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Adam Lambert - Future US President? (Awesome Picture of The Day)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 2, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 02, 2013


tea said...

NO! to president for Adam. He's already to untouchable. I want him to sing and entertain.

Anonymous said...

No is correct. Way too stressful. Just sing for us, Adam.

Anonymous said...

great picture. It looks like a still from a movie.

Anonymous said...

He can be in the movie doing this he!he!

Romance Comedy mix with politics:)

He is natural though!!


Anonymous said...

There is not much comedy in the presidency,.

Anonymous said...

Adam could be (will be?) the perfect spokesman for the LBGT community in many arenas - entertainment, political, business, etc. His potential is unlimited. He is also a great spokesman for how to be a great human being, regardless of sexual orientation. He has a way of communicating that reaches young, old, straight, gay, black, white ... all of us who appreciate someone so well spoken and wise.

As for being president, well, anything is possible, I guess? Maybe we'll get to the place where Adam's kind of party past won't be such a big factor. Maybe waayyy in the future. Hahah.

I mean, I have a party past and I wouldn't want half the stuff I did public knowledge. Yikes!

Of course, his looks might distract the masses enough to get him into office. He sure looks presidential in THIS pic!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@ 3:23 PM,

It will if you have a good sense of humour and not being ignorant!!


Anonymous said...

I will assume you are joking and not completely stupid.


Anonymous said...

Canadian, why do you always have to be so rude?

Anonymous said...

Let's leave politics to brother Neil. Although he would be the best looking president we have ever had. We could all get way in to press conferences.

Anonymous said...

lots of fans comment about adam lambert; perhaps a usa president someday im one of this fans suggesting adam could be our usa president he sa perfectionsit and compasshion and et. or mayor someday-perhaps governor too.

Anonymous said...

laura-adam lambert looks presidential wow great voice- good musician -he cna all this stuff-president of the united state we need one exactly like adma lambert attittude omg-will be ahppy again if we have a pres. like adma lambert good attittude-perosnality.
hes one of a kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want Adam to change enough to be a politician.

Anonymous said...

No, to be president!
A UN Ambassador for LGBT global issues . . . YES!

Anonymous said...

Won't happen in my lifetime or ever probably.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:07 PM,

I'm just being honest with my opinion to people like you that's all:)


Anonymous said...

Rudeness w a smile? @3:23 nothing ignorant there.

Anonymous said...

I´m 3:33 You area still my fellow Glambert,who waves the flag of Adamlandia here,firesoul no doubt of that,ever:).

Anonymous said...

Ad to previous post,You being Canadian.:)

Anonymous said...

Canadian still being rude.

Anonymous said...

Stop picking on Canadian and vote for Adam, that's why your all here isn't it? So stop being silly and vote!!

Anonymous said...

@5:30 I don`t accept rudeness of any kind from anybody, to me that is really silly, nothing to do with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam has as much interest in politics as he does in batting scores, The Alaska oil pipeline or the dangers of fracking..

You're better off to stick with Neil, he would at least know what you are talking about.