Skinpress Demo Rss

Picture Collage From Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 24, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Very nice collage. The saluting pic is new to me.

Anonymous said...

Adam so wonderful words fail.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to watch this video. My heart aches for this young woman. THis is also the reason I love Adam.

Anonymous said...

The almost whole video is up on adamtopia. Adam did lots of riffs and I think was quite dramatic given who he was performing it in front of. He was amazing! No other voice like his!

Anonymous said...

Full version of The National Anthem

Anonymous said...

As always Adam looked fabulous and sounded even better!


Anonymous said...

12:26, that's only half the song.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, we are so lucky to already have half of his fantastic performance!

I think your glass is half empty....


Anonymous said...

No no no, the Borat look does not suit Adam at all. His facial hair was hot and stylish at the divas but this current look is definitely not the same.

Anonymous said...

Half the song should not be labeled as full version, j/s.

Anonymous said...

Great that Adam kept this under the rug. Wanted a special event with his boys, not a bunch of Glamberts hanging around.

Anonymous said...

Well that half was fantastic. maybe someone else got the other half.

Anonymous said...

1:24, don't know why but your post got me guffawing. Oh, I know. All the ones about Adam's SSB bits and pieces preceding yours led up to your climax. Tension, tension, release, you know. Physiological, not sexual. atm

Anonymous said...

To be precise, that was the last one third, but who's counting when it's our BB? I'll take 1/3 of Adam singing one song rather than ten complete albums of anyone else.

Happy dance :):):)

Jadam said...

Yes I had to laugh at 1.24s answer to the comment at 1.10pm.
That is the second 1.10pm.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks Anon @1:24!

Anything that makes one laugh on this site nowadays is highly appreciated!
There should be more fun on this fan site, don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

I'm for that!.....JAK