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ADAM LAMBERT & EBER LAMBERT at Soundcheck in Del Mar, CA HD 7.2.2013

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 6, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 06, 2013

Video by NightBirdsObsession:

Adam Lambert and Eber Lambert - the most handsome son and father duo at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar, CA on July 2, 2013. Both on stage after Adam's spectacular soundcheck in preparation for his headlining Toyota Summer Concert Series show later that evening.


Anonymous said...

Yes Eber, keep your pair of watchful eyes on your famous #1 son for extra security and fun too. I always like Adam's black/white outfits and in particular this arch-shaped-back jacket; and also the glitter-studded-back jacket.


Anonymous said...

Agree they're the handsomest father and son duo then and there.

Anonymous said...

Were Adam's regular summer concerts he has done, not the Pride ones, sponsored by Toyota. First I have heard of it. WTG Adam.

Anonymous said...

10:21, I think the Toyota part just referred to the San Diego Fair:
The 2013 San Diego County Fair's Toyota Summer Series on the Heineken Grandstand Stage.

Anonymous said...

I know they were in public view but this still seemed a little to stalkerish to me. Not what I was expecting to watch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

are you nuts 10:59 that is father & son.

glitzylady said...

Not exactly "stalkerish". The stage was clearly visible and off to one side and below the outdoor pre-concert dinner venue at Del Mar. Those of us who had the dinner were treated to Adam's entire Sound Check, which was absolutely awesome! So if you want to call it stalkerish, there were a whole lot of us stalkers....

Best "dinner music" EVER!!!

Love Adam AND Eber.....And I suspect Eber would love to have this little bit of Father and son stage time......

Anonymous said...

What's that strap thing Adam put over his shoulder?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam handed a cheque to his Dad...nosy parker lol! But Adam is a good filial #1 son who takes care of his Mom and Dad. I recall an incident when Eber reminded Adam he was not going to pay for his life. lol! Adam sure has surprised his Dad that his earnings are in the millions region.


Anonymous said...

Watching is one thing, zooming in with your camera is another.

funbunn40 said...

Guess like Glitzylady I'm one of the "stalkers" too! It was as she said, very out in the open, visible to all at dinner. There is a pic of them hugging that was so loving and touching. I can only imagine the pride and awe that is filling Eber and Leila's heart. It sure pulled at my heart strings. I haven't had time to catch up with all of the videos or comments yet. So much going on this holiday weekend and recovering from dancing jumping up and down for Adam. All so worth it!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what I thought the vid was going to be either. I understand backstage was visible from where people were eating but the zooming in and following them was kinda creepy to me too.

Anonymous said...

what's the diff if you get a far away picture or a zoom if it is out in the open?

funbunn40 said...

Seeing Glitzylady,Adamluv,DRG, Lorraine and other Glamberts in SD was all that I hoped it would be, warm, beautiful gifts that along with Adam made it a very special trip! My daughter and I arrived Sat. at the Hilton where the majority of Glamberts stayed. If the band stayed there, I never saw them. My daughter did see what she thought were a few roadies that had guitar cases that very quickly disappeared into a side elevator. She likes adam but isn't as obsessed as I am. I think she wanted to be sure I hadn't joined a cult and wanted to keep me out of trouble! lol. She was pleasantly surprised,enjoying the great friendly groups and seeing Adam live was an eye and ear opening inspiring experience for her. Monday night was the Glamily party at the Brass Rail in downtown SD.For the first hour or so they played Adam music and we danced our feet off. They switched to 80s music and it was a fun time meeting more Glamberts. I almost got a lap dance from a young, innebriated gay guy that spiced up the night, but no Adam or band, unfortunately. They had a beautiful big fire pit and comfy couched surrounding it at the hotel where we got together, had a few drinks and flailed over Adam. One fan came all the way from Jerusalem, several from Canada and all over the US. Some very generous Glamberts gave out yellow and black striped paddles with Adam's name to wave during the concert. Another made yellow finger towels with I love Adam stitched on them. Still another wonderful man brought over 100 DVRs of the Kiev, Hammersmith and St. Agathe concerts that he had burned, giving them out, not taking even the cost, but suggesting that if we wished, to donate to Adam's charities. Such giving, thoughtful fans.

Anonymous said...

@10:59, 12:28, 12:39
I'm with you on this one.
To me Adam's body language showed that he wanted the conversation to continue out of sight asap (Adam giving his father something and Eber seemed to have something important to say to him). Soundcheck & general vision fine, but you all know - and Adam most certainly knows - what cameras can do and zoom nowadays.

funbunn40 said...

(SD cont.)Before the Brass Rail, about 30 of us had dinner together at the hotel. The next day we went to the fairgrounds which had a lot going on, but my mission was to find a spot to hear the sound check. We and some other fans found a spot where the stage was visable, bodies far away from view, but the sound was exceptionally good. All was well until a few fans went up into the stands and after being warned and ignoring, we all had to leave. On the bright side we went to dinner in the grandstand that overlooked the stage and even tho' high up, we were able to hear the remainder of the sound check and see Adam a little closer. The stage was raised up and I was in the 12th row ground floor that gave me an excellent view of Adam. It was one of the best concerts of him that I've seen. I had no idea that Eber, Sutan, Leila and her lady friends were so close. I didn't see them, but some fans had their pics taken with them. Such nice, accommodating people. Adam tore up the stage. Loved Purple Haze, Dragon Attack and every bit of all of it. No need for dancers, backup singers, as you can't take your eyes off of him. I didn't miss them at all and that does not mean that I'm taking anything away from them, just that he's such a people magnet and he's enough. Adam does notice the fans in the audience, teasing them about their bumble bee stripes, all in fun and liking another's lit up earrings. The girl running across the stage was hilarious, altho' I'm not convinced that it wasn't set up. i don't know how she could have gotten by security. Adam loved it! San Diego is a beautiful city and it being his home town gave it an extra special touch. Love that man! I definitely hope to do it again! Thanks Glitzy for making it happen for me! :)))

lorraine said...

@funbunn40 It was wonderful to meet you too, even though I must admit it was literally just a few moments after meeting Adam and I felt like I was floating on air--hadn't quite come down to earth yet. You are as lovely and friendly as I imagined you would be after reading your posts and knowing your love for Adam over these past years.My daughter, Heidi was with me and she also likes Adam but isn't in the same category of "obsession" as I am either,and she kept saying "Who is funbunn?" after she saw our friendly greeting. As we went over to our seats she kept saying "What a sweet lady!" She can't even begin to know how dear you and so many on this site are-and how much you all mean to me-and how connected we all are because of this beautiful man who has captured our hearts.....Until we meet again....

Anonymous said...

When one becomes a celebrity, it seems nothing is off limits.

Anonymous said...

Saw this in a few other pics. The leather over the shoulder strap has various size pouches in it. Good to wear when your pants don't have any pockets. Maybe Eber needs one. He could not make up his mind were to put that paper Adam gave him LOL

Anonymous said...

One of the many things that endeared Adam to me was that in an interview at end of Idol he was asked what he was going to buy with his big check. He said that he wrote his dad a check for all the times he'd lent him rent and expense money over the years. Nice young man.....JAK

tea said...

What I took away from this video is that Adam, at this point in time, was very busy with places to go and things to get done NOW. It feels intrusive but on the lighter side I agree with 4:42 AM that Eber needed the same sort of carrying case that Adam has.

I want to add, that I feel very protective of Adam and constantly have to remind myself he has a Mom and Dad who have always been good at that, but in this case when Adam walked into the picture he was certainly the man in charge. ;)

glitzylady said...

Adam went pretty much directly from Sound Check to the meet and greets, so was no doubt in a time crunch. From our dinner location, high above the Del Mar Race Track, the Grandstand area, and the stage, we could see the many people lined up to meet Adam before the concert. I think I heard there were 75 or so of those lucky souls who had obtained M & G's. So Adam was a very busy man indeed!

Anonymous said...

isn't that a guy's bag (maybe skingraft?) -he had it on at one of those 4th of july pics too. looks like a bit of a pain to wear.

Anonymous said...

I also was at the pre-show dinner and looked down at Adam's sound check. Yes, it was an incredible dinner treat! Like glitzylady said, Adam was right there in front of everyone with his dad, talkiing and meeting other people onstage. They were not trying to hide or get away from the public eye. Some of our group took pics and a little vid, obviously. I don't think it's intrusive, esp. from that distance. Intrusive, to me, is when you're invaded private moments or really getting into someone's personal space in public. This was just a open, fun moment.

funbunn40, I LOVED our moment when we met at the dinner on Monday night. My husband was sitting between us, but you and I talked "around" him and then we realized who we were. What a fun time! The realization that we talked so much on this site and then to meet face to face was so great!

lorraine and funbunn, I love your stories about bring your daughters to the event and have then kind of "see the light." We share so much passion for Adam. It's great to get someone to "get it" like we do, even just a little.

JAK, I also remember that interview when Adam said he wanted to give back to his parents financially if he could. So many great memories that we all have tucked away.

Bye for now.

daydreamin said...

Wow! I'm so happy so many of you finally got to meet! Wish I was there! @Lorraine I am beyond excited that you finally got to meet Adam! More info please! Did you win passes? I LOVE hearing all your stories!!

leilani Aloha said...

So wonderful to hear all your stories meeting our Rock Star Adam & getting to know each other through Adam's concerts!!! Awesome!
Thanks for sharing the love :)

Anonymous said...

Del Mar show sounds like it was quite a great time for all who went.

Glitzy Lady,
how were the meet and greets given out? Radio contests?
or could you purchase them when tickets were purchased like some of the Glam Nation meet and greets were sold

lorraine said...

@ daydreamin Thank you for being happy for me.Meeting Adam was something I just HAD to do ,some day somehow, some way.
I wrote out my whole back story on adamtopia {a great site} and you can check it out there if you like. It is recorded there several times, including Day 1 for Sunday, July 7th. I'm sorry I don't know how to bring it over here to 24/7. If anyone knows how I can post it here, just let me know.

lorraine said...

PS When you get to Adamtopia- just click Daily News and Information to get to my back story. It does have an unexpected tale to tell,as to how my meeting Adam all came about.

lorraine said...

Sorry--the first entry of my recap {back story] is on #2 July 7th of
Wish I knew how to bring it over here!

Anonymous said...

Hey @Lorraine
Have you tried the simplest way?
Copy (paint) your text in Adamtopia and paste it here on the comment box... Hope it works...

Anonymous said...

Lorriane, I read your recap on adamtopia and copied the following link to your recap to share it with others as you wanted it:

Read more:

lorraine said...

@3:40 PM Thank you. I wasn't able to copy and paste it here because it was too long. I appreciate your copying the link.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Lorraine! Glad you finally got a chance to meet Adam!

Enjoyed reading all the fans' recaps!

Thanks for sharing!

HK fan said...

loved your posts...made even more special as I recognised and 'know' a couple of people you were talking about by the descriptions....

HK fan said...

aww, lovely recap Lorraine, what a special day for you...
I'd love to visit Adamtopia but evrytime I try I seem to have a really hard time trying to navigate the site.

daydreamin said...

@Lorraine or anyone else, you can use the following website to shorten your links. It's GREAT for those super long links. Then just bring the shortened links here.

daydreamin said...

Oops, just realized I could have done it one better and put the link shortening website link here:

Click Here

Catharine Sloper said...

Hi guys! I wish there were some fellow Glamberts in the New England area. Wish Adam would show up here!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin. I use the link you mentioned or google url shortner to shrink links. Yes, for sure, short url is much easier to open. Especially when you use your iphone or ipad makes it easier to copy links and paste. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin. I use the link you mentioned or google url shortner to shrink links. Yes, for sure, short url is much easier to open. Especially when you use your iphone or ipad makes it easier to copy links and paste. Thanks!

lorraine said...

I'm so impressed with all your techie skills!!! I'm still in kindergarten when it comes to computer savvy skills!!!

daydreamin said...

Anon 6:05 and anon 6:05 :))) I am happy it worked for you! YAY!

daydreamin said...

@Lorraine, I really know very little. I learned the "click here" thing by googling it and reading instructions. It really wasn't too difficult at all. It also helps to have a couple of tech saavy sons, one being a computer programmer and engineer and the other is just a sponge. He reads anything and everything in the tech world and it just sticks with him. They, thankfully, are always here for me for all of my many computer issues! I would be completely and utterly LOST without them!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing your story about meeting Adam, so happy for you. I have to agree, he makes us feel young at heart, what a special gift he has given us.


lorraine said...

@ daydreamin What would we do without our tech savvy kids? Unfortunately, my son lives in Oakland,Ca so I have to catch him whenever he visits.

@7:20 PM and everyone else who enjoyed my Adam story- you're very welcome XO

daydreamin said...

@Lorraine I enjoyed your story! I am so sorry about your ankle but I'm so glad you got to meet Adam anyway!! I live about an hour from Oakland. I hope your son comes to see you frequently!

Anonymous said...

Great video but I feel a little guilty watching it. Different views of privacy. imho Eber and Adam didn't think they were being watched - that's the definition of invasion of privacy. Not faulting the fan for taking it. Posting it? Not sure. Also, I watched. Guilty as charged.

Anonymous said...

I guess when you're a celebrity and you're standing right out there in public, esp. on a stage with lots of people around and fans in the stands, you should assume someone might be taking your picture or taking video of you. It would have been easy enough for Adam and Eber to have gone inside the tent out of sight if they chose to. Apparently, they didn't mind being seen together out there. I agree with respecting privacy when privacy is being sought by the celebrity. There should be boundaries. But in this case, I think taking a few pics wasn't an invasion. JMO.


Anonymous said...

LOL Eber is the one who looks guilty. After Adam hands him the envelope, he looks all over the place and cant decide what pocket to put it in.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone about the body language in this video! We've all become very good detectives watching everything Adam! Of course I am already a detective of sorts.hahaha

lorraine said...

@ daydreamin Thank you for your kind words. Yes , my son and I are close but I could never say he visits frequently. I always want to see him more but am so grateful he does come and see his dad and me regularly -and we TEXT!!!