Latest Picture: Adam Lambert on a plane with Andy Cohen
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, May 23, 2013
Posted at : Thursday, May 23, 2013
VIA realadamlambert: Look who was next to me on da plane to NYC! @bravoandy !!!

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Great, funny pic! I think Andy is hilarious, and well, Adam is of course quite silly himself.
Knock it off Adam, you should be getting into character, rewrite your tweet VIA realalibaba:Look who was next to me on da plane to NYC!@bravoandy!! lol
Either one of them would make a long flight a pleasure...JAK
4:28,read the caption:
Look who was next to me on da plane to NYC! @bravoandy !!!
I saw something on twitter about a bunch of stars all arriving on the same flight into Vienna tomorrow (?)on a plane with the Red Ribbon.
Loved Andy's show with Adam and Beth Ditto! Lot's of laughs!!!!!!
Is that enough facial hair for the part?
Fun pic, Adam. :) Thanx for sharing with us. You know we love it all.
Look at those EYES!!!!! what a great ride to NYC that would have been for those two!
Did Adam dye his hair dark black again? Looks like it. Liked it that way a few years back but now prefer the more subtle colors.
Ali Baba would have black hair and beard. Adam getting into character. Fun flight. Vthe Dark Side
4:58 Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?
5:55 -- Yeah, that's probably why he changed it again. And anyway, I do love that Adam keeps changing things around. Keeps his fans interested.
he must have a new boo up in NYC. he sure does enjoy the social life there.
I thought I remember Adam saying he would stop in NYC to see some friends and maybe the plays they are in. Don't just jump to the conclusion that he has a new boyfriend and that's why he is stopping there. Adam seems to love NYC anyway, so why not stop there before flying to Vienna.
Don't bite guys!!! Just ignore
Just guessing here, but I suspect Adam was in NYC just long enough to change planes and head on to Vienna. His Life Ball performance is on the 25th (Saturday) which is in less than two days, Vienna time..... so just enough time to try to get over the time change, sleep, rehearse, and then do the show. Perhaps NYC stopover on the return flight???
I agree. Adam must be on his way to Vienna. The stop in NYC to see his friends perform must be on the way back. Whoooo! Can't wait to see Ali Baba in action!
DRG (Lovin' the Melvin; sooop sexy.)
Just look at Adam's eyes. What are they, anyway? Bluish, grayish? I've gazed at them for so long, but the color is sometimes lighter than at other times. Probably contacts. His natural eye color is so pretty.
Sorry, so gabby tonight.
Why does Adam have to "mug" all the time? I'm not enjoying his funny faces. Enough is enough!
that is his normal face the other ones are fake. lol
Ali Baba on his way to Vienna!
Have a good time in Vienna Ali and an even better time in NYC Adam. woots!!
I enjoy seeing Adam's mug any old time...
One of the things I admire about him is that he doesn't take himself too seriously. And doesn't mind looking goofy. Never change, Adam...
Jump to conclusions why don't you. Whilst I'd hate to spoil your fun, he actually flew to NY to catch a Lifeball flight from there to Vienna....
An Austrian Airlines B777 I think...
see below for photos from the flight
a short vid from the plane
Kelly O is also going
Kelly Osbourne @MissKellyO 31m
Bye Bye LA hello Vienna @amfar #LifeBall!!!!
TALCvids @TALCvids
Friday arrival in Vienna: “the Life Ball Boeing 777 from New York w/special guests such as Eva Longoria,Carmen Electra,singer Adam Lambert”
TALCvids @TALCvids 10m
Adam Lambert & other guests will arrive in Vienna Fri am from NY on this >> RT @WilmaLie: life ball 777 plane…. … …
Picture of Adam on the ground in Vienna, in front of the special "Life Ball" Boeing 777..
Life Ball even has its own airplane! Way to do it up RIGHT!
And Adam doing an interview on the airplane with ET Canada (?)...Just a picture for vid.
@Anon 4:58
Adam most probably has Melvin jr "blackened & trimmed" by the time Ali Baba shows up, don't worry. He's the real pro playing dress up, years and years of practice, lol.
Once again, please add one tiny sentence under headline or the pic, who this and that person is. Would help a lot and save time... Andy Cohen, host of the tv show "the name".
This tiny bit of info is enough for a regular non-US fan, who does not know and does not have time to google every tom, dick and harry unknown to the rest of the world. Big worlwide names, like Eva Longoria etc, no need.
And before somebody calls me ignorant, stupid or lazy, don't bother, I do google a lot and I do read the captions (here they say nothing about who Andy Cohen is), just trying to do this for the COMMON GOOD of this site - and it's a professional way to introduce people!
@GMT, thanks for the tip, Beth Ditto was the key word, saw that vid and L'ed MAO!!!
PS. Spontaneous LAUGHTER is what I miss most on this site (compared to "old times" a few years back) --- chuckling on my own by the computer was BEST THERAPY possible, thanks to ADAM's wonderfully witty, humorous and GORGEOUS persona in all these TV shows, interviews etc. AND THANKS TO SO MANY LOVELY, WITTY, TALENTED and FRIENDLY & LOVING FANS (sadly many of them no longer posting here!), no snarkyness and bad vibes back then!
Thank you for reading
Happy Friday ya'll!
You were with great company Adam, I love Andy Cohen on Bravo. Andy is so funny and clever. Love to have heard your conversations they must have been interesting.
2:24 am, if you follow Adam even a little it is pretty hard to miss who Andy Cohen is. Admin gives us this whole site. Give her a break and open Google in another tab.
@2:24 I appreciate admins work for this site but as a non-US AL-fan (growing number of us) your request would be nice and appreciated if not adding too much of admins time.This time lucky me I knew who AC was! Followed Adam`s every move I guess for a long time like a decent stalker:))!
Sorry I meant "if not taking too much of admins time":) @3:15am
@8:11 PM Adam doesn't "mug" all the time but I must agree I would prefer to see it less too.
I follow Adam far more than is healthy for me, know practically everything about him, but I, like 2.24am do not know who Andy Cohen is, or what Bravo is...although they sound vaguely familiar.
So I agree with @2.44's polite request for all us non US fans.
I don't even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I don't know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you aren't already ;) Cheers!
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The request of Admin is not reasonable. Seriously, there is plenty in this world each of us is unfamiliar with. Google it. You might be surprised what you learn.
I didn't know what Life Ball was. I didn't expect Admin to explain it, I googled it and went on to read the Life Ball website.
I am very uncomfortable being unkind here, but I just Googled 3 words: Andy Cohen Bravo... and came up instantaneously with enough information on him to satisfy my needs. Not trying to be angry or unpleasant, but would venture to guess that "Admin" is juggling a lot of balls in the air, like most of us, and all any of us can do is our best at any given moment. Search engines on the internet are a powerful (& QUCICK) tool to assist us all in our juggling!!
oh boy now people don't even want to do their own googling. Plus feel slighted sitting at the computer when bloggers don't make them chuckle anymore.
@ 6:41 AM
Agreed, the audacity of some people is often unbelievable.
do non US fans not have google. Just curious.
let's just ignore some comments which are really a smoke screen to derail the Ali Baba fun on here, JMO. loving all the pics already.
8:26, love it! How can you not love that funny face.
Note to all you addressed my request to ADMIN:
I was being polite and kind in my request to Admin, and you all - except @HKfan, thank you for your support! - don't get my point or purposefully want to be unkind!
Admin writes headlines, captions and all I was asking was to put (in this case) the words TV host or his profession just to give perspective to the story - nothing major! Then if the person or subject in question interest me, I'll google it.
I come here to read and follow Adam, NOT to learn everything and everybody in the US entertainment business.
So sorry now I asked anything, won't happen again.
7:23, way to be a big baby about it. Nobody asked you to learn all about every entertainer in the US. All that was said was to do a quick Google if you need more context. Not all US fans knew who Andy was prior to Adam being on his show because it is on basic cable late at night. Additionally, things here are often related to Adam's travels outside of the US and I have to Google things. Think about it again - if most of the response was you should Google it, maybe you need to reconsider your position.
You're welcome:)
I don't know why your request would illicit such unhelpful/unkind comments.
Somedays I really wonder why I still come to this site.
Only a few were unkind. Read more closely the others, they tried as well to be polite even tho they seemed to be expressing their feelings that we mightly simply need to resign ourselves to googling when we personally require further context. Several posts were also pleasant or simply matter of fact. Maybe just maybe there was a good nugget of information in those various posts to be consumed and digested?
Wasn't Andy Cohen the one who introduced Adam on the Cyndi Lauper Charity Event?
Thankey @11:24 I`m 3:15 and 3:19. I`m really sorry to have failed to be kind and supportive. I don`t want anybody to quit commenting on my account. I said I was LUCKY to know something about the topic already.That`s only because of "hard" obsessivness of mine to follow Adam`s doings for many years. I still understood the admin request and gave my support to 2:44. Still Google is the best support and I`m lucky to have time to do it.
@Anon. 1:45 PM ... Thanx for adding that little tidbit of info ... now I can Google Cyndi Lauper Charity Event & find out who Andy Cohen is since I don't have Bravo on my TV. Hurray! The mystery has been solved for me!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
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