Latest Adam Lambert Pictures Update
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Monday, May 6, 2013
Posted at : Monday, May 06, 2013
VIA jessicacanseco: Best time with @EyelashGuru @cecehendriks@AundrusPoole and gang! Best part running into @adamlambert! My favorite!

with Bridger Clements, Adam Lambert and Jeffree Star.

VIA youngrocko_: ran into this guy @realadamlambert last night & the turn up officially began. haven't seen him in a few months. he let me have it when "pop that" came on twerking that shit lmfao. #vip #glamily #americanidol

VIA addictedtoagua: Perfect ending to a perfect weekend ! ! ! I see a new makeup client in my future ;) @adamlambert #fierce #adamlambert #fabulous #clubeleven #losangeles #gay #gaymen #greeneyes #crucifix #stripes #glamorous #partypeople #mua #makeuplife #imaginationation #queer #queens #hotboys #lovelife

VIA toddyrockstar: Chillin with my home slice @adamlambert last night in Weho. Miss him!

VIA Riccardo Greco Fanseite: Gestern Abend durfte ich Adam Lambert kennenlernen!So ein cooler,lustiger Typ!

VIA andersonbrooks: Love you boo @realadamlambert

VIA princevince: Cinco de drink-o @whereisjohnnyrice @realadamlambert

with Bridger Clements, Adam Lambert and Jeffree Star.

VIA youngrocko_: ran into this guy @realadamlambert last night & the turn up officially began. haven't seen him in a few months. he let me have it when "pop that" came on twerking that shit lmfao. #vip #glamily #americanidol

VIA addictedtoagua: Perfect ending to a perfect weekend ! ! ! I see a new makeup client in my future ;) @adamlambert #fierce #adamlambert #fabulous #clubeleven #losangeles #gay #gaymen #greeneyes #crucifix #stripes #glamorous #partypeople #mua #makeuplife #imaginationation #queer #queens #hotboys #lovelife

VIA toddyrockstar: Chillin with my home slice @adamlambert last night in Weho. Miss him!

VIA Riccardo Greco Fanseite: Gestern Abend durfte ich Adam Lambert kennenlernen!So ein cooler,lustiger Typ!

VIA andersonbrooks: Love you boo @realadamlambert

VIA princevince: Cinco de drink-o @whereisjohnnyrice @realadamlambert

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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 425 Newer› Newest»he so yummy
I did a Cinco de-drinko that day
VIA Riccardo - rough translation of German "Yesterday evening I met Adam Lambert, a lively (or humorous) type of fellow."
@AdamLambertHelp: Glamberts Launch Mag Dedicated to American Idol Winner Adam Lambert - Webpaint
Wow! The Voice tonight makes me think of Adam!!!
They are singing the songs Adam covered so beautifully!
no comparisons as I am bias:)
"Stay" by the girl's pretty good but definitly love love love' Adam's version of "Starlight"
hard song to sing & Adam does it effortlessly!!!
Loves Adam's amazing voice
So cute in that second picture.
Awww........Fun party!!!
Equal Magazine FB Page Banner Featuring Adam Lambert Pittsburgh Pride Link to Like
Boys just wanna have fun. :-D
Great to see less eye makeup - so, so delish.
Adam Lambert Fan club
Pic by Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh on FB: ADAM LAMBERT Pittsburgh Pride Sign on Liberty Avenue:
Look what's popping up on Liberty Avenue!
(June 15: Concert Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh Pride, Pride in the Street. On the outdoor stage at Liberty Ave between 9th & 10th. Doors at 6pm ET. Start time TBA.)
Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh
We're thrilled to announce that Joe McElderry, winner of 2009's "X Factor" will be making his first US appearance at Pride in the Street on Saturday, June 15 opening for Adam Lambert!
gelly @14gelly
Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson to appear on 'American Idol' finale?
Yes please, let this be true, it would be amazing!!!!
Adam duet with Angie. Some suggested Soaked, Chokehold or Underneath.
BTW, Mariah parted ways with (fired?) Randy as her manager. Leave up to you the reason why.
Simon Cowell opting for judges with chemistry rather than high priced big star liners. But Idol"s Nigel mentions the panel for next year could be Bieber, Selena, Pink and Sean Diddy Combs. Fire Nigel!!!
Adam and Angie won't necessarily sing one of Adam's songs. It may well be a song by an artist. Whatever song it is, I'm sooooo looking forward to seeing and hearing this performance.
Brook Anderson is beautiful.
the shots where Adam is NOT mugging are really good.
If Simon wants judging chemistry he will have to vote himself off the panel. Adam would fit the bill. Nigel is making stuff up to shut people up he doesn't need judge speculation until season is over. Harry Connick Jr. opened the door. Shut it for another 2 weeks Harry
The chemistry between the judges has to be great but still has to focus on the contestants. American Idol is so done that I'm not sure anyone can resurrect the show. It has run its course.
Cute pictures.
adam lambert shoud be one of the ai judges next season- i told you so ai-no adam -the rating goes down the tube-never learn ur lesson?
Adam is enjoying his freedom and Sauli is dating a handsome bodied actor. They both seem happy. And that`s great!
8:13 am
Who is Sauli dating??
I am predicting Adam will get two awards at GLAAD this weekend. All of a sudden they are having contest to meet with Adam. We already know about his honoree award but he will get the other one as best artist. Frank Ocean isn't any where to be seen as proud out artist. I hear in the media more about Jason Collins who recently came out publicly. BTW I hope Boston Celtics make it to the final then hopefully they can have Adam to sing the National Anthem cause of Collins announcement.
@8:25 Adam deserves both awards. I hope Frank Ocean doesn't get best artist. I know he got nominated at the Grammys and can't remember if he won,but adam has done so much more for LGBTQ and is a better singer for sure!
8:23 AM
I know whom 8:13 AM means but because some will be soon shouting that "this is not S-site", I keep my mouth shut. Watch some S-site.
These pics seem to be from the 1st of May and last Sunday. Could someone bring the nice group pics (5-6 persons w Adam) from 1st of May here? Adam seems to be so happy with this colorful gang. He must have been very bored the last couple of years when he could not meet all these beautiful guys and tried to act "more organic" as he said.
10:54 am
If you mean the person whose name starts with an A (oh boy the need for these secret codes:D :D),I don´t think they´re dating. Whatever makes you think so?? Not his type at all (not that I know anything, but just the impression I get).
And IMO Adam still doesn´t look that happy to me. Goofy yes, but happy in the eyes? No.
And Sue, before you attack, take a deep breath and relax:)
Adam always shows respect to other people and here people feel the need to run down Frank Ocean and others. How sad.
11:44 AM
I don't actually know Frank Ocean, so I don't have any opinion about him. Is he good? What kind of music does he perform? Well, maybe I have to check myself, 'cause I know, I know: this is not Frank Ocean fan site.
I can say the name.... Ade M`Cormack ;)
at 11:17 AM
Some people are going to flip their lids but I'm going say it anyway; it is so obvious that Adam wants Sauli back in his life but this little and stubborn cutie wants to do his own things, at least for now.
I think it is pretty evident that they will get back together at some point. :)
11:50 am number 2...
You brave person you:D
11:54 am...
I kinda share your thoughts:)
I hope Adam has the good sense not to go back with Sauli, I had bad vibes about him ever since the incident in the Helsinki night club. I think Sauli took advantage of Adam when he should have been willing to support him. I hope Adam finds someone more mature and respectful of him, Adam is a genuinely sincere person who deserves nothing less, I'm sure in time he will get over Sauli, he has a chance to find some happiness now and I wish him the very best in this.
12:09 pm
And yet you know nothing about S!! And you don´t respect Adam at all! He loved and maybe still loves S, but life is something you cannot plan all ahead even if you want to.
12:09 pm
Adam SAID Sauli has been his BEST support, so I think you need to check your facts. And I think he still is, even when they´re not a couple anymore.
12:14 PM
I can see Adam is hurting more than Sauli over their break up, however if Adam ever did go back with Sauli, what's to stop Sauli from hurting Adam all over again.
And your very much mistaken to say I have no respect for Adam, I care greatly for him, I just don't want to see him get hurt again.
Live is something you can't plan, but you can learn through past mistakes and experiences and in my opinion, Sauli is still too immature to take any relationship seriously. Relationships are all about give and take and Adam gave far more than he received when it came to his relationship with Sauli.
I think you are so wrong about Sauli. In bar thing.. they were both to blame. Sauli didn`t take advantege of Adam. Don`t you think he would have write more about them together if he is was doing that. sauli were always very quiet about them. Adam is good man also. Mayby their love just run out or the timing wasn`t right. They both are moving on. I don`t think they will be togerher anymore but who knows. But don`t blame Sauli because it`s not fare. We don`t know what happend! Sauli is as mature as Adam!
GLAAD @glaad
One day left to win a chance to meet @adamlambert at the #glaadawards
I'm telling you this meet & greet contest surfaced recently. I bet Adam will win two Glaad awards this weekend. The media coverage for this will be huge. I love our rocker, Adam!
What Adam gave and Sauli didn`t??? Sauli gave up his family, friends, home, work... You are so WRONG!!!!
@ 12:09 PM
Bad vibes? Remind me please, when has Sauli not supported Adam? And how many times exactly did Adam publicly defend Sauli? Not once. Even though he well knew Sauli was getting truckloads of shit from his fans.
Just saying.
12:16 PM
I'm sure Sauli was a great support for Adam when it suited him, at the same time he appears to be less effected by the split than Adam does, he seems to be quiet happy to go on his merry way, this is my opinion and you can argue with me as much as you like but that's how I see it. I hope Adam finds someone who is a bit more responsible who will give all the love and support he needs without the pain that Sauli has caused him.
What a material of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious know-how concerning unexpected emotions.
Here is my webpage; Poilce Prank Video
12:32 You don`t know neither of them. Who supported who or who was hurting more. We can`t know. Mayby Sauli isn`t showing his feelings openly and I do think Adam has looked quite happy as well.
Talk about lurkers, kind of el creepo to me.
12:32 pm...
No need to argue with you:) Why would I? I have my opinion as well you have yours:) And to me it seems that Adam too should have supported Sauli, because the moment Sauli got his career wishes coming true, problems started appearing. And what I know for a fact is that you have absolutely no knowledge of either of their pain.
12:27 PM
Sauli new well in advance that Adam's life centred around his career, and how demanding of Adam's time that would be, he also knew about Adam's fans, so I don't think this is a good enough excuse, he knew what he was letting himself in for, relationships are hard work, with both good times and difficult ones, Adam said this himself several times. Of course it's Adam's life and his choice entirely to give it another chance to make it work if ever they should get back together again, but it takes 2 people to work at it, I really think Sauli needs to grow up a bit he's a likable person and I can understand why Adam thought so highly of him, but once again I'd hate to see Adam getting hurt all over again, sometimes it's better to move on with your life.
I hope Sauli find a man who loves him, support him, defented him. Who wants to be with his finnish friends and not A`s friend only. Good I love Adam but some of you make me so mad. Adam is not the mister perfect!
Adam may appear to look happy on the outside but recently his eyes have lost their sparkle, that tells me that inside he is still feeling the effects of the break up.
I don't know how anyone can make any comments about Adam and Sauli's relationship since we don't know them personally. We were not their with them on a daily basis in their personal and professional lives. So all these comments given here really don't mean anything to anyone but the person who wrote them. One thing I hope we can agree upon is that we all wish for love and happiness in Adam's personal life and much success in his professional life. And anything else is pure nonsense and strictly specualation as to what really happened.
12:43 PM
I'm sure Sauli is more than capable of finding a man who loves him, but he'll find it very hard to find someone as decent or kind as Adam. No Adam isn't perfect, but then no one is, but he shared everything he had with Sauli and more.
12:53 pm
As did Sauli with him!
@12:53 pm
If you really think about it, it was Sauli who sacrificed a whole lot and more to be with a man he loved:)
@ 12:43 PM
I really don't think Sauli knew. How could he? And anyways, at some point, Adam could have said that he would like his fans to respect his decisions and his choices. But he chose not to.
12:49 PM
You don't need to know people on a daily basis to know that something went wrong, however you can form an opinion based on interviews and comments made, some of this info is no doubt blown out of proportion but not all of it. My main wish is to see Adam's career flourish, and to see him find happiness in his personal life. As far as speculation goes, isn't this what this site is all about, everday fans come here to discuss and speculate everything about Adam, he is a public figure so of course people will discuss what ever the latest news happens to be, I've followed Adam's career from the beginning, and have nothing but love and admiration for the man.
come on do you really think those people were fans??
he said, he said and the truth.
innuendo, speculation and insults. lol
The truth is this is an Adam Lambert site, for fans devoted to all things Adam.
please go start a site for Sauli.
Sauli didn't really "give up" his family and friends in Finland. He could always communicate, visit, go back for good, etc. He came to the U.S. to be with Adam, but he made great professional connections for himself with Finnish celebs in L.A. He also got more media exposure simply by being Adam's boyfriend. I'm sure that helped in his getting the TV show that he is working on. Sauli was presented with big opportunties and he took them. I think Sauli gained way more than he "gave up." As for their relationship, we do not know how they feel, do we? Adam seems like the sentimental type, but we can't read his mind. He is definately not a loner, and he loves being with people. Each phase of life is a new beginning.
1:28 pm
Yes it is and whom ever is mentioned here is okay to be discussed about with good manners when they´re related to Adam´s past, present or future! No matter who they are. And I think nobody has the right to say to a fellow site visitor what to say and not to say. The key word is how to say it.
1:45 please practice what you preach.
at 1:30 PM
Sauli was and still is a part of Adam's life, so why should we take the discussion elsewhere?
If people like to discuss the relationship and find the subject interesting, why shouldn't they talk about that?
Scroll if you are not interested.
1:49 pm
Well that is exactly what I do:)
ahh no I think you should go start a site for Sauli. I am not interested in thinly veiled insults about Adam from these women. That's stupid to say scroll by I have to read them to know what they are.
1:54 pm
Instead of scrolling, try ignoring. Cannot control everything.
This is AL 24/7 and for fans devoted to all things Adam, I agree.
And I just happen to think that Sauli is included in all those things/persons - just like talking about Brad (Cheeks), Drake or all these beautiful (and sometimes NOT so beautiful) men in pics with Adam... It's part of the celebrity culture (to talk about the significant others, ex- and possible future partners etc), always has been and always will be!
Those of you trying to banish Adam fans who who still love and want to post about Sauli, please just scroll on by and ignore, no need to ask anyone to leave... Let's be all grown up and civil towards each other.
Love is a many splendour thing... :)))
@ 1:54 PM
Criticising someone and insulting a person are two different things.
Making mistakes is human and seeing what the other person needs can sometimes be very difficult. Very much so if you are busy with your career and used to being the centre of all attention.
gee , how many times have Brad and Drakes fans been on here insulting Adam?
Have you guys noticed whenever it gets closer for Adam to appear on public scene bunch of trolls come on this Adam fansite and start talking about nonsense. Please ignore them and hopefully they'll go away. Let's not get side tracked.
anybody going to orlando
2:09 that is true and your last sentence could apply to both Adam and Sauli. IMO
Adam Lambert Help @AdamLambertHelp
Adam Lambert - New/Old photo via jheriwalker #americanidols Me an #AdamLambertback in the days
Adam Lambert Help @AdamLambertHelp
Adam Lambert - New photo via jheriwalker
we had a blast At your Club Me an Adam Lambert
Brad and Drake are so long ago. Sauli is still our memories. I am a so called Sauli fan. I`m also Adam fan. But it makes me angry sometimes when people are saying Sauli was in relationship for wrong reasons. Didn`t love and support Adam enough. Doesn`t mind about separation. I do think that it was difficult dission for both of them. They both loved each other. They shared their life together. They say they are still friends. Thats all we know. Everything else is purely speculation. I hope they are both fine. I hope we fans (every kind of ) can respect one another. We all hope best for Adam and some of us hope best for Sauli too!
Tweet from Adam:
@adamlambert: DISCONNECT is a REALLY great movie. So thought provoking. A must see for this generation!
@madmaninbedlam: BEDLAM for TABLETS & SMARTPHONES! Adam Lambert Fanzine created by fans for fans. 100% Free!
Essell @essellsari
Go read @adamlambert's BEDLAM FANZINE from fans 4 fans! 100% FIERCE 100% FREE! :D
2:22 no but I'll be in Pittsburgh Pride. I just found out the 2009 winner of X factor will open for Adam, His name name is Joe McElderry. I was reading a little about him and I guess Simon gave him a record contract and cancelled it nine months later and he sounds quite angry about it. It should be interesting, anyone going to this?
Donate to @glaad for chance to win trip for 2 to SF GLAAD media awards and see @adamlambert!
2:28 amen!!
Mel B will present American Idol’s Adam Lambert with GLAAD Media Award!
Anon 2:10
Please read my post.
I specifically said "Adam fans who still love Sauli" and trust me there are plenty of them.
But I also think it's only natural that usually you love more and "defend" the one that captured your heart first... However, there's no need to insult or blame anybody, since very few of us posting here actually KNOW anything re their relationship.
A blast?
Oh dear, Adam looks miserable, sad to the max :(
2:33. Joe McEldrey was a very nice guy with a beautiful voice and lovely looking. He won but Simon didn't promote him however did promote the runner up who has been on Tv here in USA I am sure thanks to Simon Cowell. Joe also came out after the show and said he was gay and at that point 2009 had never had a boyfriend. Go on YouTube and listen. If you like Adam you might enjoy Joe's voice.
Disconnect it will be this weekend then!! I just looked it up before I sent this message and it is a film from Sept 2012.
JFC, rehashing it yet again. Is the horse dead yet?
2:52 thanks I will look him up on YouTube tonight.
Yea you know I wish I was that miserable! He looks like he having a great time!
at 3:01 PM
The other guy looks wasted, Adam just sad.
Sauli has been dating an actor from Africa who has been in many movies. Name is Adetokombo McCormack and his father was a diplomat. They have been dating for a few months so the talk about poor Sauli is mute he has got on with his life!!! I remember Adam was once asked "can long distance relationships work"and he was strong with his answer which was "No". So take it for what it is one was left alone and the other was working.Things HAPPEN!!!
Just a thought what happens with Adams appearance on Idol if Angie gets eliminated.
Of course none of it has been confirmed, so afraid of being disappointed now the thought of hearing and seeing him on TV is a possibility.
Sauli and this guy were photographed together earlier this week and are clearly friends, perhaps more, but I doubt you know enough to speak authoratatively on the subject let alone suggest that the mouse was playing while the cat was away.
That's just as bad as shipping Adam with the underwear model & hospitality guy at the Abbey just because Adam goes there a lot.
If Perez Hilton takes a holiday, you are all ready for the job.
3:39 PM
It doesn't matter if Angie gets eliminated. All of the top 10 or 12 will be on the finale, and the top 4 or 5 always get duets.
you guys got dibs on PH job way back when Adam was in NYC.
3:20 PM
Actually that is wrong. Adam said he did think long distance relationships could work if you had already built a relationship. Just not in the beginning.
apparently the relationship wasn't already built.
3:41 Thank you for the compliment
Whatever happened between Adam and Sauli it is water under the bridge cannot be changed now.time to move on. If Sauli has a boyfriend then he does. Adam is doing fine.
mohawk man wants some Lambert love.
has anybody seen that movie Adam is talking about? It has been out since last year? Just curious before I rent it?
Wow just check on this site and wondered what going on with Adam to see 99 comments. Same ol Same ol back and forth crap.
Love you Adam and excited for your GLAAD award nite.
I just read above Mel B will be presenting him with the award.I really don't know anything about her except she was a Spice Girl and I don't know them. I must have been raising kids then, lol
Adam tweeted about this movie which came out on 4/12/13. Check out movie reviews and trailers here:
Disconnect TRAILER (2013) - Jason Bateman Movie HD
i think drake and brad should have shagged eath other or start a duo called "labry bell".
Last I heard, Adam was seeing the check out guy at Whole Foods. He liked the way he bagged his bagel;)
LOLOLOL! :))))
You are a naughty girl....
@bodyrocksport: Adam Lambert is wearing the leopard print gloves that we custom made for his tour! Boom!…
@zimbio: Is @adamlambert one of the top 5 most talented #Idol contestants of all time? We think so
@TALCvids: May 8th!!! RT @ALambertFans_SG: Pix of Adam with Proclamation of Adam Lambert Day in San Diego via
What can I say...Adam brings out the worst (or should I say best?) in me;)
@MRSLAMBERTLUST: 113 Glamberts Attending So Far! Glamily Reunion Pre Adam Lambert Show Dancing Night! 7/1 At The Brass Rail San Diego
LOL! I'm getting rid of this phone...dammit.
Let's try this again...
This is from one of Adam's interviews (I have not written down from where and when). He said: "...You know, honestly, when you start talking so much about your relationship, it opens the door too much. I've only been in one major long-term relationship prior to this, and I'm really, really happy. It's done a lot for me, and it's grounded me, and it has inspired me as a writer, as a performer, he says. I just think everybody wants that connection, and I'm really happy to have found it."
I think this shows Adam did not "suffer" in his relationship with Sauli. And that's all we have to know.
Now they both move on and don't admire the sunsets together as earlier. Adam likes to party with friends in clubs. I suppose that's his way to deal things. But I believe there are many great memories in their life together which are shown and can be checked (if forgotten) also in numerous photos and pics of them.
So excited! I'll be there at the Brass Rail on July 1. Hope to see some of you there!
Me too! Excited!!!!!
I had only "good vibes" about the relationship all the time they lived in that house. After they moved to that condo things changed, the temptations are near and party-animal Adam woke up and is still going strong.
Don't always blame Sauli about the break-up (and if you don't know him personally, you don't have anything to say about his being in relationship or dealing the split). They both have something to do with it. As Adam said earlier he was a bit surprised he had no temptation to other guys when he was making that radio promo tour (that time they had been together for a year). But as he also said everything runs to it's course.
ok ok we get it already!!
I think they splilt by Thanksgiving emotionally.
None of us know anything.
Candice is going to sing ONE by U2 on Idol this week.
Nice to see Adam having fun with his friends. He must have missed them and now wants to "take back" the couple of years. He seems to enjoy the club-life. Maybe he gets some money of showing there because he visits several clubs in one night several times a week. I hope he gets some fresh air too, lol. Give us some jogging pics or similar too, Adam! This is getting boring.
9:18 PM
Isn't there a different thread about this AI-thing (Adam making a duet w that girl)? This thread is about the photos. What do you think about them? What thoughts do they bring to your mind? But I guess this is just a try to change the subject.
9.28 Does it really matter, its this sort of nit-picking that breeds ill feeling. just as I am sure you will feel reading my comment.
There are no hard and fast rules, just cruise.
3.58, thank you for your answer I can relax now.
@LAMBERTLUST: Fan Video At Homecoming - Mayor Jerry Sanders Declares May The 8th 2009 Adam Lambert Day In The City Of San Diego
#HappyAdamLambertDay. Tomorrow May 8th.
9:28 this thread had a theme? Oh well, too bad. Adam sang ONE by U2 on AI top3 picked by Simon Cowell, thats why I mentioned it. I noticed alot of the regulers were commenting so I thought I would tell them about it. So there ya have it bossy.
@Anon 10:07 PM
Thanks for sharing that info. Appreciate it...
I absolutely ADORE Adam's version of U2's ONE but I don't play it often because it is so exquisite, it makes me sad and teary.
2:52 PM
Joe McElderry also won the British competition "Popstar to Operastar". It was a show well worth watching. :-)
It seems some of you are more obsessed with Sauli than you are with Adam.
at 12:26 AM
People miss the good times when those two were a couple.
That was soooo good that they will get back together, just a matter of time, you know.
The comments about Sauli are not in anyway insulting or awful, so let people vent and post.
Scroll or ignore, but no need to insult or make hurting comments on anyone.
Adam needs all his fans, also those who love Sauli, too.
Peace & love!
@12:47 AM
Only in your fantasies.
Lots of defenders for Adam, I love him and have been a fan since idol, however he is no angel. I followed his realtionsip with Sauli and came to love Sauli also.So what if Sauli made connections because he was with Adam, Adam certasinly did not actively help him, was he to sit at home being Adam's house servant,Adam never made the effort to spend time in Sauli homeland , meet his friends and family. The one occasion he went,he embarrassed Sauli,we cannot be blind to Adam's faults,he is self centered.Kudos to Sauli that he focused on making a career for himself after being accused of living off Adam. I did not see Adam buying designer clothes for Sauli,he wore 5k suits and Sauli was content with second hand thrift stuff, shame on all of you who feel Sauli should be content with that, he is no rescue pet, his parents are well off in his country.
Hope Adam finds what he is looking for , he plays the emotional card , so every one is in sympathy with him, Brad never got a platform to defend himself , and was reviled and accused of so many things that Adam never bothered to defend, even inciting through his song lyrics. What comes around goes around , One should ask why at 31 yrs of age , he cannot commit to a lasting relationship. If he is so good why does his partners always leave.. H e should take a pattern from Johnny Weir , who never played around and has met his love and committed to marriage after dating for a few months and all indications through twitter are very happy, they visited each other families and interact as a couple supporting each other careers even though Johnny travels a lot. Adam excuse of distance is BS. he talks the talk but cannot commit.He is not a boy anymore. his very blunt answers when asked about marriage was insulting. I feel for Sauli.
I still think he is the greatest singer of this generation, charismatic and a beauty to behold, however this situation have brought me back to reality that he is very human and has his fair share of faults , so i will not be like the rest and blindly worship him, will no longer spend hours voting for every poll he is in and will certainly not follow his shows around the globe.
@2:16 AM
Your comments are total BS, one thing about Adam he is an open book and honesty is high on his list, he never wanted to get married because he felt he wasn't ready for it, and made that quiet clear to everyone. I've no doubt that Adam and Sauli had many conversations about their future and their feelings on these matters. Many people live together and enjoy each other's company without making any long term commitments preferring to take their relationship one step at a time, and this makes perfect sense given that both Adam and Sauli being ambitious young men, were and still are trying hard to get their careers established. As far as Adam getting married, why on earth should he, 31 is still very young, many people delay getting married until later in life especially if your life long dreams still haven't been full-filled. Adam will get married when he meets the right person and when the time is right for him and who are you to tell him how to live his life or to compare him to Johnny Weir, Adam is an individual in his own right just as we all are, your ideas are old fashion and out of date!!
Seems the Glamberts are mourning Sauli, but life has gone on. Adam looks fantastic and still so true to himself. Forget the comfort zone with Adam, he's a go getter.
at 2:24 AM
He's wearing Adam's sun glasses.
Who's driving?
For 2.29,My comments certainly hit a nerve. If you read my comments , I did not state that he should be married , i said his blunt response did not include the possibility, my ideas may be old fashioned to you but they are my values.You did mention he will marry when he meets the right person,clearly implies Sauli was not the one. Extra kudos for Sauli for getting his act together and focusing on his career. No doubt he will find someone to love him unconditionally w/o all the BS he had to endure in America. Taking one step at a time to build long term relationships , is sometimes used as another euphemism for waitng until the right one or someone better comes along. You have your values and I have mine. However, my comments are just a speculation based on Sauli's perspective, as only one side is defended here.If it offends you then, too bad - you can chill or take a hike - no apologies
And to add you blind acceptance that eveything Adam does and say is totally honest and above reproach is utter ridiculous, he is human and like the rest of us has human shortcomings which includes not being totally honest at all times. You are making him in a demi God .. .. , try diverting some of that devotion to the real God,.
and i will continue , as you felt it fit to attack, your comment says a lot about you own self respect and esteem, for certainly if I am openly involved with someone when asked about marriage in a public forum , the response is a blunt'no'instead of 'not right now 'or 'sometime in the future", then i would be a fool to feel totally comfortable in that situation. To each his own.
correction on both comments--Your---instead of you
3:10 AM
Who are you to tell me to go take a hike!? You show nothing but disrespect for Adam and fail to realise that this is an Adam Lambert site NOT a Sauli site. If you feel so strongly then take a hike yourself and go worship Sauli on his site, not on Adam's. You certainly have no right to tell Adam how to live his life and therefore have no right to be here.
3:22 AM
You sound like a narrow minded hypocrite and your ignorance is showing.:)lol.
I can be here if I want to , this is a public forum, if you do not like my comments scroll by, I can respect Adam and be impartial and logical. I do not have to succumb to blind devotion, i have a brain.
at 3:10 AM
at 3:15 AM
at 3:22 AM
Good points! Thanks!
Speak for yourself, if you need to attack my so call ignorance , instead of evaluating facts or dissecting behavioural patterns , just tells me you are incapable of engaging in logical discussion or presenting an opposing theory . PEACE OUT FOOL
AT 3.32,thank you , i felt the need to show support in as this was getting pretty one sided here.not afraid of the big bad wolves
You are all very sad people. You don't know a thing about their personal lives. What gives you the right to blame either of them. And why is Adam bad person for not being ready to settle down. He wants to focus on his music. Leave him be. They've both moved on. I think you guys should grow up and do the same.
Yes , seeing he is back in the club circuit, with more fame and money, let us all pray he does not make the national news like George Micheal
For those of you who say that Adam never defended sauli. I don't ever remember sauli defending Adam. Unless you assume sauli is too weak to defend himself. Who is standing by Adam while everyone blames him for the breakup. You all say that sauli is the one who made all the sacrifices and that sauli was basically the only good person in this relationship. Sauli is not a saint either. Why do you guys have to imply that it was one persons fault.
Yea Sauli never had it so good when he was with Adam. He certainly has not done anything to defend Adam, kind if mean!
Sauli never did do anything to defend Adam and that's the truth, I'm glad he has moved on and I'm happy to see Adam out free again to enjoying himself and to now have the time to put his heart and soul into what he loves the most, his music and his career, and to 3:35 AM, you sure have some problems, your tone is aggressive to say the least, yes this is a public site but it is devoted to Adam Lambert so you my dear are nothing better than a troll with all your abuse.
When Sauli first came to LA he had no sense of style, although he looked like a nice looking guy he looked pretty average. After living with Adam he went on to win a styling award in Finland, Adam helped and encouraged Sauli to look more polished and professional, the fact that Sauli won that styling award was largely due to Adam because Sauli largely adopted most of his fashion ideas from Adam.
All the talk about Adam and Sauli is just plain gossip. If you are a Sauli or Adam fan you do injustice to both by the constant bullying going on here. Blaming one partner against the other is mean spirited and I'm sure neither Adam nor Sauli would approve. They loved one another and now they are apart. Can we all just respect that and move on. If we are true fans, that is not too much to expect. Peace and Light to all, nancdruuu2
I agree with you partially, but I will always stand up for myself if I am being abused for my opinions of which I have a right to express. I honestly believe that this is a site for Adam NOT Sauli, and therefore find it hard to ignore abusive comments aimed at Adam himself, if people don't like him then they should move on and go elsewhere, instead of abusing Adam and his fans.
4.52am I completely agree with you. This is not a sauli site. He is a great guy but I don't come here to read about him.
Some of the comments towards Adam on this site are so insulting. Thank god Adam has a thick skin, great friends and family to support him, plus most of his fans are genuine people, as Adam has stated you can't please every one and that's so true, fortunately he has fans world wide who appreciate and love him for who he is.
Sauli diehards, please go elsewhere and worship him instead of dissing Adam for all your worth on ADAM's blog. You know nothing about their relationship other than what was said in the media and the media is not necessarily truthful. Sauli has done very well in LA thanks to Adam. Sure, he might've given up a lot to come to the US but he didn't have to come, and he certainly gained a lot in return. Anyway, just go away and discuss Sauli elsewhere so this blog can be a pleasant place again.
5:08 AM
Totally agree with your comments.
This week on the radio WWFM, twice TP, IIHY : )
Adam has time to meet his friends and relax, has parties like young people do, after long tour he need that, GOOOD
Sauli did defend Adam after the fight in Finland and he did it very well! Also he defended Adam and made a good joke when Adam got angry to the journalist who asked "the marriage" guestion and Sauli also said that it was a stupid guestion.
Sauli has also from the beginning refused to give interviews concerning their relationship! He has been very protective.
As you see @4:35 you know nothing about the truth and that's the truth.
Another thread gone array. Admin, new thread please? How about this topic? Actor Jensen Ackles covers Adam's Runnin. Audio only, studio recording.
Would you guys say that is Adam singing the last couple of lines, or is it Jensen?
Changing the subject here: :) No doubt this will be a new thread topic today..but here's a preview:
The Life Ball Opening 2013 (Vienna, Austria on May 25, 2013)
Adam's roll: (Open and read the rest of the link below...the entire Life Ball sounds amazing and lavish..So exited for Adam to be a part of it...)
“Love Wins Over Glamour” – Life Ball Song 2013
During the Life Ball song 2013, interpreter Adam Lambert as Ali Baba will come under the spell of the treasure of the 40 thieves, who will accompany his performance by their dancing. The US singer, whose career started off at “American Idol“, is famous for his extraordinary voice, with covers several octaves, as well as his flamboyant-theatrical performances. He was the first openly homosexual pop artist who signed a contract with a major music label in the US.At the end of the song, the famous words “Open, sesame!” show their meaning at the Life Ball, as they fully open the stage for the first time. About 270 protagonists – harem girls, belly dancers, musicians of a Turkish orchestra as well as the debutants – begin to move together according to the motto “Alles Leben” (“All live”) and accompanied by the 1001 Nights Waltz by Johann Strauss Jun."
Fans bases for all celebrities can be brutal. This site is a perfect testament to that fact. Imagine trying to maintain a personal relationship with eveyone breathing down your neck all the time, watching your every move. In my opinion, Adam and Sauli drifted apart because they were too busy with their own business to spend much time together.
Oh my gosh Glitzylady, Thanks for posting. I took about 5 seconds to see the tenor of the bottom of this thread and was just about to close out, but was opening the link from LS May 8 at 6:47 AM, right above you, and then noticed your post pop up. Thanks, very interesting. Also, @LS 6:47, thanks to you about that Jensen Ackles cover - fascinating to me! Runnin' suits Ackles voice very well, and I love that Ackles is aware of the song and the original singer :)!
Ooops! Sorry, meant Adam's ROLE....
@Glitzy 7:08am
LOL. Adam's roll instead of role - Adam's bodyroll, a classic... I can see how you made your mistake! LOL
Here is what I think. There are fans who are here only for Adam. Mayby for very long time. And there are people who has came here because of Sauli. They knew Sauli first and became Adam fans also. And of course there are people who only wants everyone arque and feel bad. If someone say something negative about either of them the anger and defense step in between those two groups. This isn`t a competition about who is happier, sader, did get more out of the relationship, is better looking or anything else. They are both good men. We don`t know anything about their situation past or present. I`m happy that they look like ok to me. They don`t argue with each other. They are friends. We all should try to talk respectfull about them and about us here. This is useless. They did love each other very much and that is a lot. Trying to find fauls is no good at all.
Very nicely said 7:12. Good for you. Reasonable!
Hahaha! Yep, there are just certain words that remind us of Adam :))))) Ahhh! Those body rolls...
@Anon 7:12 AM
As a "long timer here", I came here for Adam. Because I'm a big fan (to say the least..) :)) I've ALSO come to admire and appreciate Sauli. They are both great guys, each in their own way. I agree with your comments completely. I have great respect for both Adam and Sauli and the way they handled their relationship. Being in the spotlight constantly is no easy task. Love em both, "warts" and all....I see no need to belittle or blame one or the other for their decision to break off the relationship. Their business....not ours to try to dissect or blame...
Moving on....
This is 7:12
TY for your kind words! There are good and reasonable people here :)
Freak!! That Life Ball sounds fascinating and to think Adam will have some part in it. I hope we get tons and tons of stream and pictures from it. Go Adam!! I hope they raise tons and tons of money too.
2:05 Agree with you. I don't get where Adam gave so much more than Sauli did. He may have been paying the living expenses but he certainly didn't buy Sauli expensive jewelry and gifts. Sauli looked just as nice in his thrift shop clothes.He always spoke about not living off Adam. Let's see if Adam's next love demands more. Adam never did things Sauli enjoyed. No trips to his homeland for visits , one in over 2 years, Sauli's friends outings. It was about Adam, his friends, his family, his interest. I think Sauli is just a happy person and adapts very well. Adam has said he had a problem with controlling in the past. I don't think Sauli wants to be controlled. Only thing Adam seems to do for fun is hang out in bars.
Adam is known for his loyalty to his friends but it seems to me Adam gives his friends a lot. He says in interviews you have to be careful about people you meet whether they like you or who you are. I don't understand people that think Adam gave Sauli everything and Sauli gave nothing. Adam gives his friends jobs, what do they give him? When they were together I thought they were supportive of each other. I thought Adam's answer about not getting married was insulting to Sauli. I hope Adam doesn't get in trouble hanging in the clubs. Could Sauli becoming more independent been a problem? The being apart because of work doesn't quite get it for me. When Adam toured Sauli usually went home. Now that Adam is back off tour he only has short concerts and is suppose to be doing the 3rd alblum. Not long periods of being gone. Seems like a strange time to break up if being busy and apart is the problem. Gosh nobody would be together. They could have lots of time together at the clubs.
why couldn't I have run into all you relationship experts when I needed you.
Exciting month for Adam, can't wait to see pictures, videos, TV..
So happy for him and his accomplishments thus far, more to come!
Thanks to those who posted links.
any scuttlebutt what Adam will sing on AI? Good guesses?
Time to retire this thread, IMO.
8:23 I know, I hope these overbearing women here didn't do something to admin. lol
6:43 AM
You are so stupid, telling me I know nothing about the truth, you obviously know nothing yourself and you can't help yourself can you, you are pathetic.
Who cares about Sauli, Adam's now into a new chapter of his life so time to move on, I can't wait for more video's and tv progams myself plus the Life Ball in Vienna sounds so wonderful, I'm so proud of Adam.
Until Admin puts up a new topic..(which I'm sure will happen soon: I sent her the link re Life Ball....) those who would like to discuss what Adam is up to next, go up to my post at 6:58 AM about Life Ball 2013 in Vienna Austria, and read about Adam's role..and Life Ball in general..sounds amazing!!!
@glitzylady 9:00
Thanks..( - :
@ 7:52 AM
It seems to me that Sauli is more courageous and open to try out new things whereas Adams mostly sticks to clubbing and shopping.
And I can't help but wonder what people mean when they claim that Sauli never defended Adam. Against what and who exactly?
I've never heard about angry Sauli fans who loath Adam and who keep on bullying him online, doing their best to make Sauli realise that Adam is not worth loving and living with.
A link of who else will be there at Life Ball 2013 along with Adam:
Includes President Bill Clinton, Sir Elton John, Fergie, Eva Longoria, Melanie Griffith, etc........
and we resumne, totally agree with you 7.52, we are stating facts , not belittling anyone , the fanatics can call out names like trolls to justify themselves. But i will continue to state the obvious, the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. Lets see history repeat itself.
Hmmm and he certainly helped Sauli's style by introducing him to thrift stores,how ironic, Sauli's style was already established in Finland, he observed and made his own choices, and as he said it was easier to be bolder in his choices here. , i really do not see any similarity with his own personal style and that of Adam, except the Mac eyeliner he loaned him.
Here's some fan art of Adam as Ali Baba: All I can say is OMG!!!!!!! I hope you can open this link, Adam says: "WOAH"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me after seeing that picture: >-->-O
Gale Whittington @GaleChester
Drop Dead Gorgeous! Via @Mysjka @adamlambert as Ali Baba ;)))) Art)))
ADAM LAMBERT will sing this year's song...
An alternate link if you can't open the FB one:
And he defended Adam by accepting all the personal insults thrown to him with grace and equanimity, by not discussing Adam in any interviews, by sticking with him after the fiasco in Finland, by adapting to Adams friends and family with deference and respect. Don't see him getting much in return.
Wow!! Thank you so much for putting these pics up for us, their simply amazing, Adam is the perfect choice for the part of Ali Baba with his handsome looks and beautiful voice, plus I just love the fan art, such amazing talent within the Glamily.
An early bird got a worm from someone????? :DDDD
And...another cool thing you can do if you have a twitter acct.: all tweets that have the hashtag #lifeball will show up on the Life Ball Social wall at:
One thing I've learned from the Life Ball Social Wall:
Adam co-wrote the theme song for this year's Life Ball entitled "Love Wins Over Glamour", which he'll be singing at the Opening Ceremony..(see my various posts above re Life Ball..). Yay for Adam!!!!!! So proud of him!!!
glitzylady, Thank you for the Life Ball link! Adam will be in great company. Hope he gets to meet all these people. It is a great honor to be there.
I hope this thread is retired soon. I'm 8:23. Forgot to sign.
Looking forward to the GLAAD Awards this weekend. What other Idol alum has gotten so much varied recognition other than Adam? I know some have won Grammys, even an Oscar. But Adam's awards reflect a whole different area of life and influence. He is definately beyond the music in mahy ways.
Adam Lambert=Ali Baba=OMG!!!!Thud!!!
The Life Ball 2013 sounds absolutely huge, so happy and excited for Adam,so many big names attending as well, hope we can get a live stream plus videos.
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