New Picture: Leila Lambert's Birthday
Filed Under (Leila Lambert,Neil Lambert,pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Posted at : Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Adam Lambert and his brother Neil celebrated their mother's birthday last night!
VIA realadamlambert: Moms Birthday.
VIA realadamlambert: Moms Birthday.

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Looks like Neil has learned from Adam how to mug for photos. lol
Happy birthday Leila!
how old is leila lambert now?pls answer me ok- shes taurus cusp aries sign?good lady-mom liela.
Happy birthday Leila. A great mother and seems like a great person.
Leila is 55.
Nice family!!:)
All the sacrifice she did is paid off indeed!!:) 2 Beautiful young men always be there for her:)
if Leila's 55, she and Adam share the same Year of the Dog. And she's Taurus cusp Gemini.
leila-tuarus cush gemini- beauty she possessed-plus dog year great attittude- born a progressive lady-gemini dog year-great great lady
adam -aquarius-rooster year; hes a jan born capricrn csh aquairan still a rooster year bc. hes a jan. born;great pair-get along very well.chinese expert horoscope lady.
LOL, mugging for the camera runs in the family.
Not sure how everybody knows she is such a perfect mom.
I think she is a beautiful woman. She seems very classy and looks great in all her beautiful clothes. Adam has her face.
@Anon 5:27 PM
No one is completely perfect, but from what I've learned about Leila Lambert over the past 4 years, she was certainly the perfect mother for Adam Lambert.
It is evident in the way Adam speaks of his mother that he loves and respects her very very much. And I suspect he is so appreciative of the way he was raised, not only by Leila but by his dad Eber also of course. Leila (and I assume Eber) recognized Adam's need to direct all of his rambunctious and precocious energy and very wisely placed him in children's musical theater, which was such a fabulous place for him during his growing up years. And readied him for this amazing and fulfilling life he has today. He learned the confidence and poise that being in theater brings. And it gave that self-admitted lonely boy a place to feel welcome, and a group of friends, a place to belong. To be a part of something that perhaps he may not have had if his mom hadn't thought of it.
And again, his parents, Leila included, were wise enough to let Adam come to them, to his mom specifically, when he felt comfortable enough, and needed to discuss the fact that he is gay. She gently gave him the opportunity and no doubt the courage to finally say it out loud. The Lamberts were the perfect family for Adam to be in: accepting and unconditional in their love for him. They suspected it but never pushed him to talk about it until he was ready. So patient.
And of course Leila continues to be a major presence in Adam's life. She helps him with his career, she helped him start up his Adam Lambert Fans personal fan club, she accompanies him to some of his events. And yet she stays in the background and is generally silently supportive of her son Adam. She has also granted a few wonderful interviews. Such an articulate and intelligent woman. Mother of an articulate and intelligent man.
A couple of years ago I happened to find myself sitting directly behind Leila and Eber, and some other friends and family at the second to the last GNT concert. Music Box Theater in Hollywood. Adam's "full circle" moment. Literally 2 feet away for the entire time. Leila was up happily dancing along with the rest of us. And when he sang "A Change Is Gonna Come", she was shedding tears, no doubt of great pride for her son. It was a stunning and powerful moment, watching and hearing Adam sing that iconic song once again, and to be in the presence of his parents.
So yes, I think Leila is pretty perfect as the mother of Adam Lambert.
Congratulations, Leila!
Two hotties!! And, Neil, you don´t need to photoshop you to the picture and exclude Sauli anymore like in the former famous hotties-picture to show us, who doesn't belong to the to the family. But, otherwise,Neil, the competition of the title can get harder for you, when the intruder is a underwear model!
No one is perfect, not even Adam and his Mom but they're very special people. :)
@9:29 PM
Nasty Glambert!
Gosh, Neil looks like Adam in this photo.
@9:29 PM
Whatt?!? Your comment is inane & makes absolutely NO sense at all!! I highly doubt that you are a Glambert ... NASTY? Yes! GLAMBERT? No Way!!
Such a Beautiful & Gracious LADY!!
Happy Birthday LEILA!! ADAM & Neil are so blessed to have you for a Mom. Love 'n Light
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw
That 9:29 PM is some Tommycray, so pathetic...
Why respond to the underwear model troll? They keep trying this different ways. Ignore them.
And yet again we hear how important somebody thinks they are.
I love my mom and everybody thinks she was and is the perfect mom but in truth she was not a great mom. But I never say that publicly. I just mean we never really know what the truth is if we weren't there. For Adam's sake I hope his mom is as great as people seem to think.
That looks like Adam and Melvin to me.
Yeah she is pretty. So what. This deserves more comments than one of Adam's videos? I don't get it.
awww... Sauli was also there celebrating Leila. Love it, love it. So Happy right now!
YAY! :)
She's not on the cusp of Taurus and Aries. My birthdays April 20th. I know for a DACT that IAM on that cusp. Aries ends on April 20th and Taurus begins on April 20th. Just thought you like to know.
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