Latest Adam Lambert Pictures Update
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Monday, May 6, 2013
Posted at : Monday, May 06, 2013
VIA jessicacanseco: Best time with @EyelashGuru @cecehendriks@AundrusPoole and gang! Best part running into @adamlambert! My favorite!

with Bridger Clements, Adam Lambert and Jeffree Star.

VIA youngrocko_: ran into this guy @realadamlambert last night & the turn up officially began. haven't seen him in a few months. he let me have it when "pop that" came on twerking that shit lmfao. #vip #glamily #americanidol

VIA addictedtoagua: Perfect ending to a perfect weekend ! ! ! I see a new makeup client in my future ;) @adamlambert #fierce #adamlambert #fabulous #clubeleven #losangeles #gay #gaymen #greeneyes #crucifix #stripes #glamorous #partypeople #mua #makeuplife #imaginationation #queer #queens #hotboys #lovelife

VIA toddyrockstar: Chillin with my home slice @adamlambert last night in Weho. Miss him!

VIA Riccardo Greco Fanseite: Gestern Abend durfte ich Adam Lambert kennenlernen!So ein cooler,lustiger Typ!

VIA andersonbrooks: Love you boo @realadamlambert

VIA princevince: Cinco de drink-o @whereisjohnnyrice @realadamlambert

with Bridger Clements, Adam Lambert and Jeffree Star.

VIA youngrocko_: ran into this guy @realadamlambert last night & the turn up officially began. haven't seen him in a few months. he let me have it when "pop that" came on twerking that shit lmfao. #vip #glamily #americanidol

VIA addictedtoagua: Perfect ending to a perfect weekend ! ! ! I see a new makeup client in my future ;) @adamlambert #fierce #adamlambert #fabulous #clubeleven #losangeles #gay #gaymen #greeneyes #crucifix #stripes #glamorous #partypeople #mua #makeuplife #imaginationation #queer #queens #hotboys #lovelife

VIA toddyrockstar: Chillin with my home slice @adamlambert last night in Weho. Miss him!

VIA Riccardo Greco Fanseite: Gestern Abend durfte ich Adam Lambert kennenlernen!So ein cooler,lustiger Typ!

VIA andersonbrooks: Love you boo @realadamlambert

VIA princevince: Cinco de drink-o @whereisjohnnyrice @realadamlambert

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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 425 Newer› Newest»Adam =LOVE xoxo
Ah yes..Adam's tweet this morning (9 AM LA time..)
Adam Lambert
Early bird
So...hilarity ensued.. ***runs to Urban Dictionary****
Apparently more than one meaning for Early Bird....of course....
As a friend of mine tweeted, "Does that come with a coffee and a bagel"?? :)))))
so proud of him, I didn't know he co-wrote that Life Ball song.
Adam as Ali Baba - I think I had that dream!LOL! I can't wait to see that! So many exciting things going on for Adam! I'm so happy for him - he deserves all the accolades and many more! I can't wait to see him on Idol and I am expecting a standing ovation for him or I'll be very upset(again!)...nancdruuu2
Grammys and Oscars don't mean anything remember Queen never won a Grammy, now they are legends. People may criticise Adam, but one thing they can't do is take away this man's exceptional talent and charm.
I bet AL has had his bagel bagged many times:)) I wonder if there was ever a Lambratkoskinen sandwich?
8:49 am...
So you think nobody cares about Sauli?? Well you are very mistaken there!! Adam cares about Sauli! And I think he always will. He loves his friends.You are very disrespectful!
10:20 AM
And you are very silly.
..............“Love Wins Over Glamour” – Life Ball Song 2013
During the Life Ball song 2013, interpreter Adam Lambert as Ali Baba will come under the spell of the treasure of the 40 thieves, who will accompany his performance by their dancing. The US singer, whose career started off at “American Idol“, is famous for his extraordinary voice, with covers several octaves, as well as his flamboyant-theatrical performances. He was the first openly homosexual pop artist who signed a contract with a major music label in the US.At the end of the song, the famous words “Open, sesame!” show their meaning at the Life Ball, as they fully open the stage for the first time. About 270 protagonists – harem girls, belly dancers, musicians of a Turkish orchestra as well as the debutants – begin to move together according to the motto “Alles Leben” (“All live”) and accompanied by the 1001 Nights Waltz by Johann Strauss Jun...
Read more about this and other performances here:
who did Adam co-write the song with?
10:23 am
I`d rather be silly than cold, cynical and disrespectful like you. It is a well known fact that Adam cares a great deal about his friends. Obviously something you know nothing about. Very sad for you!
That's an excellent write-up and it speaks volumes about Adam amazing talent. This sort of role will suit him so well, it's what he was born to do.
24/7 -- HappyAdamLambertDay has now been trending worldwide for almost one full hour, reaching #2 worldwide right now!!!!
10:23 AM
I really think you've taken my comment way to seriously, and please no need to feel sad for me, I'm very happy and don't need pity. I suggest you try lightening up and getting over it, life's way too short my friend.
The next thread has only 6 comments - plenty of room to post, if no new threads and angst getting too big...
Don't miss some of the good stuff posted before this thread went to page two...just skip the angst.. :))))
at 10:59 AM
Rather stay here... even if it gets a bit crowded :D
On the other hand Adam stuck with Sauli after the fiasco in Finland it was both of their faults. It seems to me that this is Adam site and people are coming on here saying terrible things about Adam, he done zero to stop that. Do not think a lot if Gkambert's are going on his twitter account and talking about him! The only people need worry about karma are the people coming on this site saying untrue slanderous things against a nice man like Adam Lambert. They said it ran its corse, more likely they just were not in love anymore just friends status! But the Sauli people persist on coming on an Adam Lambert site day in day out and cutting down. You wonder why no one wants you here, if you came here and discuss nicely ok but you continue to run down Adam and place all blame on him. You know perfectly well Sauli was just as to blame for that Finnish fight two years ago as body says Adam a perfect angel and Sauli sure is not either. But Adam is a nice man and does not deserve all the utter bull - S. please stop coming on here and ruining this site with lies, about Adam.
No need for your smooth talk:) You already revealed your true colors:)
@ 11:05 AM¨
What are you on about, drunken fist fights are the norm in Finland! No biggie! Christmas Finnish style! LOL
Just read on AO that Adam co-wrote the intro song for the event. He will appear as Ali Baba in the opeing number. He will be SOOOO sexy! Supposed to have lots of dancers, etc. Hope Adam gets ot meet all the big names there!
11:13 AM
You have some serious problems, a victim mentality, go GET A LIFE!!
First of all Sauli was absolutely just as to blame as Adam for that fight at Finland now you are grabbing at straws to put down Adam. In the other hand nice if Adam to stick with Sauli in that case, crazy remark. I sorry but if people would not come on here and blame Adam and slander Adam for everything no one would not only not blame Sauli for anything but not even talk about him anymore. That what would make you mad no ones worrying about Sauli anymore. Please let Ad go out on weekends and whenever with out bringing Sauli up, that's over. That care about each other it is just a friendship now. Your making up nonsense in your mines. If there is karma the people telling untrue stuff about Adam better worry about that not Sauli or Adam they said nothing bad about each other at all. It time to end all this the relationship is a friendship now they handled it well why can you people to that, it's not the Glambert's with the problem here.
at 11:19 AM
The guys were laughing after the so called fiasco, and so was everybody else in Finland and I'm sure Sauli's family did, too.
The 2nd 11:19 am
And where is your life? Looks like it´s pretty much here too:D... so why don´t you take your own advice:) lol!
11:05 AM
I agree with you, this is a site for Adam, if Sauli fans wish to come here then fine, but if they are going to pick pieces out of Adam it's totally inappropriate.
The sooner Sauli goes back home to Finland the better.
Sorry Sauli had just as much to do with that fight in Finland as Adam, really a crazy remark that he stuck with Adam after the fiasco in Finland which both were equally responsible for! Just as nice as Adam to stick with Sauli in that case!
Now now children! Behave and be polite. This is your virtual mother calling. Othervice you will go to the naughty bentch..;)
Thanks to real fans for posting links and news about Adam events coming up soon. I wished I could go to the LB event in Vienna. So excited for all the good things happening for Adam. He surely deserves the best.
Remember Adam and Sauli has nothing to do with all is happening here. It`s some and I mean some fans who are constantly arqueing. It`s not nice to say bad things for both of them. So stop it. And saulli can life where ever he feels like. I like him also but I don`t like some of you (that`s for both sides).
11.95 me a remark wasted some where up there how great Sauli was to stick with Adam, after the fiasco in Finland I Asume that what they were talking about! Both were to blame for that, that why I addressed it.
Maybe Admin has 'had enough' of us and is never coming back.
People thAt think Adam is only clubbing are nuts. He dies many work related things other than that. He will be doing the Glaad award this week. And hopefully idol next. Sauli certainly does not in anyway work harder than Adam. He was only one working for most if those two years. So to say how much harder Sauli works us utter bull. He worked his ass off for years on his career.
@ 11:50 AM
Just clubbing? Says who? Don't forget that he goes shopping, too.
But other than that, not really sure.
But, he is lovely with all his faults and everything.
@14gelly: Katelyn Greathouse, the streaker w the turquoise bra posted today on IG the pic wAdam from...
It's #katelyngreathouseday haha! #adamlambert #americanidol #streak #memories #epico
Настасья @gnastenka 14m
@adamlambert №1 in Ukraine!
#HappyAdamLambertDay trended Worldwide on twitter at no. 2 position for over an hour:
And back to the Life Ball 2013 for just a moment: Here's the opening ceremony song production from last year: So you can get an idea of what's in store for Adam as he opens the Gala and well as acts...: WOW!
"Fight The Flame Of Ignorance" was the theme song last year:
That's amazing! Happy Adam Lambert Day everyone!
Adam as Ali Baba, a character from Arabic literature? Who thought that up and cast Adam who is Jewish? Not since Tony Curtis a/k/a Bernard Schwartz played the title role in The Prince Who Was a Thief, an Arab Sheiks son has there been such miscasting. Are any Arabs going to be at this ball in Vienna?
Just read that Demi Lovato posted online every song from her new album a week before its release. She promised her fans she'd do so if they made each song title trend on Twitter. Her fans did it. Maybe we can do this for Adam for album #3.
@Anon 1:33 PM
Its called acting.....
It's from Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. I hope the fans here don't start ruining the fun of this performance by making it all about politics. Sometimes, things are just fun. Adam evidently has no problem doing it.
9.07 are you crazy. There sauli fans making accusations and insults about this whole situation. Why must you be so nasty and assume that everything is Adams fault. He is not perfect but he is not a monster. They drifted apart. Why must you insist on making a scandal out of it. I don't think Adam or sauli would appreciate you all attacking them and eachother.
glitzylady 1:40, Exactly right! I hate it when some things get so over-analyzed that all the heart and soul gets sucke out of it. Adam will be a smokin' hot Ali Baba. No politics, please.
Sauli fans and Adam fans suck. You guys sure know how to cross the line. They both look bad because you make them look bad. Poor guys. How can you assume you know everything that happened.
I'm sure Adam's days are spent on business matters. The clubbing is often work-related, too.
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Updated calendar of events and concerts:
Don't forget to check out embedded links for tickets and other information for each event or concert.
By the way, Adam wasn't from OZ either, when he played the parts in "Wicked"... FFS. He could still play the parts tho..... Paleeeeeezzzze!!!!
PLEASE, as @DRG NOT make this like every other topic here seems to have become as of late...a mess.
There is a place for political statement..and I seriously don't think the old tale from the classic Arabian Nights "Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves", with Adam playing Ali Baba in a dramatized production for the Life Ball 2013 theme song "Love Wins Over Glamour" is something we need to debate. Just my opinion......
I wish Sauli would go back to Finland and not flaunt his new boy friend in Adam's face in LA. I think Adam still has feelings for Sauli, and this whole situation is making me very sad. Adam is not his usual self - he's not doing twitter, instagram or keek. He's trying to put on a happy face, but I think he is hurting.
2:00 pm
For goodness sake! Has Sauli said he has a boyfriend?? I haven´t heard it. And if he hasn´t said it, you sure as hell don´t know it. But I do agree on some level that Adam still has feelings for Sauli. But I also think Sauli has feelings for Adam. They were very close. And they still are friends. Happy for that!
WHY, oh WHY do you/we all keep posting EVERYTHING on this thread???
There are other threads, the one before this one, has ONLY 7 comments... plenty of room to post before that thread is up to 200 and more... LOL!!!
at 2:17 PM
Is this going to be the longest thread ever?
I don't mind.
Yep it´s interesting that threads about Adam partying, drinking etc. are the most popular ones! How about his music and career??
This is still going on? Some people never get bored. Bye.
@Anon 2:29 PM
Many of us try very hard to post comments and links about his music and career....Just read those...I for one enjoy seeing Adam out and about..but seems to stir up the s*** sometimes. Just ignore the BS if you can...
As to why we post links about other topics here and not somewhere else: Because people generally go to the latest thread for the latest info. And there are those who grumble about links being posted on multiple threads. So if I or someone else posts multiple times elsewhere, someone is going to make some sort of comment about it.. "Why do you have to post it more than once?" . Can't win :)))
Hoping for a new thread soon with some or all of the new Adam-related news seen here amongst the A & S...(eternally ongoing...) "discussion..."
WOW, WOW,WOW. This life Ball thing is huge. Thanks for the links and info Glitzy. Hopefully has side tracked all the rubbish being written here.
Seems Adam has been very busy writing a song for this event, what an honour for him.
I am so happy for him and us with Idol, Glaad and the Life Ball.So much to look forward to.
PS We do need a new thread, whats going on?
Keep going! This is as entertaining as many of the reality shows. And has as much to do with real life!
at 2:29 PM
Well, who's stopping you then?
How about discussing the Life Ball song, Love Wins Over Glamour, the one he co-wrote?
Any ideas on that?
Adam is a very artist. He has to work for China Idol, China The Voice, American Idol, Life Ball, GLAAD, and couple of other concerts. Plus work on his third album. That requires tons of work, rehearsal, etc. He can't make everyone happy. Can he? Please get a life of your own and enjoy the ride on the side.
1.33 Geesh, please don't start up and turn something wonderful and positive into another slanging match. As Glitzy said its called acting.
PS We will never get JAK at this rate.
OMG seriously? Just logged on and I see there are 264 comments?
Wow, we need a new thread.
History of Ali Baba:
This story was added to One Thousand and One Nights by one of its European translators, Antoine Galland, an 18th-century French orientalist who may have heard it in oral form from a Middle Eastern story-teller from Aleppo, in modern day Syria. In any case, the first known text of the story is Galland's French version. Richard F. Burton included it in the supplemental volumes, rather than the main collection of stories, of his edition of the Thousand and One Nights, and seems to have thought it Greek Cypriot in origin.[1]
The American Orientalist Duncan Black MacDonald discovered an Arabic-language manuscript of the legend at the Bodleian Library;[2] however, this was later found to be a counterfeit.
I think it was Sauli who said something like "love wins" after the notorious drunk tank incident...
A new tweet from Adam:
@AdamLambert: @sutanamrull how fun!!
glitzylady thanks for the twitter Email when we were trending Adam. I have to learn how to do that.kackypants
Adam's new fan mail address:
Love you Adam you always been a kind hard working guy. The pathetic Sauli nuts will not change that. Both Sauli and Adam are good guys the same two are three that are posting tons of time and running Adam down, your all pathetic mean people.
Updated fan mail address for Adam:
Are we going for a record on the most comments or what?
Sauli's fans and defenders can say all the negative crap about Adam all they want, but they are still using Adam to promote Sauli on Adam's official and unofficial websites. That's called mooching or stealing.....I'm positive that Adam's sites aren't free, especially the official one. If Sauli is the independent man that his fans say that he is then it's time for them let him pay for his own fan site, instead of getting free publicity on Adam's, but most of all it's keeping some fans from closure in this unhealthy attachment to Adam's ex-boyfriend. It time to cut the cord, pull the plug, move on, etc... I hope that Adam keeps his next boyfriend/relationship top secret.
Sauli's fans can open a fansite on for free and discuss about his career endeavors on his fansite. Please be courteous cause this is Adam's fansite 24/7. Most of us have moved on and practically feel their personal lives is none of our business. Out of respect we would like both Adam and Sauli to have private healthy relationships. They're both adults and they only know what is happening in their own hearts. Leave them alone!
Sauli has every right to be here as well as anyone else who came here legally, he came here and behaved respectably,the minute Adam visited Finland , he created a fiasco, he is the older one btw,typical American behavior don' t like to hear the truth,I am over being polically correct.and further kudos to Sauli if Ade is a boyfriend, sure looks good,manly ,educated and presumably endowed,he went for the cream of the crop,not pathtetic twinks and sluttly queens in shady bars.
@4:59pm. If respect is a great factor for you then have some respect for Adam fans and move on cause honestly we have moved on and wish both of them the best things in life cause they both deserve to be happy and from all the pictures and videos they look happy and content. Why can't you be the same?
4:59, then we won't expect to see you here anymore. Goodbye!!
It will actually be Ali Baba and his Forty Thieves(dancers) and I think I read somewhere that the Blonds are doing his outfit!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Admin is OK and just really busy.
I suspect Admin is just very busy today..I know a little bit about the administrator of this blog and know her life is quite hectic right now... But positive thoughts going out to her anyway :)))
This is 4.59' you guys are really something,I was away but you you have to have the lst word. That I would not let happen ,you bullies may intimidate some but I can duke this ou,bring it on.
at 3:24 AM
Go away Sue! No one will miss you...
@6:25 PM
I think it's past time we start worrying about Admin. I hope it's a computer problem and certainly nothing personal.
4:59 lol famous last words come back in a year and tell us all that's happened to Sauli. I thought Adam handled it very well when Sauli acted like a two year old on the American Idol finale red carpet, jerking his hand away and walking off like a baby and it's not like Sauli wasn't use to crowds and cameras. If he acted that way in public it scared me to think how he acted at home.
Jesus, get over the who what why and how about Adam and Sauli's relationship that is over.
Life goes on, they certainly are moving forward and seem to doing quite well.
I guess Adam is attracted to twinks and likes the pretty boys, no offence to Sauli.
Sauli fanatic, you're a broken record flogging a dead horse here.
Goodbye, thread, PLEASE!
Another site has about a 14 min clip of last years Lifeball and it looks amazing!!!
I think Adam will have a ball there;)
See what happens when you misbehave, even Admin. takes a vacation from the squabbling!
I posted the clip of "Flight of the Flame Of Ignorance", the theme song from Life Ball 2012 at
12:52 PM above..but here's the link again :)) Amazing production! Can hardly wait to see Adam perform HIS song "Love Wins Over Glamour"..
I think we are going for a comment record!!!:)
As Adam's fan, I can only feel for him during this difficult time after a break-up. I believe that Adam keeps a lot to himself and he tries to put on a happy face, but deep down he must feel so sad because truly he must have loved Sauli. Maybe going out to clubs is a way for him to meet other fun people and get back on his feet. I am sure both Adam and Sauli did not do something intentionally to cause the break-up, the relationship just ends for whatever reason, and none is to be blamed, especially by us fans. To me, Sauli is a very practical, down-to-earth, and optimistic guy, and he will go on with his life fine. But Adam, who is more emotionally vulnerable, will need some time to heal. Let's just hope that Adam will find some day the love of his life, his soul mate!
Love Adam as Ali Baba!!!
OMG! It was one of my fave show growing up! Mischevious Ali Baba!
Can just see Adam playing that part!!!
Gorgeous art!!! Once again a very talented Adam Fan:)
thank you!
Since we haven't had a new thread recently, I thought I'd post an article about Adam at the Life Ball in Vienna. He will be Ali Baba!!
"During the Life Ball song 2013, interpreter Adam Lambert
as Ali Baba will come under the spell of the treasure of the 40
thieves, who will accompany his performance by their dancing. The US
singer, whose career started off at “American Idol“, is famous for his
extraordinary voice, with covers several octaves, as well as his
flamboyant-theatrical performances. He was the first openly homosexual
pop artist who signed a contract with a major music label in the US.
At the end of the song, the famous words “Open, sesame!” show their
meaning at the Life Ball, as they fully open the stage for the first
time. About 270 protagonists – harem girls, belly dancers, musicians of a
Turkish orchestra as well as the debutants – begin to move together
according to the motto “Alles Leben” (“All live”) and accompanied by the
1001 Nights Waltz by Johann Strauss Jun.
Read more:
@StarCrushCeleb: Glamberts Celebrate the Fourth Annual @AdamLambert Day on Twitter
Ooops! Looks like I wasn't the first to post some info about Adam as Ali Baba at the Life Ball. But, at least I gave the description ... :-) Sorry.
OMG! Gorgeous fan art of Adam as Ali Baba!!!
can just see Adam playing mischevious Ali Baba!!
Another talented Adam fan:)
Thankyou for sharing! Love it!
Sorry for double post:(:)
@Anon 10:29 PM
Actually you're the third to give the description..but it's a hard thread to keep track of! LOL!!!
Dang hot picture of Adam and his ex.:
@TommyJoeRatliff: Name that tune #Depechemode #garageband #goth
@DrBrianMay: HELP ! AFTER 9am WED 8th May on both Twitter + FB to reach 100,000 sigs! #wheresmum
Guys vote for Angie Miller so at least she'll make to top 2. She'll perform with Adam next week. Better in 2nd place than 3rd. You can vote easily online here:
Just tap over her picture 50 times. Very easy.
@JustAFanAL: if you can't sleep and you wanna listen to good music, listen to my broadcast
@GaleChester: Mail Online:ABC News Producer Announces Gender Change with Adam Lambert video on Twitter "A Change is Gonna Come!"
@adamgasm1982: Adam Lambert, Carly Rae Jepsen and Jennifer Hudson All Returning For American Idol Finale?
10:47 too late I already voted in Ohio!! I love Kree but they are all terrific.
Adam fan magazine:
@madmaninbedlam: Bedlam is gearing up for the next issue! POSITIONS AVAILABLE:
American Idol' Final 3: Why Angie Miller Should Win - Adam Lambert mention:
Hoping you are ok?
Is this a new record yet?! Over 310 comments...AND
Based on info @Anon's 11:04 post
it seem or feels like timetraveling back to 2009... ADAM on AI and TV company using AMA performance to boost their ratings...
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.Loved every single time I saw Adam on AI, both during S8 and all the visits after that and I will never forget his AMA performance - YES, loved that too or celebrated everything else except the vocals (I genuinly thought it was sound problems and the fall I did not even notice when watching it the first time) ---
The TV ad shows there truly has not been ANYONE OR ANYTHING THAT COMPARES TO ADAM'S ACT!
Four years later ADAM still rules!!! YAY!!!
Dear Admin, is there any connection between face book advising me to create a profile and the fact that the old Adam 24/7 posts haven't been refreshed for 2 days? I have a face book account and...nothing.Will there be changes? I hope , you , dear Admin will let me finally know what is happening!
Whoa! My daughter and I will be in Vienna same time as Adam. I wonder if tickets are available for the Life Ball. I sure hope there's a way. Will try to find out.
Hmm, my comments have just vanished in the cyber space!
Dear Admin, are there any chances TO FIND OUT what is happening? Will there be changes, will you be so kind to let us know, eventually???
Adam changed his instagram avi, the pic is an old one, from 9 February.
Anyone remember what the occasion was?
4:32 pm: at least you know what you are.
Sauli fanatic, please post your bitterness elsewhere.
Starting to worry just a little about Admin. Hoping all is Okay... : /
@ 5:26 AM
I've got no idea who you are referring to but now that you mentioned Sauli, it seems that they still live together, share accessories (eg the golden sun glasses Adam had in Miami), and since, as far as I know Sauli doesn't drive in LA, the driver on Sauli's recent vblog might be Adam.
4:01 AM
And I know what you are.
WTF . . . . happened here
Good morning! Do you think there is a chance that the early bird will rise up in LA this morning? LOL :)
Ok, can't we just start posting in the thread previous to this???
There's nothing new just now and it takes forever to come this far (esp. if you want to read some of the more informative comments)...
Just wishing...
Also hoping everything is okay with Admin?
What's wrong with this thread? Can't see the end coming near and the variety of posts and the degree of enthusiasm is quite interesting - and entertaining, I must say.
gorgeous collage of smiling Adams....definitely need a new thread of picture of the day for this one.
The Life Ball in Vienna sounds absolutely spectacular! Adam as Ali Baba is perfect - this is his kind of theatre. And all the Cavalli design and classical music - whew! so sumptuous. Adam must be so busy right now preparing for that event and Idol and Glaad etc. I am so happy for him - lots of different things to be involved in, lots of adulation and recognition.
Admin. probably is JAK. Haven't seen any comments from JAK either.
Any new News I will post on previous Miami interview thread cause it's easier to see things there since it's 12 comments.
very weird - earlier today there were lots of new comments here, including mine, but now they have vanished ????
I guess it's some sort of web glitch.
@Anon 8:38 AM
JAK is taking a break from the blog but hopefully will be back..she isn't the administrator of 24/7. Different people. I know that for sure. In definitely becoming concerned for the administrator tho. I know her a bit and we speak via email occasionally. She's extremely busy right now but still a little concerned as I have sent some emails in the past 2 days but no response. Perhaps computer or website issues or perhaps just real life. Hope things are okay... In the meantime, we'll try to keep everyone up on the latest Adam news as best we can!!
aha - there's an extension because of so many comments ... poor ADMIN must be busy. Hope there's a new post soon - Adam, go to the store or a parking meter, anything!
@HK. Thanks for sharing that beautiful collage of Adam's smiling pics. It definitely deserves a new thread as a pic. of the day.
Hope everything is fine with Admin. Crays probably jinked her. Sending light and love to Admin.
Hope ADMIN is ok and we get back to normal pretty soon. There are good things coming up for Adam in the coming weeks. Let's talk them up in a positive way and have fun with it all. I'm excited to see him on Idol. I'm imagining a gorgeous Adam/Ali Baba in Vienna. I'm thinking of him getting that prestigious GLAAD award. The Pittsburg Pride event is in June and so is Orlando. Lots to look forward to! And new music in the works, for sure. Let's trend Adam Lambert Day!
Goodness, hope Admin is alright, we miss you!
Adam Lambert day was yesterday and trended Worldwide for over 2 hours :))
This site is looking like ground hogs day the movie. Adam same goofy look for the camera every time I open this page. :)
Facebook likes on Adam's AT&T Live Proud now up to 9.5k.
LOL! Yes, I'm a day behind with Adam Lambert Day. Glad it trended! The truth is, to me, every day is Adam Lambert Day. Hence, my confusion.
DRG (yeah, kinda like the movie Groundhog Day around here. Deja vu all over again!)
Admin is around because my comment was deleted . . . .
Is there someplace else to go to get updates??????
wow this thread has the most comments there has ever been I think
I have to say I don`t know how this tread works? is there one person who choose subjects or what..? For Sauli fans I think he has finally moved out of Adam`s condo. So thats it. Adam doesn`t like his pictures anymore what he used to do not so long ago. I think their "friendship" is also cooling down..
what's going on with 24/7? no new stuff in 4 days? Hard to believe. I expected some news about Lifeball on it's own thread.
For those interested to find news about Sauli check out this Sauli news blog:
I posted some Adam news under prior two threads before this once. Check them out!
@10:23..How funny!
Amen to this:
New HD YT Video by fuse: Top 5 "American Idol" Albums (ADAM LAMBERT's Trespassing #3) We rank the top 5 albums from "American Idol" alums, including Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert, and Jennifer Hudson.
ADAM LAMBERT! Answer this Tweet by @ENews: #MyIdol Idol is reportedly cleaning house 4 next season If you could have anyone at the judges’ table who would it be?
12:24 pm
What are you? A 10 year old???
ok if admin starts this site up again I will never complain about anything ever again. Not that I ever did that much to begin with. J/s
anybody going to orlando
Check this out guys???
Via @RCAPromo: Wonder what @adamlambert has been up too? Tune in to @AmericanIdol tonight at 8pm on @FOXTV to find out!
Screencap by @LAMBERTLUST:
Sometimes comments just disappear on their own. I don't think Admins deleted it. Something is going on that they are not posting new threads. Worried now :((
This is unusual, hope our site hasn't gone. In spite of all the ups and downs its still a great place to come, if you can ignore the strange and silly comments.
So much good news about Adam and no new threads, I am concerned to.
I'm concern about Admin too. Hope she is ok.
Admin: if ur busy and I hope you are busy with RL stuff please write a comment that you are ok.
For latest Adam news check out the following link:
4:27 Agree completely. Sauli fans are as demented as the Adommy fans.They think if they keep posting their feelings it will get them back together. Very sad. By the way I think Adam is very quiet now because #1 writing new work for album. #2 I would think practicing for his performance in Vienna. I mean that is huge. That will be perfect for him with all his theatrical background and he might even sing more operatic for this particular performance.
This tweet from RCA probably Idol will be showing Adam's package about where are they now tonight. Don't forget to watch Idol tonight:
@RCAPromo: Wonder what @adamlambert has been up too? Tune in to @AmericanIdol tonight at 8pm on @FOXTV to find out!
4:27 Agree completely. Sauli fans are as demented as the Adommy fans.They think if they keep posting their feelings it will get them back together. Very sad. By the way I think Adam is very quiet now because #1 writing new work for album. #2 I would think practicing for his performance in Vienna. I mean that is huge. That will be perfect for him with all his theatrical background and he might even sing more operatic for this particular performance.
2:48 pm
From all indications Sauli has moved on, his fans are supporting his decision/the ship has sailed /they are not demented.
I do have some choice adjectives for you though.
4:29 Before you make nasty comments about Adam ie. slutty queens etc etc. Remember he met Sauli (he is a twink by the way) in a sleezy bar in Helsinki. Well it might not have been sleezy but it was a bar. Also, it didn't take Sauli very long to find someone else to keep him in USA. Think about that and yes agree with all make your own blog up for your man.
In that RCA tweet should the "too" be "to" instead?
I'll definitely watch Idol tonight. It's such close race and I won't miss it. Plus they are showing Adam's success package tonight and his live presence performance with Angie next week. I wish I could get tickets for the result finale show next week since Nokia LA is about 15 mins. from my house.
Could you battle it out here since most of us are concern about Admin.:
For a twink he is certainly athletic and as far as finding someone, he did a great job,that says a lot about his character and special qualities that he gets what ever he goes after and also inspires their devotion. Maybe you should try to study thse qualities and use them to better your pathetic life , i moved on but you are still here all day serving rebuttals.Get a life
Tweet from Adam's publicist, Shoshanna, about watching Idol tonight:
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
Excited to watch @americanidol tonight
Adam is still very much into Sauli and they will get back together if Sauli wants to take him back.
Simple as that. Like it or not.
hey while we are grieving over admin wach this video of Adam go round.
Doesn't glitzylady know how to contact admin.? Do we have to find a new site? Have we destroyed our own playground?
Wow 370 posts, is this a record. Whats going on?
3:12 Don't hold your breath!!!
I've tried to contact admin with the email that I have, several times in the past few days. I think we will have to wait and see..
3:09 we are here because this is an Adam Lambert fan site and I am an Adam Lambert devotee. Why are you here? Starting and looking for trouble only. It's a shame my time is limited on this site because of toddlers and I have to wade thru your BS. You moved on but here you are again with your psych 101 crap.
2:56 and 3:09. You are the same person so I direct this at you. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTS!!
so this new guy is Sauli's forever man? yeah give us a ring two years from now and tell how things are going. LOL
Lambert fans please try to ignore these hateful women.
Or rather a woman. It's only one person writing all these things. I bet she isn't not Sauli or Adam fan. Just a crazy troll. IGNORE HER BY ALL MEANS PLEASE and send light and love to Admin. to be well and all other good things.
4:06 good idea, I hope everything is alright with her. I hope she isn't p*ssed at something we did.
I won't be home tonight for AI, so I'll have to see the Where Are They Now clip for Adam tomorrow. Can't wait to see it! I hope they REALLY show what he's been doing bigtime!!
DRG (admin, if you're out there and you're ok, please come back. We need you. Hope things are all right.)
There are articles now about Idol doing a house cleaning by firing all the judges for next season of Idol.
Adam's label and publicist tweeting to watch American Idol tonight.
What is it going to be? Adam as a judge for next season of Idol, maybe!?
@ALambertFans_SG: Singapore StarWorld's TV schedule for today showing AI's show times to watch @adamlambert's segment \o/
Via Adam Lambert on Facebook run by his label:
Adam Lambert
Glamberts! Tune in to American Idol tonight @ 8pm EST on FOX to get an exclusive look into Adam's journey since American Idol!
World clock to watch AI:
@_mamadeb: Pic of the TV Guide article about the Where Are They Now segments.
E! Online: It's official: Randy Jackson is leaving American Idol! @ENews got his exclusive statement, read it here:
Adam will be Executive Producer of AI next season! j/k ;)
Livestream for AI:
Re 24/7 and the Administrator/Owner of the Blog:
Not sure what's happened but don't give up. We haven't had a new thread since Monday and at first I wasn't overly worried but now I do have concerns about what might have happened. I talk via email with the administrator late as last week.. and I've tried to contact her several times in the last 3 days but haven't heard back. I even sent her my cell # in the chance that she might be able to call or text just to let us know she's okay...
I suspect 1. there may be a computer issue (can't get on the internet for one reason or another..), 2. possibly just VERY busy with "Real Life" , or 3. perhaps a family emergency. I'm sending out positive thoughts to her and hope to hear something soon, either via email or even better, here with some new threads. Some here have expressed concern that the administrator has given up on us due to the crazy comments as of late. We know that some people have left because of that.. I seriously do not think that's the issue at all. But perhaps we can behave ourselves anyway!! :))))))
Fingers crossed that this resolves soon.. And at this point prayers and hugs to the Administrator of 24/7. She's been very good to us for the past few years and I hope nothing serious has befallen her....
I suggest that we who are able to do so, please continue to post news, links, keep us up on the latest Adam Lambert news.. We've posted quite a few things...for instance the Ali Baba news ie Life Ball in Vienna, the amazingly long thread which was posted last. If you can wade through it..there are some good links, etc. We can also post links to Adam's Idol appearances, both the "Adam Lambert Update" scheduled for Idol tonight..and the Finale tomorrow etc..preferably on one of these shorter threads!
Hope we're back to normal soon...well, as normal as it ever is here on Adam Lambert 24/7!!! :))))))
Adam's segment "Where are they now??" on Idol tonight..Not the best video quality but the first one I ran across on Twitter so far: He looked GREAAAT by the way!
just finished watching Idol. Adam looked and sounded great in his package segment. I won't tell you the top two. I didn't really care they were all good.
Adam -- Please, please concentrate your efforts on THE WORLD instead of the US. I know you have many fans in the US, but the industry there is really strange when they can't see what an amazing talent you are. And American Idol doesn't know how to promote their own talent. OMG, Adam Lambert sang to sold out crowds worldwide since 2008 and you don't mention it during his recap. OMFG, he fronted the band QUEEN in LONDON, UK to sold out crowds 3 nights in a row. And also fronted QUEEN during a mega show in Kiev with 250,000 people in attendance. And still no mention of that. No mention of all the awards he has won worldwide.
BTW, is Ryan Seacrest also leaving AI? He looks tired of it. No energy, ignoring past performers, not getting excited about anything...
omg I thought the segment was great they actually let him do some talking and played him in the background. They didn't even have to have him on.
Now that we've seen Adam's segment on Idol tonight, let's move on to the next big thing in his life - The GLAAD Award on Saturday night. I just signed up for the livestream of the whole thing - Red Carpet, Award Presentation & After Party. Who do you think will be there - Leila, Neil, Danielle, Eber? Since Adam isn't performing, he doesn't need the Glam Band, but will any of them show up just to support him? Adam has an aunt & uncle who live in the SF area. I remember they came to see him at one of his radio promos in SF. They will probably be at GLAAD. And the next day (May 12) is Mothers Day. Will Adam be taking Mom out to brunch/lunch at a fancy SF restaurant? Let's discuss.
love love loved Adam's segment on Idol. He looked like a million and talked like a million. I was getting worried they forgot about it.
Great news!!!!
Screencap by @LAMBERTLUST: #TRESPASSING has moved up to 77 on iTunes Pop chart!!! Before Tonight's idol it was at 366!
I saw the segment on livestream and I thought it was fabulous. It was short and most casual fans on twitter thought that he was going to perform after his segment. But Ryan in his soft voice, kind of like whisper, said that he'll perform next week. I'll watch it shortly in west coast on my TV which is way better than livestream. All is good in Adamland and I look forward to his GLAAD Award/s this weekend. Hope everything is fine with site's admin. Does she have twitter account?
Trespassing is at no. 70 position on iTunes pop. It'll move up once the show hits west coast in 24 mins.
Adam's segment can be seen here. IT is on the one with Alicia Keys
HELP! What is going on here? We desperately need a new thread!
OK, now I'm worried. Will there still be posts on this site? I don't remember ever going this long without an update. I'm so addicted!!!
The segment was very good, but I agree that I wish they had mentioned Queen, Adam's international awards, his recent WAG tour, etc. But I guess that couldn't spend all night just covering Adam, although that would have been fine by me. I think the clip did give those who have lost track of Adam and don't follow him a read heads-up about how busy he's been since Idol. So glad to hear that TP has moved up the charts!!! So excited for next week's duet.
OMG am watching AI and a great piece on Adam comes on! Very well done! It showed him starting with his audition on AI and the great strides in his career! Showed many clips of him on his recent world tour and promoted Trespassing mentioning how it debuted at #1 on Billboard. Also lots of clips interviewing him. He was so articulate and looked sooo good. Then Ryan announces Adam will do a duet on the AI Finale. Great piece on Adam. And so well deserved. I'm very proud of Adam and cannot wait to see him on all the upcoming events..GLAAD Award, AI Finale and The Life Ball! So many good things to look forward to.
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