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"Adam Lambert will perform a 90-minute show with a full band and dancers at Pittsburgh Pride 2013!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 05, 2013

According to Pittsburgh Pride's Official website, Adam Lambert's set will be 90 minutes!

"Lambert will perform a 90-minute show with a full band and dancers on the outdoor stage on Liberty Avenue."

Read the whole article HERE.


tea said...

I'm jealous of all you attendees. ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

Great read.
There's information in that article about Joe McElderry too.
The 90 minute show should be fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news of their endless journey, for the music ♩♫ world! HH

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he will add some different songs. Ones we haven't heard him sing live or that he hasn't done in a while. Runnin or Take Back and Sleepwalker would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Can't be there, but can't wait for some great vids!

Anonymous said...

Wow 90 minute set,wish I could be there!

Anonymous said...

This is a full concert, 90 minutes. I can't wait to see the vids from Pittsburgh and what songs he will perform. It will be interesting to see if all his former band, backup singers and dancers will be with him.

Anonymous said...

I'll be at his concert in San Diego on July 2. Sure hope it's also a 90-min. full-blown concert! I've got tickets right up front with my family and can't hardly wait! L

Anonymous said...

OMG, why do I live SO far!! I love that Adam will perform a 90-minute set. Great artists always give more to their fans. Bruce Springsteen is an example of an artist that enjoys being on stage for his fans and always gives 110%, like Adam does.

Videos please!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Adam perform a 90 minute set! That's going to be fabulous....wonder if I could use my dad's walker for a seat. No way could I stand for that long! LOL

Anonymous said...

New to me interview with Adam on the Friend Movement:

"I took all that hate and judgment I received and channeled it into strength, moving onward and upward, becoming who I am today. That's what resonated with the Friend Movement's New F Word Campaign. It's a rallying cry for channeling all that negative energy from bullies and critics and asserting it into fuel to always be true to yourself.”

Read more at:

Anonymous said...

LA Award and a chance to vote for Shady.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't liked it yet, please do and ask your friends to as well. It's up to 17,000 likes.

Anonymous said...

Adam, AT&T and The Trevor Project story at Huffpo.

Anonymous said...

So glad it will be a full-out concert with the whole crew. Vids should be great! We want to see lots of them! I am going to the SD show. I assume it's a whole concert also. Hope to see some of you there.


Anonymous said...

Shh, don't tell the people in the Evita post complaining about Adam not working enough ;)

j bomb ‏@ohnonotjussi 17m
Me and @brandonsammons getting ready to rock in the studio with realadamlambert today

Anonymous said...

It's kinda funny that the guy is an old friend of Sauli's :D

Anonymous said...

Lol well don't tell anyone these guys are just friends of Saulis. Not exactly someone rca is going to set him up with

Anonymous said...

oh and I obviously mean the Jussi guy. :DD

Anonymous said...

this thread has me lost I'll wait around for the next one.

funbunn40 said...

Happy for the Glamberts that will be there. At the Miami Pride Adam sang only 6 songs, but he was great and he was able to also enjoy the festivities while he was there, somewhat like the average person. A 90 minute set will be a great treat. I so wish I could be there, but will be going to see him in San Diego. I wish I could be able to go to every concert, all over the world, like most Glammberts!

Anonymous said...

JAK here........................


You make me wanna listen to Music Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

funbunn40 thsnks for the well wish. Have the best time in S.D. I am going to the Pittsburgh Pride. I purchased tickets for the S.D. event only to find out the person that I was going with work changed their mind about letting her have off. I gave the tickets to someone else that will have a good time instead !!

Anonymous said...

I don't hear many Glamberts say they are going to see Adam in Florida. Anyone here going? The concert is free with admission to the park. Trying my best to go.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Adam has been working on new music! Can't wait o see what he comes up with this time. I heard him say in an interview that this time he's not going to share with everyone about the kind of music he's working on....."Mums the word". Bet it'll be fantastic.

I'm trying to go to the SD show so badly. The issue I'm struggling with is my son and his family are arriving from Israel to stay with me in my home just 3 days before Adam's show ( with my 2 little grandsons) and I don't think I can leave them to go to SD. The little babies are too young to take to a show I think. I may have to miss it this time but instead I get to finally see my new grandson!

Hope all of you that are going to the Pittsburg and SD. Shows have a blast!


Anonymous said...

nice CT enjoy their visit!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to go to go to the Pittsburgh concert it has been to long since I have been to an Adam live concert.Need new album out and concerts lots of them.I couldn't get off of work at this time or I would have went.The site has been more of a pleasure to be on today glad to see that.--- blueeyes

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:02

Thanks! Obviously it's a no brainier... Of course I want to be with my family but I gotta tell you incase there is a live stream I might just have to hide away in my bedroom to watch my computer for awhile! Where there's a will there's a way. LOL!


Jadan NZ said...

CT Isnt that just Murphys Law. So disappointing about missing Adam, to me the only thing worth it would be meeting a new Grandson.
Enjoy your visit.

Rebecca said...

heard any info on the universal Orlando show yet

Anonymous said...

Hells bells to far away, but at least devoted Glamberts will to reap the benefits thankfully. Enjoy the master in all his glory.

Anonymous said...

some people best get over Sauli with Adam, he has moved on and so should you.

Anonymous said...

Check out embedded links for concert dates, ticket info., and other infos. on following Adam's calendar of events:

Anonymous said...

That Joe McElderry is a real cutie,isn't he?Adam's type,but a little too young for him.I'd like to see BB live,but it's too far for me,& standng the whole time..):-hope we get some good videos on you tube.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it is going to be a regular show, cause it is going to be a long day standing for sure. I'm getting excited now. We planned a whole weekend around this. May even do that pub crawl. If I get close I'll take pics, my video skills are poor. And those going to the other shows will do the same. I'm sure there will be vids of them all.

Anonymous said...

@Jadan NZ

Thank you! Yes, I will enjoy both little grandsons and my son and daughter-in-law too! It's been way too long. My whole family knows I'm a real Glambert and they tease me all the time but if they hear or see something about Adam they are sure to tell me b/c they know how excited I get!


Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear that Adam is in the studio! See? He DOES do more than just party.

CT, nothing is more important than family, esp. a new grandchild. Adam will be around for future shows. Enjoy your family!


glitzylady said...

And something VERY COOL just happened... Watching the On Demand on Comcast channel, looking for some inspiration for tonight (the summer TV wasteland..), multitasking some other things.. .......and all of a sudden, whose name do I hear but the man himself, ADAM LAMBERT..They were saying "...And Music on Demand, with videos and music from singers/stars such as ADAM LAMBERT.." And they showed parts (and not just 2 seconds) of FYE and IIHY music vids..... Of course I immediately jumped up, rushed over to the TV and was so excited.. :))) (My fan-boy hubby said..Well THAT got your attention!!!) And then they said "also music from other stars such as Lady Gaga.......". THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!! Holy s***!!! (OOOPS!) Showing right along with new On Demand movies, TV shows etc... WOW!!!! Excellent promo for our guy :))) Made my day....

Anonymous said...

WOW!! 90 mins is a full set for Adam. Enjoy, all the lucky ones who are attending. :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have moved on, looks happy with his friends. Don't think there is any more than that for now. Why does everypne say that Sauli has moved on, yes he moved into an apt, with a friend of Adams. The only things I have seen him do is doing work with Katri, and go to some friends parties, mostly Finns. Haven't seen him hanging all over other guys in clubs, definitely not dating anyone. Tye Blue says he is very quiet. Doesn't sound like the old Sauli who was always laughing and smiling.

Jadam NZ said...

Feeling your excitement Glitzy. Whenever I hear something that only relates to Adam in a small way, such as someone singing a song he has sung, or this week it was photos in a local Magazine of the Life Ball of Barbara Eden and others I have to stop myself saying Adam sung that or Adam was there. Sadly no photo of Adam. I still do say these things but choose who to.The husband is a bit over it, funnily enough.
Its great being a fan when the comments are like this thread, we have had some rough times haven't we. Hopefully most of us have hung in there.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight everyone. Goodnight Adam. I love you and I wish I could trade places with you! Just think, to be Adam Lambert for 1 day. I wouldn't know where to start. Wait, I think I know. I would start with a nice long shower. Get myself all lathered up everywhere. No washcloth. Just my hands and fingers. Hey! I think I'd be in the shower all day! Sweet dreams everyone:))

Anonymous said...

Yay, Glitzylady!

Also Everytime I go to the mall or market or resturant I hear Adam's songs. I don't know if it has to do with having my iPhone (ofcourse loaded with Adam's songs) and somehow their devices detect custmers' fav. songs. Over the weekend I was at CVS and I heard BTIKM. I was flailing like a teenager and I ended up buying a yellow nail polish. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course, family comes first. Adam is such a big part of my life now since that first AI audition that it feels he is part of my family!

I've seen Adam perform live 8 times now...I've been so lucky. I know there will be other concerts to look forward to.

Thanks for your nice words!


Anonymous said...

@1:34pm Nice obs.
Most of us anons are really nice people. If we would all vanish from this site, here would be left only few.w tags talking w each other. We are not only Adam fans we fan others too,which is normal behaviour. We make this site also more interesting to newcomers which Adam needs.

Anonymous said...

@muhammed waqar
Lol stands for laughs out loud/laugh out loud/laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

9:30 PM
Well we have seen pictures of Sauli partying with the same guy (an actor) every weekend since the end of January. So I don't think we have to worry that Sauli is sitting home lonely. The actor has become friends with Sauli's finnish friends and with Sauli's roomate too. Sauli must want to keep him a secret since when he posts a pic of a party the other guy is left out. Sauli was out partying with Adam's friend Danielle and her friends, and his guy, two different nights over Memorial weekend for example. Obviously we don't get pics with strangers like we do with Adam because Sauli isn't a celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Sauli didn't waste any time finding another boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was Sauli`s bf too but lately I´m not sure. He doesn`t post pictures of them anymore and his tweets are not so happy sounding than they use to be. Sauli has always been very quiet about his personal life and realtionships particulary. Anyway if Adam or Sauli are dating I am happy for them besides they did broke up sometime in january so it`s not so soon imo.

Anonymous said...

Well I think he isn't posting pics anymore because it became too obvious and some people were leaving messages about him and Sauli on his instagram. And he posted a pic with Katri when obviously Sauli was there too but was left out of the picture.

I agree that the last couple days he seems like he might not be in a happy place. So who knows what that is about. Anyway the point was just that we do see Sauli is out having fun too so we don't need to feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

@2:17 I'm going to that universal studio concert with adam for sure!


Anonymous said...

Sauli screwed this Ade dude as well. S is most probably back in Finland right now.

Anonymous said...

@ brownie.....I'm glad you are going to see Adam again so soon. My daughters and grandson have tried to figure out a way I could go, but we have come up with no solution. An outdoor venue in a theme park is just impossible for me for so many reasons. However, my boy may be able to film it for me. A big sacrifice on his part.....since he does not like Adam's music.....but he does like his grandma!.....JAK

Anonymous said...


Ade is exactly the one everyone is talking about lol...

And Sauli is in LA. He hasn't spoken or given any hints about his current situation but in his case that definitely doesn't mean he wouldn't be doing stuff.

I'm sure both Adam and Sauli are doing fine.

funbunn40 said...

@2:12, Glad you will see Adam in Pittsburgh! Sorry you won't see him in SD. I got my tickets thru' the generousity of a Glambert that couldn't go. Glamberts really look out for each other....@Glitzylady, Now you have me fired up to check out Music on Demand thru' my Time Warner Cable Co. I can feel your excitement! ...@Brownie, Glad you will see Adam in Orlando. If it weren't for SD I would be there!... @JAK, What a precious grandson you have!I'm sure he will get great videos and maybe something behind the scenes! You can do some bed dancing while watching Adam in cool air conditioning! Not so bad!:)

funbunn40 said...

@ DRG, Hope to see you and anyone on this site in SD too!The Glamberts will be getting together at a party the night before at The Brass Rail in downtown SD. Lambertlust on twitter has info....@CT, So sorry you will miss Adam this time, but your family coming all the way from Israel will be such a wonderful time for all of you. All of us that have seen or are able to see Adam live are truly fortunate, but with the wealth of videos we are all able to still have an exceptional Adam experience.