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ET Canada Reports on LifeBall and Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 27, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

Got my dose of adam lambert be back in 5 min lol

tea said...

What a high energy event. Doesn't appear to have had any down time. Thanks ET Canada for all the Adam coverage.

Anonymous said...

wow glad to see Adam everywhere. Love Bill Clinton and Sir Elton John.

choons said...

would love a screen cap at 0:39 - surprise!

Anonymous said...

So great on ET Canada, how about ET U.S. too!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, where was ET USA? Anyway, great job ET Canada. You seem to be everywhere in the world. Love your coverage.

Anonymous said...

What an excellent clip of such an extraordinary event! Love the interviewer - she did a great job - and Adam looked oh so mighty handsome.

Anonymous said...

Great clips ET Canada. Adam my favorite.

funbunn40 said...

Great clip with Adam getting great face time! Canada always supports Adam!

Anonymous said...

Thanks ET Canada! Got a feel for the whole experience from take-off to Performances, speeches and parties! Great coverage for Adam...think the interviewer really likes Adam ;) Lot's of Adam on her clip LOL! He always speaks so eloquently and is sooo handsome!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, where's US ET coverage???
We one Awesome US Rock Star opening Sasame & no US media coverage ???
whatz zap wit zat?

Thank you Canada ET for giving us some Adam Love :)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of US/ET show, what kind of coverage did they give Adam specifically regarding his duet with Angie on AI finale? With the Seacrest connection and then the obvious connection, ET/US always give AI maximum coverage, so I was wondering if they specifically gave a mention of Adam's performance with Angie, if even just a quick mention... I would think they (ET) would have had to!?? Anyone know? I realize the time has well passed at this point, but I've been wondering.

Anonymous said...

6:41 no idea

Anonymous said...

Suits behind all US entertainment show on TV r ruled by we can "Guess" who!!!:)
Sad , stupid, cheat, whatever , it's astonishing that it's happening right infront of our eyes!
But we know better , as TV is CRAP!!!TV sells Propaganda!!!

Adam's real & he has the "KEY"!:)

Anonymous said...

Anna Netrebko dances to LWOG at Life Ball:,11173

Anonymous said...

11:38 I don't know who she is but she seems so energetic and cute and happy here. A welcome site on this thread. LOL

Anonymous said...

@Canadian, where are you!?!

Your country's representative did well, she seems to be a great Adam fan, just like you!!!
YAY for Canada!

Anonymous said...

6:41 AM, then go watch the past shows and quit wondering about it here.

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of US coverage of Life Ball that includes Adam.