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New Gorgoeus Picture from the LA Heritage

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 04, 2013

VIA Gelly ‏@14gelly
NEW PIC @adamlambert May 30 LA Heritage via FRESH Los Angeles with mayor & Mia SO GORGEOUS


Anonymous said...

yup that lady has my new hair color, coming up soon. Adam looks so dignified here.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor reminds me of President Obama whenever I see his picture! Maybe it's just me...That guy with him is awfully cute!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Youre not the only one 10.48AM I thought it was Obama when i first looked at the pic. lol

Anonymous said...

Okay, now that gorgeous picture of Adam, sooo handsome (sorry for always repeating myself in descriptions of Adam) convinces me....Adam needs to be seen on the Big Screen! So debonair. Thud.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Obama? No.

Anonymous said...

Hate that mustache. Reminds me of the porno stars from the 70'

Anonymous said...

This from the latest Yahoo article about American Idol: "We also hear that Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken, two other names floated as possible former contenders-turned-judges, have not recieved offers. Though one of the individuals we talked to said that if the show actually moves forward on an all-alum panel, then Lambert is the show producers' top contender."

Probably not news to most, but I just saw it and thought I'd share.


Anonymous said...

Well, of course Adam is their top AI alum choice! I keep saying this, but once again, I think a mixed panel would be better. JHud (I guess she's a sure thing), Adam, and two other non-Idols. (I really don't care who.) That would make me happiest. If it's an all Idol panel, I get the feeling that if the show still doesn't do well, then the blame will be put on the whole concept of the show itself. The finger would be pointed at not just the current Idol judges, but that "not even an all-Idol judging panel could save it" sort of thing. Just a thought. If Adam's on the panel, I'll be happy.


Anonymous said...

He does not have Obamma's smug look.This man actually looks pleasant.

Anonymous said...

Reading that yahoo article and another one which said JLo has been negotiating makes me think the panel will be Jlo, Jhud and Keith. Kelly by all reports is not interested. Also they are a long way away from making a decision because they have to hire a Fox Executive for reality programming and Idol producers to replace Nigel and Ken who were fired, before they make the final decision. So months away from an announcement.

Anonymous said...

WTH ? Public couldn't wait to get rid of Jlo do why would they hire her back . She's a list judge and is only looking out for herself and how it furthers her career.

Anonymous said...

12:54, don't know any porno stars from the 70's, so you must know the others from the other decades to rule them out. Actually, the 'stache on Adam reminds me of Clark Gable in "Gone With the Wind". atm

Anonymous said...

obama is kenya guy born prsdient hes black from kenya africa- villaraigosa is a spanish guy hes handsome spanish one.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Foxnews watcher. We know what you think, no need to keep repeating your crazy self.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:32 pm

Learn to spell Obama and then you can look smug.
Care to compare I Q 's with our President ?

Anonymous said...

dear this has become a political blog??? one's politics should not matter in the least when it comes to being a fan of an entertainer...and why do so many of you have your panties in a twist cause Adam is sporting a stache..he has had a moustache many can, and will, be shaved off in a New York second..get a serious grip people!!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:09-You miserable freakin' troll-Why would you bring up a Fox news watcher? Thank G-d we have Fox news as you can see the terrible mess our wonderful country is in thanks to Obummer's administration-filthy lies and treating the wonderful American people like garbage. I know Adam wanted Obama to be elected as our president, but I still love him and Adam would never insult a Fox news watcher, you condesending troll!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank goodness for Fox News. You know folks, it is possible to be a Fox News watcher AND an Adam lover. I am one.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am a Fox News watcher, don't like Obama, I say no to same-sex marriage and yet love Adam so much and a fan for life.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank goodness for the fair and impartial news team on Fox News. They keep me amused with their bubble headed anchors. True anchors, lead headed. Why not fight over politics? We fight over mustaches!

Anonymous said...

You love Adam yet deny him the same rights you have.

Faux News is more like it. Say a lie enough times there and people believe it. 3:17 PM is a shining example of one of their viewers.

Anonymous said...

Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddox speak the truth. NOT!

Adamluv said...

@3:17 - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is of MEXICAN-American heritage. He is not Spanish. Of course why would your facts on this be correct when they are wrong on everything else. Your constant comments on Pres. Obama being from Kenya are so predictable. At least come up with some different wrong information. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Maddox was wrong too ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, this is a first!!
Somebody OUTSHINES Adam in a photo!
Or actually these 2, they both do it, the mayor with that BROAD PEARLYWHITE smile and that lady with the VERY WHITE hair!!! LOL!

Still Adam is the best!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.............I am going to take that as a semi compliment....I could use hair is as white as this ladies, only mine is chin length and is in ringlets like Brian May. I do think if he becomes my someday 2nd husband, we will make a striking couple, both quite tall , we both have an appreciation of starry skies and we each have a bad knee!

I am constantly being asked "who colors your hair" by strangers. I just say In the disco days I had two teenage daughters and they had a new Mustang convertible and
platform shoes and short skirts and danced till dawn. Before the disco years were over my brunette hair had turned snowy white! If I had it to do over I might have had boys! No, I take that back! I went thru similar years with a grandson who bungee jumped, skydived and called his Mom and I from Busch Gardens and delightedly shared the good news each time the Swiss engineers were ready to "test run" a new roller coaster at the park......"they are going to run it all night and employees can, what an opportunity!" My grandson.....a test dummy!

Maybe if I had it to do over I'd have goldfish! They don't ignore curfew and stay where you put them!

I earned every white hair on my head!

Anonymous said...

Thanks @JAK - I so needed that, you (most always) make me laugh or at least smile! Now I laughed out loud (and I'm alone in the house...).
At first, when you wrote that before the disco years were over... I thought YOU danced so hard and so often that your hair turned white... and I thought well, that's our JAK, a dancing disco queen! (then I read that part again more carefully, but still LOL!)