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HD Videos from Adam Lambert's Concert at California Mid State Fair

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 20, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 20, 2013

Videos by daydreaminmylif!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Thanks sooo much for all these amazing videos you share!
Lucky you and good for us!
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for the great vids of Adam's amaaaaazing performance. He is so good and really seems to be into the music enjoying himself while performing. Adam has lots to be happy about with the new role on Glee and then his performance with Queen in Sept. for the I heart radio show. And who knows what else is in the works for him in the near future. Are there any more appearances like this or is this the last one for the summer? If it is, it is going to be a dry spell before we get to see and hear more from Adam. With his new role on Glee, Adam should be making the rounds of the talk/entertainment shows in the fall to talk about his part, don't you think? Ellen, The Talk, Access Hollywood even the NYC shows should have him on as a guest.I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you at 10:17AM about Adam appearing on the various talk shows to discuss his role on Glee. I certainly hope this happens. Most of these shows have had Adam on before to talk about his music, so he should be back to discuss Glee, the Queen collabo and maybe even a new album. And if we don't see him on any of these shows, they are missing the chance to have on a very articulate, intelligent, charming and honest individual.

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin........

Bless you dear friend....didn't want it to end.
With a camera you're cunning....the close ups were stunning
He works the crowd with a twist of the hip...the curl of a lip
Even an eyebrow wiggle.....or his somewhat goofy giggle.
Saved with my favorites this thread will go.....
.................a pick- me- up if I'm feeling low.....

Many thanks from JAK ....... <3...... Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooooo much Daydreamin.Adam was awesome as usual!

lorraine said...

@ daydreamin

Thank you for your wonderful videos. They were so amazing -seeing Adam so up close is just what I needed to dull the disappointment of my son and I not getting tickets to see Adam and Queen in Vegas.You are a sweetheart...

Anonymous said...

Loved them so thank yo, so much. Joan River's up to her old tricks watch Fahion police for her half bleeped out Johnny W. Adam Lambert joke. Adam was great just full of energy. And good singing as usual. Loved his side burns and loved his shirt, he looked just perfect to me. Again thanks so much for the terrific vid, if not for your niceness I would miss out on so much! Thank you Sue

Anonymous said...

I have tried to get tickets for vegas more chance MGM starts selling them in 15 mins.I have rooms if I can get the tickets to go with it.The videos are excellent i stayed up last night and watched the live stream it was good also, frustrated over vegas.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Vegas show sold out in seconds!

Queen + Elton John + Adam Lambert + Katy Perry and the other performers that evening should all join together at the end for one song. Wouldn't that be one epic closing to an already-promising great evening.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading up on concert ticket sales and hardly any go up for sale for the average joe to buy, maybe 10 to 15 percent are bought at face value by the fans, the rest are sold to scalpers and such. The artist get a cut of the higher price tickets from these scalpers. Something is not right to me.

Anonymous said...

After watching these vids from last night's concert, there just seems to be something different about Adam. To me, he just seems so much more relaxed, happier, so comfortable on that stage...I can't find the right word to express what I just felt watching the vids. It's almost as if he has reached a more mature level of performing and is thoroughly enjoying himself during this performance. Maybe it's only me, but I just enjoyed watching him in these vids and it made this hot, humid,beastly day here in the East so much more bearable.

Anonymous said...

1:35, I detect a more relaxed Adam, too. This was a very sexy show, IMO. I LOVED Is This Love. So sensual and heartfelt and real. I think the next album will really take us to a new era. As much as we've loved TP, we are ready to move on to new music (keeping the first two albums alive and kicking, of course!) Love Adam's thanks to all the fans who have been with him from Day One, and his call out to many more concerts in the future.


daydreamin said...

THANK YOU all so much for your kind words and especially @JAK for your sweet, awesome Poem!

I just feel that for my own sake, In the longrun, I wanted to be able to relive these moments over and over again even though my eye was behind the camera pretty much the entire show. I uploaded it to youtube just to share with those unable to attend and hope they get as much joy watching Adam (up close LOL) as I do. I am never sure if most want it up close, but I selfishly wanted to remember Adam up close! XOXO!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all these vids. The closeups are amazing, almost as if we were right there. Adam was so relaxed, happy and just so enjoying himself. Is this the last time we will see Adam and the band perform before he starts Glee or appears with Queen in late Sept. If so, I'll have to go back to all the vids I have saved and watch them when I need an "Adam fix". Unfortunately I would guess that the Vegas tickets were bought up by scalpers and the average person will just have to watch it on tv when they televise it on the CW network.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Daydreamin 2:55, the videos are amazing. What a perfect summer concert! Adam looks exceptionally good and the sound, here (and surprisingly on the live stream) is so clear. His voice has never been better. But then, I usually think that after I hear Adam sing anything. And we can HEAR it ... the band isn't too loud, they are just right. It looks like ALL of you were having too much fun! Just a joy to watch!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, thanks so much for the clear and up close videos. They certainly will be saved and are appreciated by us all as you can tell by the responses.

@ 1:35, I totally agree.

Also, wanted to mention that I like the sideburns. (I see a Grease remake in the future.) Now Adam, please lighten or maybe shave the mustache. (just kidding)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Daydreamin for the great vids! He looks gorgeous and sounds beyond good! He also seems to be soooo happy and really enjoying himself! I'm sooo happy for him with all the good things on the horizon. I couldn't help smiling along with him!! Gotta love that man!!

Anonymous said...

JAK please...anyone who is a Glee watcher

Have they ever done an Elvis show?
When I saw the sideburns, right away my heart jumped and I thought....maybe maybe Adam singing some Elvis music on Glee!

I only watched Glee the first year so I don't know if Elvis has already shown up.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks @daydreamin...Beautiful happy to see and hear our Adam! You're so nice to post them!

Anonymous said...

I think he might shave to do an Elvis episode. I'd love that.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they have done an Elvis episode on Glee, but I could be wrong. Maybe I don't want to see Adam doing an Elvis"imitation", but playing a character role as someone suggested in the NYC episodes with Kurt and Rachel much as Kate Hudson and Gwyneth Patrow did. But whatever they decide, I will be looking forward to seeing him on the show.

Leilani Aloha said...

OMG!!! Adam's gorgeous happy face singing " Is this love" !!! Precious!!!

Jak, Anon 6:13, same thoughts came to mind:)
thought of Adam paying tribute to Elvis on Glee!!!
They look so so alike!!! the eyes, smiles, sex appeal, etc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;