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Colorful Picture of Adam Lambert in LA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 5, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 05, 2013

VIA wilfish99: #LA #fashion #lystla #looks


Anonymous said...

whoa sensory overload, do not compute. LOL

Anonymous said...

I know, too much madras! Love it though!

Anonymous said...

oh no the 24/7 Fashion Police will be here soon they are hot on Adam's trail.

Anonymous said...

Fashion police, dating police, grammar police, going out in public police, song choice police, you name it police are after him :(

Anonymous said...

Well, this FashionPpolicewoman gives Adam and his friends two thumbs up for knowing how to have fun wth clothes. HOT.

xo laura

glitzylady said...

Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I love color. I want to dress like a Peruvian dancer. Go Adam.

Anonymous said...

Whose the guy?

Anonymous said...

2:04 AM

That is dancer Marlon Pelayo with whom Adam was seen on the 4th of July on three events (Sam's, Bonnie's and some club).

Anonymous said...

Very colourful young men! Freetime, having fun. I wish I was young again!

Anonymous said...

This was taken after the explosion in the fireworks factory !
I think they look backyard party cute. I am not one to throw rocks at dressing up to get a laugh from friends.......I recall Dutch girl outfit with real wooden klompen.....Indian sari and henna tattoos.......lederhosen, Harpo of 3 stooges, etc. and more recently the giant turkey feet I wore to Thanksgiving at my daughter's house!

Don't be glum..."life is a cabaret old chum, come join the cabaret ! " .............. JAK

Anonymous said...

Marlon is a jazz dancer, CA boy, years of school, choreographs as well as performs.....JAK
Blue eyes....cute.

Anonymous said...

Some are more obsessed finding out details about every guy Adam seen with than Adam himself. They never post anything re Adam, just stalk every guy he's seen with. Creepy!

@Others - Thank you for COLOURFUL posts, esp liked the Peruvian dancer outlook on life...he-hee! LOVE colours, LOVE Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely did NOT mean you, JAK!
You posted while I was writing mine... I always enjoy your posts, re Adam or anything.

Anonymous said...

The real and respectful fans are always at his back!!!:)

Whatever makes him happy to do or wear, he rocks!!!:)

So no worries!!:)


Anonymous said...

Stalks as in follows around, parks outside apartment, goes through their trash? Indeed creepy.

If only they were an open book like Adam, there would be no need. lol

Anonymous said...

I rest my case! lol

I'm 8:20 P.M. from the previous thread below this one. (Voguing at BBQ)

Anonymous said...

Well I a true fan, I love it fun and young. What I would not do to have the health to do these fun things. Whoever he with I could care less the boy standing next to him is cute however do not know if date or not, but sounds like he in the business and that's good. Adam such a sweetheart to share this fun stuff with us. Do not worry when he at an event he will be all dressed up with really nice designer clothes for you then you can pick that apart. He look so nice at the movie premier all some could say 800 dollar sunglasses, 15000, jackets oh and the shoes and the pants no telling how much they cost these are direct quotes what about his future , he works hard he earns his own money can spend it the way he wants. Now you got the playful side, with everyday clothes, at a back yard barbecue with friends so many judgements in last post. That was 1,500 dollar jacket correction. Also fussing about what he wore at hotter than hell outdoor concerts, of which I have heard nothing but glowing reports from people who were actually there, it was hot people he barely made it through Orlando, from the heat. Adam a hard working hard playing sweetheart of a guy that's so open to his fans with pictures like this, I hope we don't loose that with the up in his business attitude some are doing. He already more or less stop the twitter parties because of it. If we're not more respectful of his life you may loose a lot more. Adam is such kind hearted guy he would never pick you apart like you do him, he a celeb so everything fair game not in my book he also a human being a very nice one too. Yes he so talented but main reason I like him so much is his personality and his talent . But the sweetness first and foremost sets him apart from many. Yes I a middle aged lady that lots of the complainer like to blame for everything, but I do not care who Adam dates are where he chooses to spend his spare time or anytime or do I care who he spends it with, not my business. I do think if he wants to its a good idea to date someone in the business that's understands the traveling and everything that's goes into it, but that's totally up to him. I don't want to get upset or comment really just want to when positive, if that ever happens but I just had to speak my peace on this one. Now off of here for the day, to nerve racking. Adam brought a lot in my life, I been so down in the past months, he given me an outlet it hurts me to see people not respect him the way some do with their over judging his every move, he such a nice man let him be happy. Sue

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's glowing and sparking outfit! It suits his personality and just explodes with color. Life's too short to not have fun with something as harmless as clothes. Go for it! Love you post, JAK. Hope you've got a scrapbook with you in those outfits.

Sue, nice to see you posting again. With all your health troubles, it's good to have Adam and us to get you through it. We need our passions to feed our bodies and our souls.


Anonymous said...

Purple Haze At&T Concert

Trespassing AT&T

Anonymous said...

The guy looks familiar. I think he was in one of Adam's music videos as a dancer.

Anonymous said...

And Sue is in full swing yet again. Boooring...

Anonymous said...

I love your posts Sue..Adam brings joy into my life too..I think he has not had a twitter party cause he knows that his fans will just push for answers about boyfriend, album, etc..and we already know the answers cause he has told us..he is just a man, not a God..we need to respect that..he comes across as playful, and in his own words..."it ain't that deep" I just love the guy..

HK fan said...

Adam Lambert Videos ‏@AdamLambertVids 18m
NEW! Adam Lambert - IIHY, Music Again, WWFM - AT&T Live Proud Event, Hollywood 7/3 … via @Cos2mwiz2

Adam Lambert Videos ‏@AdamLambertVids 19m
NEW! Adam Lambert - Dragon Attack, Shady, Purple Haze, AYGGMW - AT&T Live Proud Event, Hollywood 7/3 … via @Cos2mwiz2

IslandGirl ‏@islandgirljams 57m
OOH!【Full-Set】@AdamLambert - Del Mar Summer Series Concert 07/02/2013

Donna Thatcher ‏@drct28 46m
Adam Lambert Honors The Trevor Project in Hollywood … via @laweekly

Anonymous said...

Just re-read Adams Wikipedia after a while. How impressive!

Anonymous said...

@7:45 I hate that saying "it ain't that deep". If nothing is deep life is nothing.

carolynj said...

A friend was having a bad day so I left a note on her car that said, "Chin up. You need an Adam Lambert." Indeed, Adam is one of my passions and he feeds my body and soul. His music and antics have picked me up on many a challenging day and I'm grateful he just keeps getting more amazing. The outfit? Just another facet of Adam that I get to observe.

Anonymous said...


Just out of curiosity...I sorta get that Adam feeds your soul...but how does he feed your body??

Anonymous said...

Adam brought out the plaid shirt again. Love it when he recycles his clothes. Many celebrities don't. Wear once and that is all.

tea said...

@7:47 AM
Now that's deep. lol
And yes, impressive.

@ 7:50 AM, I absolutely disagree with you on what life is about.
I think seeing many things as "it ain't that deep" makes it easier to enjoy life. I also like "lighten up!".

Anonymous said...

love adams music like all his clothes-he looks good all his clothes hes wearing ;love it

Anonymous said...

Queenbert Alert:

So maybe the new “Queenbert” is closer than we thought? Dr. Brian May tweeted earlier today:

“He will see Roger Taylor tomorrow for an extra-curricular Queen meeting.”

He also says:

“What do we talk about? Well tracks, gigs, TV’s, and hmmm a film.”

Adam was asked about a possible tour on the AT&T event. He said he can’t say anything, but:

“there’s conversation. Some stuff on the horizon, I think.”

Interesting stuff,

carolynj said...

@8:15 My answer -- Dancing to his songs!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:15 and 8:18 - he feeds my 'body' via fantasies..oh yeah!! and how about "don't sweat the small stuff"..

Anonymous said...

I think this was taken on the 4th. The party started while it was still quite warm and then got cooler, and Adam put on another shirt. Not deep at all. Marlon is a good looking guy, but one of many that hang around Adam and gets his pic taken. I was astounded that some jerk wrote on this site, that Adam's next boyfriend should be American. Adam teaches that we all love one another as equals. I don't think he meant only Americans. Not saying that Marlon is not American, but being an American is not a pre-requisite for Adam to like someone.

Anonymous said...

HK fan thanks for the links.
I am so ready for Queenbert again. I think that is way Adam has done his last few concerts without backup singers and dancers. So he can practice on owning the stage on his own and it has more of a rock edge. I know he doesn't need practice, but that is my thinking anyway.

Anonymous said...

The 4th is about family and friends and comfort. I would like to see how some of ya'll dressed for your backyard barbeques, or maybe I wouldn't ;)

Anonymous said...

7.11 your stupid remark is beyond boring! Bet you be happy if the post was negative instead if positive!

Anonymous said...

is Marlon holding court now?

Anonymous said...

is Marlon holding court now?

Anonymous said...

Thank you 7.45 I like your as well. No one that persists in negativity here is ever gonna like my one is a perfect person that is for sure, But Adam Lambert is a happy good guy.

Anonymous said...

9.03 was Sue thanks DRG just read what you said.

Anonymous said...

So has anyone seen the over the shoulder leather pocket thingy Adam is wearing. Would come in handy if you don't have pockets in your shorts.

glitzylady said...

Gosh, I love Adam's own unique fashion sense. What's not to love? Backyard party with friends in LA/West Hollywood, its been HOT there (I was there a week ago today, and it was HOT, HOT, HOT!!!). Perhaps there was a general theme that came along with the party invitation which stated:

"Be colorful, be proud of who you are, and most of all, have FUN."

Sounds like words to live by, as a matter of fact :)))) There are more than enough opportunities in life to be serious, to worry about your "image". A 4th of July party isn't one of those moments...... More power to him.......

Anonymous said...

To get your Saturday morning going well, just put on "RUNNIN" full blast and feel the power of that song as you clean, cook and do your weekend chores. Adam Lambert was a genius to write that song. How it can inspire-from the lowest of the downs to the heights of the soul, the lyrics will take you!

Anonymous said...

Lol so much ridiculous defensiveness.

Anonymous said...

9:49 so many ridiculous trolls. LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes of course everyone who doesn't think adam looks amazing every second of the day is a troll! If you can't see how silly he looks here I don't know what to tell you. It doesn't make you a better fan to be humorless.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:49
Hey honey, so much sarcasm. :)) Not defensiveness, just opinions. What's to defend??

Anonymous said...

honkeys with a fruit flair.

Anonymous said...

10:06 I can tell you have a good sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Please get rid of the mustache. It hides your beautiful face. I do like the 2/3 days unshaven look, though. Just my opinion. Love ya anyway!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....feeling 'wordy'....prepare to scroll !

@ DRG.....yes, I have photo and scrapbook albums full of goofy photos! Some are yellowing newspaper photos from my 'float' days.....a skimpy bunny outfit, more Playboy than Easter Bunny......a poodle outfit from an ASCPA float ! My lowly swimsuit with sash and princess tiara as runner up to the Festival Queen......she had a crown! But in bitterness I must say she was a movie star's sister who had been nominated for an Oscar that year! (Anybody old enough to remember Carroll Baker?)
I wuz robbed!

@ Carolynj....luv ur note on friend's car!

Anon....I also luv when Adam recycles.....I' m impatiently waiting for the shiny zebra stripe pants to make a comeback!

Repeat from post way up there.....Marlon was born in CA
Los Angeles......we've probably seen him in numerous videos and on TV performances.

My family had a typical backyard poolside barbecue.
Except....all of the food was from Trisha Yearwood's cookbook! Mercy! It was heaven! Grandson chose not to come, instead was giving a Disney tour for a family we decided to torture him....sent him pictures of us devouring deviled eggs (his favorite food).....he texted "you are evil!"........ Later he texted "watching
fireworks from Sleeping Beauty's castle".....I texted "who cares...we're eating strawberry cupcakes."........He replied "grandma you're a wicked woman!".......then later he texted..."I just got paid $2000.00...hah!"...... My husband texted......"I just got indigestion!"
It was pretty much a typical holiday for our family.

Anonymous said...

7:50 - There's a huge difference between "it ain't that deep" and "nothing is deep". Differentiating between the two is what makes life interesting.

Clearly not your forte.

Anonymous said...

Lol is a troll.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how ridiculous you negative people are. It's a party they were purposely dressing silly, festive and Fourth of July crazy.quite sure this will not be his new daily fashion, rest easy.

Anonymous said...

No, people were dressed in tank tops and shorts looking perfectly normal . I love how you idiots make up shit

This picture was taken at night at a club called Lyst. Not in someone's backyard. Wearing sunglasses at night, throwing a flannel shirt over his animal print outfit, adding a leather holster, his heavy mustache, that silly hat. He is a mess.

But whatever. I don't care. It's not a big deal. He can do what he likes and people should be able to laugh at him without being attacked by a bunch of crazy defensive glamberts. You are the ones making a big deal out of it and spreading negativity

Anonymous said...

wow sure glad you don't care. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam called out the Glamberts dressed as bumblebees. That means Trespassing era is over, but the Fye era and other fug is still going strong.

Anonymous said...

I care, if he was at a club so what it was holiday they were dressing silly, the other boy dress the same. You keep spreading your negativity everywhere here we will defend him, because there was nothing to be negative about. Dressing silly at a club or barbecue on a holiday. He was just kidding about the bee thing, he still singing those songs is he not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just wanted to disguise from paps and have a good time with his friends. I don't see why some make a big deal out of nothing. He wasn't working to look fashionable he was on holiday. Chilling having a good time with his friends. Consider yourself lucky to see pictures of him on his off relaxing time.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they went on to a club or not, but that what is Adam and his friend were wearing at the bar-b-que. Why do people say it is re-cycling, I just call it wearing what is clean in the closet. FYI LOL is not somebodies name, it just means, lots of laughing, I use it a lot, and I am not a troll.

lorraine said...

Reading all this ridiculous stuff about what Adam is wearing is making me exhausted. I think I will just stay in this state of mental euphoria, reflecting on the beautiful smile Adam gave me as I walked towards him last Tuesday and he put his arm around me to have our picture taken before his concert.Nothing I read here can bring me down.....

Anonymous said...

Adam sang Kickin In, but it had to be told to him. He sang BTIKM in Europe, but he wouldn't if we didn't ask him to do it. Sometimes it pays off to have your say. I don't judge his looks or relationships. I am not that crazy. Just read a Twitter convo where older fans were saying that relationship was dimming his light. Wtf? Too many adommy crays and xenophopes in this fandom. I've been in other fandoms and Glamberts are the worst xenophopes. So backward.

Anonymous said...

* xenophobes (autocorrect don't know spelling)

Anonymous said...

Traspassing and FYE eras are both over. On to the next.

Anonymous said...

I can tell Adam GNT over. It is over.

Anonymous said...

JAK, yes, I do remember Carroll Baker. Pretty blonde. So, the one you came in second to was her sister?? Small world! Love the tales of your life. You've done a lot of very cool stuff!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Did any of you think maybe what Adam wore is stylish in his world?

One of the first posts is right, the fashion police are here. Both the hate it police and the defend it with stupid reasons police.

Why do people need to pick apart every single detail of Adam's life which then makes people defend him. Haters need to go away. Why don't you go find some other star to pick on for a while?

Anonymous said...

Stylish - no
Fun - yes
Don't any of you do anything outrageous for a laugh?

JAK loved your post. - are all your family members funny?

Anonymous said...

Why the assumption Adam was dressing for a laugh? I don't see it that way. Why can't he dress the way he likes? So what if some of you don't like it. That doesn't mean the defenders have to say he meant it to be funny. Adam wears what he wants to wear and I doubt he cares what our opinion is especially when he was going to friends parties.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we know Glitzylady, you were in the second row center. We know.

Anonymous said...

I was and still am a long time fan of an artist who was into conspiracy theories and paranormal. No one cared, because his music was brilliant and the message was universal. I didn't care because I was into that myself and I felt a connection to his music. Adam connects best with fans who like the fan service and like fanfics, whilst I can't relate to that at all. I think his target audience is too narrow. It wasn't like that in the beginning but started during Glam Nation Tour.

Anonymous said...

This is the only fan wensite that has negative vibes all other fan sites I check they say all good things about Adam cause that's how fans should be. To support their Idol.

I love the way Adam looks and changes his looks more than any other male artists. I'm lucky to see these personal pictures, Vibes, Instagram, and videos of Adam having a good time on his down time holiday weekend. Sharing them to total strangers.

Why don't you share your pictures on web about what you did for fourth of July?

Anonymous said...

I like this Rihanna message she posted for her haters on her Instagram:

Applies to some of the haters on this blog.

Anonymous said...

@ -o- 4:24 P.M......JAK here......our immediate family group is small, just 7 of us......they are all funny, with the exception of one son-in-law. He was raised very formal, very quiet, very nonsense. My daughter says he married her for her family. They have been married less than 10 years, but endeared himself to us at our first Christmas gathering by toasting us " thank you for welcoming me to your family, it's like being asked to join the group huddling by a warm fireplace"......that did it, tears from my daughters and I. We have loosened him up, but he mostly is our attentive appreciative
audience. But he's a work in progress, has learned to be quite huggy and is a wiz at puns and can whip all of us at a cut throat game of Rock Trivia! Who would have thought? Hidden depths!

Anonymous said...

I think he looks cute, there is a Lol that uses that as a name, by the way.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:47 PM
You're the one that brought it up....

How about a posting YOUR name so I can single YOU out?? Just a thought........... :)))

It was a GREAT seat BTW....

Anonymous said...

"In order to belittle you need to be little". Hah! I read that on twitter today. The Tweeter must have known 4:47.

Anonymous said...

A yet the Glamberts swabble.
Adam is Adam. God in our house and time consuming in every sense of the word but we love him to pieces!

Anonymous said...

Hey, life in W Hollywood is crazy.
Fun-ish place to be ever. Infact my favorite place in the US to hang and enjoy. Each to their own people!

Anonymous said...

I was raised on the wrong coast!........JAK

Anonymous said...

And....I'd love to have the pink tank with blue and white hearts!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Is Adam praying before he eats, or is he hiding something below his waist?

Anonymous said...

I had to come back and look at the "colorful" pics of Adam! I think he looks so great and fabulous! Personally, I always liked bright colors and could never understand the sedate gray/black look. Anyway, we all know Adam loves to "dress up" for any occasion and I'm sure he is in his glory! We should all look this good! Carry on Sir Adam!