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Latest Pictures: Adam Lambert Leaving Bootsy Bellows nightclub in Beverly Hills

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 6, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 06, 2013

VIA Socialitelife:

Singer Adam Lambert was spotted rocking some new eyeglasses as left Bootsy Bellows nightclub in Beverly Hills, CA last night (April 5, 2013). He gave a little smile for the paparazzi, which is always a nice thing to see.


Anonymous said...

Are there actually lenses in those frames? It doesn't seem as if there are. Maybe he is just modeling the frames for an advert. Going for a new look maybe? Whatever it is, Adam does look good. He's not sitting home, brooding, isolating himself after the breakup with Sauli. I am sure he has so many friends willing to go out with him to have a few drinks and some fun.

Anonymous said...

not bad, not bad at all. Freaking like the hair too.

Anonymous said...

His hair looks gorgeous, I love the color, and I love the glasses on him too, he looks very classy.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha those glasses have no lenses.

Anonymous said...

Adam, as magnetic as ever. I can't stop looking, cuz I don't wanna stop. Ad astra, Adam!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's natural hair color really suits him.

Anonymous said...

He was playing a joke on the paparazzi. There a friends. LOL

Anonymous said...

The glasses match the shoes. I think Adam pulling our leg here. Funny!

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM's 'new look' suits him perfectly .. Classy & Digified & Sooo ATTRACTIVE!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

He looks so damn cute, I just love this guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam wears contacts, right? I think these glasses look very cute on him. They're just an accessory, like necklace or something. He's just so darn cute with everything he wears. Even dorky stuff look great on him. And boy, does he know it! These pix are really fun. They paps are eating him up. YUM!


Anonymous said...

He looks like a naughty, naughty professor. Sign me up!

DRG (just had to add that)

Anonymous said...

Adam can pull off any look, but I love this new look on him, he looks classy but still trendy, love that the glasses match his shoes, he really knows how to put it together.

Anonymous said...

The split made me realise that I've spent an endless number of hours of my ADULT life following people that are total strangers to me. I guess I was in love with love.

Time to get my life back. From now on I intend to buy the music and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

11:12 am

YUP!! Me too!

Anonymous said...

These beautiful eyes and eyebrows should never be hidden behind a pair of glasses. Have to admit that he looks gorgeous, though.

Anonymous said...

He is being naughty, just checked his twitter and he says the glasses were just a joke, they belong to a friend, he says we all take him so seriously. Naughty boy.

Anonymous said...

They are sunglasses with removable lenses.

He is dorkilicious though :)

Anonymous said...

@ DRG......JAK here......not a good idea to take a class just because the professor is scrumptious. I actually did that and ended up in Biological Science having to cut up frogs, earthworms, acid wash road kill and reassemble the bones.
But the absolute worst was watching a giant snake pounce on a baby bunny and s-l-o-w-l-y swallow it! Second semester the prof. Didn't look so good to me so I quietly withdrew from the class.......the Political Science teacher was homely but the class was interesting and never made me want to barf!

Lesson learned.....Lust Isn't Everything! ^o^

Anonymous said...


I was thinking the same thing, he looks like a professor..

I'd stay after class with him anytime, for some extracurricular activities..( - :


Anonymous said...

Long time fan here. Just a note to Sauli's fans. There have been instances that Adam's fanbase helped out Adam's exs. Please don't degrade us or Adam for this break up. Adam remained as a loving friend with his exs. I am sure he and some of us will help Sauli when he reaches out for helping hands.

tea said...

Adam is mesmerizing. I love looking at him, so glad he likes to be looked at. ♥

tea said...

Never heard of removable sunglasses lenses. Why? I'd probably leave the sunglasses lay and be left with only the lenses.

Anonymous said...

JAK and NKlovesAdam, I've had my share of cute teachers, too, and they weren't always the best, just nice to look at. I guess Adam could teach a class called "How To Wear Anyting In Your Closet and Make It Look Hot." I would sign up for THAT one! JAK, my uncle was bio major and had to feed his bull snake (gentle) live food including little mice. I was about 12 at the time and watched the snake in its cage chase the poor mouse and swallow it slowly as it squeaked and squeaked even after it was a lump way down inside the snake. The circle of life......Boy, Adam's cute glasses sure take these conversations to crazy places.

To those here who said that from now on theyll just buy the music but not stay on the fansites, I say good for you and I hope you buy LOTS of Adam's music whenever it comes out. I love sharing my love for Adam on his fansites. For me, sharing our thoughts enhances the love of his music even more. We knew it wouldn't always be a smooth ride, and bpy we were right!


Anne Marie said...

I understand their problem, and hurtful as it is,it is the only answer, unless one of them decides to give up his career, and that won't happen. Sauli has said that his TV program, is a dream of a lifetime. Adam is already working on his dream of a lifetime. We will see what the future brings for them, I hope love and happiness. Thankfully they both have a lot of faithful friends who will be there for both of them.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks happy,so I'm happy

Anonymous said...

11:12 and 11:18 -- I tried that before. Was back on here a few days later. You will as well :))

Anonymous said...

His hair is now really close to what I assume would be his natural color. Looks totally amazing and makes him look younger.

Anonymous said...

He had me fooled with those glasses too.

Anonymous said...

So what is going on here some people that followed Adam didn't know he was human.I did, the break up did not shock me just want them to be happy.If anyone trys to figure it out that would be a big waste of time & energy.Unless you have walked in their shoes you have no idea, I have been divorced twice beleive me the advice people tried to give me I could have done with out.Love Adam waiting for new music he has a lot of talent to share.blueeyes

Anonymous said...

I suppose Adam like being so thin...but time to stop. Sure there been much stress in his life of late. Breakup take their toll. Pictures I have seen of Sauli lately show he is very happy. That alone is telling.

Anonymous said...

LOLS to long time fan - are your for real? In view of the fact that we haven't been able to help Adam to even a middling hit on his second cd, I would suggest that holding out the possibility of favours to Sauli or any of Adam's future friends is a bit self-aggrandizing.

What great gifts can we dispense to Sauli, anyway? He is barely on twitter, has never openly courted us and posts almost exclusively in Finnish. What can we ever do for him? Are we gonna start watching Finnish TV?

Since Adam needs as many people as possible to buy his 3rd cd, perhaps we shouldn't accuse heartbroken people who came to Adam through Sauli of degrading us because they need a break from the online crapfest. JMO

Anonymous said...

Snakes in captivity eat dead food just fine. No reason to feed live animals to them in captivity.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just adoring to look at!:)

He is who he is and we all love him for that:)

Carry on my Rock God!!


Anonymous said...

11:57 I understand and agree with your comment completely.

Anonymous said...

Adam should wear specs more often.

Anonymous said...

The trolls on this site are tame conpared to all the nasty comments on other news sites once they got the story of Adams and Saulit break up. I have never seen such filth! I hope they can both search out friends to support and help them threw this ajustment time.

Anonymous said...

Sauli (sorry sp)

Anonymous said...

through not threw (I've got fat fingers.)

Anonymous said...

I read the article on Yahoo Music about the split and the comments were disgusting! Such hate for a "gay couple"...geez give 'em a break! Such ignorant people... just awful. There are over 1,000 comments. I only scrolled down to the first 50 or so and that was quite enough for me.

I'm so grateful we have this site to come to for sharing our feelings of love and respect for Adam and whoever he chooses to love. "Love is Love" as Adam would say.

Adam's hair is soooo gorgeous in these pics...drool. What a handsome, classy guy. The eyeglass frames are a joke I hear? OK, well Adam you look really good in them!


Anonymous said...

had to check out Yahoo are so right..the comments are really is hard to believe that there are so many narrow minded idiotic bigots in the world..wouldn't it be nice if people would just educate themselves and know that we are all on this planet together and we should strive to accept each other, despite any and all differences among you Adam..I will love and support you for the rest of my life...

tea said...

Yup the trolls here are relatively tame for an open forum 2:11 PM. ;)

In the beginning there was 3 times I swore to never return here. Fortunately I never posted about it. Now I don't even pretend to be leaving. When I do it will be quietly without any grand announcements.

It's Adam information I'm searching for here and it's a good source.

Anonymous said...

Adam is trending #3 on Yahoo home page right now.

Anonymous said...

The Yahoo article about the split was no. One few hours ago and yes the comme t dection is disgusting. Also if check celeb. Articles on Yahoo you'll notice the sme trolls commente the same disgusting comments. Yahoo should have a control on its comment section. Crazy people are every where we got couple of them on this site.

Anonymous said...

I marvel at the energy and stamina of homophobes on computers.

Adamluv said...

And on this very site too. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Go leave a nice message on the MSN Wonderwall mentioned in the previous thread. Maybe we can get a positive comment story on trending on MSN.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to waste my time reading a thousand hateful comments on Yahoo or anywhere else for that matter. They are always so ignorant and upsetting. I want to support Adam, not deal with all the muckraking on the internet.

HK fan said...

actually many snakes in captivity won't eat dead food....mine included!!

Anonymous said...

U can buy those cool geeky glasses at

Only $9.99!!!

She is a dance pop diva...