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Awesome Tweets from the Lamberts!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

How right you are, Mr. Eber Lambert. This is the start of the destruction of marriage and family values.
Again, Satan wins!

Anonymous said...

Adam....I am partying in my heart.

Neil.....perhaps because victory and justice are sweet?

Eber....Yes, there is that, this places my rock solid marriage of 56 years in danger of shattering. NOT !

Love and happiness to you all.....JAK.

11:35....put a sock in it !

Anonymous said...

BTW....are you Satan's scorekeeper?

Grace said...

This is off topic and totally intrusive - I admit that totally. However, I read at this site recently in another threadthat Adam has said that, if he were to become a father, he would "put it there himself". Did he really say that and where? Again forgive the bad taste. I can't even believe myself that I am asking this question. Please don't hate me. My curious mind wants to know and, we know, Adam can be cheeky.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy day for Adam and all our gay brothers and sisters. I wrote just yesterday on an earlier thread that I hoped my California would join other states by legalizing same-sex marriage. Had no idea this amazing ruling was on the doorstep!

Congratulations to Adam and the other light-bearers on the forefront of this fight. My heart is bursting with joy for you!

For those dear ones not quite comfortable with the ruling yet, it's okay . . . I think with time you will become more accustom to seeing gays as equal and deserving of everything we straight folks take for granted. As we get to know more and more of our gay family, friends and aquaintances, because now they will hopefully feel free to speak up, we will see they are just like us.

Historic Day! My love for Adam and his strength grows by leaps and bounds!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@11:57. I believe he did say that. Again, it's NOOB.
None of our business!

Anonymous said...

Well said Laura!

Anonymous said...

What is the meaning of Eber's strange tweet? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Eber has a wicked sense of humor..he meant that this ruling will not in any way affect hetero marriage..and of course he is right..congrats to all those who feel that they are living on the sidelines of equality is on the horizon..

Anonymous said...

Adam and family showing their happiness and me too. YAY!!

Anonymous said...

love Eber's sense of humor. I follow him on twitter.

Anonymous said...

This is just my interpretation. I too was wondering why this ruling would destroy hetero marriages. Perhaps many married gay/lesbian people of an hetero marriage, due to forced circumstances might divorce, now that they can have their preferable same sex marriage. Also bi-sexual people who might have settled for an hetero marriage, now have their choice and as nature dictates, they may likely prefer same sex marriage.


Anonymous said...

ignore the trolls.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know what's going on with the strange tweets on Adam's twitter saying they are ashamed of him, etc..and when you click on the link(s) they always lead to a bogus site????? I am thinking that some info has been deleted..but I AM curious...

Anonymous said...

Lam-my the key word is hetero.

Anonymous said...

@1:00 - he was joking!!!! did not mean that anyone's marriage would be put in jeopardy..that is the whole point..we can all live in harmony..we are ALL just human beings on this planet...

Anonymous said...

The Lamberts are cool and I enjoy reading their tweets all the time!:)

I wish to hear some form Mama Lambert too!:)

Happiness always win at the end don't we?!:)


Anonymous said...

No, I don't think Eber would joke on something as sacred as marriage and in any case it didn't come across as a joke to me.


Anonymous said...

mombert is not on twitter thank God!! It just goes w/o saying she is so happy for Adam and others.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my you are so cute - it is nice to see someone still trusting enough to take Dadbert's tweet seriously.

In the US, the conservative opponents of same-sex marriage have been arguing for years that it will destroy the sanctity of marriage if same-sex people are allowed to marry. Dadbert is referring to this argument.

The churches are worried that they will be required to marry same-sex couples as well. (In New York state, the legislature built-in protections agains the churches being required to marry same-sex couples.) DOMA makes no reference to this. A case might appear over time but it's unlikely that any court would approve that requirement, since churches routinely decline to marry hetero couples on all sorts of grounds.

US is at 55% approval of SSM and growing every day. Not to mention, the younger population is much higher. Just takes time.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Mama Lambert is not on twitter and we all know that!:)


Anonymous said...


It's happening folks and even religious people feeling and seeing it right now!!:)

America you are doing the right thing to move forward!!:)


HK fan said...

Eber is being sarcastic....
Many 'straight' people feel that same sex marriage is a threat to their 'normal' marriages.
Have no idea what difference they expect it to make, but they are very threatened by it.
Eber has a very dry sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

Eber Is a riot happy Adam has such great support... I wish all l LGBT youth could have a family like his ....
I have a friend at work ...we don't work together she is in a different department ...I saw her waiting to get her lunch yesterday ... I ask her if she heard the good news ... so said YES.....she was so excited .... her girlfriend was coming to have lunch in celebration ....she told me she had never come to eat with her before ... the girlfriend's family didn't accept t her and she was very shy about being around people but was encouraged by the ruling ....that more people would accept her .... later I saw them walking out...they were holding hands..... equality is a beautiful thing ....rose petal

tea said...

@11:35 PM. It's just to bad that your family is now destroyed falling apart. Tough luck. You're welcome to rejoice and join those of us who believe in inclusiveness and love.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation but on the flipside of this humourous/sarcastic remark, also pointed out by HK fan, I also see the realistic side, though not intended by Eber; that is it may lead to some breakups of hetero marriages with one gay or lesbian partner in it. Hope it won't come to that; will be sad, any sort of breakups. And also more bisexuals may lean towards same sex marriage if they so wish. I guess I was viewing the tweet from the realistic side of it basing on just the words; not that far-fetched but not Eber's intention. :)


Anonymous said...

Leila is very wise not to be on twitter. Her life would never be the same. Not a big fan of twitter and other social media but I read Adam's tweets.

Anonymous said...

That's very understandable since u don't live in the US you haven't heard all the conservative's preaching the dangers of SSM.....why they think marriage between people they don't know , will probably never know and whom they don't even try to understand ... will in anyway effect them or anyone else totally beyond me.....but none the less that's how they feel and since I call myself open minded I accept and stand up for their right to think it .....but I also reserve the right to think they're a bunch of nuts that ought go mind their own business.....better get off my soap box before I fall .....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Rose petal
Thanks! yea I just took Eber's tweet at face value not suspecting that he was hitting out at another group of people. lol! Hey good to hear your cheery chirpy self again. And by the way, I read your touching, beautiful Adam poem. No complaints this time. lol!


Anonymous said...

JAK got Eber's joke immediately. Her response was proper and as usual funny. Same sex marriage poses no threat to heterosexual marriage. To assume so is ridiculous. Eber's humor is always tongue in cheek (teasing).

Imagine hordes of men running thru the streets, "hooray, I no longer have to marry Barbara, Jennifer, Gail, Laura! I can marry Bob, Charlie, Ben, or Mike! I sincerely think that's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Eber's tweet was sarcasm, obviously. There is no reason I can think of that gay marriage threatens hetero marriage. The divorce rate for straight marriage is quite high anyway, and we all know people in our lives who do not have happy marriages or who probably never should have gotten married in the first place. A marriage, good or bad, has nothing to to with sexual orientation. It's a human union, either way. I am always puzzled by people who feel so threatened by gay marriage. Churches and other religious institutions are NOT required to perform gay marriges. Churches are private entities. Ironically, churches marry straight people all the time who maybe don't even like each other all that much. But the law permits it, good or bad. Now the law permits all humans to be humans when it comes to marriage, both the good and the bad. It's about time.


Anonymous said...

I stand with the LGBT community.

Anonymous said...

Thanks ...u didn't do anything wrong I ask for an opinion was just the whole crazy thing. I was really nervous about it going to the city council. I am not well educated got on the way of that but I am creative and well read . Even though I've been published ....just local stuff I think I was afaird they ....would think it not worthy cuz not written by a teacher of community leader.... there were many people sending things in .... I realized something when the tornado hit Moore Ok......the broadcasters were talking about had bad it was and how they just difnt understand how anyone could go through this .... It was one of the worst of all time ....and it was .... I was sick with sorrow for he people of Moore... but at the same time I felt like ....yes it had happened before .... think how we feel .. .thats when I realized that if u don't live it everyday just doesn't have the same impact.... U were honest in your opinion stood up for what u thought....I respect that ....peace to u rose petal

Anonymous said...

Great historic strides for the US. In this day and age equality should be the norm. Time to shed fears and let people live their lives to the fullest. Another country also made history overnight too.

Anonymous said...

Adam should be proud today of the work he has done to bring awareness to the US. He could have chosen another route but he stayed true to himself and to his 'brothers and sisters'. Takes guts to be true to oneself when the heat is on.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal
Yea I followed the Moore/Ok tornado disaster every day on CNN. I told myself, whoa, that was what you went through; very very frightening. This black guy going round all day shouting into the piles of rubble to get response...Wow! That kind of spirit. You know, when you apologised, it sort of brought a small closure to the whole situation and then I felt your strength and also thought you know how to rectify a problem really well; instead of leaving it to fester. Anyway, congratulations on your Monster poem being accepted/published.


Anonymous said...

Janet said:

Now the push for marriage equality will push forward quickly in all states. Lots of support. Ironically, many will support gay rights yet make caveman laws restricting a woman's right to choose, i.e. Texas. Gay rights is no longer the highest target agenda for conservatives. Lucky break because now a sea tide change will come calmly. I'm proud of Oregon - marriage equality will come next year with LOTS of popular support.

Anonymous said...

The Pew Research Center provides interesting info on the changing tide.

People younger than 32 years of age overwhelmingly support same sex marriage at a rate of 70%.

Despite what the Vatican would have you believe, American Catholics support same sex marriage at 60%, higher than Protestants.

Even opponents agree that legal recognition of same sex marriage is inevitable at about 70%.

Anonymous said...

Grace, Adam was quoted as actually saying in an interview when asked about having children in the future
"I can sacrifice" take it as you may.
Many think he means sacrifice as to having intercourse with a female.
Knowing Adam, he possibly would.
He keeps things fresh and shocks often.

Anonymous said...

GREAT article from yahoo about Adam

tea said...

@9:32 AM
That's a very moving article. Lots of food for thought. My first thought is that watching the struggle is very heart-wrenching for me.
I ♥ Adam.

leilani Aloha said...

Proud!!! & Happy !!!
We R all ONE!!!:) Support & love one another!!!

Anonymous said...

That article from Kerry Klosch is a bunch of garbage. The whole 100 monkey thing had been shown to be an inaccurate urban legend, not real science. Very embarrassing that she is using it in a story about Adam.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't really get in to the article myself. She is the attorney who wrote the book about the voting scam the year Adam was on AI. ( I think )

Anonymous said...

OMG, do not retweet that crazy article! It won't help Adam, just makes Adam and his fans laughing stocks.

Anonymous said...

@1:21 PM LOL! Get grip. lol

Grace said...

Thank you so much for answering my question about the quote. I had actually been afraid to ask.

funbunn40 said...

Eber, tongue in cheek, pokes fun at the fears that unfortunately still exist. The majority that are upset about this long deserved equality ruling most likely do not personally know any gay people, will ever have their personal finances affected by them, medical decisions or lives, most likely never intersecting, yet believing that they have the right to inflict their religious, moral judgements upon a society of diverse beliefs,races, and sexual identity that should be available to all tax paying US citizens. Each of us deserves to live our lives as we see fit and allow others to do the same. I am so pleased at this small, but important step forward. This is a civil rights matter and above all cements the importance of separation of church and state. Churches still have thr freedom to marry or not marry anyone that they feel doesn't fit their beliefs, but govt. does not have the right to dictate whom you should love and build a family. Just my personal view with the people I've known and the information I've gathered during my long lifetime. I hope one day people will put aside their myths, fears and bigotry and see people's hearts instead of preconceived stereotypes that don't fit their mindsets. This is a good day!

funbunn40 said...

@11:57, If Adam indeed had made that statement and one day follows it thru'. I would be ecstatic for the lucky surrogate! He would be a loving dad and I hope one day he will have that joy.

Anonymous said...

i would be ecstatic too if Adam chooses to do it the natural way because test tube babies have no souls.

Anonymous said...

This is not just referring to Adam. It has been in my thoughts for quite a while; when I saw MJ's desperate children huddling together like orphans when in reality their Mom would have been such a source of solace and comfort for them. I know she wasn't a surrogate. Nothing wrong with having surrogate mothers but that innate mother/child bond should be kept intact as far as possible. It's the child's as well as the mother's basic human rights. And also when one parent is no more available due to unforeseen circumstances, the other can step in as the safety net instead of letting the child hurl straight to the ground. In the case where the surrogate mom can't be traced, then that's too bad; but a surrogate mom should have some form of close contact with her child at intervals. I have total faith in Adam; he believes in building relations not sever them, when one day he wishes to have his own child in later years. Better not wait too long due to health problems which may occur in the offspring because of older sperm/egg of the parents.


Anonymous said...

I think the funniest thing I have heard was from a commentator on FOX News saying next we will be marrying our animals! LOL I do love my puppy...

Anonymous said...

There's no reason a gay couple can't adopt an infant and be as nurturing parents as a biological mother and father could be. There are studies that show children of SSM are as healthy and happy as children of hetero marriage. Additionally there are plenty of single parents raising amazing children. To say they are lacking something is insulting. Michael Jackson's kids had far greater issues to deal with than the single parent thing.

Jadam said...

I totally agree with 9.35pm.Also
what a bizarre thing to say 8.16pm.

Anonymous said...

Jesus' message as He appeared to a visionary in 1987:

"Yes, We frown upon surrogate mothers. We shall not tolerate the making of children from one to the other. The Sacrament of Marriage was given for the union of man and woman in love and godliness.

There is nothing godly about a man who sets himself up to play God and starts revolving innocent--I prefer to call My children innocent, because in that way I do not refuse them even penance for their sins--but they must know that you cannot bring life in a test tube. This will NOT be accepted by Heaven. 

"These children are not conceived by the Holy Ghost, the spirit within them at the moment of conception, because their conception is from a test tube, and an instrument of a so-called doctor upon earth. He is a doctor, not of divinity, but of sin. 

"Doctors now are profaning their profession, those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions. Doctors also pretend, or hope to seek far above the Eternal Father. Just as the angels did, many years ago--they sought to outshine the Eternal Father, and they were cast forever out of Heaven. But they took many with them. 

"Therefore, My children, I must tell you this, there will be a major war between the right and the wrong side, the left and the right, over this issue. 

"We will not have test-tube babies, for they are not born with a soul. They can only, then, be called a 'thing,' a 'creature' unknown. Is this what you want, My children? 

"Is this what you want of these children you bear for another? To give them as though you were machines, manufacturing them for another? 

"My children, you grieve all Heaven, because your sin is becoming more perverse upon earth, crying out to Heaven for retribution."

"No man shall set himself to rise above his God and command the power of his God."

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the Awesome Lamberts don't visit this site, this thread... beyond speechless!

Anonymous said...

Heavenly visions now? It's amazing how often Jesus or his mother appear just when the church wants to make a point, usually ridiculous. I hope they are getting frequent flyer miles, they do so much flying back and forth from the hereafter. Hallucinations are so reliable. And the places they appear, Mary in tree bark, Jesus on a piece of toast.
I suppose the 'real thing' looks like the Renaissance paintings of the two, very serene and gentile.
The Holy Ghost conceives children, a new one to me, except of course for that one time when a teenage virgin confessed to her intended husband she was miraculously with child.
Test tube babies have no soul? Penance? Let me guess what church these recipients of holy messages belong to.
Probably the one who used to sell penances for any sin to be forgiven if the price was right.
Please go back to satanism, it wasn't so personally heartbreaking to all the people who are so grateful to have surrogate babies, adopted babies who were conceived out of wedlock and babies from the miracle of invitro fertilization. Jesus sure knows how to follow the churches line of doctrine even though it was concocted long after his flight from this earth, by men many of whom were of dubious character.

Keep your fairy tales and condemnation to your self, this is not a site for shilling for any particular religion . Let us sort out our souls relationship with God or disbelieve if we wish. That's our business. MYOB

Anonymous said...

Heavenly visions now? It's amazing how often Jesus or his mother appear just when the church wants to make a point, usually ridiculous. I hope they are getting frequent flyer miles, they do so much flying back and forth from the hereafter. Hallucinations are so reliable. And the places they appear, Mary in tree bark, Jesus on a piece of toast.
I suppose the 'real thing' looks like the Renaissance paintings of the two, very serene and gentile.
The Holy Ghost conceives children, a new one to me, except of course for that one time when a teenage virgin confessed to her intended husband she was miraculously with child.
Test tube babies have no soul? Penance? Let me guess what church these recipients of holy messages belong to.
Probably the one who used to sell penances for any sin to be forgiven if the price was right.
Please go back to satanism, it wasn't so personally heartbreaking to all the people who are so grateful to have surrogate babies, adopted babies who were conceived out of wedlock and babies from the miracle of invitro fertilization. Jesus sure knows how to follow the churches line of doctrine even though it was concocted long after his flight from this earth, by men many of whom were of dubious character.

Keep your fairy tales and condemnation to your self, this is not a site for shilling for any particular religion . Let us sort out our souls relationship with God or disbelieve if we wish. That's our business. MYOB

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the message was considered important enough to be repeated twice. Guided by a heavenly hand I suppose.

Anonymous said...

No worries, 1:31am, Awesome Lamberts can handle it, yes? Reading thru all the posts has been entertaining and sometimes even enlightening. I had no idea an involved discussion was taking place into the wee hours of the morning - 4:20am here in California! Ya know, it's pretty special that we have a place (a free internet) to air our thoughts and opinions without censure. A BEAUTIFUL THING ... THIS FREEDOM.

It doesn't matter if opinions are shared by everyone, as long as the conversation remains respectful. (Yes - even those opinions here not comfortable with same-sex marriage that think I'm going to hell. Haha, just kidding, no one said any such thing ... right?)

It's been fun, dear ones. And I'm finally ready to get my ass to bed!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@12:22. Put a cap on it. Go join millions of your own kind in middle-east. They sure ruining that part of the world with their backwarded thinking like yours. Why do you use even computer to promote your first century mentality.

Anonymous said...

@xo Laura 4:25
Thanks for your always upbeat postings!
Although some of the comments are definitely not fun nor respectful (religious fanatics seldom are...just mo).
Hoping the rest of you got safely to bed, too!

Anonymous said...

@12:22. why God said I created man in my own image? Then man can create just like God can.

BTW I have test tube kids in my family and they are perfect in so many ways.

Had a psychologist friend over at my house last weekend and she helps out LGBT community. She said statistically kids raised by same sex couples are much more smarter and happier kids than kids raised by straight couples.

HK fan said...

I can't remember the last time I read such a pathetic load of shite as your post.
This is an Adam Lambert fan site, not a religious one, I do not come here to be preached at, especially by someone with such ridiculous views.
If you are not interested in talking about Adam, then please feel free to leave.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan
Amen!!!!!! ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@2:49 AM, I know that you mean well and has good intentions. However, you sound controlling when you continually tell posters to ignore unpleasant comments. I think that so called "Trolls" and "Negative Commenters" comments should receive a rebuttal, keeping in mind that not all non-praising and worshiping comments about Adam are from Trolls and Negative Commenters; just concerned fans, Big Difference. Ignoring someone doesn't make the person nor problem go away. So if fans feel the need to reply to any comments, then leave them alone. They're not feeding the trolls, but setting the record straight.

Anonymous said...

@Grace, Adam also said that he could do the deed. I don't understand why some of Adam's fans get their panties in a bunch whenever Adam or anyone mentions that he likes females and quite comfortable with showing them affection (kissing). It wouldn't shock me if in the distant future Adam marries a female when he's ready to start a family. To me personally, I don't care who he marries, but would still love and support him. I actual believe that there are some fans who would abandon ship if he dates or marries a female.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my, was it really necessary to mention the race of the guy? Not criticizing you, but just didn't see the relevance of mentioning it.

Anonymous said...

Waste of time to argue with 12;22am
This is Not the site for silly stupid comments of 12;22

Be reminded this is a Happy Adam Lambert Fan club site!!!:)

So go some place else for attention 12;22am

Anonymous said...

Personally I find some of the far fetched asinine remarks a pleasant change from boring repetitive comments. Stirs up the brain and we do seem to have some articulate members here. Right or wrong. Political and religious comments that seem out of line keep me scurrying to prove or disprove the points. One thing I've learned, way too many people believe and buy into the Gospel according to Fox News! Don't they have a fact checker? They just drop their bombs and when the true facts come out there is no retraction, they just pop out their next faux news scoop. Amusing. Unfortunately
Too many people believe them. I have a neighbor who has built up an arsenal since Obama was elected, he's out in his garage cleaning his weapons daily waiting for the race war to begin since 2008. I think he's disappointed our street hasn't been attacked!

Anonymous said...

4:51 - "Then man can create just like God can."
That is exactly the sin of Lucifer why he rebelled because he wanted to be like God. And he made the same offer to Adam and Eve, to disobey and eat what's forbidden and so they can be just like God. And the same deception is happening today, we can all be God, we are God.
As Kanye West declared, "I am God." Lol.

Anonymous said...

I'd hate to see what would happen to the person who told my niece that her 4 year old twins have no souls! It wouldn't be pretty and her husband would back her up and he's in divinity school!