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Adam Lambert Tweets New Video

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 1, 2013

Posted at : Monday, April 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

nice looking new line. good job Brian.

Anonymous said...

I see one of those tshirts in Adam's future :)

Anonymous said...

I hope its not the pants!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please help vote, Adam is losing

Anonymous said...

Brian is infinitely talented. So much to offer in so many arenas. And I just loved how well spoken he was in the early years of SYTYCD... don't like many reality shows, but watched that one early on and Brian was a great asset to those years, so articulate and poised!

Anonymous said...

He's had a long line of credits with X/Factor and other televised programs and such after those early years of SYTYCD in US, I know, I just never watched any of that programming... but as I said, I really enjoyed his poise and manner, 'though direct, on the SYTYCD Judge's panel in those early episodes.