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Latest Adam Lambert Pictures from China

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 18, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adam talking with people on the elevator.

Adam backstage at the award.

Adam posing for the cameras on the red carpet.

Adam accepting his award.

Adam after the 17th China Music Awards


tea said...

Thanx for the great pix.
The elevator one has an edge as the favorite of this bunch.

jt said...

How did that chubby red haired freckled boy turn into that absolutely beautiful man. In my opinion the best looking man in the entertainment field ever. Gorgeous inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Love the performance outfit.

Leilani Aloha said...


Anonymous said...

Hurray for Adam Lambert Superstar of the World - Amen!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Wow! Once again the total package rocks our world. Congratulates on the award!

Anonymous said...

Pretty but def not happy.

Anonymous said...

I feel so spoiled having this wonderful site.

Anonymous said...

10:36 Huh?

Anonymous said...

10:36 am

Agree with you.

Anonymous said...

The performance was very good and professional but it lacked a lot of his usual energy. He didn't smile a lot and when he did, it didn't feel quite right.

And some of his tweets have been really strange lately.

Feel free to disagree if you like.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam is the best looking man in the entertainment field today and also the best vocal talent in the music business. Congratulations on this award. It is certainly well deserved.

Anonymous said...

please ignore the trolls I think they will be out full force today. A huge day for our guy.

Anonymous said...

woots to Adam 10x over. He is the man!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed 11.02, your just right! The performance was great hope we get the full naked love one of my very favorites from that great album! I thought performance just right he looked great and happy. Adam always gonna have that sexy smoldering look, it's hot to me! I totally proud of Adam this was a big award, and I am just proud of him. Sue

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit when receiving the award:) very stylish:)


Anonymous said...

What is a troll?? If someone is saying he looks sad, why is she/he a troll??Don´t quite get it. It´s not badmouthing him!

Anonymous said...

A troll is someone who says something with the intent of causing disruption. It doesn't matter if what they say is true or not or if they believe it or not. It's the intent to provoke a reaction and cause disruption that makes them a troll. And the trolls love it here because we keep feeding them.

Anonymous said...

11:28 am

Thank you:)

Your definition of a troll most certainly points out that not everybody with a different opinion is a troll. A troll has an agenda, a bad one. There actually might be people who love Adam and his music very much. For example me. I think it all comes to how you say your opinions. You can disagree with a respectful and nice way. I value different opinions when putting it nicely. It gives depth and different points of view to conversations. Nothing wrong with that.


Anonymous said...

I thought that the performance was happy and great of course. But the red carpet and other fotos of him was quite sad or serious. Why he kept his hands in pockets all the time. Was he insecure or what.. I haven`t seen him doing that before. I am glad he got the award. He deserve it! Elise

Anonymous said...

I have to agree; he looks gorgeous as always, but there is just no spark in his eyes these days. He's going through a tough time and we all need to send him light and love. It's got to be incredibly hard, having to go back to the drawing board and start all over again in BOTH his personal and professional life. I know he will be OK. He's very strong.

Anonymous said...

Adam is very gorgeous and beautiful. He is emotional and so very lovable. I agree he doesn´t have the spark in his eyes, but I´m certain it will come back in time. Changes in life affects us all, including him. That´s what being a human is about. And he is one amazing human being! <3


Anonymous said...

I think at this point in his career it is best for Adam to be single and he will date. If he wants I hope he single for awhile easier to work on his career and the album but that's up to him. I am sure he gets a little lonesome used to traveling with a couple dancers or so that are his friends. He happy just not gonna smile every minute. The hands in the pocket thing seen many models do the while modeling pants and suits, Adam does magazine shoots guess he picked it up. I think he looked so good! Sue

Shaley said...

I haven't had time to watch the videos yet, but I think he looked awfully dapper on the red carpet;) He could just be tired. He had a busy few days in Miami, then the long flight to LA then onto China. I bet he's looking forward to a nice rest when he returns home!

Anonymous said...

Well I think people on this blog are trying to say that since his split with Sauli he doesn't look the same. We were told by Sauli and Adam that its been over for a few months. Adam was extremely happy while doing his concerts in Asia having fun in Bali with his friends etc. So stop being dramatic he is over it and I believe Sauli already has been seeing an actor for a couple of months so he has got over it. The had nothing in common and the relationship burned out.

Anonymous said...

I think Naked Love was not the best of song choices because Adam and most his fans have associated this song with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

1:14 Well his fans thought when Adam dedicated the song Broken English in the Helsinki concert it was a love song to him. Guess what they were out of love at that point and had been for a few months. They keep telling the fans that but I think some fans are still living in a fantasy land thinking they still love each other. Sauli has a new boyfriend and his name is Ade McCormick. Ade just posted pic on his twitter with Sauli. Look it up

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam sure looks Sophisticated, Handsome & Respectful!!!
So so Gorgeous, his face!!!

Still cold in China!

Leilani Aloha said...

on Red Carpet!!:):):)

Anonymous said...

1:13 pm

Just need to point out the know nothing about Sauli´s personal life...and not Adam´s either for that matter! So you absolutely know nothing about who is over who now. The answer they gave to the media was very well expected. Their business is their business!

Anonymous said...

Broken English is written to Sauli. It doesn´t change that even when they´re not a couple anymore.

Shaley said...

@1:13: I agree, he has seemed very happy (or he's a very good actor). There may or may not be more to the story of the breakup. We only know what they want us to know, and that's how it should be.

Anonymous said...

Tia, you get it! Yay!

Shaley said...

I totally agree with everything you said, Sue!!
(Mark this date down, lol!)
*Hands in the pockets look very masculine & dapper;)*

Anonymous said...

So true Tia;)
Adam seems so unworldly that we sometimes forget he's only human.
(Although Neil may beg to differ):p

Shaley said...

So true Tia;)
Adam seems so unworldly that we sometimes forget he's only human.
(Although Neil may beg to differ):p

Shaley said... doppleganger is at it again:p Stupid phone...

Anonymous said...

If Adam did not look quite at ease, remember he does not speak the language, so no easy banter is possible. I'm sure he was just trying to be in the right place and make the right responses.

Anonymous said...


LOL! Neil definitely has first hand information on that one:D No matter what planet Adam´s from, he is fierce!:D


Anonymous said...

Here is new boyfriend
Adé M'Cormack ‏@Adetokumboh 6 Apr
Hangin with Koskinen #alwaysablast #randomfunnights #LA @saulikoskinen1

Anonymous said...

Geeze Shaley am I dreaming LOL! Lets see today is April 18, 2013 this time in history, just kidding. But you know what it feels good. Sue

Anonymous said...

@1:55 PM Ade is not Sauli's boyfriend. He justlikes to post pictures when he is out with friends. You can easily see that there is no other kind of connection between those two than friendship.

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie I miss that sparkle in Adam's eyes when he was in love and happy but life goes on and hopefully he finds his true love some day. Maybe this is not a good time yet...

Anonymous said...

Oh holy mother of God!!! I´m cracking up here!!! Who ever is suggesting that Sauli and Ade are boyfriends????? They are just friends for crying out loud:DD

Shaley said...

Ahh Sue, it does feel good;) We are all (well most) loving fans of Adam, so that in itself unites us. We are all just different personalities with differing opinions from time to time. If we can all accept and respect that, we could all be one happy family (Glamily);) And just like families, we're gonna argue. It's just a matter of respecting one another & learning to live with our differences.
Could today have been a start?? :-)

Anonymous said...

Ain't gonna lie, I miss his sexy thighs! BB needs just a little bit more meat on his bones. As for the lack of spark in his tired eyes is probably what 1:07 PM said...he's probably TIRED! He's probably sleepwalking.

Anonymous said...

Those two fools should get back together ASAFP!

Anonymous said...

2:10. Time will tell!!!

Shaley said...


Anonymous said...

STFU all you people who are going on and on about Adam's and Sauli's break-up. If you want to discuss it, please do so elsewhere.

Back to topic, Adam looked amazing on the red carpet. He has the stride of a professional model including his hand in his pocket AND his performance was one of the best I've ever heard PLUS he looked a treat. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's clobber & shoes & the Award he won is very special. I don't think he looks unhappy at all and if he is unhappy, he's disguising it extremely well. He and Sauli broke up a while ago now so give it a rest, folks and move on with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Naked Love is one of my absolute favs of all Adam's songs and I'm glad he sang it because it's an upbeat, happy song and Adam sang it brilliantly as he did Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

The pics of Adam receiving the award are my favorites. When Adam smiles, the whole world smiles. :-)

Anonymous said...

3:02 pm

Oh yes it will!!! Still laughing:DDDD

Anonymous said...

Commenting anything Adam related should be okay here (VERY OFTEN here are comments that have NOTHING to do with Adam) - as long as the comments are respectful. Often there are comments about his earlier boy friends here, too. And almost every guy together in a pic with Adam creates a fuss STFU yrself telling anyone to STFU.

Anonymous said...

Above comment for 9:13pm