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Adam Lambert Tweets 4th of July Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 5, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

LOL I remember that song.

Anonymous said...

Adam is going through his "Johnny Depp" stage. Johnny Depp turned himself from such a handsome polished looking man into almost a cartoon character. It is hard to believe this look on Adam. Can't wait for this stage to be OVER!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a party at Sam's house?

Happy Fourth, Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Well to each his own .....but I gotta tell u if Johnny Depp and Adam made a movie together and they had eyeliner and facial hair ......well hose me down hot hot :)...rose petal

Urethra_Franklin said...

Scissor Sisters!!! On vinyl!!! Now that's a party!!

Anonymous said...

Its a bar b que with friends, he is ALLOWED to not shave, grab some comfy clothes out of the closet and be with friends who don't expect him to be ON all the time. Its called relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Lambert and Depp in a movie together would be epic! Haven't we heard that Depp likes Adam? Maybe, just maybe, it could happen!


Anonymous said...

This 4th July party looks like a whole lotta fun. :-D

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:00 I heart you. And I don't heart many in this fandom. :)

Anonymous said...

@6:14 AM Are you serious? Johnny Depp is on his own level in acting like Adam in singing.

Anonymous said...

Do you see Bridger?

Anonymous said...

@8:41 Haven't checked that but some people saw him.

Anonymous said...

There are pics of bridger out with his own friends somewhere else on the fourth. . He was with him the night before at the Trevor project event.

. I think adam dates many different guys at the same time.

Anonymous said...

So the one with the pink shirt is not Bridger?

Anonymous said...

Definitely not bridger. Can't you see from the picture in the collage?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is at this party to have a good time, dateless and single, and just to relax. At least that looks like how it started, who knows how it ended. :))

Anonymous said...

9.25AM Can you name all these different guys that Adam is dating? Since you obviously know so much. Is it every guy that Adam has his pic taken with? Just curious

Urethra_Franklin said...

11:47 BLAM! I like you! Maybe I do like more people around here than I thought...

Anonymous said...

Chris Lehman, Aaron Michael Davies, Ben Campbell for a few. A guy we saw hiding from the paps when he was at Chateau Maumont and at the movie theater.

Lol, why do you want to pretend that Adam isn't dating anyone? You sound childish and naive.

Anonymous said...

why the Bridger OCD ? no one is pretending Adam is not dating. I would be very sad if he was not.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but not Bridger. He is both smug and oily.

Me no likey.

Anonymous said...

I think Bridger is quite cute and there is no reason at all to think he is smug or unlikeable. Will be interested to see if they keep seeing each other.

Anonymous said...

at 1:34 PM

Really? Consider paying a visit to your optician.

Anonymous said...

This Bridger crap is soooo boring!

I hope Adam does not date anyone seriously for a loooong loooong time. Just live your life, BB,enjoy and have funywhile you're still young. Plenty of time to settle down and live like most of the middle aged people, lulling in their comfort zone... rigidly following their mundane routines... never letting a new thought or idea pop in to their head... always skeeeerrd of change... etc etc

Urethra_Franklin said...

12:13 you sound awfully proud of your freaky stalker skills. maybe you should shove away from the computer for a bit and live YOUR life for a minute. #creepy

Anonymous said...

3:10 I second your emotion.#more thanCreepy

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone cares who Adam dates as long as he is American, right?

Anonymous said...

Well the guy adam was with on July fourth was a guy named marlon. Cute new pic of them floating around!

lorraine said...

Finally coming down a little from the Del Mar S.D. concert and meeting Adam Lambert before the show. A touch of melancholy is still lingering --where the heck did that come from,I wasn't expecting it. Oh well, the experience of walking over to Adam, being so taken in by his beautiful smile rather than focusing and being mesmerized by his eyes, took my breath away! The "management folk" kept telling us to move along, the security was absolutely crazy {except where it should have been--on the stage protecting Adam from the streaker!] So I literally had seconds to greet him , have my picture taken and move on.However, I did say,"Hi, Adam, I'm Lorraine" as I approached him and then staring at that gorgeous smile I said the only words I could think of-quickly and unprepared--"Adam, you have a special place in my heart always." I know it may sound trite but he looked a little taken back and said,"What a sweet thing to say." The photographer clicked away and Adam told me to enjoy the concert as I walked away. Like everyone else who meets Adam, I wanted to go off somewhere--doesn't matter where---and just chat away the evening with him and let him know how much he has inspired me these past 4 years and has changed my life forever.
On to the concert----I literally ran into funnbunn as my daughter and I were looking for our seats. She is as lovely and friendly as is reflected in all her posts and even though I was incoherent we had a nice exchange and I felt like I already knew her.
The concert itself was amazing. Adam was on fire! I have seen him in concert 4 times and this was by far the best;Adam was extremely upbeat throughout, the sound was fantastic, he was in a lighthearted frame of mind and the seats in the venue were great. We were on the floor level, row 10 and the area was elevated so I could actually see Adam throughout the concert even though I'm short {almost 5 ft 3 }
Adam's dance moves were great -combination of sexy and cute, but because it was San Diego and basically a family county fair venue I could tell he was holding back. What I'm trying to say is someday I'd love to go to a place like Fantasy Springs where Adam gets naughty and performs more of his rock selections. Anyone ready to plan for that with me??????
Getting back to the security issue--I really don't care how cute some people think it was to have that woman racing across the stage in front of Adam -or how "hot" some may say she was, I was momentarily startled when I saw her-and I admit, a little worried at the proximity to Adam in the middle of his song. I have seen the Dakota building in NYC many times and recall the horrific night when that crazy fan approached John Lennon and the unthinkable happened.
Than you all for letting me share a night to remember for always-and Thanks to my sweet daughter, Heidi who has been on this journey with me.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:02 "was with" could just as easily be *took a photo with*? Just because hes standing next to a guy doesn't means hes sticking his dick in the dude.

Anonymous said...

Look I'm not that dumb. The guy is a dancer named Marlon Pelayo. He was with Adam at Sam's party, Bonnie McKee's party and also at a club. Someone took a picture of the two of them at a club and said he was Adam's friend. They are also facebook friends. No one is saying they are in love boyfriends just that they were out together last night.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:00 p.m.

What makes you think middle aged people live mundane lives? No new thoughts, ideas, and skeered of change?
I scooted right thru middle age tromping thru Europe, cruising the waters of the Caribbean and the coasts of New England, lobster bakes on shore.....the Alaskan forests and staying in cabins facing that glorious mountain Denali.
Along the way I picked up a few additional degrees, sculpted and painted portraits and taught school and raised 2 children and occasionally slept out under the stars with my husband....
Now that I'm older than dirt.....I'm studying my Univ. of So. Fla. class schedule to see what I'll study for the Fall semester......oh, and speaking of dirt I' m looking forward to spending a couple weeks on the east coast of FL. with a former student at an archaeological dig helping catalog artifacts from an 18th century plantation.......of course at my age I can no longer actually dig and sift as I did at 16th century Calusa Indian mounds in the heat of summer, frequently diving into Crystal River icy springs to cool off......this time I'll work in blessed air conditioning and leave the fun of digging to the young people.

No ones life has to be mundane at any age, you just have to get out and live it!...........JAK

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:34 the fact that you know all of this is beyond creepy. just sayin...

Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't get pics of Adam at a party with friends and not have it turn into the garbage here of Adam must be doing everybody he is in a photo with. Maybe it would be better if we got NO photos from Adam's friends or the people who meet him and naturally want a photo with him.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:00 PM
I have to agree with @JAK: you are WAAAAAAY off base on your smug comments about "middle aged people". I know you most likely said that just to get a reaction (and I'll probably get called out, as I frequently do, for responding to you, but sorry, just couldn't let this one go...). I'm suspecting that you are fairly young and inexperienced in life (correct me if I'm wrong) to say something as ridiculous and uninformed as that, if that's indeed what you believe. My advice to you: Never put anyone or any one group in a "box" and make general statements about that group or that individual. I would agree that there is a time of life when we might be busier in our lives with work, raising children, etc... But "mundane"???: baloney. Life is a journey, and it's only boring and mundane if we personally allow it to be. I suspect that Adam's life will never be mundane, boring, stagnant, "without new thoughts" or any of the other words and phrases you yourself thoughtlessly used to describe middle age people, or any other age group for that matter. We as humans only become stagnant if we choose to be, or our life circumstances force us to be. .. My own life has become more full and interesting the older I get. In middle age, I've traveled to various parts of the earth, meet new and interesting people just about every day, and each day is new and fabulous. My thoughts are my own, I'm always open to new concepts and ideas, my creativity knows no bounds if I choose it to be, and because my son is grown and on his own, I can do more than I could when he was still living at home. And I can afford to do things I couldn't do when I was in my 20's. So I call bulls**t to to your premise. My only wish for Adam, and in fact for anyone, is that he be happy and content with his life, wherever it takes him. And that he someday meets "Mr. Right" and has someone to share his life and his love. I feel that they will both be very very fortunate human beings....... Peace.

Anonymous said...

We might be seeing more of Marlon Pelayo, he seems to be popping up regularily . He is quite an accomplished dancer, IMO quite good looking, blue eyes, dark hair, which might be changed up, like Adam does. He has trained in various countries. I believe he teaches dancing also. I am sure Adam is playing the field right now, and he has many to choose from, even short term. I wish people would stop asking him if he will get married now. How on earth would he know, he is single and has no romantic affiliations with any one. If he goes out to parties, clubbing or even movies, he usually takes along a friend, don't we all. Sauli and Adam never intended to marry, right from the beginning, they were happy being in a relationship They both thought they were too young, and had not known each other long enough. Good thing, because we see how it turned out.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adam just say to stop analyzing everything? Why can't we get pics of him out without people trying to figure out exactly where he was with who and why blah blah blah. Get your own life.

Anonymous said...

JAK and glitzlady, Amen to you both! I've been through my working years and kid-raising years. I have friends and family and am busy all the time. I just went zip-lining last month andboth power-walk and bicycle several times a week. I want to travel more, but I've done my share. My inner self is curious and passionate about a lot of things, including Adam. He makes my heart race every single time. Age is not an issue. This fandom runs the spectrum of all ages, and that's a very cool thing. We all have good taste!

lorraine, I love your recap of the show. I was there, too, and it was amazing. The streaker didn't bother me, though. I thought it was kinda fun and Adam seemed to enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I love when @JAK and @glitzylady tell someone off, they are so articulate and almost elegant about it.

True ladies! : ))))))))

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the SD recaps you guys, you are the best.

Anonymous said...

12.13pm no-one is pretending that Adam isn't dating. But you can't assume he is dating everyone he has his pic taken with. He has a lot of friends. He goes out with a lot of friends as do most people. Maybe he is dating one of them but the fact is we don't know . If anyone's being childish, it's you.

Anonymous said...

Adam may never marry but so what? Being married isn't the be all and end all of life. As long as he's happy with someone or alone if that is what he chooses, then that seems to me to be the most important thing.

Anonymous said...

What's the big rush to have every guy checked as a possible boy friend or have Adam dating or being involved more seriously...and this constant talk about marriage... geez!
And to do all this based on your own mostly (I assume and pardon the expression) straight lifestyle, values and life experiences. Please don't push your own interpretations of how life should be and go on for Adam, or for anyone else for that matter.

Let the man live and lead his own life as he chooses. Supporting his career is what fans ought to be doing. And that should leave plenty to do for all of us. And HAVE FUN while doing it!

glitzylady said...

Whether Adam marries in the future is not as important as the fact that if he CHOOSES to take that step, he CAN. Not so long ago here in the US, and in California and in my own state of Washington (both of which now have same sex marriage, thank goodness!), it wasn't an option for him nor was it something he even considered. Who knows if he will ever do it. More and more states are confirming Marriage Equality, and with DOMA struck down recently on a national level, we may likely see it eventually in all 50 states. Whether we marry or not is a personal choice but to be treated fairly and equally under the law, should be available to all citizens, in my opinion. Time will tell whether Adam will marry... or not. So happy that he can at least consider it someday.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam meets someone he likes to marry, but who doesn't want to marry Adam. Works both ways.

Anonymous said...

So, I think maybe Adam should marry someone who is his fan and worships him. Am I too deep?

Anonymous said...

Before Sauli, I just assumed Adam was like Warren Beatty. Now he is no longer with Sauli, I realize he IS like Warren Beatty. He's not signing up for domesticity for a long, long time. It's not so much that Brad/Drake/Sauli weren't up-to-scratch. It's that Adam isn't looking for that. He said he believes in more than one soulmate.

I don't care who he's with. Bring on the next cd.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Agree with 1:25
"Johnny Depp turned himself from such a handsome polished looking man into almost a cartoon character."
Used to like him from 21 Jump Street until he turned "cartoonish" and don't see anything attractive or sexy about him.
His grunge look is so contrived. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

Yes, 8:54, I second what you said about JAK and glitz lady.
Unlike the obnoxious resident troublemaker!