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Paula Abdul Tweets Support for Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 14, 2013


jt said...

Like the natural hair color coming in the back, wonder if he will ever let it grow out. Must be annoying to constantly have to dye hair.

Anonymous said...

Paula is always so supportive of Adam. I love when I re watch Adam's AI performances the reactions Paula had. She said he would be iconic someday, there is no doubt in my mind. He has already accomplished so much and much more to come! The view of his chest has been very distracting all day lol!

Anonymous said...

yes verrry distracting and the robe and the thought of no robe. He is just without compare. sigh.......Adam I heart you. :)

Anonymous said...

Did I say I love all the Adam skin we're seeing? :)
Niiiiice gif!

Anonymous said...

Paula is a great friend to Adam. Remember, she had even remembered seeing him in a play before Idol.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if there will be a live stream of tonight's gig???

Anonymous said...

I hope to see more tonight!!!!!:)

Nice chest going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!:)

Holy Moly Boy he is really MIAMI HOTTTTTTTTTTT!!:)

Just waiting baby!:)

My tea and chocolate are ready for his performance tonight!!:)


tea said...

OT @ Canadian
tea and chocolate? you mean black tea and a chocolate candy bar or chocolate mixed in your tea?

Anonymous said...

sexy adam lambert- seductive as always- someday adam lambert becoem a MAYOR OF MIAME? OR GOVERNOR OF MIAME AND ALSO USA PRESDIENT HES A REAL AMERICAN BORN THAN OBAMA ;

Anonymous said...

Twitter is complaining because some older glamberts apparently once again took the front row from the cute young girls and boys...

I'm 26 years old and even I consider myself too old to hog the front row...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is anyone's live stream working yet?

Anonymous said...

Looks like funbunn made it!

Kyle Collins ‏@KyleCollins 27m
72-yr-young Sharon says: "I'd rather rock with @adamlambert than rock in a rocking chair!" #awesome #glambert @funbunn40 #MiamiBeachPride

Anonymous said...

Nothing on livestream yet. ‏@KyleCollins said soon about 20 min. ago.

glitzylady said...

LOL! I was just going to post the Kyle Collins tweet about @funbunn40 :))) She's famous!

Jadam NZ said...

I cant get the live stream here yet either, so came here to see whats going on. Thanks for the update.
Yay for funbunn40.

Anonymous said...

HELP!!! where is the link to the live stream?????

Anonymous said...

@5:23 The live stream is posted two threads back. But, it's not working at least not for me or it hasn't gone live yet.

Jadam NZ said...

Link is back on Sexy photos of Adam, Johnny and Terrance thread.
Scroll down to the second one first wasn't correct

Jadam said...

Not working for me yet way down here in NZ but I gather no one has it yet? Is this right.

glitzylady said...

No livestream "live" yet..he hasn't come on stage of this minute.

Anonymous said...

It is not working or it is not live yet but if you search kylecollins on twitter you can at least follow the live tweets.

Anonymous said...

Not working here in fla. :-(......JAK

Anonymous said...

JFC...That chest!!!

choons said...

I'm just letting this gif of Adam's open shirt play over and over - mesmerizing.

Anonymous said...

Can't be home for the livestream, but will watch tomorrow for vids, I hope! He looks wonderful. The show will be great. Paula, we feel your love for Adam. You knew his potential from the moment you saw him. YOU WERE SO RIGHT!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Adam inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Paula is a major fangirl::))

Anonymous said...

Kyle Collins just posted a pic. I think Adam is just starting.

Anonymous said...

Chest shirts should come with drool bibs attached.

glitzylady said...

Livestream is not so great..sound is awful..but I appreciate the effort

Pic of Adam from @KyleCollins

Anonymous said...

Why no band or backup singers for this event? I remember Adam saying it would be full band. Anyone?

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam's interview and the interviewer said what can we expect at your concert and he said I am bringing my two dancers with me, nothing about the whole band. The whole band will be at the Pittsburgh show.

Shiggles said...

OT Congratulations to Adam Scott first Australian to win the Masters and the Green Jacket at Agusta, Georgia. Congratulations to our Aussie fans, they have two Adams to love today!!!

Anonymous said...

I give up...will just wait for videos....JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks @6:30.PM I missed the band and I'm sure Adam did. Hope he brings the glitter to PA.

Anonymous said...

Its very selfish for the same ole same ole fans in the front row.
Adam must get sick of seeing there faces.
Let some other fans enjoy the show.

Young or old, boy or girl, he needs new faces at shows.

Jadam NZ said...

I gave up to JAK, although it was half over by the time I got it working anyway, but the sound was unlistenable(is this are word?)
Looking forward to the videos and funbunn40 and Brownies accounts of actually being there.
Better go and do something now I have spent nearly all my day off sitting at this computer. LOL

Jadam NZ said...

I gave up to JAK, although it was half over by the time I got it working anyway, but the sound was unlistenable(is this are word?)
Looking forward to the videos and funbunn40 and Brownies accounts of actually being there.
Better go and do something now I have spent nearly all my day off sitting at this computer. LOL

Jadam said...

Sorry, for double post,?????

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the old fans and I agree, let someone else enjoy this amazing man.

daydreamin said...

I figured that hair might go up due to humidity in Florida. Is it humid there yet? Anything is humid compared to West Coast. LOL.

Pauli is GREAT to Adam! I too am stuck on that last gif of the open shirt. He must feel so much better with his spray tanned bod!

Anonymous said...

Up next
April 18: TV, China. Star TV 17th China Music Awards/Global Mandarin Chart Awards in Macau, China. Adam is nominated for “Most Popular International Artist”. Adam will perform two songs and walk the red carpet.

Anonymous said...

Something to check out while we wait in case you've not been there

Anonymous said...

I only got to see Adam in person in Houston once he sounded great. I could not see him very well but oh that voice I was in he daughter did it for my birthday, other daughter went with me. I have always said I could die happy if I could see him close like front row. It's not selfish no matter how you are if you never got any where near the first row before. However if the same people do it over and over it is not fair. How do they do it, it's not that easy is it to get front row ones. I have a feeling and have heard some fan clubs get first pick somehow of lot of he show tickets in America, if true that is absolutely not fair to other Glambert's no matter how old or young or girl or guy different people should have a chance at that front roll even second roll! I had a terrible week my husband had tests run and still not feeling well, we both have simular problem but he may need operation he going in dr. This week may have to take him tomorrow. Came here a bit to get away from it all a bit! Actually both if us need operations, lots of fun! Hope to see vid's soon of Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...

Vot for Adam -Socialite Life's Cheritable Celebrrities

Anonymous said...

It was sooo frustrating trying to get those ustreams to work. They totally put my computer in a real funk and froze it completely! I had it ready to go plus the Twitter feed hours before showtime so I wouldn't lose time trying to find it LOL! I gave up after 1 hr and 15min. of trying. I even made my granddaughters wait for dinner while I sat at the computer trying to get it to work. Finally, I felt guilty about the granddaughters waiting so long LOL! They said, "Is this an Adam Lambert thing?" Yep, isn't it always?LOL! Thank you to all the posters for links, videos, Tweets etc.

The open shirt gif has to be one of my favorites evah! WoW!Chestbert lives! And, Adam in the white robe also a fav.

Think I'll go back and rewatch the open shirt gif a few more times :)


Magiclady said...

God I love this gif!!!
We are seeing a little more chest every so often now. More!

Anonymous said...

Can't think of anyone who would look good in this printed jumpsuit look EXCEPT ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

I adore this matching jacket and pants. It really suits Adam, and seeing a little extra upper bod is an extra special treat!! :-D

Anonymous said...

The gif is YUMMOS!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam must get tired of always seeing the same people in the front every time. Come on ladies, give some other people a chance.

Shaley said...

All's fair in love and the front row. May the fastest & most determined person win.

Anonymous said...

Great Paula's a support but heck the world is in there too, big time

Anonymous said...

Saw Adam pre-Idol and knew then
how 'iconic' Adam was going to become. He was always amazing.

Anonymous said...

Yep, shame some of the boys lost out on the front as this was their night.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Adam is sick of seeing any fan faces, without those faces, no jobs for Adam. Don't begrudge the people who get front row seats, it 's not a fan beauty contest is it?
You have an ugly attitude, Not
something Adam would approve of I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I think those fans who went to miami are the real Adam fans. They went to see Adam not the backing band.

Anonymous said...

@ April 14, 2013 at 11:37 PM
If you want front row, do what you have to to get there. To stroll in and expect the old people to fall back for you won't always happen.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, some of you don't think Adam would like to see some new fans up front? Everybody says how magical it is to see Adam up close so you don't want Adam to have the chance to win over some new fans that way? After being in the front a dozen times some of these regulars can't be three or four rows back to give somebody else a chance? Not everybody has the time or money that they do. Some of us can't fly all over the US and the world to see Adam or take a day off work to stand in line all day.

Anonymous said...

5:08, without new fans there won't be more concerts. Looks has nothing to do with it, it's certain entitled fans always being up front.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, some elderly fans are too entitled. I think in Helsinki too, some foreign fans who had seen Adam more times than the young local fans ever will, called Finnish fans rude for going in front of them.

Anonymous said...

It's not the age that is the issue, it's the behavior and attitude.

Anonymous said...

@6:10 where have you seen rude 18-30 fans in Adam's concert?

Anonymous said...

The so-called fans slapping each other around is worse than the trolls. At least I know where the troll stands.

Anonymous said...

It's the Glambert attitude. The gnt venues were small, smallest ga venues were about 300, but there were fights between fans

Anonymous said...

I bet the cougars were all up in the front row enjoying the sights.

Anonymous said...

Each to their own for sure but I have seen some fans who have been totally uncourteous in their approach to hitting the front of the venue. Infact some of the moves you could write a book about.

Anonymous said...

Adam has already said he's like to see more guys at venues amongst the ladies.

Anonymous said...

We too saw Adam prior to AI and he was fantastic then. ALways a show stopper.

Anonymous said...

Most people were out enjoying the Pride events and parade, not camped out in front of the stage all day.

I'm one of the ones who can't take a day off of work to stand in line. I would also like to see new people or the community the event was for get a chance to be up front.

Anonymous said...

8 14 so would Adam, do not let the stingies fool you.
Course they dont have a life other than Adam, they have time to starve, and go dirty.
wait in line for days, Adam himself wouldnt engage in such measures.

Anonymous said...

Geez y'all make going to concerts sound like so much fun!!!
I'm glad I gave it up years ago. Before it became so cut-throat......JAK