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Adam Lambert is One of 12 Young Stars Behaving Well

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013

VIA Time Warner Cable:

Adam Lambert

Despite remaining near the top of Forbes magazine's annual round-up of top-earning past American Idol contestants, Adam Lambert's net worth hasn't changed much due to his philanthropy: the singer has given more than $1 million to charities, particularly music education and LGBT ones (the singer himself is gay). The flamboyant glam pop-rock singer is a true icon for anyone who ever wished to be different, and that is beyond commendable.


Anonymous said...

Just when I get fed up with the media, they do something great like this, and honor our beautiful boy.
I am so looking forward to "Glee" this year and still very hopeful that Adam is still in the running for Idol. I think Adam would be dynamite as a judge and "really" help those kids.

Anonymous said...

We have so few positive role models and Adam deals with the negativity and self-centeredness of others without even seeming to be bothered by it. He is always such an inspiration for me to keep working hard to think of others and do for others in a meaningful way.

tea said...

It breaks my heart that everyone doesn't behave as well towards him as he does to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I love that they recognize Adam for his philanthropic work and what a good person he is. However, I take exception to their comment: "anyone who ever wished to be different" -- only because Adam didn't 'wish' to be different. That's the point he always tries to get across - sometimes you simply 'are' different but need to be proud of that. I don't think most people "wish" to be different. Just my opinion ...

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, fellow-fans. He is a rare and unique "art-piece of humanity and musical talent." It is taking the U.S. a little extra time to understand what they are seeing. They haven't even found a place for his enormous talent at the Music Awards. (That's because they don't have an award for "THE WHOLE PACKAGE ENTERTAINER." ) And, don't forget, before IDOL, the producers of "Wicked" rewarded his unprecedented talent with a mere background singing role. And look at him now. His turn is coming and IT WILL BE
BIG. Like Paula Abdul predicted, he will be "iconic." Beverly

Anonymous said...

Such loving praise from Time Warner and Forbes! Adam's heart is in the right place and it's nice to read an article pointing out his generousity. Adam is a great example to all.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

For me he is already one of the legends!!:)

He is real that's why we all love and respect him indeed!!:)

He keeps himself grounded even though he is already an International Superstar!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This article just makes my heart burst with joy! Adam gets so little press in the first place, and when he does it's sometimes not the best. But this is wonderful. Had no idea he had given so much to charity. He is a stellar example of what a kind, generous, talented, humble human being really is.


Anonymous said...

out of all the people listed to be an Idol judge, Adam is the ONLY one who would be wonderful at the job...but, knowing how this country is and knowing how utterly stupid the PTB at Idol are, I cannot hold out any hope of that happening..or ever happening, since I would bet good money that this coming season will be their swan song..Adam is a gift and, like has been said, people will take notice of that sooner or later..

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is a gift, a most precious one.

Anonymous said...

Just one more thing: glad they used a good picture!

Anonymous said...

I thought the fans donated, but whatever.

Anonymous said...

The fans do donate but Adam can too. Many celebrities donate big chunks of time and talent to charities. Time is money.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I just watched my DVD of the Adam and Queen in Kiev last summer. Really have me a lift. Adam at his best and most beautiful!


Anonymous said...

I don't think the author of this piece realized they are refering to the money donated by fans to Adam's causes. We have no idea how much Adam has personally donated.

Anonymous said...

Fans have donated well over a million dollars in Adam's name. We donated that much to DonorsChoose all by itself. Adam most likely has donated a million himself.

Anonymous said...

Adam opened my eyes to many charities I never knew about. I admire and respect Adam so much that any time he encouraged his fans to help by donating was a true inspiration for me....donating to such worthy causes was a no brainier for me knowing Adam asked for our help. I'm very proud of Adam for his philanthropic efforts as well as of his fans for responding so eagerly to help those in need.

BTW, it's a wonderful picture and a very heart warming article.


Anonymous said...

Toothpaste commercial . . .that smile warms me right up :)

Anonymous said...

Fans donated well over one million. This is Adam's donation to LGBT. His own money.

Anonymous said...

Lol adam doesn't have enuf money to donate a million dollars

Anonymous said...

Cocaine is an expensive habit.adam cant Afford to blow his money.

lorraine said...

Thank you,Adam for being the kind of person that gives me some hope for humanity. In the midst of all the ugliness that sometimes invades the human heart,{including,sadly enough,on this site} you stand above it all and give me reason to are a precious jewel. Je taime

Anonymous said...

I just want to say how proud I am of Adam. Despite what anyone has ever said untrue about him, he continues to be the sweet, honest human being that he is. He never gets bitter or angry it seems. Adam exemplifies how to act and present himself in such a positive way. That's why us glamberts always have his back. The US is catching up on all the wonderful qualities Adam has that we have always known. Keep being yourself Adam, you are changing the world and making it better for us all.

Anonymous said...

@4:27pm. How do you know? Are you his financial advisor? His income isn't public entity. What Forbes claims can't be taken literally. It's their prediction based on what's on the news about Adam. They can't know everything. Adam worked outside of US a lot. How can they access that information unless they talk to his accountant and accountant are sworn to keep information about their client confidential.

Anonymous said...

Lol no offense but it is completely ridiculous to think that adam donated a million dollars to,charity. It is completely outside the realm of possibility.

He doesn't own his own home. He had to move to a cheaper rental apt this year he bought a used car.

the Forbes estimate is on the high side of what he makes and it is before taxes and management fees which take a big cut. His management are going to exaggerate his earnings not downplay them when giving estimates to a magazine.

Anonymous said...

@7:21 would you possibly know how much Adam has donated to charity. Just because he does not live the way you think someone with "money" would live doesn't mean he does not have a BIG bank account.

daydreamin said...

Adam made a personal donation at GLAAD. They were running donors names and amounts donated across the jumbo trons but it went by so fast before someone at our table caught the tail end of his name go by. We didn't catch the amount but it said it was a personal check. Heck I suppose they could have intentionally left off the amount.

Anonymous said...

@7:21pm. You are such a tacky person to care about how much somebody, who's finances are private and not public, makes. Just do yourself a favor and check yourself into mental hospital. I find your comment like a physical rape. Disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Where Adam lives, apartments are sold for min. Five million dollars. He doesn't live in slums if that's what you are trying to say with your degraded comment. A lot of celeb. Live were Adam lives. If Adam is miserable, why do you follow him? Go away sicko!

Anonymous said...

@7:21pm. His parents raised him well. He isn't attached to perishable things of this world. He learned to take and then give back. That's why he has infinity tattoo. He learned to give back it helps you to grow. Not surrond yourself with things that are worthless in short time. Something you should learn!

Anonymous said...

What if he has behaved all the way?
He would have broken all records.
But just not meant to be. YET.

Anonymous said...

There's no need for Glamberts to be so nasty to each other on this topic and indeed on this site. No one but Adam, his accountant and perhaps a couple of people close to him know how much money he makes and how much money he gives to charities so stop pretending you know and please stop bullying others about it.

Anonymous said...

I think the article meant Adam was responsible for a million or more being donated to charity. Which is true, I would never have known about any of these charities if it hadn't been for Adam. I'm sure Adam has donated too, but he's not the the type to toot his own horn by telling how much.

As for his behaving, 12:38 AM, I haven't heard of Adam spitting on fans from hotel balcony, throwing chairs through windows, fighting in the airports or peeing in scrub buckets.

Anonymous said...

This is a GORGEOUS photo of Adam.

Your 2nd paragraph?????

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:02AM- I so agree with the comments you made. According to what I read, Adam only earned 1.5 million last year, much less than the previous year so how could he donate 1 million to charity this past year? And your second parag. is so indicative of the bad behavior of several of today's so-called superstars in music who think that they can do anything and act anyway they want and unfortunately do get away with it. Great role models for their young fans, right? In addition to be enormously talented, charming, and intelligent, Adam does care about his fellow human beings and does donate his time to several different worthy causes and charities. What he donates monetarily is something we don't know. And we certainly don't know what his financial worth is and it really is none of our business. The kind of person he is and the causes he works for are more important to me rather than his bank account.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:21 am.......explanation

Chris Brown threw chair, Kanye fought in airport and Bieber spit on fans and peed in a restaurant's mop bucket.

Classy! : (