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Another Picture of Adam Lambert at Industry Bar in NYC last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam certainly knows how to have a good time. He really seems to like NYC and is enjoying himself there.

Anonymous said...

Is he really? Some of his actions seem a little desperate.

Anonymous said...

Yea, he doing great looks like he having lots if fun. He had always loved New York. He looks happy handsome and fine. The very last thing he looks us desperate sure does not look even remotely like that. Why would a handsome, well off talented man like Adam be desperate no reason at all. Why must you people persist in spewing your venom here, it very desperate in deed.

Anonymous said...

Actually that was an opinion. No venom content.

glitzylady said...

If I was Adam, was visiting New York City for a few fun and fabulous days, and was young, handsome, famous, single, with some money to spend, a love of musical theater, with many friends in the biz there, and was invited to a major movie premier Red Carpet, Madonna's afterparty, exclusive clubs, etc.. etc..I suspect I'd be doing the same things. Desperate??? More like one talented, lucky and happy dude.

Anonymous said...

Right on glitzlady, I couldn't agree with you more!!

Shaley said...

@7:29pm: Would you rather him be at home in bed with the covers over his head? He's out livin' life & having fun. Be greatful. Besides, this way we're getting lots of sexy pics;)

Anonymous said...

I know misery loves company and you want Adam to be in your same boat.
Let me tell you that Adam always choose to be happy in any situation.
Why not learn from him?

Anonymous said...

So there is not even one post without the bullshit comments? I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Way too much bullying on this site.

Anonymous said...

Restless and insultive comments everywhere thesedays. Darn it all,
Adam doesn't need negative vibes.

Anonymous said...

It appears the bullying is not coming from 7:29 pm but she/he is being bullied. Someone needs to issue a safe list of comments that will please everyone or better yet just shut down the comments column. If you don't agree with what a person said just say you don't agree, don't leap like a pit bull.
Over reacting. I give up, too many people with loaded weapons (their mouths or fingers) waiting to pounce. Does every comment need to be qualified with JMO - IMHO - IMO? How juvenile.

Unknown said...

Exactly u got nothing good to say dont say it at all yall just want him pull an album out of his ass every two second BACK THE FUCK UP let him enjoy and live life gosh!

Anonymous said...

That comment is a perfect example of what I meant. Attack mode and such an elegant way to put it. Neanderthals!

Anonymous said...

it has been confimred that chrslhmn instagram is the hiceky giver

Anonymous said...

This site was always so much fun to read. What has happened? Very unhappy people have found a place to take punches at Adam and his fans Nasty remarks back to them only makes it worse. This is very sad. But don't fall into their trap! Adam is wonderful and having the time of his life in NY with all of his Broadway friends.

Anonymous said...

Yes,only one critical post and atleast 8 back attacks! If some one answers to the first critical one matching to your own opinion, then move on! The whole site is the mirror of us all. Post only positive comments yourself then the site looks totally different, you the majority there!