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Clevver TV: Adam Lambert, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus Judges on American Idol?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 27, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yes I like these pleasantly rumoured AI judges. Miley was a mentor on AI so that might be a good cue; and she seems to be as wild as Adam. lol! I also like who has worked with Adam on a British skit; he's very natural. So looks like Adam is still in the running and the recent continuing talks with AI sure is a positive sign, perhaps like, job application interviews plus settling of payments. Mmm Adam, Rooster is crowing every morning,! Adam will not only judge, he'll have his pretty aristocratic nose poking in various departments. lol! And sinking ship will get a new lease of life. lol!


Anonymous said...

I don't really care who else is there.
All I want to see is ADAM, ADAM and ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

I give up.....I am not reading one more word about the "possibles" for AI. Next we'll hear that they are considering Meatloaf, Dolly Parton, Willow Smith and The Bieb.

Anonymous said...

I say NO for Miley..if Adam gets offered the judging job,and can also do some Glee episodes,then I say yes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my.....JAK here... It's nice to hear your cheery take on this....It's 3:30 a.m. here and I can't sleep...PAIN...meds aren't working and I'm sitting around feeling sorry for myself. Take my advice, never ever get bitten by a snake! Does Singapore have snakes?

I too thought Adam and were hilarious on the Graham Norton show (that was the host's name I think).

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry was a guest judge when Kara DioGuardi was one of the judges. I remember that confrontation those two had on the show.I thought Katy was being very rude. Miley is okay but listening to her non-singing voice is almost intolerable. Adam is the only great voice. Rest make no sense to me. Please, no divas like Jennifer Hudson either.

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK!
So sorry you are in pain. Yes it's difficult to sleep when you have pain. Suggestion: Write a poem on your pain and dedicate it to me lol! Trying to cheer you up a little. Don't do it now though but they often say poets write best in pain, physical or mental. lol! About snakes in Singapore, not as wild as Florida with a lot more natural swamps, everglades, grasslands etc. We live mostly in high-rise apartments but those living on landed properties will be more prone to encounters with snakes but that too not often because people get workers to mow their lawns regularly, and public places too get mowed regularly so snakes may not hide so well. Your snake bite seems fierce, goodness gracious! Don't worry, this too will blow over like your previous rather horrific sorry. :)


Anonymous said...

American Idol is great at self promoting, but then their choices of judges have been disappointing.
I'd like to think they'd learned something.

lorraine said...

@ JAK I'm having nightmares about your snake bite! You poor thing;It's almost 3AM here in San Diego and I can't sleep because I'm trying to catch up on all this Adam "non-news."at least you have a legitimate reason to be awake. In all seriousness.I hope you feel better soon and can just add this experience to your already fascinating life memoirs.
Can you just imagine how freaked out we all would be if Adam actually got the Idol gig?????{And I'm not even sure I want that for him---unless he really wants it for himself!} Try to have sweet dreams,JAK.

Anonymous said...

adam should totally be on idol! i mean, after all, he was the one who made idol that exciting and he was also the one who made idol after adam really boring.


Anonymous said...

Katy Perry and the Adam Lambert cloak will always be remembered!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it's up to Adam to make life career decisions and I've no doubt he will do that well.
Whether it be AI or not he will conquer whatever he touches. I never underestimate Adam.

Anonymous said...

This one looks old, with departure if S Tyler, JL, ect. To have NM in the running that was last year. There no way NM in the running? MC and Adam also in running last year. I think Adam in the running still maybe. But this is old.

Anonymous said...

I agree..this is an OLD clip...NM in running..haha..I wish whoever posts these clips would not post outdated ones...

Anonymous said...

This video is a year old. They talk about the departing Steven Tyler and J-Lo.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why this old clip was posted with NM in the running? So sorry you are in pain @JAK - I hate snakes, but have never been bitten by one. I liked your list of Actually I do really like Dolly Parton and Meatloaf (who adores Adam), but I know they both are yesterday's news to today's kids. As for Katy, Adam, and Miley, it would work, but I doubt it would ever happen! Katy isn't interested.
I agree with the person who mentioned Miley's speaking voice. It's very grating on the nerves.
I guess we will to wait and see, but at least Adam has Glee!
Take Care,

Anonymous said...

@JAK, I missed your story about the snake bite. Please tell the story of how it happened. I am terrified of snakes! What kind of snake was it? I hope you get better soon. Yes, to Adam as a judge on AI, and a Big Fat No to Miley and!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Long ago when my parents chose to make Florida our home, it seemed a Garden of Eden......beautiful and with the climate needed for my dad's health......we didn't consider the fact it also came complete with serpents! And they were here first! They are very smart and sneaky, when my lawn man comes each week and revs up his mowers they just go next door and explore the neighbor's yard and cavort with any snakey friends they find there. When all is peaceful they return. A curse we must bear here in paradise.

At 3:30 am I didn't even watch the vid, just read the topic, I see now it was an old one. With all their apparent deliberation you would think AI could come up with a decent panel of judges......Adam and a couple of other some bodies.....I don't care who. Just no divas who toss or 'pet' their hair like JLo and Mariah did.

Anonymous said...

Good morning! JAK
Your sneaky reptilian squatters are quite a happy lot; they! You seem in a merrier mood, good for you. :)


Anonymous said...

Should we dare ask how u got big by a snake ....u r a wise woman and I will take your advice!!!!....I wanted to say thank you for the kind words I've said before ...wish I'd had a mom like u;) ... Oh and u were right it was leave it by the stream ...since we are sister in the poetry department I thougt I would share this with u.... anyone not interested . . I apologize in advance
My song is for the children ,
Lost in the dark,
Whose sudden lose of innocence ,
Has ripped their world apart ,
It's for those whose wounds
Will never really heal,
Who live in a place , too frightening to
To be real,
For those who bare no fault
Yet carry all the blame.
For those who can't understand
And hang their head in shame ,
I say to u little one hold your head up high
Gather up your hopes and dreams and cast them to the sky.
For dear little one there will come a day
When their power over you
Will simply slip away.....rose petal

Thanks also to GMT....Adamluv and all the other who made me feel better;) ,,,peace rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ Tall Tree.....JAK here....My serpent saga is told, in detail, on the Sam Sparro Tweets Adam Lambert thread. In fact I think it takes up 10 or 12 posts at the end of the thread.
Almost long enough to be a mini-series! : )

BTW....I like your tag....maybe cause I'm 5' 11" !

Anonymous said...

Katy and Adam has good chemistry on and off camera!:) That's all I can say!!:)

The rest maybe Fergie and Will,


Anonymous said...

They always play with Adam, get the attention from ladies and then dump him and choose someone more famous, mainstream artist.

That's the Idol formula when it comes to Adam and his chances of becoming a judge.

Anonymous said...

JAK, so sorry that you're in pain from the snake bite. I know you'll take care of yourself and you have your family looking out for you. What a flukey thing to happen! Keep us posted.

The AI rumors continue to swirl. Yes, this is an old news clip, but Adam could still very well be in the current mix. I bet we'll know the choices by the first week in Sept.

I'll be leaving for five days (no laptop) for a short trip with my husband three siblings. Going to Gettysburg for a little historical visit. I was there twenty yrs. ago, but my sibs have not and have always wanted to go. So I'll be back Sat. morning to catch up on all the Adam news. With my luck, some huge major BIG announcement will be made while I'm gone and I'll miss it! LOL.

rose petal, your poem is so moving and so lovely. I hope the Glamberts have been some help to you. We're a very caring group.


Anonymous said...

This Idol hype is becoming very aggravating. Can't they just choose Adam, retain Keith and select a female judge who isn't just a pop singer but someone who really knows the music business. Surely Idol doesn't want a female judge who pumps out songs but has no real idea of how the music industry works.

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal......JAK here......'perfection'

I'm sure I'm not the only mom with teary eyes and an aching heart right now. Isn't it a relief to be able to express your feelings with a pen and paper (or keyboard) ? I think if I couldn't write I would wither and die.

As for that little child, staying strong is as difficult as becoming strong so that child, no matter what age, has to
" leave it by the stream "......I do like that advice.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap what happened 2 U. I hate snakes, I would have had a heart attack on the spot. So glad Ur doing well! U r an inspiration 2 me. I wanted 2 move 2 FLA but now im thinking mayb not!!! Take care of U
Love and light,

Anonymous said...

Holy crap what happened 2 U. I hate snakes, I would have had a heart attack on the spot. So glad Ur doing well! U r an inspiration 2 me. I wanted 2 move 2 FLA but now im thinking mayb not!!! Take care of U
Love and light,

Anonymous said...

Holy crap what happened 2 U. I hate snakes, I would have had a heart attack on the spot. So glad Ur doing well! U r an inspiration 2 me. I wanted 2 move 2 FLA but now im thinking mayb not!!! Take care of U
Love and light,

Anonymous said...

Rose petal,
All I can say is GOD BLESS U
Ur life experiences r horific U r a winner!
Love and light,

Anonymous said...

This time may be plausible because the new Fox/AI Swiss production chief may have different strategies and want to come up with something fresh; so far young judges' names have been thrown up and it seems they are not going to splurge on judges' pay like 18 million! pretty lavish, for making more or less the same critiques throughout the season. So Adam may fit the bill, not so hefty pay and fresh ideas; though they must pay him his due satisfactorily. He always gives more than what he is paid for.


Anonymous said...

Clevver TV reuploaded this old video on their youtube channel yesterday. Now ask yourself, why a TV ent. publication would reupload an old clip on their official channel?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that there are still lots of AI viewers who were there for Adam's year and still love him. I think many loyal viewers would welcome him back and really embrace him. He would be a breath of fresh air to a show that seems to have gotten somewhat nasty and lost its true focus. He's been performing in front of audiences for twenty years. He knows his stuff. Sure, there'd be some haters, but there always are for everyone in show biz. Comes with the territory. He would survive it and do his best.


Anonymous said...

New pic. of Adam, Chris colfer, and Semi Precious Weapon:

Anonymous said...

Hayden Boal ‏@haydenboal 15m
Me and the rest of #Zoetic at #DarrenCriss's party with #AdamLambert. #CapitolCities playing #SafeandSound!...

Anonymous said...

2010-09-07 Adam Lambert - Kidd Kraddick (6 Videos)

2012-03-12 Adam Lambert - Kidd Kraddick (3 Videos)

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Every single year since 2009 we read this rumor about Adam as idol judge. Katy and Adam were my pick last year. Idol is a fool if they don't have them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks I'm going to leave this subject by the stream and move on to happy things .... many of which will include the amazing Mr. Adam Lambert.....

You all have helped more then u will ever know .... just to have others who love Adam is a comfort ....,my poor husband lets me ramble on about Adam and never says a word ... but it's not the same ad having people who ramble back.... Lol... As for all the other I know many don't understand and really mean well ..,,and those of who do are a ture blessing in my life

Thanks for your concern.....I am a very lucky girl .... God gave me an amazing husband .. .a wonderful sister .... Two fantabulous childern.... who married two equally fantabulous kids ... and a whole new family of glamberts ....oh and don't forget Adam....., rose petal

Anonymous said...

Garden of Eden.
For reasons of time, I Enter and Leave for 24/7 fast as the wind, inhaling the essence of Adam through these pages, but now I stop at the "JAK pain," ocacionado by the bite of a snake. Horror! how sorry I am, wishing that the prescribed treatment, to take effect quickly. I do not know if this lamentable accident it happened in their gardens, if so I hope that reptile, should not abide in their lovely kingdom! Despite their pain, gives us a beautiful description! Health and Peace. HH

Anonymous said...

When Adam said there are more important things than Idol when asked about a judging spot for the upcoming year, that was a hint for me that it is not happening. They always jack Adam around on this issue. I for one, am tired of it. Sure he is too. Empty promises all the time. Prediction - without Adam as judge, that show will again have dismal ratinhs and the show will not go on after this year. AI used to be the show to watch like American Bandstand for the previous generation. Adam brought that show back with excitement and he is the only one that can revive it again.

Anonymous said...

Aw...JAK, read about your snake bite and other health problems. You may eventually become the Bionic Woman!(smile) Stay Strong, and I wish you well!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry: Caused (ocasionado) HH

Anonymous said...

If Adam is not picked this time round it could also be due to his Glee commitments which may be extended due to the departure of CM. He may or may not have time for both; so this time round the reason for not getting the job is not as clear-cut as before. Hope he can do both.


Anonymous said...

Why do people keep blaming Idol and say they are using him? All these rumors come from other places, speculation from gossip and entertainment reports, fans, etc. It's good publicity for Idol and Adam. But why blame Idol ? They aren't spreading the rumors.

Anonymous said...

Actually if Adam doesn't get the AI job but stays on for the whole season of Glee, it's a good trade-off. He might become a permanent cast like Chris Colfer and others. I see quite a lot of room for Adam to expand his career on Glee if that may be the case.


Anonymous said...

They are saying Idols is trying to get Jlo back, her Jennifer Hudson, Keith Urban and Will Iam

Anonymous said...

Well well, if Adam doesn't get this AI judge stint, it might even signal a thumbs up rather than a thumbs down. Okay, so either way, Adam wins. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lots of rumors as to potential judges. Who knows who Idol has really talked to or not. I'm sure Idol and every star mentioned likes the publicity. I for one won't be blaming Idol for jerking Adam around as we really have no idea what has gone on behind the scenes. It's been good promo in the meantime if you are smart enough to not get your hopes up.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of Adam working alongside Chris Colfer who wrote a book and the script, produced and starred in his own film. Adam will be able to glean new knowledge on filming and may even star in Chris' next film. I read he has completed his second book and script ready to be made into film.


Anonymous said...

Rose Petal, What a beautiful poem you wrote. It really touched me very deeply and made me cry. My heart goes out to you and all you endured as a child. I feel your pain. I lost both my parents when I was a child and it has left a deep hole in my heart that I will never get over. My love for Adam has filled me with joy and his songs heal my lost soul. Thank God for him. And I'm thankful Adam has helped you. He is a very special man. "E"

Anonymous said...

let adam take ryans place

Anonymous said...

@DRG.....JAK here.....I hope you have a great trip. as much as I love historical sites, two i'm sorry I missed are Gettysburg and Geo. Washington's Mount Vernon......I always wanted to go there since I have a distant family relationship with our first president.....very distant, like to the moon and back. I am related to President James Polk who was Washington's 11th cousin, 6 times removed!!! Which possibly means I am also related to every American president with the exception of Gerald Ford. Since every president but Ford was related to
Washington. I'm glad I voted for Obama, being in the
family and all. : ) Genealogy is fun!

I need to hush, left hand is making mistakes.
We'll watch over Adam while you are off gallivanting ....... Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

@7:41 So sad about Kidd. He did alot of good things for people. He will be greatly missed.

Anonymous said...

JAK, My, my, what a pedigree you have! Your family tree must be a giant redwood or a sequoia. My family tree is about as exciting as Charlie Brown's Christmas tree, but I do have some kookie relatives, thank God. I did get Muhammed Ali's autograph once at a hotel. Don't even remember the occasion. I don't think I'm related to him, but does that count anyway? LOL. Gettyburg is an incredibly moving place. It was one of the largest battles ever fought in the Western Hemisphere, if not THE largest. More casualties in three days than in ten years in Vietnam. You might read the novel, Killer Angels, by Shaara. One of the best ever written about those three fateful days in July 1863. I'm excited to go there again.

I'll miss my Adam news, but not for long.


Anonymous said...

@anon 8:20

Yes, I remember that interview you mention....I took note of Adam's comment, "there are more impt. things than Idol". I was surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth since he always has only very complimentary things to say about Idol. I took that as a hint Idol's not happening for Adam this season. I would really enjoy seeing him weekly on the TV screen (OMG!) since he seemed to want the gig but if it's not meant to be I'd like to think it's because of conflicting schedule with Glee.


Anonymous said...

Coming back here just for a minute, to say so sorry your in pain and hope you get better. Snake bite very painful, please watch the infection. Take care JAK, think a lot of you! Sue

Anonymous said...

If Adam got offered the Idol job and then turned it down for whatever reason, that would be one thing. But if he is not offered the job at all, that just makes me so confused and frustrated. Adam has been careful not to burn any bridges with Idol. The politics involved in the judge selection are beyond my comprehension.


Anonymous said...

JAK, have you thought of the snake wound around Adam's leg on the cover of Rolling Stone??? That just popped into my head. Talk about getting snake-bit! I sure did.


Adamluv said...

@JAK - so sorry to hear of your snake bite. Having been raised in the desert (Palm Springs) until 18 when I left for college, still never once knew anyone being bitten by said animal. You are the first! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@July 28, 2013 at 6:33 AM... I so agree with you. Axel.

Anonymous said...

@JAK... haven't read your snake story but I just hope that all those pains will be soon a thing of the past. Axel.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my... Singapore? We are "neighbours" then. Maybe next time we should meet up if I go to Singapore or you come to Jakarta. Axel.

Anonymous said...

Just read thru the entire thread, the individual comments, the back and forth conversations, the personal opinions, and I have to say WHAT A DELIGHT it has been! Everyone sharing with each other, offering condolences, etc. in nice, respectful tones ... it's wonderful! JAK and rosepetal, how great to have a site you can go to when you need to reach out and know you'll have friends on the other end. Take good care, both of you!

Just wanted to add my impression of the "There are more important things than Idol" comment from Adam. That interview was taped at a LGBT event and I think that's what he was focused on. It IS a bigger issue than what's going to happen with Idol. The Gay Equality issue is about changing the world and it is near and dear to Adam's heart. He is at the forefront, along with others, of this important fight for civil rights. He has opened so many hearts and minds by being who he is for all the world to see ... and judge. Brave!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if I had known being bitten by a tiny snake would elicit so many good wishes, I might have let one bite me sooner......!
Not really........! Thank you one and all. <3

It is nice to have a chat room and Adam adoration center.

Anonymous said...

Hi Axel!
Yes indeed, we're neighbours! Well I've been to Jakarta and Lake Toba; that was many years ago but I don't travel much anymore, not as tough as before. I have a relative who lives there, not sure which area. Nice knowing you here. :)


Anonymous said...

@8:20..I took his remark to mean that the DOMA issue was of more importance than a TV show, and he is right..remember he gave the thumbs up after he said, I would be very surprised to see him on Idol..and if I don't, they won't have my there! LOL

Anonymous said...

Isn't this video from way before last year?

Anonymous said...

Isn't this video from way before last year?

Anonymous said...

@12:34 TY. Yes, it was surprising to hear him say that. I agree with you on all counts. It would be great to see him every week judging AI. But if he isn't able to do it, if it was offered, prob due to Glee conflicting schedules. So ironic that in one year there was a possibility of not one but two shows. Everything seems to be happening for Adam this year!

Anonymous said...

8:38 Because it is true. He was in the running several times. At the last minute, he was screwed up by the shows producers. One of them, Nigel Lithgoe said he didn't like the Glamberts because we are so spirited. Then another year, Randy decided to stay because of Mariah's insistence. Adam unfollowed her. If you follow it like most do, you would see that A has been messed around by the producers with getting his hopes up for nothing several times thru the years. It wasn't speculation - it was truth from the show itself. Just the facts, ma'am. There they are.

Jadam NZ said...

What a great thread. This is what I enjoy a sort of get together, sharing life stories. Off topic? ...So what, who cares in the end it was Adam that bought us all here.
Keep sharing people I love it.
Would it be too hard to have a reply function on this site? That would be good maybe.

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK again......I read Killer Angels, I gave it to my dad for Christmas back in the 70's. He was a career military man and American history avid reader. I had family in every war this country has fought...including the Revolutionary War and on both Union and Confederate sides in Civil War. My mother's family were record keepers and we have documentation back to 16th century Scotland on one side and 13th century England on the other. They were my childhood heroes.....the good guys and the bad!

You never know who will turn up in a family tree or hanging from one!!! I have lots of history book relations.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, Adam is not and I would not want to see him as permanent cast of Glee, that's a demotion, so different from a 'guest' with an arc on that show like Gwyneth or Kate Hudson.
Also, Pers Blankens is not from Swiss Idol but from the most successful Idol franchise, Sweden.

Anonymous said...

No, I never said he was a Swiss Idol nor from the Idol franchise of Sweden. I was using the word, Swiss as in a person's actual words are Fox/AI Swiss production chief; meaning a Swiss person heading the Fox/AI production; hey this is not important! Stop splitting hairs; the point here is whether this new Swiss chief will be interested enough to hire Adam who will definitely make a change or difference on A1. Always trying to be one-up! So typical! My gut feeling says Glee is a good springboard for Adam to further his career; how can it be a demotion when at this point of his career, he needs all the opportunities to upgrade his present standing. You sound like one of my small-minded trackers. lol!


funbunn40 said...

@rosepetal, What a beautiful poem. You are so gifted. Out of terrible pain and loss can come strength and compassion for others with a realization that you indeed are a survivor. We cannot choose our parents or are we our parents. We can go on charting our own path, leaving hate behind, considering that they are sick, afflicted souls that will no longer have power over your life. You alone will always have that right. I'm so sorry for what you have endured and I hope you can feel comfort and positive energy surrounding you. Writing is how I have always coped. It always gave me clarity and it seems to work well for you too. Hugs

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, So sorry that snake has given you such pain and grief! That little Pygmy sure packed a wallop.It reminded me to be on the alert here where there are copperheads, which I have seen from time to time, but so far none this summer. Hope the worst will soon be over and Adam will soothe away the pain.

Anonymous said...

Rose petals, His poignant poem, a justiciero commandment from his heart, you are a worthy messenger of love and respect for the child! HH

Anonymous said...

Lam-my just a heads up: Swedish is not a race, it's a nationality. Please don't reply with that's not what you

Anonymous said...

If indeed the new Fox/AI chief is from Sweden then his nationality is Swede; Swedish acceptable, but can mean things made in Sweden as well. Yea got your point, not race. So the media reported it as he is Swiss, may be wrong, not sure. People of Sweden, Swedes; people of Switzerland, Swiss. :)


Anonymous said...

Lam-my is, as always, Ms. Denial, Ms. Justify, any chance to deflect. So tiresome . . .

Anonymous said...

Addicted tracker
Snoops around to fish out errors
Can't proceed further


Anonymous said...

Lam-my.. I always thought you were in HongKong or China mainland...
I was in Singapore last week (just for one day) to watch "the Phantom" in the theater of the mall of Marina Bay Sands.. I don't think those Broadway productions will make it into Indonesia as we do not have the suitable venue for it (yet?)... Cheers, Axel...

Anonymous said...

Hi Axel!
Whoa, you are pretty serious about live shows I must say. I saw Phantom of the Opera first time round many years ago when it came here. I still have the gold cd I bought then. This is the second time round. Actually our countries are so close in distance, you can just hop on a plane and hop back. lol! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my... True... will keep that in mind... One day ... :-) Cheers,Axel