TMZ Thinks Gay Kissing on Stage is an Adam Lambert Thing
Filed Under (news,Others ) by Admin on Saturday, April 27, 2013
Posted at : Saturday, April 27, 2013
"Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong pulled an Adam Lambert and kissed a male fan on the lips while on stage at a concet in England on Wednesday."
"No word if "GMA" will cancel any future Green Day performances."

"Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong pulled an Adam Lambert and kissed a male fan on the lips while on stage at a concet in England on Wednesday."
"No word if "GMA" will cancel any future Green Day performances."

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Billie joe is bisexual. So what?
one outraged step for man (Adam) giant step of acceptance for mankind.
No, they won't cancel Green Day; firstly, he has made his ton and firmly rooted in the music industry; won't make any difference even if they did. Secondly, he's not gay, perhaps bi-sexual, not sure. As Adam already pointed out much earlier, it's double-standard! So Adam though upholding his integrity and won't cower to this double-standard treatment, is quite cautious because basically he is just who he is and not at all out to offend anyone. Yes, Adam has in his own natural way given the LGBT community an identity, a face.
If not for Adam taking that first step this would be a BFD. Now it is just Billie Jie did an Adam Lambert. Breaking down doors. The Dark Side
Yes, TMZ you nailed it!
Hopefully Adam will be known for something other than that. He has proven himself to be the best singer and performer. I do admire the fact that Adam has definitely made a huge contribution in opening people's eyes. He has done so much for the LGBT community. I just want everyone's eyes wide open to accept his amazing music. That TJR provoked kiss should not be all anyone considers when they hear Adam Lambert's name. Good for Billie Armstrong. He has an established career already so no risk involved. Adam has been welcomed back by ABC so that is certainly a plus.
Cute that they used Adam's name but at a concert is different than on tv. It wouldn't be a big deal regardless if Adam had ever kissed Tommy or fans.
Has Adam been invited to perform on ABC's DWTS?
Bisexuality is not an orientation IMO but a choice and it's NOT about love but pure LUST.
you have pure lust in any orietation. Lust is fun.
@Anon 10:36 PM
I have a couple of bi-sexual friends who would beg to differ with you..Love is love. IMO.
Great, it's the "I don't believe in bisexuality" person again. Why don't you mind your own sexuality and stop talking about something you know nothing about. You sound as stupid as the people who don't believe you can be gay or lesbian.
Adam has had to take it on the chin for so many bullshit things.
I am soooo glad he NEVER apologized for that kiss.
It's a long game and he will go down in history as an inspirational artist. He is so solid, never flaunting for sensationalism but just being who he is.
And that is one of the reasons we kiss the earth he walks, dances and sings on!
Ha ha. I like Billie Joe. Hope he is doing well.
The AT&T live Proud Facebook likes are at 4k now. Let's keep up the great work.
Actually, I think this is pretty funny. Adam has gone down in history as "the guy who kissed the other guy on stage on National (actually Worldwide) Television". TMZ has been pretty decent to Adam in the past few years and I read the part about ABC as a major slam to ABC for canceling his GMA gig. Its all good as far as I'm concerned. Party on dudes :)))
I went to the TMZ site and read the comments. Green Day fans said Billie Joe has been doing this for 20 years at his concerts, no big deal. They are more lol at that guys tight pants.
Apples and oranges. What Adam did at the AMAs was more than a kiss that shocked people and the network. The network lost trust in him and was fined. It's water under the bridge now. TMZ is not good to anyone and why the comparison, well, maybe it's to embarrass Billie Joe while using Adam as the lead in to the story. Which only reminds people about Adam's AMAs performance.
@9:15 PM and Lam-my, your two posts, short and sweet, sums it up quite well.
12:52.....Appreciated. Thanks.
Wonder what this is all about?
Click H E R E
Here is supposedly a new pic of Adam with Sauli, but Sauli look photo shopped. What do you guys think?
Click H E R E
Nile Rodgers @nilerodgers 2h
RT @JacobEpstein: @nilerodgers did I just see you at Sunset Marquis? I could've sworn! < Yes, I had dinner w @adamlambert >
Here's the explanation behind the pic (!!!) and list of names including Adam Lambert: It's this guy's "summer compilation" CD: (Bummer..was hoping it was a concert too.....)
Hiko Mitsuzuka @TheFirstEcho 26 Apr
@jtimberlake @iconapop @adamlambert @daftpunk @NKOTB @jasonderulo COMING THIS SUMMER:
Pam H @loveadamsmusic 16h
@TheFirstEcho @jtimberlake @iconapop @adamlambert @daftpunk @NKOTB @jasonderulo hopefully a concert. ..over a cd!
Hiko Mitsuzuka @TheFirstEcho 1h
@loveadamsmusic sorry, it's a cd. My summer compilation.
Thanks @Glitzylady! I sorta figured it was something like that:(
YAY, thanks daydreamin!
Don't know whether it's photoshopped, however it's Sauli's current look & hairdo!
SOOOOO nice to see them both in the same pic!
Happy Sunday!
More kissing please! I loved seeing this. Would love to see more of this everywhere so people know this is not an oddity - it is happening and get with the program. The shock value is ridiculously outdated. Of course there is a huge difference in what Adam did in front of millions on a televised program. This was a concert. And of course, Adam is gay and not bisexual and for some reason bisexuality is more accepted in my opinion. The stigma will go away as the last civil rights issue will be won in time.
LOL... Why on earth that woman would photoshop that picture of Adam and Sauli??
We can see in Sauli`s videoblogs, that he still lives Adam`s condo, so they really are good friends and get along with each other.
It`s not fotoshoped. I did saw another picture where is Adam and some lady. Sauli is there also in the backround. He has very blond hair nowadays. They are friends. Why they can`t be in the same club..? And why she fotoshop Sauli that I can`t understand..
Well, he picked a cute one.
To this day we NEVER saw any problem with Adam's performance and could'nt understand why all the hype. Plus if so alarming whatever happened to the so called time delay which could have and was never used! (which I believe came into place when Slash offended the network accepting an award years back!.
11:45, great point. A lot of Adam fans seem to think Adam is the first at everything when in fact plenty of people have done what ever it is before Adam. Billie Joe and Green Day have always pushed boundaries. Billie Joe was one of my early favs for rocking the eyeliner.
The woman in the pic also has a pic with her and Pauly Perette from NCIS. Looks like it was taken at the same club so I doubt the pic with Adam is shopped.
Not trying to cause trouble or start anything. However in that pic Adam looks tired & sad, Sauli looks very alert & happy, clear-eyed...
I'm not anxious, over-protective or worrying about anything, just stating what I see in the pic.
I love Adam and his beautiful eyes, looks like they need a proper rest!
They are friends, sharing space for practical reasons in the short term. No biggie. Move on.
Photoshopped. Colours all wrong. Who cares? They will be seen together off and on. Adam saw Drake recently. Party on.
Yah!:) It's Adams thing and he is the only one who did this courageously on TV....:)
Adam shook the mentality of his critics and now the world is embracing the equality and acceptance bec. of it....
Good or bad but Adam just brushed his shoulder and he is just on top of his game indeed:)
More power to Adam....
Anon 4:55
And you KNOW this from???!!!
Anon 4:58
There are a lot of fans who care. Let them.
Would love to see pics of Drake, too.
YOU BOTH (or one & the same?) seem to know everything, so you must belong to Adam's and/or Sauli's inner circle... Care to elaborate??!!
LOL, everybody seems to be so worried about the possibility of those two being together.
Who cares. They're friends. No biggie. Move on. Party on.
Personally I would love to see them back together, properly and for good.
That pic looks photoshopped but it's probably real. Sauli looks as though he'd stuck his head in a pot of flour. 4.55am, how do you know he and Adam are sharing Adam's condo? Are you a personal friend of both of them? Anyway, what they do is none of our business. As long as Adam is happy ..........
People think Sauli lives with Adam because in his videoblogs he seem to be at the same house we have seen Adam lives. I don`t know is it true or not. Sauli looks fanny in that picture but there is another picture where he is also so he was there.
I don't know if this has been posted here or not. The Trevor Project and AT&T PSA with Adam.
Sauli's video blog from this week is at the pool on top of Adam's building. Maybe Adam lent him the key? LOL.
An "Adam Lambert"? I don't recall Adam kissing a male fan on the lips. The only thing I remember is Adam kissing Tommy as a part of the concert performance.
Hey if TMZ is looking for an excuse to get Glamberts to hit on their articles, this will do it.
He did go tongue diving at one concert I think he kissed a guy and a girl.
9:17, love your line! I don't know of another male singer who kissed a guy on network TV during a performance UNEXPECTEDLY. If there is one, I don't know who it is. Kissing during an untelevised concert is a different thing. I think it's kind of cool that the caption said "an Adam Lambert." No matter who may have done this before, Adam's name is in the lexicon. And remember, Adam did do some "tongue-diving" during GNT. Didn't he do it with a guy or two? I'm not sure if that pic of Adam and Sauli and the girl is photoshopped or not. It could be legit despite Sauli looking a little fake in it. If Sauli is still living at Adam's condo, I think it's very nice. But I think it would be difficult to keep living with someone who you broke up with but were intimate with. (if you get my drift). So cool to hear that Nile and Adam had dinner together! Maybe something is in the works!!!!! Let's hope. Nile is an important person for Adam to maintain a relationship with.
Adam and sauli were at Danielle's birthday party. I don't for one ,minute believe they are still living together just because sauli still has access to the pool and gym at the complex.
Why does it matter?
It takes someone strong like Adam to break down barriers. I'm so proud to be a fan.
I haven't heard much from Adam lately is he still making music? It's sad to see the Direction his Career when.
at 7:14 AM
Then you must have some inner circle info on Sauli's present accommodation.
Camping in a nearby park, maybe?
I saw some pictures from yesterday party.Adam looks drunk, again:(I don't have anything against alcohol,but it doesn't mean you have to drink so much. I hope ADam will go through this moment of his life without any side effects.
7:39 -- Then your eyes and ears must be closed because he's everywhere worldwide doing amazing things with his career and for philanthropic reasons.
Ba-bye, troll...
Yes, Sauli was at Danielle's birthday party. I guess she invited Sauli. There is a pic of Danielle with friends and Sauli is with them.
@8:19PM Why do you call 7:39 troll?She/he is right.Did you hear any news from Adam about new songs?He used to tweet about news songs and new musicians he cooperated to write new music.
About last night photos. I think Adam looks very tired on most of these picutres. He doesn't smile on photo with Pauley Perrette (NCIS) Love this girl. She is very funny and smart.
I think it is just fan service no matter who the musician is on stage doing it. I'm not interested in it or the fan fiction.
@8:33 thanks I'm not a troll.i Actually likeAdam,just Haven't heard any music or news about him anymore.
Oh my gosh those pants that guy has on in the picture are hidious.
Why the hurry with the new album? I hope it takes a long time, so Tommy will have to find another supporter, lol.
9:10 and you just happened to stumble upon this site?
ok I guess this thread is over, the you know who are taking over now. They are inbreeding on this site.
@9:15 It's so funny how quick you guys are to call someone a troll.just because they disagree please grow up!!
Ps.I have been following adam, since idol and I been to two of his if that makes me a troll then so be it!
Whether you're a troll or not, if you haven't heard what Adam has been doing, then you just haven't been following him. Period. He's been plenty busy. You just have to check and see. Why would anyone say he hasn't been doing anything, unless you want to start a ruckus on this thread? If that's your purpose, it's not funny.
adam career doing just fine he is a international star he just went to China to perform at the Chinese music Award performing trespassing song a big hit there and naked love! He won the favorite international artist award against Taylor Switf, Kesha and Ohy fellow nom. Adam won! While there he taped a TV show singing Mad world and pop that lock from the album trespassing to be sung on the new Xhinese Idol starting in May, he taped this stuff forcchinese Idol, new show started byvamerucan idol producer Simon Fuller! Adam on most if the oromo's because of his Asian popularity. He also on the voice china pro mo's did the voice china last year and brought in way over 400 million viewers!! Because of that he grabbed for China idol finale already! He just got off tour from Russia, China, Finland, Japan and more. He did Divas's vh1 hiosting and performing three times first male to do it., Pretty little liars, Ellen GMA, jay Leno lots of promotional concert last years pus tons of abroad performances.this year as I said he's toured abroad won Chinese award fav, int. artist. Got humanitarian award getting DV award for Gladd nominated outstanding album award. What u have said us just a tiny bit of what he done. He also starting work on third album, that third studio album reall 8 album altogether with acoustic ones and all. This just scratching the surface of Adam Kbert international super star! Funny how all these people all one if them have seen these pictures if Adam drunk at party and its not here that's not happening. Adam fine and if he ever has a problem his family is there none of anyone's business your making up stuff. Sauli always perfect Adam not same person making this stuff up . If Sauli had a third if the pictures taken of him Adam does quite sure would not be so perfect. Everything Adam does they snap a picture. Unless with Adam that's not true for Sauli at all so not fair to compare all his pused pictures to Adams constant paparazzi snapping. The private party ones inle couple are one person seems to have seen. What was mentioned above for Adam was just a little tiny bit if what Adam done the last year , if you have not followed him do not make comments of his career!, his career is thriving especially abroad!
Billie Joe is bi-sexual. The fan seems to be into it. I wonder how you choose someone from the audience and be sure they will accept this? Could be embarrassing. Remember when Adam tongue-dived that Australian diver and the guy pulled back.
I think the person here who "hasn't heard what Adam is doing" is just answering themselves. If you follow him at all, you know hat he's been doing, and it's been a lot.
@ 9:10 AM
If you don't want to put forth any effort to find out what Adam's doing, at least follow him on twitter. He will post most of it.
9:52 am. The guy explained to Adam he had a partner therefore no kiss.
why is it called tongue diving, as far as we know his audience kissing, both boy and girl was closed mouth.
Have always loved the music of Green Day and think Armstrong is a hottie. . . . Adamluv
Me too on both counts :))))
Fun memories, pic tweeted by Tommy a few days ago
This is old. It's from 2010.
Have you seen the videos of Adam kissing the audienec members....they certainly don't looked closed mouthed.
Are you fuckimg kidding me?
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