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Adam Lambert's Backstage Interview on American Idol

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, May 17, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

He seems in a very happy place. You don't really need a "special" someone to fulfill you. I believe self fulfillment is from within. He seems he can go it alone and be just as happy. Great career ahead!

Anonymous said...

So excited for all that is to come for Adam. Recording new music, so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Great interview from Adam as usual. He is so articulate, intelligent and honest. Interesting that he would take a judge's position on the IDOL panel if he were asked. Do you hear that IDOL producers? He and Angie gave a stellar performance of Titanium during the finale, probably the best of the evening. Hopefully Adam's appearance on the show will open up more people's eyes(and ears) to his music.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, a little irrelevant question. Does Adam have a heart ring in both forefingers and two rings in his left ring finger?

Anonymous said...

If AI doesn't want to go down the shit hole, (pardon my expression) they will change the way they do things, and get judges that really care about the contestants, know what they are talking about and have a personality. And of course Adam would be a prefect fit for that role, but of course not holding my breath for that to happen.


tea said...

Good to know Adam doesn't want a Jessie J style hair cut. lol

Anonymous said...

I thought one of the people asking questions, asked how is Sauli, he said fine, he's awesome. Or did I not hear it right. It was toward the end.

Anonymous said...

Sorry , I got it wrong, they asked about Claude Kelly.

Anonymous said...

AI needs to change its old ways if it is to succeed in the future. Adam is a perfect fit for a newly formatted and re-vamped Idol. Besides the fact that a whole new viewing audience will see him and not be swayed by old events and old stereotypes. Adam is simply too good to keep unseen by so many. Hope it happens. LOVE hearing him talk about making new music and perhaps workiing the stage in the future. His life is full of new possibilities!!


Anonymous said...

love adam to bits and excited for his future. however, he has some obstacles to hurdle and not sure whether AI judging would be a good career move for him or if he would be a good fit for AI judge mold

Anonymous said...

I love how Adam, if he were to judge AI, really cares about the contestants not just self promotion like so many of the other judges. His heart is always in the right place!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would be a great judge.........he knows the business, he has lived the idol experience, he is an amazing singer, he is articulate and not too hard on the eyes.


glitzylady said...

I personally think that Adam would break the "Idol judge mold" if there is such a thing. He is one of a kind and would be awesome: honest, realistic, skilled in both vocal technique and stage presence, yet respectful and kind in his commentary.

I too suspect that Idol will be making some changes for next season, new judges being only one of those changes. Whether people loved or didn't love the Nikki Minaj/Mariah Carey judge duo this season, it really didn't work. At all. And I think the panel in general lost a large percentage of the viewing audience for Idol. (I do LOVE Keith Urban tho :))) The other BIG problem for Idol is the very popular The Voice. It has just the right format with "Coaches" instead of "judges" and pre-screened singers who are seriously good. Age is not a big issue and they have some very seasoned performers with well-honed vocal and performance skills. Idol will have an increasingly difficult time competing for viewers and pulling decent ratings if they do not update and upgrade their show. I think next season is the tipping point for Idol: they'll sink or swim next year in my opinion. I know SO many people who have given up on Idol and now watch only The Voice. They all said they cannot deal with Nikki M. And they aren't necessarily "older" conservative people either, BTW.

I do think that if Idol can get it together and revamp their show, it could be a HUGE and positive career move for Adam to be a judge..or coach..or whatever they might wish to call the panel members next year. Potentially massive worldwide exposure, and with the right combination of panel members, format, and fabulous contestants, it could once again be relevant as a reality show. Guess we'll see what happens.

***I can't lie: I'd LOVE to see Adam on my big screen TV every week for 5+ months :))))))))))))))

glitzylady said...

I think I should also add "tactful" to the list of attributes that I mentioned above that Adam could bring to the Idol Panel. I didn't infer that he would be wishy-washy when I mentioned "kind"...just meant he wouldn't be mean or rude or disrespectful... His honesty is well known, and there is honesty and there is meanness. No meanness in his soul as far as I can tell. Perfect for the judging/coaching position in any job.

Anonymous said...

Adam believes it would be a good career move for him and his wishes are good enough for me. I would love him to realize this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

It is just a pleasure to listen to Adam during these interviews. He is relaxed, happy and very well spoken. Now he is focusing on his recording career. He said he might eventuallly like to do a Broadway show(I would buy a ticket immediately). The idea of him being an Idol judge is a remote possibility although with the show sinking in the ratings, I don't know if that is a wise career choice for him(if offered). There might be a reunion with Queen in the future. For this vocal powerhouse, his choices seem limitless and time will tell what direction his career will take in the next few years. I am just so happy that I turned on Idol for season 8 and watched Adam as he started his journey to stardom on that audition platform.

Anonymous said...

Sinking ship or not, just being a judge on AI is a great thing to have on one's resume.


Anonymous said...

And glitzylady, As usual, AMEN to your great post.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam as an AI judge/coach for all the right reasons and I hope it happens for him.

Anonymous said...

The questions were almost indecipherable for me but thankfully, Adam's answers were clear to the ear. He's such a delight in interview.

Anonymous said...

OT . .what is wrong with Miriah Carey . . .she wears clothes so tight she can't move . . .she has thoughts in her head but they come out wrong . .she looks very uncomfortable and the paid her 18 million and we get lip snyching.

I hope the only judge to come back it Keith and he lip snych too

Anonymous said...

glitzylady . . .I read that Duck Dynasty is also outscoring AI in that time slot.

Also sometimes the show is too longgggggggg