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Adam Lambert Interview with Lindsey Parker at the Season 12 'American Idol' Finale

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 17, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

LOL, afraid to say dubstep again, Adam?

Anonymous said...

Oooh Season 13 auditions...always tread carefully with a 4. lol! But there's a silver lining because the year is 2014; it's a lucky 7 depending on, whether you think it's a lucky number, or a shaky number standing precariously. From personal experience, 7 is more lucky than shaky for me but 13 or 4 opposes my 8. lol! So Adam might just be the right person to wrangle with 13 as a judge after having gone through brimstone and fire and gnashing of teeth in his own AI experience. lol!


Anonymous said...

IMO I think idol might of finally relized they make a big mistake with the judges this year, We tried to tell them who would of skyrocketed their ratings. They didn't listen did they lol. Anyway, I'd still love to see adam as a judge (even though it's a sinking ship, it still gets millions of viewers and can still help adam's career in the good old USA!

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to stop saying "Just tell me were to sign". I like it when he keeps it real but he needs to also protect himself. The producers know he is interested. It's not fun if he gets publicly turned down again. :/

Anonymous said...

ADAM ... ADAM ... ADAM... Oh Great One ... maybe consider a more acoustic sound for this next album to REALLY showcase the brilliance of your voice? You just proved again on Idol that your voice is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard! And judging from the response that's been happening, MANY agree!

Please, just think about it.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

He did mention some time ago that the present trend is towards "organic" music which embodies acoustic. In fact his duet with Angie is pretty close to organic; relying mostly on the power of their voices with just the piano and I didn't even notice any loud background music. Perhaps a balance of organic and electronics and even operatic or a cappella; a cover or two as well. Asking for everything under the sun. lol!


Anonymous said...

The ship has been said to be sinking since 4 years ago...but it's still floating. lol! Hmm Captain Ali Baba to the rescue; he can bring all his treasures on board the sinking ship. lol! Hope they don't attract pirates; then we'd need to engage the help of the 40 thieves. Can't remember how the story ended; I think Ali Baba killed them all. lol! And so Ali Baba was the only one left who knew how to get to the treasure. Exactly fits the sinking AI ship scenario. Adapted version. lol!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Captain Ali Baba has already been wise dividing his musical treasure everywhere when ashore different places in this world:).Lots of loyal fans for keeping it safe.MS

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, that's a safer option instead of putting all the eggs in one basket; in this case all the treasures in one sinking ship. lol! Be that as it may, Captain Ali Baba loves this particular sinking ship lol! and wants to keep it afloat as long as possible.


Anonymous said...

Then I hope and pray for favourable weather. And reliable thieves as shipcrue. MS

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is doing an album Queen and he's not allowed to talk about it???????

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so hot and wearing very little eye makeup.

Wish the media would stop badgering him about the direction of his next album. All will be revealed when the time is right for it to be revealed.

Anonymous said...

@anon-10:59PM- I agree with your comment about Adam keeping it quiet in regard to the Idol judge position. If he is not considered, it will be a disappointment to all his fans who so wanted him on this year's panel. And once again, he will not be acknowledged for the amazing musical background and experience he would bring to the table. Even though the show is a "sinking ship", Adam and a totally new panel might help save it for another season. Right now, I guess his focus is on the new album and the few appearnces he has scheduled for this summer. Trespassing was released a little over a year ago, yet it seems so long ago. Watching his duet with Angie on Idol made me want to hear something new from Adam, but will have to wait until that third album comes out.

Anonymous said...

Boy, he was really diplomatic when it came ot commenting on the judges! Esp. Nikki. I know it seems a little awkward for him to say he'd love to be a judge and then maybe they won't choose him for next year. Frankly, he shouldn't sound too eager. But I do hope that they re-vamp the show and have him has a judge. It would be a whole new look and feel to the show, just right for Adam. Also, being a judge on AI is not a life-time job. Adam wouldn't be doing it forever, maybe just one season. The benefits he would reap would out-weigh the risk, IMO. It would be a great thing to have on his resume.


Anonymous said...

Adam as a future AI judge could lead to other TV gigs, maybe movies, maybe stage work. Sinking ship or not, the show does give the judges exposure.
DRG (just had to add)

Anonymous said...

Bottomline, if Adam embarks on the sinking ship, it will sink no more. lol!


Anonymous said...

Appearing as a judge on Idol or any of these singing/talent shows does seem to help each of the judge's careers. In some instances it has revived a career. Adam doesn't seem to need either. His experience and the time spent as a contestant on Idol would be a positive aspect to selecting him as a judge. I wouldn't mind seeing Keith back again. Now they need to add a female, possibly two. One wouldn't pose a problem. With two we don't need another Nicki/Mariah fiasco again. Whoever is on the new panel will not always please all of the viewing audience. Also, each judge's comments on a specific contestant will not necessarily satisfy the audience or viewers. That's just the way it is and the judges should be able to accept negative reactions esp. from the audience as should the contestants. So now we just have to wait and see what will happen for the next season.

Anonymous said...

I love his face. I hope he never does anything like most these stars do to change anything. He looks real not manufactured. not plastic. except still like the rock edge that he can do like no other. more hair and makeup . for fun

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the AI people thought that the Nikki/Mariah thing would be oh-so-cool and entertaining. NOT! Just annoying.

Anonymous said...

It's not Adam's fault if over invested fans are disappointed if Adam doesn't become a judge.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Adam isn't doing a secret album with Queen.