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New Picture: Adam Lambert Spotted at Orlando Airport

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 30, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 30, 2013

VIA dalokomco (Instagram): #AdamLambert #AmericanIdol #workflow #orlandoairport #gayboys


Anonymous said...

Hey Adam another good job done! Yea I like your simple but not easy at all, philosophy in life; just do one's best and not bother too much what others think, say or do; like you put it, live and let live. Many claim they love you yet do not embrace your free spirit. I like this version of Outlaws of Love at your concert. The way you wailed the couple of high notes made me feel the song has taken flight on your home ground, with the passing of the same-sex marriage law. Hey Adam, can you instruct your band to lower their electronic/percussion accompaniment when you wail your high notes; otherwise they tend to 'swallow' them up. All the best to whatever is coming up next.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice skull with sunglasses; no eyes behind the glasses though. lol! Hmm, this brings to mind, even with eyes, many don't see; with ears but don't hear; with hearts and don't feel.


Anne Marie said...

I expect Adam will be happy to get back home, even if he has another concert on the 2nd. The weather has to be better than Orlando. He can drive down in time to do the sound check.

Anonymous said...

Two very pleasant looking guys. The guy has a pencil stuck behind his ear, bet he got an autograph.

Anonymous said...

Stand back , @ lam-my's pontificating again. If only she had a direct line to Adam, she could leave us out.

Anonymous said...

8:52 LOL! She's just C-R-A-Z-Y !!!

Anonymous said...

8:52 so could I.

Anonymous said...

Well, I seem to feel some telepathic communication with Adam; perhaps outgoing Pisces and incoming Aquarius are meeting head to head. lol! That's actually according to some astrologists who call this overlapping a cusp, I think. lol!


Anonymous said...

The resident evil troublemaker on top!

Anonymous said...

Ahem. It's astrologer, Lammy, not astrologist. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Most stalkers are male so I think you are a male; not sure I can even address you as one though. I'm just a little, not so young lady and dare to put my name after every comment. You as a male should have more guts to put your name after every comment, trying to drive me away. Two years into stalking me and still can't pluck up enough strength to write your name or reveal your identity. You are a 'faceless'! nameless! cowardly male stalker!


Anonymous said...

Nameless cowardly male stalker: Your main reason for trying so hard to drive me away is because I always write beautiful things about Adam and with me out of your way, you'd be able to dominate a thread spewing your venom on Adam; I've just seen one where you were on an Adam venom-spewing spree and sort of inconspicuously dominating that recent thread, further down.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to leave a comment about Adam but instead have to read people complaining about another poster. Lam-my doesn't post that much so if you don't like reading her comments then SCROLL! How about learning to practice that not bullying stuff everybody here seems to profess they support.

Anonymous said...

8:08, the guy that posted the pic must be gay too.

New hat for the airport "disguise."

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, you know better by now to let some of these ignorant people get your goat! Pontificate all you want-we love you as a dedicated Glambert and seemingly a very educated one. I was chased away because of just some simple opinions that I had given in the past-I got such mean awful comments made to me by trolls or it could have even been Glamberts. Don't let anyone chase you away-we very much appreciate you as one of the very educated Glamberts. You have given us much of your knowledge about so many different things. At least you have substance to your posts-too many people go through life with absolutely no real opinions on anything-just complacent dull members of society. Lam-my, you make life fun-I am so glad you are a Glambert!!! I have come out of the woodwork to defend you. PEACE!

Anonymous said...

10:39... Thank you for speaking up on my behalf.
11:02... Thank you for your beautiful appreciations.
I don't know the real reason for this male stalker's dislike/hate for Adam. Or perhaps he doesn't like gays as the #2 comment suggests. That to me is the real reason and because I write beautiful things on Adam, poems etc and he seems to manage only a couple of sentences, his venom loses strength. I have noticed he enjoys dominating a thread bad-mouthing anything Adam does. Someone suggested he could have been thrown out from Twitter by Adam. It's been like this for 2 years, round about the time Adam mentioned he had blocked some negative Tweeters. But it won't deter me from writing good things about Adam. I just like writing about him and many here do too but he doesn't feel so much threat from them.


Anonymous said...

10:39 some trolls are on a mission to make some of the regulars on here to stop posting. So jelly of Adam's dedicated fans and this nice blog they can't see straight.bahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my,

Sorry you're having to put up with such immature silliness from 8:52pm, 9:04pm and 9:53pm (probably all the same person). Don't give it much mind, we don't. Usually when someone like this is so concentrated on a particular person, one that's done them no harm, they have very little going on in their own lives. Quite sad. These folks tend to be pretty miserable. Be thankful you don't live in their brain.
Just stay the positive, thoughtful fan of Adam you've always been. That's the best way to fight back.

Much love,
xo laura

leilani Aloha said...

Aloha Lam-my, do continue your love for Adam here on this fansite:)
Just ignore haters/trolls, why they take the trouble to come here to bash Adam & his fans is beyond me!
so ridiculous & childish!
Kill them softly with kindness:) not give them any attention!
Peace all!

Anonymous said...

Laura and Leilani...Thank you both!!
Frankly, I'm not fighting back nor perturbed by the stalker because bottomline is he basically can't do much to stop me. I only reply to him because at least other people who chance upon these weird comments will make some sense of what's happening. And he doesn't know that the more he writes to me, the easier it is for me to size him up and like right now I'm quite sure he is a dimwit male stalker as most stalkers are male. And in another thread where he was stalking me, he identified himself as a male. But why does he dislike Adam so much that even I get in his way. Another reason could be he has some sort of ADHD, attention deficit hyper disorder. So when I take that attention away from him, he can't enjoy himself anymore, at the expense of Adam. As I've pointed out he enjoys himself a lot ridiculing Adam because he knows a lot of commenters will defend Adam and it makes him feel important. I don't do that because then we play his game. So now he makes sure he addresses his venom directly at me. But frankly, it doesn't bother me much but I guess it detracts my attention from Adam.


Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with those of you defending Lam-my. She has been truly HORRIBLE to several of the old regulars. People with tags. You just probably haven't seen those posts since several of them have been on old threads and at the end of them. She just did it to HKfan. She is not a nice person as it seems. I know of 4 pf the regulars that have been here for years and possibly since the beginning that she has done this to. Its ok to disagree with others but it needs to be respectful and that just wasn't happening. Her comments get worse with each subsequent response.

Anonymous said...

You need to check up on what happened to the regulars you are referring to. I was mostly defending myself. I'm seldom on the offensive. I guess you just want me to keep quiet and just say nice things and then you'd say I'm doing the right thing! Do you know why young people have to resort to even taking their own's because of people like you...just keep quiet and smile and people will scratch your back and you scratch theirs! I can't do that. As I've said I am polite most of the time but if I need to defend myself, I could be curt but never rude! Whether you think I'm nice or not, does not matter to me but I'm very thankful to those who stand up for me. I will remember them, how small the kindness may be. And if you make such strong accusations against me, at least have some courage to use a pen-name instead of sniping like this.


Anonymous said...

I think I need to thank many fellow commenters who have so selflessly flew in to stand by me. Here is the list, not in any particular order, as and when I remember their kindness!! If I left you out please include yourself in the list or if you like, let me know.

Anon 10:39
Anon 11:O2
Kindred sister
Margarita lady
Rose petal
Anon judge judy
Anon fire-fighter
Anon guardian angel
Anon kungfu-fighter

Thank you all!! You have touched me one way or another.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Lam-my is very nice if you agree with her, but very nasty if you don't.

Anonymous said...

There's no truth in what you say and you may even be one and the same person or perhaps two persons, birds of the same feather answering; both have no names so who is the wiser? I welcome all sorts of comments whether they agree with me or not but if certain people do not agree with me most of the time, it's better they talk to those who see eye to eye with them rather than waste time arguing...not that people must always agree with me; you might have misinterpreted that.


Anonymous said...

Stop bullying Adam supporter's on an Adam Lambert site! Leave Lam-my alone.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! I need to include you in the list; perhaps you are there already. Now on hindsight you all did help me a lot but I think it's mostly Adam that I'm stuck here. lol!


Anonymous said...

I am in your list Lam-my. The true fans are here for Adam, the bullying got out of hand here, against The steadfast Adam fans , they want us gone, sorry not happening.

Anonymous said...

5:39.....Yay! Got you in my list. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my Rules!

Anonymous said...

6:29...But I might not be a very good ruler. lol! Hope you are in my list already. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I have GOT to quit reading comments and posting here. I don't know who's worse, the holier than thous or the bullys.

Anonymous said...

Since this is an Adam site we should comment about him and not use the site to personally attack others. I'm not saying I don't like to hear about people and their personal experiences just that the nastiness displayed by some is truly uncalled for. It is so easy to hide and remain anonymous that some very sad people take an advantage and go out of their way to hurt other people. Adam is all about love and not hate or meanness.


HK fan said...

Having a tag doesn't always stop people from saying hurtful things....

Anonymous said...

I am 8:52 P.M. That was my one and only comment on this thread. @Lam-my I am not a male nor a stalker. Just one of an army who find you overbearing. Yes, as one said she has attacked fellow Glamberts on many occasions and always tries to twist things to make it appear she is the innocent. She has driven people away and just recently.

For the one who says Lam-my doesn't post often, just scroll past her. Are you kidding? Some posts., like this one, are practically all Lam-my! On and on she never gives up and just shuts up.

Far from stalking you I avoid your posts like the plague, I scan each thread and try to avoid you completely, but sometimes your comments are so far fetched, so pedantic,just so frustrating in your superior preaching to the lowly peasants style, it makes my teeth grate. And if you wish to give suggestions to Adam on the sound levels of his band, write him, not us. Obviously your telepathic messages to him are not getting through.
I don't know who you are speaking of who dislikes you and Adam. Not me for sure, since he is sweet and everything you are not , polite, unassuming, humble and tactful.

As has been stated over and over, not by me, however there are several who apparently feel the same way I do.
If a name is important to you, my name is Leona. But you won't be seeing it again, I'm through with you and your combative attitude. Life is too short to waste time and aggravation on you. As for the people who jump to defend you , they obviously don't recognize a manipulator when they read one.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, I´ve missed you! I just love your spirit my kindred sister:))! I am really glad you post here and so do many others! I haven´t been able to visit here as often as I wanted for I spend my summervacation in the middle of a forest with poor connections to the internet. I think about Adam every day and knowing your dedication for him in this site makes this separation from the daily A-news much easier to handle:)! I send you my caring support from my heart, keep on going my true Glamsister and have fun:))!

Anonymous said...

@9:39am correction "and so are many others"..

Anonymous said...

Lammy is the worst kind of Glambert for others to know.
Why should an untag fan matter when Lammy attacks the good regular Glamberts here like @glitzylady and HK fan, as the latest victim.
Lammy is a manipulative aggressor and a plague in the fandom to avoid.

Anonymous said...

To Leona - I absolutely agree 100% with all you said about Lammy.

Anonymous said...

I feel as if I am listening to some kind of political talk show with all these combative, negative comments. I don't want to hear about Sauli anymore or whether or not Adam has a new boyfriend. His personal life is none of our business unless he chooses to reveal something to us. All I want to see are vids from his upcoming concerts, pictures with fans and comments from people who were at these shows. And if there is any news about a third album, that would be great also. There is enough bullying and harassment that unfortunately goes on in real life; we don't need to see/read it here also. Let's focus on the positive... the man and his music and our love for the best vocal talent in music today.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:22PM
Did you happen to post in the wrong thread?!? Cause in this YOU are the only one mentioning Sauli's sweet name...LOL!

Anonymous said...

ooops, sorry... post above, 3:14
should be 'Cause in this thread YOU are... etc

Anonymous said...

Hello Kindred Sister!! Wow, summer vacation in the middle of a forest, oooh-la-la! Yea good for the soul, no wonder, you're so natural and kind. Perhaps a couple of the mentally- blocked commenters here should have this kind of soul-searching adventure. Anyway, back to you, more exciting, lol! I used to trek across small islands, camp on the island and yes I love the forest; but our forests are nowhere compared to yours; but all the same, nature reaches the mind and heart using an impressionable natural path. Your vacation reminds me a little of the show, Survival. Thanks for coming to my help again, this time. Whoa! a couple of opportunistic crocodiles around. But crocks are fierce and honest, far more graceful than the humanistic ones. So happy you actually got my call and responded, Kindred Sister!


Anonymous said...

GMT....That's a really perceptive and impartial comment. I've always thought that too and often wondered why a few, especially the dimwit stalker, not the shadow, concentrates on me, 2 years; instead of on the exciting handsome Adam! If everyone concentrates on Adam and perhaps a little deviation here and there, that indeed is one very constructive way to solve the 'crisis' here. Glad you highlighted this point. I need to include you in my list too. lol! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my you have earned your reputation. People here would not be saying the things about you if you didn't first attack them. You don't defend yourself until the attcked has defended themself from you. Then you continue a full frontal attack. I have seen it over and over. I used to respect you here but time after time you are doing this to person after person. I have lost all respect for you. I defended someone you attacked and YOU WENT ON THE ATTACK toward me!! Obviously you are in complete denial. I can only hope you will eventually listen to what we are telling you and try to do better.

Anonymous said...

LOL to Lammy saying she is but defending herself.
Yes, but she is sooo offensive being defensive.

Anonymous said...

Lammy, where are the old regulars on our list? These are recent tag names only. Or you have attacked them all before?

Anonymous said...

Well, the times that I have seemingly been on the 'attack' would be the times that the person/persons involved had initiated a similar attack on me based on a similar matter on a previous occasion. And then I realised they had changed tune because their good friends were the ones 'committing' the same 'faults'; I detest any sort of double standards which Adam too has hit out at, many a time. Or it could be a case of sheer inconsideration directed at me or telling me abruptly what I should think or do. So it would seem like a fresh attack on my part because you don't know the background knowledge. I do it to counteract the double standard or ignorance shown to me and in some instances, taking sides with no proper checking, explanation. They overstepped the line. So my seeming attacks are reminiscent of something unfair that had taken place before in my presence. I don't initiate a 'fresh' attack for no rhyme or reason.


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my you did exactly what you say the other person did to you, to me. I have read the many other attacks on others too so don't go there. Go on and keep posting. You always have to have the last say anyway. Let's see if you can leave this thread without having the last say. Betcha can't!

Anonymous said...

Look how commanding your tone is, instructing me..."don't go there", "go on posting", "in complete denial", "listen and try to get better" and even try to induce a bet on my need to have the last say. Goodness gracious! Oooh-lal-la! If I had waited this long for your overbearing commanding advice on what to do, I'd probably turn out exactly like you, a hot-headed bull!! No need to worry too much about me or whether I need the last say or not! If you have nothing better to do...Go fly a kite!! And tell the wind not to blow this direction or that or make your kite fly higher! Can't believe this verbal diarrhoea!!


Anonymous said...

This thread is a disgrace. It's supposed to be about this photo of Adam and a fan but it has disintegrated into a slinging match. Lighten up, folks.

Anonymous said...

feels like I'm in Kindergarden!!! Chill Glamberts:)

BTW, Gorgeous beautiful pic of our Adam & Fan:):):)
Nice to be recognised even in disguise!!! :):):)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to name my above list my SOS List! Thank you once again! Many of you have come fighting my 'fires' a few times already. I didn't mean to bring you all in to this inconspicuous brawl; it was meant sincerely to thank all of you. I always stand on my own two feet and give my honest views but your commitment time and time again impresses me; so I thought I want to let you know. Oh by the way, even if those who are not on my SOS List, you are still my friends and will not treat you differently. After all, we're here mainly to love and enjoy Adam; but it's also enlightening for me to know there are lots of kind, non-judgemental people who would go that extra mile for another fellow commenter.


Anonymous said...

Last word