi talk. I think people who say Adam is bi are supreme optimists. Adam's comment about the DETAILS magazine photoshoot was that it was 'heterosexual' - nothing more, nothing less. By doing that photoshoot, he was crucified by the gay community at large for selling out to his gay brothers and sisters plus he wasn't being gay enough (or similar).

Anonymous said...

Well I gonna start with something this morning among all the what has just been described here as wacky comments and simply say Good Morning, have a nice day people! Sue

Anonymous said...

@ 6:18 am

you read in a story book that God impregnated a girl through miraculous means. Not a new story. Myths from many cultures have the same story from a thousand years before Mary lived. A pregnant girl tearfully confesses that as she was guarding the family sheep a god appeared to her and left her with child. These were convenient stories to explain a pregnancy throughout ancient history. The flood was an ancient story before the time of Noah. Multitudes being fed from
one small basket of food, water turned into wine, fables from one end of the earth to the other, long before the bible's timeline. The bible has been rewritten so many times these stories have changed again and again and were not original to start with. The gospels which are eyewitness accounts supposedly of the life and death of
Jesus were hand picked by the Catholic Church years and years after the church was conceived. A committee met and decided which stories to include, they picked the 4 they liked, Matthew, mark,Luke and John. They threw out the gospel of Thomas, Stephen, judas,Mary magdalene and many others. These were discovered
with the Dead Sea scrolls. So you see the bible you consider holy was written and rewritten for centuries.
It was not dictated by God to a scribe and written on goatskin .

It wouldn't hurt to do a little research education is not
painful and it is not necessary to give up your belief in a higher power, you can have faith that there is a purpose in life and still know that religious denominations manipulate what they want people to believe.

Ignorance is not bliss, it's just stupid. You believe what you want and so shall I, my conscience is clean and I live by the 10 commandants because they make sense not because I believe god put them on stone tablets in Moses' hands. Most of them were already written in Egyptian tombs long before Moses lived. They predated

Read a book or ten or twenty, education can be fun.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it took quite a while for Sir Elton John to come out, it didn't have a negative effect on his career, and he remains as popular as ever. Freddie Mercury didn't come out till shortly before he died. I don't think people, celebs or otherwise, should feel they HAVE TO come out. It's nobody's business except theirs. Adam said the contestants weren't allowed to talk to the media while he was in Idol and that's the reason his being gay was not mentioned in the press, so to say Adam was hiding his sexuality while he was in Idol is a load of bunkum. Anyway, enough talking about Adam being gay except that I'm thrilled for him that he's receiving a GLAAD Award.

Anonymous said...

And good morning to you, Sue. Hope you have a super day. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh please, not arguments about religion here.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here believe in evolution?

Anonymous said...


ABSOLUTELY... and a little thing called SCIENCE!!!!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

anon 6:18 you are atheist. God don't lie. sorry charley!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:26 is atheist. The Bible is the word of truth and it is man that twisted it. Virgin Mary needed no man to be pregnated. The miracles of the all mighty. You should read more.

Anonymous said...

fuck you @7:26 I am educated and got a big mouth to go with it. I read like the little bitch I am.:) You should educate yourself a little more. The best education is street. No degrees needed. Just pure common sense. Your ignorance must be your bliss.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert didn't feel obligated to tell people where he sticks it.

Anonymous said...

@8:20am. The first human being was even more holiest than the holiest cause he/she didn't have a mother or a father. Maybe he/she is more worthy of worship!? Have you ever thought about this?

Anonymous said...

@8:20am. The first human being was even more holiest than the holiest cause he/she didn't have a mother or a father. Maybe he/she is more worthy of worship!? Have you ever thought about this?

Anonymous said...

anon 7:26 I will bust those chops relentlessly.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ died on the cross for ALL of humaity. EVERY human that has ever took a shit on this earth is saved by his GRACE. HE says he will turn no one away if they receive him.

Shaley said...

@7:26: Wow. Your post was fascinating! I love hearing differing opinions, and your post was definitely one for thought.
PS: It's amazing how fast subjects can change around here. It all makes for interesting reading though.

Anonymous said...

@ Shaley. Thanks. 7:26 here.

Anyone notice I didn't swear or threaten, just encouraged some research be done?

Notice the Christians spoke of busting chops, shit, and I believe fuck you was in there as well. Shining examples of their faith and adherence of "Be ye kind one to another" ?

I am not an atheist, I spent 25 years as a Baptist and now 25 years as an agnostic. My heart is happy and I am at peace and eager to find out what comes hereafter if there is a hereafter it will be a wonderful adventure.
By the way God would know what's in my heart and in yours. Some of you must have pretty mucky hearts filled with self righteous hatred for anyone different than you. What are you doing here?

Anonymous said...

Back in the days the world was influenced by Greek methodology. Romans were ruling at the time but culturally were dominated by Greek methodology. A lot of the noble great influential individuals because of their nobility were called son of God (whatever God they were worshiping). How do I know this? Cause I from a country of more than thousands of years of history and the noble individuals in literatures and poems are called son of God. This saying is embedded in our culture to this day and when we see someone noble and influential we call he/she son of God. Kind of like you are a genius saying in English.

BTW Alexander The Great was called son of God.

Shaley said...

@9:58:You are most welcome.
Every time I see someone amazed at how closed-minded, immature and unaccepting some of these people are, (on an Adam Lambert site none the less-go figure) I just have to ask-are you new here?

Anonymous said...

anon 9:58 don't question my character asshole based on a few words used in context. Yeah, I am pretty blunt and I will say it. Don't care what others think and Yeah I believe in the God who created me. No sugarcoating in my candy store.

Anonymous said...


No, I've been around a long time, but only rarely jump into the pit with the lions. It's a hopeless endeavor. Occasionally I can't resist a short pithy remark. I adore Adam but have no desire to repeat it endlessly and every time gorgeous is used I grind my teeth. That, as well as, "he set the bar so high". I want to scream. So, since that's a pretty extreme reaction I usually just skim for the sake of my mental health.

I speak my piece when I want to blow up, but try not to get nasty. I have on occasion used a tag PK, that stands for preacher's kid. Ironic! I grew up in a house filled with 5 different translations of the bible, I read them all, my father taught Religions and Mythology. Fascinating combo. There was never one religion or denomination that I could buy completely since so many were mixed up with mythology, greed, control of the ignorant masses, hocus pocus and fables from the dawn of man.

I am content and my father respected the conclusions I came to, because he knew my core being and had no worries about my afterlife. We shall see!

However I do have a problem with blind obedience without examining facts for yourself. Obviously!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 12:58 pm

I consider you a shining example of true Christian values, grace and piety. A real tribute to your training and upbringing .Keep on spreading sunshine and joy.

Please excuse me, after chatting with you I feel a sudden need for a shower! PK

Shaley said...

@1:12: Good for you!!!
Where were you a few months ago when I got thrown into the lion's den for speaking basically the same sentiments?:p
I swore to give up trying also, that it was fruitless. But alas, I'm weak...only this time around, I pledge to say my piece without giving a flyin' flip who agrees or not. And everyone will know who I am;)
(And those who can't deal are free to use the scroll feature);)

Anonymous said...

Hi people! I think you should all calm down. Peace! And lets be grateful we have so fine idol as Adam. Hope he's coming back to Finland on his next tour, we miss him.

Anonymous said...

I agree and plan to go back to occasional skimming.

@ Shaley, I must have been taking a rest from the site, since your name is fairly new to me in the last week or so. Sorry the lions got you! :)

Anonymous said...

anon 1:26 if you need a shower sweetie, I'll take two! One to drown your ignorance in and the other for the HELL of it. KMA

Anonymous said...

maybe Adam is attracted to females and is curious about what they have to offer him. He is probably confident enough to juggle two lifestyles.

Anonymous said...

Dream on ..... it's only going to happen in your little mind.

Anonymous said...

Many, many, many places miss Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why would adam be curious about what females have to offer? He tried it and rejected what they have. He made his choice.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:34 p.m.

Sei uno stupido si dispone di una bocca fallo

sie sind sehr dumm sie haben ein foul mund

C'est fini

Anonymous said...

fuck you anon 10:24 read my English! Yeah you are stupid

Anonymous said...

anon 10:24 yeah you question my upbringing. A liberal strong with a big mouth upbringing. U?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:18 and 8:21 - I think you are talking to air. In her last post where she called you stupid and said you had a foul mouth in Italian and German, she also said it is finished in French. I'm pretty sure that was good bye. So you can quit foaming at the mouth.

In my opinion in this contest you were outclassed and lost!

Anonymous said...

hey anon 10:36 I didn't ask for your opinion. so why don't keep your classless opinions to yourself. I don't care what language was being spoken! The person knows nothing about my religion or my upbringing. They are just pissed that Jesus was born of Virgin Mary. My comment on religion started the whole conversation and her smutty comments. I don't care where he/she is from, I won't take them attacking my upbringing. Fuck U

Anonymous said...

oh yeah she is a she isn't she. SHE doesn't know SHIT! U got that!

Anonymous said...

Big deal about using Italian, German, and French for her bashing. Speak English Sweetheart. I can care less how many languages you know. That don't impress me. Where is your street cred?

Anonymous said...

u wanna go 4 pages. Let's do this...

Anonymous said...

hey 10:36 why don't your classless ass go get lost in traffic somewhere?

Anonymous said...

The only smut I've read here seems to be coming from U

Anonymous said...

Stay Erratic and SMUT THE FUCK ON.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U R a BIG MOUTH and SO AM I! 2 BIG mouths don't go 2gether.:))wanna go 5 pages? let's do this........