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Sexy Picture of Adam Lambert at Gay Pride

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, April 14, 2013

VIA Edison Sobesocialclub: Miami Beach Gay Pride! Best year ever!
With Adam Lambert — with Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, this is my favourite little sexy black singlet! Oooh-la-la! Very touched by Miami, honouring you with the beautiful key that opens our hearts. And yes your high notes and energy soar once again..."100% back in the game!" Hmm kungfu sifu says: China! Here I come! Watch out! lol! They're always on the watchout anyway. lol!


Anonymous said...

lol! lol! lol! ?????

Anonymous said...

Adam must be shaving his chest hair. We know that he has it. He's showing more skin down in Miami. His chest looks very buff and tight! YUM!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli could work as his personal trainer in the future, after the filming of his own show? And then they could have coffee & bagel afterwards... Lol.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli can become part of archive of this site. Cause everybody has moved on. Including Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:55
Not gonna happen.
Sauli will be and look around

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:55
Not gonna happen
Sauli will be here, read and look around. YAY!