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New Picture from Last Night: Adam Lambert with Chris Crocker!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 3, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 03, 2013

For those who don't know Chris Crocker, he is a famous Youtube star.


Anonymous said...

This guy has Adam's favorite "look" for a BF. Not saying he IS his BF. Just saying he looks the type. Adam is so smokin' hot in this picture, I almost can't stand it.


Anonymous said...

Like I said a million times, best Adam is an Adam with leather jacket, jeans and a T!!!!! Looks incredible.

Anonymous said...

Too many guys look like that here in Scandinavia, it's boring. I don't find Tommy hot either.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Adam don't take Tommy with him when he goes out like he did before. Perhaps Adam don't want to risk Tommy drives away potential bf's.

Anonymous said...

Yes def Adam's type. Adam does look extremely hot (as usual!).nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I hope Adam didn't watch this ridiculous crap. Good thing I know for sure Sauli didn't and never would. LOL

Anonymous said...

Just watched a YT video of Chris Crocker for curiosity sake b/c from this pic it looks Adam is kinda interested in him......oh nooo. None of my business though.

Adam sure looks good, doesn't he?

Don't forget to watch E! News tonight to see Adam!


Anonymous said...

@8:47 Good grief, Adam could totally date this guy. Kinda like Cheeks, because his jokes didn't make me laugh either.

Anonymous said...

got my DVR all set.

Anonymous said...

Why would Adam date a well known porn star, who is making a porn movie as soon as he picks his porn partner. It was supposed to be his partner, but they split. Well if Adam wants to kill off his career completely, go for it Adam. I don't think Adam would do the movie, but just having pics with this guy, is not good. He might just be the kind of friend Adam does not need, and obviously could use Adam to boost his career, he is well known on you tube, and trying to get his big break. For the people who will challenge me about where I got my facts from, check out Chris Crocker on you tube, and make up your own mind.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a sweetheart - and gullible.

Anonymous said...

at 9:31 AM

Underwear models and porn stars, I guess Adam is into that sort of guys.

Anonymous said...

Relax, take a breath and look above and you see smiley Adam with lovely Bridger holding his hand on his shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I def believe more than Bridger is the new bf than this guy. There is more than one pictures with him and from several events.

Anonymous said...


That sure looks like Bridger is the new love. He's been having "adventures" with Adam from the 1st of May. He has been in several pics after that with Adam and so sweet on those pics with white shirt. And now Adam's hand is on his shoulder! How sweet!!! He looks great. Adam is happy!

Anonymous said...

As Adam ages will his bfs still be young 20 year olds?
Kind of a creepy thought. I'm sorry, but I kind
of miss my fantasy of Adam and Sauli as happily ever after grown ups. I'm living in a land of make believe. I like it here, don't disturb me.

Anonymous said...

If chris is a porn star , all I can say is "yuck"

Anonymous said...

This may be why Adam can't get his music played and Idol might not take a chance with him. Sauli was a good image. IMHO. Think Sauli will be fine.

Anonymous said...

People don't seem to care how dirty heterosexual music is, but dirty or even mildly suggestive homosexual lyrics are forbidden. And Trespassing was full of that. Adam better think twice before making anymore autobiographical albums. No matter how stubborn he is, I don't think he's stupid. At least I hope not, I'm hoping for a long career.

Anonymous said...

11:54 am

I agree with you. I kinda dislike his look nowadays. Maybe it´s the mustache that makes him look a bit slimy like the guys he hangs around with :( And before anybody jumps on me...I love his music, but I also do have a brain and a mind of my own.

Anonymous said...

If anything is going to hurt or be detrimental to Adam's career, it could very well be the pictures we see of him with cross dressers, porn stars and constantly being seen partying in gay bars. I realize many of these guys are his friends, and Adam likes being with them. But as someone commented, if he focuses on "mildly homosexual lyrics" or hanging with his gay friends in bars, it might not bode well for him and his music career. He's 31 years old and has to establish himself in the music world now since he is competing with young teens and boy groups who have all the fans and bring in the money esp. at concerts. Adam may be the best vocal talent in music today, but sometimes that is not enough to be a success esp, if the public perceives him in a negative manner.

Anonymous said...

12:18 pm

Wise words...just like love is not always enough.

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM
Me think equally! I live there too.

12:18 PM
Well said!

Anonymous said...

12:12 PM

What a relief that someone says that. I don't like that look at all. He looks almost 40, and slimy, with mustache.

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM
So they say, that he is, IDK! But there were porn stars on that plane to Vienna and back too. Some of them was in pic w Adam and tweeted later how wonderful it was to have sex twice on the plane from LA to Vienna (I'm not saying with Adam).

Anonymous said...

12:34 pm

Oh God...Adam can kiss goobye to his career if he keeps up with this circus. Glad Sauli got out ( for what ever reason). Sauli seems to be doing better than fine.

Anonymous said...

12:43 PM
Yes, Ade seems to be very mature and stable guy (if he really is Sauli's new bf). Sauli is lucky.

But Adam is so hedonistic type, lol. Too wild boy to be sitting home all evenings and watching TV or making food. No, not that kind of life for Addy.

(And I don't mean that S and Ade are sitting home every night. They are young too.)

Anonymous said...

@ 12:43 pm
i really hope that ade is sauli`s new bf. he seems to be a really nice,mature and down to earth guy.

i`m glad they are not sitting at home every night, but at least they don`t let their pictures being taken with some wannabe porn star ;-)

if adam doesn`t stop this anytime soon, i`m sure he`s destroying his career really fast....and that would be a shame.

Anonymous said...

How many of you have pictures of yourself with Adam? How many pictures have we seen of random people with Adam? Obviously he is very generous with posing for a pic with anybody who asks. Yet some of you assume Adam is dating any gay guy he is in a picture with.

If Adam's looks and behavior are so repulsive to you now, just go away and let the rest of us be fans in peace. No one is keeping you here. Go away.

Admin even gave a reference of who Chris Crocker is for those of you too lazy to google him (he started as the "leave Brittany alone" crying guy) and nobody bothers to thank Admin.

Anonymous said...

Aw I miss Ade's pictures. This weekend no pictures of Sauli, a picture of him and Katri though.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:08 pm

mee, too :-( and i think we won`t be seeing a new picture anytime soon...i hope that i am wrong, i really liked those pictures.

but the one with katri is cute, too. happy that they got to know each other :-)like a mother meeting the bf for the first time and giving her okay ;-)

Urethra_Franklin said...

I love when the "hes throwing his career away" rants start from the pearl clutcher brigade. Get over yourselves...

For those of you interested in learning more about the PERSON there is a really interesting documentary about Chris Crocker called "Me At The Zoo." He's an interesting and at times very sympathetic character. I was curios because I had witnessed him in the middle of his own personal mess at a party once. He was hopping around in the street flashing his junk everywhere. I remember thinking at the time, what is this kids story? Leave your judgments at the door.

Anonymous said...

Chris Crocker is very feminine, a bit like Cheeks. Obviously Adam is into that type of guys. Small and skinny.

Sauli, however, was an exception, he's not girlish and I remember reading somewhere that Sauli does not fancy feminine guys either.

Therefore Ade seems to make sense as a potential love interest, he is very masculine, great body and handsome face, too.

Are they dating, no idea, but there sure is a lot of Sauli on his instagram.

Anonymous said...

@2:36 Ade is not only handsome he seems to have a good heart but it seems after what happened Tye no pictures together :(

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam takes a picture with someone does not mean he has any kind of relationship with that person.

Anonymous said...

with all this talk of Adam throwing away his have got me belief is that Adam gon go what Adam gon do..I think he values his freedom and love of his lifestyle over becoming a multi-millionaire..and we do see this happening right b/4 our eyes...he loves to be around people..I think he gets depressed when he's all alone (he has said as much) he goes out and hangs with his peeps..he is enjoying himself..time will only tell if this will destroy his career or not..My main thought is that I hope it doesn't destroy him..but I actually believe he is too intelligent for that to happen..he is just a social guy..REAL social..

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me how many of us are so indirectly invested in Adam's life and career. Sometimes his personal life seems to overpower his music, his amazing vocal talent . It seems that some of us have to know what he is doing, where he is and who he is with every hour of the day and night. I admit I am a bit of a snoop and at times I want to see the friends he is with, but what happens to him in the music world should be more important. After all, that is his career, where he makes his money, where he should have longevity because of his vocal talent. We don't know anything about his personal life; all of what we see is specualtion and some of it is ridiculous to read. I hope Adam is on track with his recording career working on that third album. Collecting those awards for his LGBT contributions is a great recognition to remind us what a truly wonderful person he is.

Anonymous said...

He seems to be a wonderful person (don´t know him personally of course), but mostly we get nowadays is his personal life pics. Not all, but most of them. So it would be nice if he did those career related interviews like he did last year. But I guess he´ll make them when the 3rd album is out...someday.

Anonymous said...

He should know that party pics with sexy underwear models or nonames will not boost his career.

It is probably some sort of self esteem thing, attention seeking after being dumped by his boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to loves them drag queens. Maybe that was one of Sauli's problems with him.I think Sauli wanted to be very respected and show good image with his new show. I think he can party with the best but he does it in a different way. Adam claimed when he met Sauli he wanted to settle down and was tired of the bar hopping, club kid scene. Now he is right back at it. I think Sauli wants more in life than that.He certainly carries himself well. Maybe one day Adam will get rid of these friends that are helping destroy his career. Sauli looks good and Adam looks like what he is hanging around. He must think that beard and mustache makes him look sexy. Sauli may be glad to be rid of him.

Anonymous said...

3:23, sorry, apparently today is not the day for sane or reasonable comments. Just complaints that you don't like the lifestyle seen through pap or fan pics (because that so accurately represents his whole life) and trolling about relationships.

Anonymous said...

I thought this is Adam Lambert fansite but all I see is so much hates... I must got it wrong. Why many of you picture Adam in such negative way and tried to put him down? What has he done to you to deserve that? And stop the silly rivalry of who is better than others.
They have chosen the separate path and parted amicably. Who are you to argue their decisions. Why can you just wish both much happiness and success.
As for the pictures Adam takes with his fans or general public it shows how generous person he is.
He could just ignore or turn down the requests. But if he does, of course he'll receive harder criticism of being diva, won't he?
So seems Adam can never win whatever he does even with his own fans. Very sad.

tess4ADAM said...

@8:32 PM ... I highly doubt that most of the NASTY .. NEGATIVE .. posts here are from ADAM's fans. No TRUE Glambert would be so critical of ADAM & I as one of those Glamberts could care less about Sauli as I cared not at all about any of ADAM's past relationships. What ADAM does is his business & his business ALONE! Who he dates/sees or is friends with is ADAM's decision ... certainly NOT mine! ADAM is not a child ... he is a grown man. It is his career & I trust him to make his own decisions about it. How he dresses or wears his hair ... facial hair (or not) is for him to decide. My business as a Glambert is to support him in his career .. not his personal life. I am so tired of reading all these nasty remarks about ADAM & therefore will no longer be coming to ADAM 24/7 for news about ADAM. I'll find another more FRIENDLY & SUPPORTIVE ADAM fan site to follow from now on. Love 'n Light to all my fellow Glamberts Worldwide .. thru ADAM

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I'm on to other Adam sites as well. . .

Anonymous said...

Imho the biggest PROBLEM on this site (cause whoever can pop in wo registering etc) is the huge difference in age, writing skills and life exprience of the posters.

The more matured folks express themselves eloquently and respectfully (both words unheardof or omitted in today's blogosphere) and can/could out write these 'one liner dudes' and 'snarky fellas' in a heart beat - but these dudes, fellas and babes usually don't (can't or won't) read posts that are longer than 3-4 lines...

Being friendly and considerate is not what blogosphere is about. It's being snarky and aggressive that counts. And TRYING to be sarcastic, even though your skills and life experience is sorely lacking... And for people of more advanced years and life experience, being rude and sloppy in your writing is a no-no...

Maybe we all need to learn A FEW lessons in order to get along on this site - younger folks could learn kindness & consideration and do some growing up, older folks could let go or the worrying (dump the pearl clutching!) and write shorter sentences with less difficult words... LOL!

Key words on an ADAM fan site:
Acceptance, equality, diversity and LOVE!

SMILE! It helps.

Anonymous said...

1:40 I agree. I have thought also the use and wish of the words Love and Light. We all need those things in our hearts, not only the "true fellow Glamberts".When you cast hate over the other fans,it makes me wonder the original purpose of the message. The fandom consists of different ages and Adam needs us all.
We all need attitude change here,younger and older fans.

Anonymous said...

Although it seems that the comments on this board tell more about the writer than Adam, or Sauli, I feel a slight concern of Adam's music career.
Of course it takes time to create new music and Adam had a tough winter touring, and the break-up, in Asia etc.
Maybe it's hard for him to stay at home alone, all the memories haunting.
But, what do I know!

Anonymous said...

So now Adam is satan and Sauli is a saint. Yep, the Sauli fans are well and truly out and about on this site, damning Adam as often as they can and praising Sauli to the max and beyond. GO AWAY and do that elsewhere, Sauli fans. THIS IS ADAM'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:35 Truly and totally UNTRUE and UNNECESSARY comment.

Anonymous said...

4:35 am

Quit whining and get yourself a life of your own. I like both A and S, but news flash...they are humans with all the good and bad qualities. Get used to it. Worshipping isn´t healthy.

Urethra_Franklin said...

7:41 seriously?

Some of you "glamberts" are the most judgmental, hypocritical people I've ever encountered. No wonder the name has such a negative connotation.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:03 marry me? :D

Anonymous said...


Just tell me when and where! :D

Anonymous said...

If I've never clutched a pearl in my life am I still considered a pearl clutcher if I respectfully disagree with popular opinion? Doesn't seem fair. Oh, right, fairness is a pearl clutcher's concept. Go right ahead and dissect Adam and Sauli. #+*=¥€%^><#~%+~<^€*%++++++ vultures!

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