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More Pictures from Miami Gay Pride 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

Whoa sure looks like a lot of fun happy you have been honoured with the Miami Key and your Trespassing song made history as an anthem.


Anonymous said...


Pan said...

Lam-my , good morning, here's 9:40
Waiting for our fellow Glamberts
who were at the Parade to post their comments and , maybe, better vids, let me make a confession.I've been hiding a terrible secret since I became interested in the matter, in acceptance speeches.I...I am maliciously amused whenever I listen to stupid shallow, irrelevant speeches given by stars paid with millions of $, simple lists of names of producers, family members read from a sheet of paper, tears in their eyes... .
Great opportunity for a huge laugh.
That's why I am triumphantly happy now that Adam's improvised acceptance speech was so smart and funny!
PS Tom Hanks' speech when he received one of his Oscars is an exception though.

Anonymous said...

Hey good afternoon, 3 pm here. Adam is a natural, he just says what's on his mind; but probably one day when he needs to give a formal speech, he might just jot down or cursorily memorise some points but mostly off the's a gift. :)


Anonymous said...

Good sound on this - Trespassing and Naked Love

Anonymous said...

Lol I love that how Johnny is looking that what a heck Adam is doing. Maybe Johnny have a little crush.

Also nice to see Sauli out and happy with his friends

Anonymous said...

I'm not liking many of Adam's friends, but Johnny is my fave. I wonder if Sauli has been on a date yet. I hope soon..

Anonymous said...

Is that Terrance's boyfriend with Adam and Terrace on stage?

Anonymous said...

2:26 AM No that's not Terrance's bf.

Anonymous said...

The sexiest new song I know at the moment is Cupid by the Hurts. It would be a perfect Adam and Sauli anthem, but since they are no longer lusting for each other, I'll have to imagine them with someone else, lol.


Say a little prayer for me
Cupid, shoot your arrows into me
I feel lust like a sick disease
And my blood ignites when I hold you close to me

And I'll never let you go
Cupid, I'll never let you go
(I'll never let you go)

Bring my lover to her knees
Pierce her skin and make her fall in love with me
'Cause I swear I'll make you bleed
If you break my heart when I hold you close to me

I'll never let you go
Cupid, I'll never let you go
(I'll never let you go)

Cupid, Cupid

I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go

Anonymous said...

@2:15 AM I like Johnny too and also Terrance and happy for him that he has a boyfriend and is very much in love.

I doubt that Sauli has yet time to date when they are still filming his TV show.

Anonymous said...

Adam will always be Adam! Incredible to see him having fun.

Anonymous said...

Adam has some awesome friends.
Run of the mill and boring they are not, thankgoodness.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:39 a m

Personally I think the lyrics sound sick - the barf kind of sick.
That's a love song?

Anonymous said...

@4:21 The best part is that Adam gets to spend the whole summer with his friends.

Anonymous said...

Terence's BF didn't come with him. He tweeted that. He and Johnny are Adam's BFF's from before he was famous. Good wing men.

Anonymous said...

@4:30 That's one of my favorite tunes at the moment. Very sexy, imo. The band is British and I like them a lot. You probably get the sickening feeling because this isn't a Tommy's type of song. Sauli has curly hair like Cupid.

Anonymous said...

Who's the guy on the stage with Adam and Terrance?

Anonymous said...

Well, the Tommycrays used to barf a lot.

Anonymous said...

Adam's in great voice! Looks like they were having a great time. Can't wait for more vids!


Anonymous said...

I personally think Adam was speaking his heart when he said he just wants to be a singer.
Everyone who loves Adam loves him for his glittery self not his orientation. He owes nothing to a cause except being himself. Adam is an incomparable performer so why no band and backup so EVERYONE straight,gay or whatever could be there for the ENTERTAINMENT>:)

Anonymous said...

Miami Gay Pride is a beach party. It is not a concert really.

Anonymous said...

It's the Glambert attitude. The gnt venues were small, smallest ga venues were about 300, but there were fights between fans.

Anonymous said...

Some fans do get really pushy, at one of Adam's concerts fans had been waiting from very early, later other fans came and tried to push them out of the way and these were older women who should have known better, their behaviour was quiet threatening to people who were simply waiting in line doing all the right things. I hate this, makes me ashamed to be a Glambert, gives everyone a bad name.

Anonymous said... Video of WWFM shows the size of crowd and Adam talking.

Anonymous said...

Have to admit Johnny has an amazing fit body in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Adam has known Terrance and Johnny for a long time. It's just a full circle for them.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:48 AM

No, you got that wrong, tommy also makes me barf.
It's the lyrics I find questionable

"Lust like a sick disease
Bring my lover to her knees
Pierce her skin
Cause I swear I'll make you bleed
If you break my heart
Cause I'll never let you go
Etc. etc. etc.

Sounds sadistic to me!

Anonymous said...

He did always speak of not being a poster boy for lgbt, things have changed.
other than in Europe and Asia. seems like the prides are the only shows he's getting booked in.
maybe he's content with not owning mainstreams vote as a popular artist therefore he's caving in.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli funny funny, its history folks, some just cant accept and that hysterical.

Anonymous said...

omg trolls coming out of the woodwork here. Anyhoo the festival and concert looked like great fun and I hope it will be duplicated in Pittsburgh where I am going to see him. My Aunt has tickets to see him in SD at the fair, she is so excited.

Anonymous said...

@9:14 AM You gotta take what you are given. Now he is heading to China.

Anonymous said...

@9:14AM I agree I think that is how his management is booking him, and he has had a variety of concerts (where is is AMAZING!) and other events. I guess it was just not enough to see such a short set, no special songs and no band. Right Glamberts ARE SPOILED! He is and always will be so beautiful. Especially when the paps catch him off guard. Naturally gorgeous and charismatic

Anonymous said...

Sauli has a full year of work, between Finland and US. I am sure that his trip to Finland this summer will be for editing the TV show, which will air in September. He is bound to do a few Tutkas with Katri, also. So that for at least one year he would not be seeing Adam. Adam also has a full year of work ahead of him. writing and singing for his new album. Also promoting it. He said after his album is finished he will be going on a long tour, so that is pretty much a year and half. They will both be happier apart, and not worrying about fitting their schedules, to see each other for a few days here and there. They have loads of friends and like to party. Who know what will happen in a couple of years. They both might find someone else. It will be harder for Adam because he is such a big star, and he has to figure out who likes him for himself or his stardom.I hope they both wind up with someone to love, but not rush into anything too soon.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.47

WHO are you? You write as you were their PA!!!
Do you actually KNOW anything for sure? If not, please stop presenting as you do.
"They will both be happier apart..." Geezzzz!!!
You mean YOU are happier when they are not together?

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