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Adam Lambert Photos With American Idol Contestants Laci Kaye Booth & Alyssa Raghu "Adam Lambert..coolest guy ever.."

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, April 28, 2019

Posted at : Sunday, April 28, 2019

Adam Lambert Photos With American Idol Contestants Laci Kaye Booth & Alyssa Raghu

"Coolest guy ever. Thanks for giving me some pointers for tonight @adamlambert #Vote3 @AmericanIdol" ~ Alyssa Raghu

Adam Lambert with Laci Kaye Booth

Adam Lambert with Alyssa Raghu, American Idol contestant

Edited photo, screen cap by @glitzylady: Adam Lambert 

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Just watched Idol tonight for the first time this season. Loved Adam's advice to the contestants! I think he looked great and showed a lot of his personality and humor, too. My opinions about the contestants later. No time right now.

Sue Smith said...

I liked Laci K Booth the best. Adam fantastic as usual.Looked amaizing as loved shirt and jacket. Hottest pirate there ever was.

Patria said...

This is the first time I've made it thru the whole show in several years. I've failed 2 other times. I only like the girls. That's better than liking no one. I'm sorry Allysa left.

It was so nice to see Adam. He always puts thought into what he offers the contestants. He isn't just there to be there.
Can't wait for tomorrow when the focus will be all about Adam.

Sue Smith said...

Couple other were good but I liked her quite a bit.
WWTLF good job. Adam is still the master. Adam definitely help improved these performances.
She was probably the second best to me. I am definitely more a Male artist lover in these cases the woman were bit better to me. Not alot but a bit.

Sue Smith said...

Loved the special needs boy. I have to grandsons special needs. Loved it. Two grandsons.

Sunflower said...

As I said at the other thread he gave great advice, I think everyone did a good job, wish Allysa stayed but I like Madison, I have been watching this season and Katy mentioned early on that Madison has that Kelly Clarkson in her. Just for curiosity sake,It was a big deal for Jeremiahs (sang WWTLF) parents to be there because Jeremiah is Gay and a Pastors son who's father couldn't accept Jeremiah, until now they started talking again and his parents for the first time showed support for him. I like him too. However Adam is such a great mentor, I love to watch him give advice and to repeat myself from another thread he's Hot as Hell!!!

Nanbert said...

I enjoyed every second of Adam's charm and sensitive advice and encouragement. My goodness, he has SUCH presence, doesn't he?

Linda said...

Nanbert, I agree with everything you said. Like some of the others, I don't watch American Idol anymore but, of course, did tonight. Although some of the singers were pretty good, it just became so obvious to me the immense quality of Adam's voice, style, charisma, etc. that has NEVER been matched since he was on the show! The couple of times he sang a few notes with the contestants just blew them away -- although, as always, he was very gracious and did indeed give great advice. It was a joy to seem him tonight and I can't wait for the Queen special tomorrow night! And I'm loving the rock star hair ... I'll see QAL in July at the Forum and hope he still has this look. Love Adam Lambert!!

annemarie said...

Adam did a great job of mentoring. He looked fantastic, although I was mesmerized by his eyes and wondered if he had his blue contacs in. I know he has several different lenses he uses. His eyes are not naturally blue. The contestants all seemed to be in awe of him, as they should, he has the presence and singing ability like no other. The judges were useless, and don't deserve the millions they are paid . When I hear other singers I always notice first, the lack of trained breathing, like Adam. It makes such a difference to any song. None of them had that type of breathing. It took Adam a lot of training to learn it, and he uses all kinds of muscles and lung power to accomplish it. I won't be watching Idol again, except for in May when Adam sings, and I will record it, so that I only have to see Adam. Looking forward to tomorrow night.

Angeladam said...

Yep the boy done good !!

Dee R Gee said...

Ok, I saw the contestants last night for the first time. I liked Laci and Madison did well. Loved Walker's CLTCL. He's a doll, so cute. But he went home. Alejandro and Under Pressure was a mistake. UP is really a duet with intricate lyrics and an odd rhythm. Not a good deal for Alejandro all around, Laine with FBG, pretty fun. Apparently this was out of his comfort zone too. Wade with WATC was pretty awkward IMO although I like him well enough. The one I can't figure out is Jeremiah. I know he is the favorite this season, but he just doesn't click with me. WWTLF was way too big a song for him. He hit the notes and even tried to go for a mini-glory note, but it didn't work for me. I know I just saw him this one night. He doesn't seem to fill the stage with any kind of presence or gravitas, IMO. Kind of a lightweight. Nice voice, pretty nice looking. Back story that gets people for sympathize with him. But I don't see him taking charge ofa stage and really owning it. Of course, the judges gave him a standing O and gushed like crazy. But I'd give him about a B-. JMO of course! I know I'm in the minority on this one.

Adam is a wonderful mentor. His suggestions are concrete and come from experience. He makes it clear that when you're onstage you're not just singing a song. You're putting on a performance. Some contestants get that. Others don't.

Adam looked like the sexiest pirate on the planet. And loved his humor. That moment when he looked up at Wade because he's so tall was very cute.

VERY excited to hear that Adam is working on a music video today! Saw it on twitter. He's nervous, I guess. I assume the video will be for his new single (that maybe he will perform on the Idol finale?). Gonna be glued to the documentary tonight!

Sue Smith said...

I do agree with you Dee R Gee. I did not want to be really negative not saying you were just very honest.
In most cases the girls were superior.
If you hadn't seen Adam sing these songs on stage you may have thought they were better.
This is the first time also in years I watched this program all the way through and probably the last except for the finale in case I would miss any Adam. I agree about Under Pressure it was pretty bad. I did like Wade he was such an Adam fan. They seem to think he did a great job it was ok but in this case his raspy voice in the beginning sounded like he had a cold and he was struggling. It did get better later on.
Did think the girls I mentioned were good. I could go on and on. But what it boils down to there will never be another Adam Lambert for Idol and he is beyond the perfect choice for Queen.
I hope the video is for the single I wish him so much luck with it and hope it's fantastic. It's great if it is the song video that he is getting it out right away for the song.
I dozed off I am a crazy sleeper woke up about 3.30 the early news ABC tLking about the show tonight and Adam

Then Ridger this morning.
One of the ladies said I was going to sleep early but not now I have to watch the doc.
Adam was gorgeous and a very good mentor with alot of knowledge who in my opinion would have made a much better judge than Katy or Luke Lionel ok and at least tries to give something concrete to help them.
Yes the few phrases and notes Adam sang made his extraordinary talent ovious.
That was Rodger and talking correction.
I messed up alot I'm tired I accidently spaced and split a sentence. But my sentiments are there.

Sue Smith said...

One more thing the girl who sand STL was good but lacked some glory notes. But thought she should have stayed over the one who sang Under Pressure.
It is obvious I have not watched much of Idol this year dont really know the contestant very well or there names.
However I know what my ears heard.

Sue Smith said...

Who sang STL.

Dee R Gee said...

Alyssa sang STL.

Sue Smith said...

I was just correcting my mistake in typing. But thank you I did not remember her name.

Sue Smith said...

They were seriously bragging on Adam on the noon news. Had one of those night time 20/20 type guys on there. Said he was perfect for Queen he operectic ect. One said he sounds like FM. Before a couple on here jump on me they said it.
Said how great BM was playing G at his age all that stuff. Really positive and commercials are on pretty frequent.
So nice to see Adam get the praise he deserves. That he richly deserves.
Got to go get stuff done. So much Adam stuff it exciting.