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Cute Picture from Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 24, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 24, 2013

VIA the_jarvi_derrell: Ummm and excuse me @adamlambert KILLED "The National Anthem" last night!!!!! Killed it!!! #lovehim #soofierce #broadwaybares23 #thrive #yolosummer2013


Anonymous said...

The hickey is starting to fade, but is also covered with make up. Oh well Adam, such is life.

Anonymous said...

Cute pic.

Anonymous said...

Plunging neckline now! LOL!

tea said...


Anonymous said...

Another person who was there saying how great Adam was.

Anonymous said...

How did Adam pull this off w/o a leak? He probable didn't know about it til the last minute for sure himself. lol

tea said...

Adam just tweeted this link

Anonymous said...

Thanks @tea 2:16

I hope this puts an end to the ugly statements about this event in older threads. Pearl clutchers might not want to read this informative article because it mentions AIDS. Others will love the adjective attributed to Adam.

Anonymous said...

hey love that review from the link tea gave. It was written by Renee Synder!! love her.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just Wow.


Anonymous said...

The little I heard he sounded fabulously, what a fabulous voice he has. Adam also looks very good a perfect looking human with little to no make up any where at all. Great job Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...


Hickey, hickey on his neck
Where did it go?
What the heck?
I'm dieing to know
Who gave it to him
And that's fo sho!
I've got no life
I'm just following him
There's so much strife
I'm out on a limb.

Obcess much?

Anonymous said...

some people just cannot be helped

Anonymous said...

Love it when he's a happy man!

Anonymous said...

All kinds of people and tastes in this fandom. I can't stand the self centered and no good (imo) guitar player Adam has kept for 4 years and the other extreme go to Adam's gigs just to see Tommy and listen to his guitar solos.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I dislike Tommy so much and I'm so done with his fans that I don't like to watch the videos from gigs anymore. I just watch the ones when Adam performs without him. I don't think Brian as musical director and Tommy are a good choice for the band. I don't like some of the song choices Brian and also Tommy have suggested Adam sings. Also, I remember when Nile and Sam were performing in Montreaux and Nile wanted to fly Adam there to sing Shady, but Adam didn't go. I think it was the time when Adam was doing the useless radio promo with Tommy. It did more harm than good. Jmo.

Anonymous said...

5:17 PM
Oh lol. That was when Adam was in London with Queen and had nothing to do with radio or Tommy. You are more ridiculous hating on him than his fans are loving him. Adam only has a couple shows left with his band anyway.

Anonymous said...

I know this is OT, but do you know why Adam no longer sings Kickin In? I like it, it's very upbeat and dancy.

Anonymous said...

Very close up version is on this site.

Anonymous said...

@5:30PM Oh, you are right. It was the Queen tour then. I don't hate Tommy, but he is not my type of personality. I think he is self centered and jealous like some of his fans. They have brought bad blood to the fandom. Things should always be the way they want.

Anonymous said...

Know one knows how many shows Adam has left with his band or if some others will be added this year. Someone was telling about another site for Adam everything was quite positive towards Adam. You must sign in and other things to qualify. This site is a great site with good news. So easy for the negative nasties to take over. Sorry your Idol did not do so well, sorry you do not like TJR the band or anyone in the band. Sorry some can't get over the Sauli break up months later, Adam is single can do what he pleases so can Sauli do that. Yes Adam has fans that are not ever negative towards him because he does not deserve negativity, he a nice very talented man that no reason to put them down either. All I can say is this world would be a lot better place with more people like Adam Lambert in it, lot better! Kickin In was as is a good song, I like it too!

Anonymous said...

Get real, Tommy's fans are the biggest complainers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, hold on with the Tommy dissing! Do you know Tommy personally???? Thought not, otherwise comments like those on this thread would NEVER be written.
Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing. Soooooooooooo proud of him right now.

Anonymous said...

@8:37PM We'll, I think Tommy is neither a saint nor a guitar god. :)

Anonymous said...

How much you want to bet one person agreeing troll all the way through? Get a life.

In the meantime, very cute pic and another admirer born. YAY!

Anonymous said...

Love the baby Adam picture with the boots. He liked boots even when he was quite young. And still going strong with the boots. Love boots to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why is Tommy even being discussed?

Jadam said...

Exactly, 10.07 Why?

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, we all know, and Tommy knows, he is the second most important person in the Glamily. Right after Adam or he is Adam's right hand, whatever you prefer. Even Adam's loved ones and family are not as respected as Tommy in this fandom. They are called "the peripherals" or some disrespectful names. Tommy is above that, because he is said to be Adam's most loyal friend and therefore he is said to be irreplaceable. Of course, I don't agree with that. I'd love Adam got rid of Tommy for good, but unfortunately he won't replace him with a better guitarist.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is respected by Tommy fans, the rest of us can take him or leave him - in my case he's a nonentity, if he disappeared tomorrow it would be fine with me.
But since he is Adam's friend of about 3+ years that probably won't happen.-o-

Anonymous said...

Tommy has not been mentioned here in a long time UNTIL one poster out of the blue starts bashing him and then a legion of copycats follow... So pitiful!
Tommy has not done anything to any of you - maybe that's the problem ha, ha - so stop reading, writing, tweeting about him. Stop following him, ignore him.
I only see Tommy when he plays w Adam or when there are pics of him on Adam fan sites, I don't seek info on him. However, I like him and think he is an interesting, open minded and very photogenic young man. Besides being friends w Adam he's a genuine, loyal and true Adam fan, unlike many people posting on this site!!!