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New Miami Beach Gay Pride Poster! (Featuring Adam Lambert)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Freak I wish I was going to this, it will be a blast!! Nice to see the mayor as the grand parade marshall. I will see Adam and co. at the Pittsburgh Pride.Hope there will be many Glamberts and future Glamberts at both places.

Anonymous said...

Hot Darn!

Anonymous said...

Very Miami. - very Gay !

Anonymous said...

Wish I was in Miami this week instead of last week! But I'll be attending the San Diego concert with my friends in July. The rest of you going to Miami have fun.

Anonymous said...

Have fun all of you lucky peeps that are going. Hope we get great videos!Adam will put on a superb show!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy and have a blast Miami peeps! How can you not ? It's our RockGod Adam<3 Wish I could be there but I'm hoping to go to the SD show.


Anonymous said...

Adam -- this show with 60,000 + in attendance is a chance to showcase the USA how far you have come in the last 4 years, with all your recordings and worldwide shows alone and with QUEEN behind you. You're a real singer and performer, with an amazing stage presence and fabulous fashion sense. And, because you are humble and have a sense of humour, millions of fans worldwide now follow you on facebook and twitter and know your every move.

Anonymous said...

@MetrosourceMag: MetroNOW's Top 10 Potential New Partners for @adamlambert (including @DLanceBlack @chriscolfer @mikasounds) ---

Anonymous said...

Love that pic. It has such class. Is it from Lee Cherry's series on Adam?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Fan club
INFO: World Clock, Twitter List etc ADAM LAMBERT at Miami Beach Pride April 14 2013 8pm.
Twitter List by @AdamSaulilove66:
World Clock:
Adam Lambert
04/14/2013 – 8:00pm
Price: Free
Details: Adam Lambert will be the headline performer at the Fifth Annual Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade and Festival, Sunday, April 14, 2013. He will perform for Pride-goers from the Main Stage in Lummus Park just off Ocean Drive between 11th and 12th Streets. His performance is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m.
See the full schedule here:
Video of last year's Pride:
Timeline Photos · 11 minutes ago ·
View Full Size

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert style:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert - Headline Performer - as he was born to be!!!YAY!nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

12:27, Thanks for the style break-down link. It's really very flattering to Adam over-all. Acknowleges his physical beauty, his innate sense of style, and his courage to go beyond the limits. His "mistakes" are few and far between.


Anonymous said...

@DRG I think a lot of men out there would love to make his "mistakes." lol Except for the long hair and poncho, I've never seen him look bad. He could and would rock a burlap bag. HaHa

Anonymous said...

Adam and Crystal Waters performing at the same event. It would be really cool if Crystal sang part of Naked Love with Adam.

funbunn40 said...

I'll be in Ft. Lauderdale 2 weeks later and it's killing me not to go! Have to comfort myself by knowing I'll see him in San Diego, but I'm greedy and want it all!!Have a great time y'all that will be there!