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New Picture of Adam Lambert in Hollywood last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 1, 2013

Posted at : Monday, April 01, 2013

Kiersey Clemons:

My mum chillin with Adam Lambert — with Kiersey Clemons and Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Such a wolfish grin. Arrrrgggghhhhhm i just want to............

Anonymous said...

Mums love Adam!

Anonymous said...

damn u for being such a minx:))reerrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Loving the hair!

Anonymous said...

they look hot together. she is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

hand on his pec. omg omgg omggg omggggg

Anonymous said...

Such a wolfie minx. Good God he tortures us!!!

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but this picture makes me so hot! OK, there, I said it. I bet he is warm, and smells so good and then just to be that close and look at him.
God is Sauli lucky!!!

Anonymous said...

Im glad that Adam is home and can spend time out doing things he enjoys which is socializing. His favorite. Hang with friends and do things that 31 year olds like to do.
Makes me happy to see that. He works so hard most of the time.

Anonymous said...

he's all up in her business.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, BABY!

Anonymous said...

One of the hottest photos of Adam ever! Those freaking lips and eyes and the hair and I can't take it!

tea said...

Another article about Adam's GLAAD award with a great picture attached. After these last few posted pics, it's nice to be reminded how well he cleans up. lol

Anonymous said...

I guess his plan did not work, it never does, LOL
I think mussed hair no makeup and huge fur collar, was meant to hide his face partially. He could come out stark naked with a bag over his head and he would still be recognized. LOL That is not Adams hand you see, but the lady's.

Anonymous said...

What is the weather in LA? Mom's nearly naked and Adam is bundled up like Eskimo?

I would like to think his hair and minimal makeup is a new trend...

Naked with a bag over his head? Really white skin and copper colored freckles,check. I'm guessing none of us would be sure about the rest, unless tatoos were showing! Oh, and the fact he's Jewish would be a hint.

Anonymous said...

So, it seem official. I mean Adam & Sauli

This boy next to Sauli deff isn't just a friend:(So sad, Adam&Sauli were such a great couple.

Anonymous said...

So, is this guy Finnish?

Anonymous said...

That is his finnish friend from Big Brother visiting LA

Anonymous said...

False alarm!

Anonymous said...

3:51 is definitely a trouble maker. That pic is of Sauli's friend who was on Big Brother Finland, Niko. He is married to a Miss Finland. Niko sometimes works in LA or may be in LA for Sauli's show.

Give it a rest with the trolling already.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT BITE fun friendly normal sane fans and 24/7 posters!! DO NOT BITE!!

Anonymous said...

Re: Comments about Adam's Easter ensemble, this thread and the previous one -

Adam has worn these pieces seperately and together ... and, damn, I LOVE the look. Cutting edge sexiness. Oh, Adam, Ouch!
Eat you UP.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Nice story at The Advocate on the GLAAD Award:

Singer-songwriter Adam Lambert will receive this year’s Davidson/Valentini Award at the 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards taking place May 11 in San Francisco.

"Adam Lambert's continued success as one of the world's best-selling pop stars shows LGBT people that they can be themselves and make it in a mainstream industry that many feel unfairly rejects them," GLAAD's Wilson Cruz said in a statement. "Adam is fearless on stage and astonishes audiences in every country he performs in."

Anonymous said...

@ 4:24 PM


Don't worry the real fans are still sane indeed!!!:)

Just have fun and don't let the speculations rise up!!:)))

Free your mind and the rest will follow!:))

Adam and Sauli are happy!!!!


Anonymous said...

If that is the mother, I wonder how great the son/daughter looks like. Adam is gorgeous as always...

Anonymous said...

Im so happy for Adam and Sauli and their success. I'm sure that Sauli's career taking off, only makes Adam happier.
They are both such beautiful souls and such good guys! I wish them all the success and happiness in the world.

Anonymous said...

so many beautiful cougars in the world of Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam opened up the U.S. to Sauli and made it possible to Sauli to make connections here and try something new to further his career. I'm sure he will be eternally grateful.

Anonymous said...

she has a kid old enough to tweet? lol

Anonymous said...

she has a kid old enough to tweet? lol

Anonymous said...

she has a kid old enough to tweet? lol

Anonymous said...

lickity lick lick lick she wanna lick that lollipop on a stick.

Anonymous said...

his face expression is like "damn girl".

Anonymous said...

How come ADam looks drunk on all of these photos? It is very nice to him without make-up. But this outfit and so much alchocol didn't impressed me at all:(

Anonymous said...

Yep, obviously still drunk on the smoothie sample. Nice try, though I'd be more horrified to see my mom in that outfit.

Anonymous said...

7.52 who give a s--t if your impressed, he looks great and he definitely does not look drunk.

Anonymous said...

out of subject. How come Adam doesn't want to visit Canada or NZ?What suprised me that it was sold just 7,300 albums in Canada in first week. Yes, it was #1 on the Canadian charts.But it has very poor sales in most of the countries.What is going on with this album?Is it cursed?

Anonymous said...

Have we covered every trolling subject yet? Relationship, check. Drunk, check. Outfit, check. No concert in certain places, check.

Anonymous said...

Please,vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

anon 3:51 I have seen a few youtube vids of Sauli and Nikko when then were on BB . I dont see how anyone who has seen these could doubt that they were more than friends. Nikko and Adam got into an argument the night Adam and Sauli were arrested for fighting . Is Nikkos wife with him on this trip ?Shes gorgeous .

Anonymous said...

5 hours between posts? Been busy?

Anonymous said...

HAL, I think that is an old poll. I forgot all about it!!

Anonymous said...

Niko in L.A. Niko and Sauli seems always to have fun together. Is Niko's wife Sofia in L.A. too?

Anonymous said...

@4:23 PM Sofia is not Miss Finland, she is Miss Helsinki. She is very beautiful. They got married with Niko last summer:

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Niko are a fun couple. Lots of laughing and goofing around whenever they meet, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Sauli wanted to spend Easter with Niko cause he is visiting in L.A.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a new hairstyle with that amount of hair he can do anything with it.

Anonymous said...

It seems that Adam and Sauli have again started to avoid each other like after that N.Y. trip. I mean there are pictures of them out with friends in L.A. but not pictures togehter.

Anonymous said...

Lord, give me strength to ignore the endless RELATIONSHIP crap or give me the strength to leave this site forever! Right now I'm at the tipping point. More pain or pleasure checking in dailyI think pain is winning

whatever the situation, they are handling it in a quiet sensible discreet way. Why can't you?

Anonymous said...

@3:52 AM What's your problem?

Anonymous said...

4:04 am

I think 3:52 pretty much flat out told you what the problem is!! Which part didn´t you get?

IMO this relationship hoopla has gone way overboard. There is nothing to tell, cause nothing has changed... no matter how hard we are trying to nitpick every little pic and detail.

Anonymous said...

I for one will be devastated if that happens but there's absolutely nothing you or I can do either way.

But what I find most disgusting is the ongoing hypocritical concern about those two breaking up, the endless posts produced by one or two sick individuals tied to their beds or locked in their apartments with nothing else to do.

Get help, eat your pills.

Anonymous said...

4:16 am

DITTO!!!! well said!

Anonymous said...

Lol what concern? I think it's just interesting gossip. People who are tweeting crap to adam and his friends are disturbed for sure but not people chatting about it on a website.

Anonymous said...

Just this relationship BS just going around Adam and Sauli or is it common in every celebrity fansites??

I don´t follow those and if it´s common...boy what a tough road to follow for those celebs.

And there´s no point whining why Adam and Sauli don´t do this and that...since when have they done what other people say???? Nevah!! Kudos to them!!

Anonymous said...

Love the scruffy look for a change not that Adam doesn't look good cleaned up. He's got the best hair and the rest of his attributes aren't too hard on the eyes either.


Anonymous said...

@4:21 AM Yeah of course people I gossip. If you don't like it don't read it.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:04 am. My problem is it.s BORING!

Anonymous said...

C'mon Glamberts, Darren Criss is winning. PLEASE VOTE FOR ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

Niko's wife is absolutely STUNNING!!!

Anonymous said...

Who are the morons making up asbolute rubbish about Adam and Sauli? Nice try, morons but you won't succeed in breaking them up with all your utter nonsense ad nauseam.

Anonymous said...

Adam's got the "cougar on the prowl" look. ;-)

Anonymous said...

@4:57 What are you talking about? If you have doubts of their relationship it means that you are trying to breaking them up? That is utter nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Thers no doubt in my mind. Adam and Sauli are no longer a couple. Movin on ... Is Adams next performance in Miami ? Or San Diego ?

Anonymous said...

C'Mon peeps, those of us who use this fun site in the appropriate way, IGNORE... the power of IGNORING is so much more great and influential!! We are doing well, let's get back to ignoring. Contrary opinions well stated always welcome, us sane participants know that, people just trying to get a rise and a cheap thrill probably need to focus more elsewhere, let's allow them to do that by ignoring their efforts here!!!!!!

Here's a stale thought, but I just can't help it: OMG Adam is soooo... BEYOND! ;)

Anonymous said...

If Adam and Sauli have broken up, why do they both seem so happy? Doesn't make sense, in all their photos I've seen no sign of unhappiness just smiles and you can tell they are both enjoying life, this tells me they must still be together. Most relationships after a few years mellow couples grow to trust each other and don't need to spend every hour of the day together and catch up where they can, it's perfectly normal.

Anonymous said...

Just read the speculation in the comments on this thread. Well, I guess that's what keeps Glambert's ticking until the next Tour.
Adam and Sauli are still together.

Anonymous said...

6:18 AM
Lol, just because you see someone smile in a pic you don't really know how they are feeling.

and maybe they are both ready to move on and that's why they are so happy! You think they can't be friendly and happy ex's? The break up rumors started months ago - they have had time.

Anonymous said...

AL is gettin' his cougar fix on.

Anonymous said...

she wants his butta yum yum

Anonymous said...

maybe they have a open relationship. Dolly Parton has for years and her ole man is still hanging around getting lovin' whenever he wants it.

Anonymous said...

Someone on here is majorly obsessed with trolls and their trollisms.

HK fan said...


I stay away for a few days in the hope that life is back to normal in the land of 24/7, but nope, no such luck.
God, they're like broken records with this Sauli stuff, don't you ever get tired of typing the same crap again, and again and again...cos we sure as heck get fed up reading it.

Anonymous said...

I hate to interrupt Heartbreak Hotel on here but I just got tickets to see Adam in Pittsburgh in June. YAY. ok back to the melodrama.

Anonymous said...

@7:45 AM Lol. This is better than The Bold and The Beautiful. I watched it years ago and it still goes on...

Anonymous said...

Lol! It`s not easy to be Adam. Some fans insist he is with TJ, some I believe even think he is with Kris. Some of us wants him to be with Kesha. He has been with Sauli and now it seems to be end so now there is another group of fans who also insist that they are soulmates and nothing can ever make them go apart.. How many parner he actually have!!?? ;) It`s not easy to be Adam`s partner either. When he finds new love his new partner has to fight with TJ, Kris, Kesha and Sauli. I dont envy him..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam has a whole harem.

Anonymous said...

8:58 am

Yet again he has said how lonely he had been before Sauli got into his life...and he has had all those people mentioned above in his life way before he even laid his eyes on Sauli. He has said that he has never felt the way he feels with Sauli. So even when we don´t get constant and undying proof of their relationship, it doesn´t mean they don´t have it anymore. I think he wants to keep Sauli. But of course Sauli has his opinion as well. It makes me a bit angry that some people make Adam sound like he humps everything that moves. That is rude. They are entitled to our respect since they have done nothing to us.

Anonymous said...

This is 8:52. I didn`t mean that Adam has done nothing. I was refering us, his fans who think this and that.. We don`t know everything about Adam or Sauli or their relation or anything else. There has been this Adommy fan group and I was thinking is there going to be similar with Sauli fans? Of course it`s always sad when long relationship ends but there are millions way to end it. Some get bitter or depressed. Some are still friends. Sometimes it might be relief.. You never know about others private feelings and circumstances. But what ever their situation is they will survive and they are not blaiming each other in public. It seems to me that they are att least somekind of friends. So mayby we should enjoy life and have a faith that they are doing the same thing!

Anonymous said...

@8:52 AM He doesn't have to fight with TJ, Kris, Kesha and Sauli. First of all from those Sauli is the only real one ;) It fans who are causing problems for sure. I don't know how fans of Sauli will react but we have seen how nasty fans of TJ are to Sauli. Kris fans are so few and I have not ever hear of Kesha's fans badmouthing Sauli... .

Anonymous said...

7:45 way to go on the tix. I hear it is an outdoor concert and the weather is usually pretty nice in Pittsburgh in June.

Anonymous said...

So Adam and Sauli are still living together and Niko is visiting at their home?

Anonymous said...

11:01 am

Yup! Seems to be the case. Oh the disappointment to

Anonymous said...

It looks like Niko came by Adam's place but there is no way to know if Sauli lives there. I used to visit my ex after I moved out.

Anonymous said...

11:08 am

Oh my god!!! This is so hilarious!!! Dream on!!

and you know what...and if an aunt had balls, she´d be an uncle:D

Anonymous said...

11:08 am

Must be sad always to find something negative in life. Your visits with your ex has nothing to do with A and crack me up!:D

Anonymous said...

Lol you dumb-dumbs. Adam and Sauli are obviously still friends. Just because Sauli and Niko stopped by Adam's apt to show him the view doesn't mean Sauli is living there. Use some common sense.

Anonymous said...

11:22 am

I´m so excited for you!! You were with Niko and Sauli!! Tell me how it was?? Please share your valid information...

Anonymous said...

Dont you remember the pictures of Adam and Drake hanging out after they broke up. The many, many times we saw Adam and Brad together long after they broke up. It doesn't prove anything about where Sauli is living. Adam might not even have been there

Anonymous said...

And the obsessed one is who now??

Anonymous said...

And the only place just to look at the view and a pool in LA is Adam´s and Sauli´s home...must be no other reason to be

Anonymous said...

At Adam's pool at Niko just stopped by, rang the doorbell on his way to the hotel, like, hi, can I get in, I've always wanted to see your pool.

I don't think Niko and Adam are that close.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a troll and the 100% certainty of being called one, here I go, LOL.
Why is everyone here so obsessed about Adam's love life with another man when most(I may be wrong)of you here are straight women drooling over Adam and making sexual comments and innuendos?
I don't think it's very respectful of their relationship, do you?

Anonymous said...

And Niko is not gay, so he can't be Adam's new toy boy either. Or maybe he is bi, after all? Anyways, I must say that he's got a very nice physique and some sexy tattoos on his body.

Anonymous said...

11:56 am...

AMEN to that!!:)

Anonymous said...

11:53 AM
Welll Niko and Adam are facebook friends. Niko leaves comments on Adam's pictures. So yes I think it is quite likely that Sauli would take Niko over to Adam's place to say Hi.

Anonymous said...

Anyone in here having psychology major?? Here´s some excellent resource material for your studies!!

Anonymous said...

12:06 pm

Sauli doesn´t have to take Niko to say hello. He´s already there:)

Anonymous said...

Such fun!

Anonymous said...

Where is Sofia?

Anonymous said...

That pool looks very dangerous to me, think if they get pissed, someone may fall, and I mean out of the rooftop, not the pool.

Anonymous said...

@11:58 AM He may be bi or then not. Their friendship with Sauli was very sweet and boyish when they were in BB house and the way they looked each other...

Anonymous said...

12:15 pm

This is getting so interesting. Now people here think they know Niko too. Amazing!

Anonymous said...


and no, that's not Adam on the right :))))

Anonymous said...

@12:17 Well kind of... Sauli and Niko had their own fans when they were in BB house and after that who also made a lot of cute videos like this:

Kind of reminds me of Adam and Tommy but their fans were not so fanatic and claimed that they were a real pair.

Anonymous said...

@4 24 am, I dont think this kind of BS goes on in other fansites with other celebrities.
Fans are making a mockery of Adams relationship with his boyfriend because they are 2 men.
I've never heard of such rubbish.
NO one speaks of other artists men or women like fans do Adams.
If he was heterosexual, you'd not be hearing of his significant other like fans googoo over Sauli.
So dis respectful!!!!!!!
I would be embarrassed, if Adam knows anyone of this BS he's either laughing his ass off or puking to think how people are so not right.

Anonymous said...

why would any fan be devasted in a relationship breaking up?

no one knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Adam will take care of Adam.

I was a fan before Sauli, will be a fan during & after, if that is whats to be.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:33 PM

Don't worry too much, people still love Adam to bits, he is fascinating in every possible way and it's only the humorless twats (sorry..) who keep on fussing about his relationship, ie. whether it's currently on or off.

I think it is ok to crack a few jokes about those two every now and then. I'm sure the boys are very much in love with each other, no matter what goes on over here or in social media in general.

Anonymous said...

12:33 pm

This is 4:24 am...I suspected this much.

I`m so happy and thanking God that Adam and Sauli support each other and are strong in mind. This mocking has really gotten out of hand:(

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM

Lol what are you babbling about? omg so silly

Anonymous said...

Niko's visit has something to do with Sauli's TV show.

Anonymous said...

Who is Niko friends with that lives in LA besides Sauli?

Anonymous said...

Where is the pic of the pool and Niko? I would like to see Niko at the pool :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah me too:) the man has nice bod:)

Anonymous said...

So Sauli said in his blog just now that he´s been filming EVERY day. So no easter days off. Happy for him:)

Anonymous said...

So who votes that they are still together? Hands up!

Anonymous said...

I vote that they are still together cause there is a pic of Niko at the pool and Sauli has been working EVERY day!

Anonymous said...

Case closed.

Anonymous said...

My hands are up!:)

Anonymous said...

Of course they are together. Adam can never give up on Sauli and the same goes for Sauli, too.

Anonymous said...

JFC, does this have to happen every time?

Time for moderation at this site.

Anonymous said...

Actually there is a picture of Adam with a guy last night and he tweeted this.

‏Artur_world 1 Apr
Dancing with @adamlambert lol

So Adam was out dancing last night. Sauli and Niko might have stopped by while Adam was out.

Anonymous said...

Here is the cute guy

Anonymous said...

3:43 pm

Now did you miss the lol?:) Stirring with full force aren´t you?:)

Anonymous said...

3:43 pm

Yup! With Sauli´s keys to his home:)

Anonymous said...

@ 12:07 PM

You were looking for a psychology major? Here I am, plus neuroscience and behavior studies.

And no, I don't want any of these posters as subjects for study. I'm not that hard up.

Anonymous said...
