Oriental magic at the Life Ball 2013 - Featuring Adam Lambert
Filed Under (video ) by Admin on Sunday, May 26, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, May 26, 2013
Skip to 2:00 minutes into the video to see Adam!
And a new picture...
VIA @avoyermagyan: Dripping in jewels with @adamlambert at @lifeball's "1001 Nights"celebration in Vienna!
And a new picture...
VIA @avoyermagyan: Dripping in jewels with @adamlambert at @lifeball's "1001 Nights"celebration in Vienna!

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I'm liking this guy from Fault Magazine, LOL.
Well, that was some fun, new footage! Looking forward to seeing the whole specticle in high quality like this. Wow!
xo laura
And Looking at Adam's coat, the front closure detail Does look like his "Sleepwalker" coat ... I'd love to know who does that kind of work. Eye-popping!
xo laura
Just slightly off topic: Sauli is Tye Blue's new roomie, who happens to be an old friend of Adam's from Hair. Tye confirmed this on his twitter. He is from Texas, but now lives in LA . Sounds like a real nice guy, with a beautiful voice similar to Adams. So glad that Sauli has found happiness again. Seems Sauli has known him for a few months. Sorry about the off topic, I have greatly enjoyed Adam's new song, and his presentation in Vienna. What a fabulous show. I am sure we will see that beautiful coat again, it would show up real well on TV. Or bring it out for the encore when he does another tour.
Whoa! This LifeBall is an over-the-top extravaganza! Doesn't even feel like a charity event...so much theatrical art. The gold midriff-clad elegant dancers immediately coming out of the dome after Adam declares Open Sesame, continue the process and ambience so smoothly, seamlessly after Adam's Ali Baba act. I love the romantic Strauss waltzes. Adam seems so immersed and at home in the whole event as others are just as glamorously artistic.
Adam was the perfect artist for this extravaganza. The costumes were dazzling, and it must've been an absolute joy to be part of it. I'd love to view the whole show.
This is well-worth reading by Renee Synder .... from Liberace to Adam ......
12:34, the tweet said roommate. Stop trying to stir up shit.
12:34 AM
Sorry about the off topic? I don't think so otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it.
Thanks Anne Marie...interesting about Sauli. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful! How much fun was the LifeBall!!!!! This must have been a TOTAL blast for Adam! Only one regret far as I can mention and that is...Why the heck wasn't I there too!!
@12:34 'Off Topic' is fine.
It's all positive so don't apologise. If people want to read gunk into all kinds of comments then so be it. Adam can take care of himself just fine without doubt.
LOL at the inability of some people to see a troublemaker.
They both look sparkly great.
Is that Ari in the pic behind adam?
Mystery solved:
A Beautiful Release @SweetOnPeacexx
@shoshannastone Who designed the long black jacket with the leather sleeves Adam wore on airport red carpet please? And his AliBaba threads?
shoshanna stone shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
@SweetOnPeacexx red carpet was a mugler coat and the costume was by Marco Marco
Alex Lambert @lori_alexis
@shoshannastone Was the long coat worn by @adamlambert from the GNT Tour or was the costume made strictly 4 the @lifeball performance?
shoshanna stone shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
@lori_alexis it was strictly for life ball - never to be worn again! It was a special evening
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
#lifeball Adam looking mostly like Adam on the red carpet dressed in a mugler coat pic.twitter.com/z5rUlQGpfv
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
#lifeball Adam in a costume by Marco Marco as Ali Baba as he performs the Lifeball song written for the event pic.twitter.com/QeCEeKPdcK
@Anne Marie
Thank you for the info, good to know Sauli has it good. Tye seems like a nice, industrious man (based on his twitter feed and a yt vid I watched), never heard of him before. The friend circle takes care of its members!
@Shady - thank you for digging those tid bits out!
Really appreciated!
did anyone notice that Adam grabbed his crotch when he sang the lyric "I'm comin' hard"..that's our Adam..sexy little beast that he is..I love it..
out of curiosity, I just listened to Tye Blue on YT..he is good looking, but cannot hold a candle to Adam in the singing department...this is prob why I haven't heard of him b/4 now...
@ 1:19 AM Thank you for that link. It is a must read for all gay rights advocates. Adam is in the process of making history. I hope you don't mind me repeating the link so as not to miss anyone who might be interested.
This Life Ball has a lot of big names in attendance. Perhaps Elton John wanted Adam to be there. He invited Adam to sit at his table at another charity function last year; which raised something like 5 million, that charity. Sir Elton is influential and very charitable. He likes Adam; I remember he touched Adam's face so admiringly.
hey you should also have mentioned that Ty is only in la for a couple of months. It is a sublet apartment., not a permanent arrangement. Prob fits Saulis schedule too if he is going back to Finland
This is just the same thing as people assume every guy in a pic w Adam is a bf so it`s the same w Sauli.Roommate has to be a bf it just has to:)!
Love Renee Snyder's article. She really nails it as to the progress we have made with gay acceptance. I watched the Liberace movie last night. The contrast between then and now is amazing. LOVE Adam's look and his performance, of course. Nice little bit about Sauli, too.
Still thanks Anne Marie, Sauli is always interesting!
@3:02am ,Yes I think it is Aristoteles:)!
Be-Dazzle Me
@12:34 They are roommates and good friends. That's all we know according Tye's tweets. What I have heard living in L.A. is expensive so it's a good idea to share living costs.
Lol they aren't good friends. Ty just moved to la in April and was looking for a temp apt for a couple of months. He knows adam so he must have hooked him up with sauli. End of story
My opinion is that they are only roommates cause Ade is Sauli's boyfriend (I <3 Ade).
7:22 AM .... Since when is Adam's name "Ade"??!!
Anon 7.22am
What planet are you on? Adam doesn't have a boyfriend. He & Sauli broke up months ago.
@7:29 Who Adam? I'm speaking of Ade, not Adam!
Yep this is the Fault creative designer guy who already knows Adam. They look great!
@7.22 AM
Me too!
@7:50 What? Are you Sauli's boyfriend too or Ade's fan?
Can we not lose another post to wild speculation on Sauli's life? I'd rather talk about how great Adam looked in the coat and now we know who made it. I was hoping we would see it again someday in a concert.
Yeah let's talk about how great Adam looks as always.
people need to keep up, Abe is an actor from South Africa (I think)...and rumored to be dating Sauli.
anyway, loved the Lifeball performance & everything about it. hope it increases awareness
Adam needs to go back to look like a pop star!
Adam needs to go back to look like a pop star!
8:58, this was a themed charity event, not Adam's idea. Grow up.
8:26, rumored by stalker fans
Absolutely AWESOME scenes from LIfe Ball!!!!!! WOW!! A little Burning Man, a lotta Zodiac Show, and a whole lotta spectacular!!! So happy for Adam that he as able to be a part of this huge event.
@9:24 Well someone here wrote that they told in Life Ball event that Adam contacted them.
I like Tye too. He seems to be chatty like Adam. If they are boyfriends and just not roommates with Sauli I trust Tye will bring it up.
9:34, even if Adam contacted Life Ball and said he wanted to participate he did not choose the 1001 Nights and Ali Baba theme. This event has always been a huge theatrical production with elaborate and OTT themes and costumes.
Yes this was a themed charity event, and as soon as Adam heard about it, he took steps to be in it, in some small way. This was just the type of charity event he wanted to be a part of. He did take the first step to be included, I am so glad they accepted him. He made us all proud.
Sometimes as Adam has said, you can't just sit back, and hope something great will happen, you have to make the first move yourself, as he did in AI.
back up your statements that Adam approached them. I would like to see your proof. Thanks
Both ade and Ty will probably stop making comments or posting pics of sauli bc of stupid fans bugging them
9:40 AM Twitter knows that they are just roomies and have been for a longer time.
9:52 AM Well I have no proofs. I just read it from here that they mentioned it in Live Ball Event.
OT: Tye mentioned in his twitter, new city, new romance, new challenges. Didn't sound like he was going back to Houston, but mentioned a tour. He has made LA his home now. His work credentials are very similar to Adam's, except he has had a lot more college in music, and training in directing and acting. He has done more theatre than Adam, and was in Hair with Adam. He has a great voice, Adam has a special God given talent that most people can't quite match up to, but become close to it. I know some of you hate to talk about Sauli, but some of you are still quite interested in knowing how life is dealing with him, since he was part of Adam's life for 2 years.
@9:59 AM Well have you seen his FB pages? (I haven't but I would like to.)
@9:59 New romance but he doesn't say with whom.
I would like to see Adam rock! Life Ball is more like a musical.
my bucket list is to someday get to a Life Ball now. That was surely the bomb. Adam had a big role too.
This is from Tye's FB. He is speaking of sex LOL (not his own)
Adam was in his element at Life Ball.. His roots are in musical theater and it must have been a little bit (probably a LOT) of deja vu for him. I LOVED seeing him there, in all his magnificent, yes, splendidly gorgeous glory...dressed in that fabulous bejeweled outfit. He truly looked like a handsome (not to mention SEXY) prince from some magic land of antiquity. We'll be seeing him rock it out soon enough. :)) I'm thrilled that Adam had this amazing opportunity to be a part of Life Ball... If nothing else, a personal triumph for him, and no doubt a whole hell of a lot of FUN!!!!! Sure wish I"D been there!
You know the guy is going to lock up his Facebook if creepy fans are all over him. He obviously just met sauli and they aren't having a relationship.
Glitzlylady :)
@10:20 AM Just met? But twitter says they have been roomies over a month...
woots I can't believe I see Adam June 15th in Pittsburgh.
Ya know what??? Sounds to me like Ty and Sauli are roommates. Take it at face value. Roommates. And yes, please don't pester either of them about their relationship status(s), boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever. Sound like Ty's a nice guy, just like all of Adam's friends, past and present, seem to be.
BTW, I'll always be interested in what Sauli's doing. Just because he and Adam are no longer a couple, I still wish Sauli the best in life. He's a sweetheart.
Glitzylady that's the way it sounds to me also so far at least.
Now I envy you cause you can enjoy his gig in Pittsburgh. But its too long way there from Finland... Btw I don't understand why some people discuss about S and his relationships here? I'm not interested about his life, so please chare those things in Saulis homepage, thank you.
10:53 ollaanpas sitä niin koviksia. Älä lue jos ei kiinnosta!!! Said don`t read if not interested!!
I don't care who Sauli is living with. If I did I'd go to his blog or twitter. Please stop dragging this unrelated stuff here.
9:58, then maybe you shouldn't repeat what you don't know is true.
Tye Blue...very cute :)
Lol apparently they mentioned it on tv during Adams intro.
11:30 am
IMO Sauli isn´t unrelated stuff...he has been and still is Adam´s friend...so he can be discussed here just like anybody else that has something to do with Adam. So maybe you think it isn´t relevant, but I guess you need to deal with and live on. Sauli is going to be mentioned and nothing wrong with that :) Haven´t seen any ugly posts about Adam and him, so mentioning him is no big deal.
Some of you guys are really boring, haven't you got anything else to say? Do you really have to publish everything over and over again? Try to a bit more creative and write something that's fun and interesting. Comments about Adam's looks and his awesomeness sound corny if that's all you have to say.
don't you imagine that Adam's management team, whom he is paying, is trying to get him more gigs, including the AI gig??? Adam's calendar looks kinda sparse right now...I need me some more Adam fixes..
If something about Sauli is directly related to Adam I'm fine with it but I am not an fan of Sauli or I would be at his fan site reading about who he lives with. I don't care where Drake or Brad live or who they live with. I don't even care where Neil or Lila or Eber live. Go to Sauli's fan site with this unrelated stuff.
12:12, just a minute, I will make sure you get added to the list of people who get Adam's private complete schedule.
Love the white outfit the guy from Fault is wearing. Beautiful. And why the picture of A. Onasis in the background?????? For young posters here, he was the old billionaire Greek shipping guy that Jacqueline Kennedy married. . . . Adamluv
@10:53 ,If you are Finnish,then atleast show some respect for a nice countryman.Don`t be rude. Maybe you should try and change the subject yourself and see if you succeed:).Admin has interesting other threads too,alot to choose from.I love to hear from Sauli!More interesting stuff here than what I get from his blogs:))).
@12:17 I dont care what you think or what you say it`s right thing to say or discuss about. It´s your opinion. As far as comments are respectfull i`m ok with it. I care about Adam`s friends and family also. Besides there has been quite slow in music wise anyway..
I agree with you! :)
Adamluv at first I didn`t recognize yhe guy from Fault, I thought it was a real "shejk", Prince w real diamonds on! Unreal glamorous pic! MS
Oh, look, Sauli fan sites.
or go to adamtopia
I agree with you too!!:)
From finland
I still like to hear what Brad Bell, Adam's first love, is up to. So it's going to be a long time before I get tired of Sauli. :)
Don't any of you know the story of Ali Baba?
He was a poor woodcutter who happened upon a cave where thieves kept their treasure and stole from them.
is it some big deal if people don't know the fiction Ali Baba story?
12:48 you are completely ignored. lol you should have guessed as much.
Maybe we saw the exciting Glam-version of the story with a sexy twist? Funnn:)!
@11:50 AM, You are delusional! When a relationship is over-it's over. Some of you need to take your obsessive deranged selves over to Sauli's fan site, and stop harassing other males he comes in contact with. This obsession to Adam's former boyfriend isn't normal. You're the same women that were over invested in Adam's relationship with Sauli. I don't dislike Sauli, but I think the poor guy needs a break from the crays! I dislike Adam's so called fans not letting this relationship go. Just Get Over It! Love Adam at the Life Ball!!
@daydreamin, I certainly don't talk about my ex and his present wife. No of my business. I wish them well... and that's it.
meant to type: none of my business
3 10
Lol you the one that sounds crazy girl. There's a huge difference between chatting about someone and being obsessed.
@ Adamluv
The picture of Ari shows him next to Rudolf Nureyev, there was a film at the ball about the brilliance of the dancer and his death from Aids.
@5:26 - thank you for info. on Nureyev. I didnt realize he died of AIDS. Very sad. So Onasis' picture was there solely bc. he wad standing next to Nureyev? . . . Adamluv
You seem to be playing a different tune now! When I commented that Adam looked dejected and I felt it in his eyes, you jumped in right away and said that it was not necessary to read too much into a picture and that he need not smile on camera all the time. I felt the sorrow in his eyes, nothing to do with smiling at all. It was just a few months after his break-up. Yes you are free to express your own opinion but suggesting he looked okay or happy, to me, was not the case at all. Now you are saying..."when you have a break-up, you don't just stop thinking and talking about your ex. It fades." If you had only thought it this way about my comment and the angst I saw in his eyes at that time. Subsequently a whole 'horde' descended on me and as usual I took them on in my stride with help from my devoted skilled kungfu fighters. Don't swing like a pendulum; it confuses people.
Back to effervescent Adam, now. I see sparkling sapphire, ruby, amethyst, emerald, quartz, studded in his gold/silver brocade Ali Baba cloak and turban. Hmm he must have selected them from his cave of treasure. lol!
Adamluv, it's not a photo, it's a monitor screen running the story they did on Nureyev during the Opening Ceremony.
3:10 PM
Couldn't agree more.
Sheesh! Lam-my is on her high horse again.
Tye Blue @TyeBlue Truth: @adamlambert is my friend for 9 yrs. @saulikoskinen1 is my new friend/roomie & nothing more! #love & #respect them both!
Why is it so hard for some to digest that there are truly avid ADAM FANS who still want to hear and talk about Sauli in a rational and loving tone, too. No harm in that. And certainly no need to call those people 'crays' or 'trolls' or 'trouble makers'.
I will keep on commenting about Sauli if and when I want to and when there's info re him (posted here or somewhere else by anybody).
Just let it flow. So much easier, kinder and loving. :))))
No, I didn't state that you directed your previous comment specifically at me, if you read my above comment carefully. The point is at that time, you completely ignored the fact Adam could be in pain. I think you went as far as to say he looked "happy". It was just one week after the announcement though they had broken up a few months ago. I saw his angst reflected in his eyes and expression and even made a haiku about it. And now you seem to contradict yourself by saying these kinds of broken relationship feelings take time to dissipate / "fade". Usually I don't keep in mind what others say but after what you said about reading too much into the picture, a whole slew of bombardment bee-lined at me! And that's why your rather contradictory statement about thinking and talking about a failed relationship after it's over, as opposed to being "happy"...reminded me of that incident; so it's not intentional. By the way, if you said one should not read too much into a picture, why do you now approve of people talking about Sauli's supposedly prospective boyfriend, based on just a couple of tweets. Second contradiction.
You are so perceptive.
Don't you realize how irritating you are?
Perceptive is a very good trait; good things do not irritate, unless there is something wrong with your own perception! Clear that hurdle first.
Here we go again! The same old bully on the attack.
Just move on, troublemaker!
Adam has moved on from Sauli, why can't we.
To whomever it concerns:
You might have hit on a variant of the usual concept of a bully. A bully usually has the backing of a gang / mob who rely on their combined force because they have no confidence to do whatever misdemeanour by themselves. So according to you, I might have started a reversed trend of being a lone bully taking on a mob! lol! I am usually forced to take on a 'mob' on my own, most of the time. You can see it even now, a much smaller 'mob' than the previous much more ferocious ones I had to fight with. That is interesting enough for me to be labelled as a bully, a brave 'bully' perhaps, being able to take on the bully mobs. lol! Okay, more serious now...don't be afraid, I'm actually a very fun-loving, non-violent 'bully' lol! And you might learn a thing or two from me if you open your mind just a wee bit.
Is the passive aggressiveness necessary? Just agree to disagree.
Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
No, absolutely nothing to worry about over me. Take care of yourself! I am not arguing about opinion; I even said in my above comment you are free to express your opinion with regard to the picture in question and if you thought Adam was happy, it was okay with me too. I never refuted that. It was you who jumped in and implied those present, were reading too much into the picture. Isn't that somewhat bossy like your opinion was the only right one. Mine was the only supposedly negative one there. You should have left it at that, then, instead of telling me to do so now. Actually this has been accumulated and well, pent-up steam bursts out at times. The latest was you consoled someone who was upset over my critique of a poem; suggesting it was me who had caused it. You didn't mention my name but it was all too clear and you even said you felt so sorry for her. But the fact of the matter was I was a kind of scapegoat unknowingly being led into a 'trap'. I didn't cause the problem. You were very obviously very biased. Oh by the way, I have not been argumentative just lately. I've always expressed my views / thoughts or as you put it, being "argumentative" as young as I can remember, 13 to 14 years old. I remember I used to argue with my late genius brother, 12 years my senior for a couple of hours on topics such as the existence of God and other life-related topics. He was an atheist. He never put me down nor try to override my opinions. So nothing to worry about; nothing new to me. Just take good care of yourself; more beneficial for you.
Oh brother...
Lammy, you are not alone there:) you happen to be a kindered spirit to me:))).Nice you are there posting, I appreciate it very much.thankey and support for you friend:). Daydreamin is a passionate AL fan,credits for that from me.Good day for you both and where I am at:).
correction kindred spirits ,oh sister :)
Kindred spirit sister...I love that! Touching words. Good day to you too! :)
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