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VIDEO: Jennifer Hudson Joins American Idol Judging Panel! Adam Lambert, Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken May Join

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 24, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice. Of course Adam should join her on the panel of judges.

Anonymous said...

Adam should definitely be one of the judges on A.I. With his talent and knowledge of the music industry, it's a shoo-in. Also he's articulate, intelligent and would treat the contestants with respect.

Anonymous said...

Well that sure happened fast! Who do I think should join her on the panel? Is there any doubt? Adam Lambert of course! Please don't screw this up Fox producers!


Anonymous said...

I am already disgusted with Idol for dissing Adam last season..I don't expect him to be chosen for AI 13 is just a dream that is too good to come true..I have to keep reminding myself that whatever happens, it will all be OK..but I will only tune in to Idol if my Idol Adam is on..

tess4ADAM said...

Well .. IMO .. this is a no brainer. ADAM of course! He has already said he wants to so what's the hold-up AI producers? Sign the boy & be done with it! You won't be sorry ... ADAM is the BEST out of the four choices!! DO IT NOW!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said... can we make our suggestions reach the ears of AI producers??? Of course, they must know that Adam has an army of Glamberts who adore him..but, my guess is that there just aren't enough of us..I haven't been able to convert even one person to the Glam Nation...

Anonymous said...

2013-snake year-so good luck year of hudson and adam lambert-i study this already.clay aiken is a horse year born nov.30-1978- not very good this year;hope aiken is out-i pray hard.
hudson-adam lambert-this year a good luck year.
aiken-not really.

Anonymous said...

Its all good, one day in the future AI will want Adam and they won't be able to afford him (-:


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's name on any blog, tv show, newspaper and magazine ALWAYS attracts viewers and readers worldwide. Now, who do you think should sit as a judge on AI? If AI producers even have to think about it twice, something is terribly wrong with FOX channel or AI's producers. AI has always been a family show. It should come back to their initial mission and not try to copy Xfactor or the voice. Moms, dads and their whole families are the ones buying into AI. Adam Lambert has proven time and again that people from 4 to 94 years old will give anything to support him.

tea said...

Only if Adam is a part of Idol, will I watch.

tea said...

This article has a place to vote if you want Adam for a judge. Absolutely no pressure. It looks like a just for fun poll.

Anonymous said...

Multiple sources confirm exclusively to E! News that the Oscar-winning singer has signed a deal to sit at the judges' table this fall for season 13. The other two spots are also intended for former Idol contestants: Kelly Clarkson and either Adam Lambert or Clay Aiken.

We're told that Clarkson is also close to signing on. No word yet on whether Lambert or Aiken will fill the final spot, but producers are expected to keep the panel to three members.

Anonymous said...

If Clay Aiken gets it over Adam, I am moving out of the country, anybody want to go with me?


tea said...

@ NKlovesAdam
I'm with you

Anonymous said...

Oh man, having the ORIGINAL American Idol return as an AI judge would have MADE season 13! Sigh.

Rumors have raged concerning the identifies of next season's American Idol judges ever since news broke that NONE of the current judges will be invited back…

And we were THRILLED to hear that Kelly Clarkson, along with former AI contestants Adam Lambert and Jennifer Hudson, are all in talks to fill the vacant spots.

But unfortunately, it seems the the beautiful belter will NOT be returning to the show that launched her career, as her rep has DENIED her involvement.

However, thank the AI lordz, cause J-Hud has been CONFIRMED as a judge for season 13! Huzzah!

And IF they secure Adam Lambert and other former AI participants, perhaps the throwback hiring will be enough to save the show from cancellation.

Anonymous said...


I'm going with you too! I can't stand all this speculation AGAIN!

please Universe, watch over Adam. He wants this soooo much and soooo deserves to be a judge.

If Fox chooses CA over Adam, it's gonna take me a long time to get over it so I won't be watching AI at all (unless they bring Adam as a mentor or guest judge or some very special acknowledgment). Sorry that's my opinion.


Anonymous said...

This is a no brainier ....Adam lambert, of course!

Anonymous said...

NK loves Adam, I with you! CA or Adam, your kidding right. Adam would bring so much more to the show. I hope they can see that unless it's a money thing.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched Idol since Adam was on. I would love, love, love it if he was a judge next year. Please ask Adam NOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

last year they picked MC rather early and then played with the other names a long while and we were playing along.

Anonymous said...

I thought Jennifer Hudson is done with this show??? Hmmmm!!

I don't like JH He! He!

If Pink and Adam will be in that show, for sure it will be great!!!

True artists indeed!!:)

Love my Rock Starsssss!!:)


Anonymous said...

Clay and Adam - I don't think so, what would the bible belt do?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, THAT was fast! They sure made that decision in a hurry. Guess JH decided to be "sorry" that she said nasty things about the show. Now that she'll get a big paycheck, I guess she'll like it again. (Needless to say, I am NOT a JH fan by any stretch.)

As for Adam, I cannot believe he will not be picked. He's qualified for it, he wants it, he has always praised Idol and has been openly grateful. If can't believe Clay would get it over Adam. It looks like the AI peeps are making their decision qucikly this time, to get it over with. They dragged it out so long last year that its got really boring after a while. All we can do it keep our fingers crossed and hope we hear something soon. It's the waiting that is so agonizing!

Kelly C. already said no. Pink said NO NO NO NO NO!



Anonymous said...

Remember that Adam said he would not be on Idol this year and yet there he was. The only other alum on the finale was JHud so I think this bodes well for Adam and this time around he has a very real chance of being an Idol judge. And as we all know he will be fabulous!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

not too thrilled with J Hudson, she's all about herself, not a warm person

Anonymous said...

Since they have already signed JHUD as a new judge, unless the "Suits" decide to have an entire AI panel, I now feel that Adam will not be one of the new judges. We all know that he is intelligent, articulate, honest and so knowledgeable about the music industry, BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he will be signed as a new judge. That would make too much sense, wouldn't it. Has Adam even been approached about it? As someone said, whatever happens, Adam will be all right. But there will be many disappointed fans, including me, who would love to see him on the panel of new judges.

Anonymous said...

NKlovesAdam, we'll fly first class. Will I need summer or winter clothing?

Anonymous said...

@DRG and 4:45 PM, ditto

Anonymous said...

Who is CA?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I got it! I know who CA is now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is going on board the AI ship, not so sinking afterall, lol! A guess here, AI may be thinking of exporting more AI alumni headed by Adam, to China since the Chinese have no qualms about gay; Clay Aiken may come aboard too; speculating 2-3 AI alumni judges and one recording artist, combination.


Anonymous said...

I can't stand going through all this speculation all over again, why does AI have to keep us waiting like this, so frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Maybe American Idol asked Chinese Idol: Hey hey, which AI alumni do you!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to concentrate on Adam Lambert's current gigs and activities. SO looking forward to tomorrow night and also see vids from his upcoming shows.

Otherwise, I find it too insulting to Adam (amazing) Lambert that AI can't make up their mind quickly about his incredible talent, shown to them time and time and time again.

So, no more posts from me about AI (for now).

choons said...

Sorry, but I have to say that CA gives me the heebie jeebs. Really hoping they just pick Adam.

Anonymous said...

7:34, I agree completely. AI has their best choice staring them right in the face. I'll concentrate on Adam's current shows and appearances. The AI thing is ripe for long-term publicity. They may take their time announcing the reminaing judges.


tea said...

If Adam is a judge, how many in the audience will be watching him instead of the contestants? He's going to be very detracting.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember what web-site it was (I think E-online) but here we go, massive fight over claymates wanting Clay and dissing Adam Something like 400 comments already. Although I like Clay I of course love Adam. I think he's being considered (clay) because of his good job on celebrity apprendice (which he did do good) but still I hate this because adam, Kelly and clay are my favorites. Not thrilled at all with JH. In a perfect world Simon, Adam and Pink would be a great line-up!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember what web-site it was (I think E-online) but here we go, massive fight over claymates wanting Clay and dissing Adam Something like 400 comments already. Although I like Clay I of course love Adam. I think he's being considered (clay) because of his good job on celebrity apprendice (which he did do good) but still I hate this because adam, Kelly and clay are my favorites. Not thrilled at all with JH. In a perfect world Simon, Adam and Pink would be a great line-up!

Anonymous said...

Now they have their alum judge with Jhud I think they will pick someone else for the other spots. They can't get either Kelly or carrie so they go for JLO or someone like that. Get Keith back to fill the country slot.

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching Smash when Jenifer Hudson was on. I know she's been through a lot, but to me she doesn't have that likable it factor, but then again I hated Nicki M but really liked her as a judge. Honestly, not just being a die-hard glambert Adam would be a great judge- probably better than anyone they have ever had!

Anonymous said...

I hope adam gets it

Anonymous said...

I can't stand JH or CA, I'd really like to see Keith back again, and of course definitely Adam. As far as Pink goes I just can't take to her, of course I recognise her talent but there's something about her that makes me feel uncomfortable, and as for CA, after the way he insulted Adam over his singing, no way would I want him as a judge. Adam deserves a break they messed him around last year so I'd hate to see them using him in the same way all over again, they had better deal with all this quickly, if they have already picked JH, then get a move on and sign the rest up rather than keeping people on edge, I just hate it when they do that it puts me off the whole show.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind listening to CA, but really don't like looking at him. What he said about Adam during Idol was in reference to the treatment of Ring of Fire, not a critique of Adam's voice. So I don't hold that against him. Many Johnny Cash fans had the same reaction. Purists! I will not watch again if he and JH are judges. Do not care for her, another Diva!
If Keith is leaving, get Tricia Yearwood to rep. country music, she's smart, funny , likeable and worked hard to reach success. kk

Anonymous said...

People- get on to e-online website and leave some positive comments about our Adam. The clay fans are out in full forse bashing our Adam saying he should just stay in China (at lest they know that much I guess) easy to comment no sign up at all!

Anonymous said...

I just got home from work reading this it seems like clay said in an interveiw he had been asked to be a judge 3 or 4 months ago.If that is right then they already have two.I agree it is the worst two out of the four.The only thing about Adam how would he tour for his new album if he got judge.He would be the best but the show I feel has ran its course.He said he wanted it so if that is what he wants I hope he gets it he has given Idol more credit than any one else.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a way bigger international star than what his face CA in fact he CA is not at all. ad a much bigger personality period! There out of their mines if they get CA over AL no contest at all. They may use both in some way. Adam would be a terrific judge, the best ever I Suspect! I know Idol responsible for Adam being famous but it is Adam spectacular performance on that show that did it! If he wants it hope he gets it! But I think he to good for that show, he would be on it anyway to promote album! I know Ad has more fans than CA all over the world his are mainly America, and still Ad has way more i am sure. Whatever Adam wants hope he gets it, they do not deserve him. Seriously JH, CA not saving that show. Adam would give them a much bigger chance. Yes give Adam lots of love on E on line. I suspect same people posting over and over for CA!

Anonymous said...

I don't get the impression Adam has been approached about the Idol job at all but Clay and Kelly have been and JHud has already been signed so that kind of puts Adam low on the totem pole.

Anonymous said...

Adam should have been the first one signed! JH is a very bad decision, and another Overrated singer! When she was a contestant on AI her singing and attitude were awful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has already been vetted last year and Adam did say he talked with AI at the round table or what ever shaped table. lol! So there's really no need for him to be approached again, the ball is in their court. And Adam boldly confirmed his stand by saying...just tell me where to sign. Yea I do agree with above Anon that JH and CA will not help turn the not-so-sinking ship around; the main remedy for this sinking syndrome is Adam appointed as chief judge.


Anonymous said...

Yay, 111 for my above recommendation for Adam...good numerology indication. lol!


Anonymous said...

No one said clay was ever approached, much less offered the Job. I doubt either clay or adam would get it.

Anonymous said...

Oh puhleez! Not Clay Aiken and he has some horrible fans. I came across them many years ago and the comments they posted about other artists were absolutely ghastly.

I think AI should have someone from the recording industry on the panel AS WELL AS ADAM, not just former American Idol contestants.

Also, I think it's odd that judges are being chosen 12 months in advance but they're doing just that so let's hope it's all decided VERY SOON!

Anonymous said...

Well, in deciding between Adam and Clay, they can't choose on the basis of sexuality. Adam would be a superb judge ..... fingers xxxxxxxxxx