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2 Oregon Women Kicked Out of a Cab for Being Gay

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013

Unpleasant news but the woman in the video is wearing an Adam Lambert T-shirt.


Anonymous said...

those two ladies could have been killed.

Anonymous said...

I have that shirt therefore she is def telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

I have that shirt therefore she is def telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

Most cab drivers are illegal aliens. They should check their immigration status and deport them.

Love the shirt. I should check AdamOfficial store and get myself one of these tshirts.

Adamluv said...

Very disturbing and sad story but also sad is @9:12 comment. People are not "illegal aliens" but undocumented workers and this comment is as unpleasant as the initial story. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

So much for being PC!
There's nothing derogatory with the term illegal aliens.
So much BS!

Anonymous said...

So far, we only know one side of the story. How much 'affection' were they showing each other in the cab?........JAK

Anonymous said...

I agree with much affection were the ladies showing each other..maybe they were going full on and the driver told them to dispense and they did not..prob cause they were a little drunk (as they alluded)..if it were an opposite sex couple they prob would have been told to cool it as well..but, of course, I wasn't there..if they were simply kissing and things happened the way the ladies said..then they should sue..but didn't the reported say they were also kicked out of a second cab??

Anonymous said...

My brother drove a cab night shift when he was in college, I remember him telling my dad, it's hard to drive when your listening to orgasms in the back seat of the cab. My mom scolded him, You don't talk about such things, mind your business. He said , driving is my business. lol

Anonymous said...

We don't know what happened, but it sounds strange that 2 cab drivers kicked them out. I'm betting any affection could get the ladies kicked out, but full on affection between a man and woman would be a-okay. I have that t-shirt with Adam also - one of my favorites. I'm on Team Adam!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Bottomline, regardless of what happened in the cab, the driver should not have dropped anyone on the highway. The idea that anyone would skip out on a cabbie in such a spot is ludicrous.

RE: the second cab - if the first cab reported to the dispatcher that a couple had skipped out on him and the second cab driver reported picking two people up in the vicinity, the dispatcher may have warned him that that he might have non-payers, in which case the second cabbie's behaviour is understandable.

12:23 - I agree with Adamluv. PC is nothing more that short form for POLITE. Assuming that disgusting behaviour is identifiable as a group trait is ignorant and rude. And real BS.

Anonymous said...

@adamluv. Tell that to immigration cause my green card had alien registration card written on top instead of green card. I'm US citizen now.

Anonymous said...

my friend was a cabbie in a large city while attending college and he could write some damn good porn now. He thought it was just part of his job picking up the drunks at night getting them home safely, as long as they didn't bother him and some even tipped well.

Anonymous said...

Aamluv @ 11:56

Unwad your panties and don't scold someone for telling the truth. When anyone comes from another country into ours without a visa or a passport, they enter our country "illegally" and they are "alien" to our country. If you don't like the word alien we could call them "illegal foreigners." Like that better? "Undocumented workers" is what this administration first came up with when liberals found illegal aliens too harsh a description. It has now become this administration's choice to call them "displaced travelers." What a hoot! My father's generation called them "wet backs" because to get here they had to cross the Rio Grande River. They were called wet backs in the newspapers and on tv. PC does not mean polite - it means politically correct. Since some people choose not to be PC, they have every right to call a spade a spade and not a "large spoon shaped object" no matter how much it hurts your feelings.


Anonymous said...

I hope we hear how this story unfolds.

Adamluv said...

To those who think "illegal aliens" is appropriate to use, I stand by my comment. We are talking about human beings and it is mean spirited and rude. But to xenophobes obviously not. And by your use of that offensive term, it is very obvious which political party you belong to. And is it also PC not to use the term n***** nor f***** when describing another person. If so, then I'll continue to be PC. really hit a nerve with the bigots on this site, didnt I. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Jomokole.....JAK here

I am stunned at your language and attitude. We have progressed from your Dad's generation and from mine. Offensive terms are not PC and only say something obvious about the people who use them. "Wet back" is offensive and most of those people were trying to escape poverty. I'm sure some of our ancestors came to this country for the same reason.

There's no magic solution unless somehow Mexico can help their citizens better their job opportunities.
Something we are also dealing with in our country for our citizens. Only we are more fortunate in social programs, that is until this Congress cuts off more food and health care if they have their way. The ones who stubbornly say "no new taxes for anyone" and think we can run this country without taxing the people. I'm not crazy about the chunk I pay the government each year, but I know it's not enough for all the benefits we receive in this country. Raise my taxes and I'll still know I'm lucky to live here
Our country still looks very appealing to those not so fortunate.

It is wrong to enter illegally, but it is understandable.

Anonymous said...

I really want to know two things; a) how much PDA was really going on and b) was this driver an Oregonian. Although I'm not sure the PDA matters all that much. A hetero couple would have been told to just wait til they got home. I grew up in Portland and I know the area they were left in. The Banfield (as we natives call it) is no place to be late at night. I am shocked that this happened here because Portland has always been more tolerant than many other places. That's why I doubt that this driver was an anglo native. If he were, he wouldn't bat an eye. We have the "nude bike run" for crying out loud! I now live in a small southern Oregon town with a proportionately (sp) large gay population and no one is offended by anyone. I wear my Adam shirts to work all the time. Even 35 years ago, us heteros would go to the gay clubs and hang with some really awesome people. No issues, no drama. I don't get this at all. I could see it happening in say, SC, but not here. Kind of makes me ashamed to be an Oregonian. No, I take that back. Stupidity and intolerance is everywhere. This is still a great place to live. I hope these women sue the pants off of Broadway. If you come here, there are other great cab companies in town. Boycott Broadway!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, why always bring partisanship? What a lot of BS!

Adamluv said...

@11:09 - why always the anon. coward? . . . Adamluv